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Patricia Nicole Y.

STS- Module 4 Lesson 1 Assignment 1

1. What are my strengths and how will I secure these toward my own
From the aspects of my character some of my strengths are determined,
respectful, a good listener, trustworthy, honesty, and creativity. Since I already
identified some of my strengths, I think the ways on how I will secure these
strengths toward my own success is to make my strengths into my habits and
also, I will maintain these excellent strengths toward my achievement by
embracing them and ensuring that they can benefit me in building more myself,
knowing myself better so that I can be more successful in accomplishing tasks
and making the best decisions possible in my life.

2. How will I redeem my weaknesses?

I'll start by recognizing my flaws, then strive to accept them and develop
them into strengths. I'll also ask for some advice from the people I trust so that I
can readily identify my flaws.

3. Based on your realization, what are your threats and opportunities toward a
good life?

My threats, based on my realization, would be being easily distracted, a

lack of concentration, a technological addiction, selfishness, taking too long to
begin a project, self-criticism, worry, soft-heartedness, and traumas. Self-
awareness, being sensitive of my behaviors, being careful with my
communication, and being driven most of the time are all chances for me.
4. How is the progress in science and technology a movement towards the
good life?
Through its benefits to humans, scientific and technological innovations
help people in living a better life. Science and technology advancements provide
us with a better quality of life by allowing us simple access to knowledge and
speedier problem solutions. Furthermore, science and technology are extremely
important for human existence today, not only in our daily lives but also in
research and the development of cures for illnesses and viruses such as

5. What help can I get from science and technology to solve my weaknesses
and threats?
Science and technology will guide me in gathering potential solutions to
my weaknesses and threats, also through those potential solutions, I will be aim
to shape my weaknesses and threats into my strengths and opportunities in life.
Science and technology will serve as a guideline for me as I strive to become a
better person and live a fulfilling life.

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