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In this chapter the basic introduction about the project including objective & project statement & thesis
organization is given in short.

The idea of this topic is presented through a simple prototype which is built is upon a simple
automated irrigation system controlled through Arduino. We have focused upon new technologies,
currently using to present latest face of irrigation scheme currently adopted by agriculture
This project is presented into two parts One is practical part, which gives a basic
introduction working prototype to illustrate the touch technology and the second part is
theoretical Demonstration, which provides stepwise process for the future implementation of
the aforesaid technology in India. The project successfully meets to pre-determined
requirements, through which this implementation would be possible as per the farmer

Generally, we are regularly applying some mechanical techniques to avil the water in
the roots of crops in village.

When we saw towards a an illiterate rural person is regularly operating his tube-well by
means of some mechanical techniques of electric generators, but the same person is not using
these technical ideas to operate their motor pump with the help of no cost solar power.




The aim of our project is to avail the modern technology for common people of villages
i.e. they can easily save their money and time. Also, we are going to build an Arduino based
embedded device for monitoring of moisture available in crops (monitoring environmental
variables temperature and humidity) and to study the characteristics of its performance.

To observe different environmental conditions by using the prototype in NTP (normal

room temperature/humidity), outdoor temperature/humidity and the insulated wooden box
inside the given industrial Unit.

This includes practical steps to follow for this developing prototype that can measure
temperature and humidity of building or surrounding and display readings in a LCD display
(liquid crystal display) and serial monitor as well using Arduino board and sensors.


The monitoring of environmental variables such as temperature, pressure and humidity

has a long history of development and the variables have shown significant impact in the
productivity of plant growth, the quality of food industry and the efficiency of many temperature
and humidity-sensitive equipment. The monitoring of temperature and humidity of laboratories,
storages, halls, school and hospitals is important with respect to health and hygiene. The reliable
measurement and monitoring is crucial in this competitive era of technology.

Arduino, the open source hardware has shown ability to meet the need of accurate and
real-time monitoring and controlling of environmental variables. The Arduino user community
is a forum where many people can share their ideas, use each other’s work and modify them to
innovate and advance many different interacting objects. Arduino is use in a wide range of
projects to develop objects that can interact with people or environment and internet. The
materials required are easily available, cheap in price and easy to use with the help of available
open-source information. Arduino has been used to build robots, drones, remote controllers,


monitoring devices and many interesting objects which is a one big step towards making the
world more automated and sustainable. This thesis was expected to be helpful in learning
electronics and programming as well as documentation process.

This thesis is an academic work made in the final year of environmental engineering
studies. The purpose of the thesis was to build an Arduino based embedded device for building
monitoring (monitoring environmental variables temperature and humidity) and to study the
characteristics of its performance. The developed system is useful 3 in monitoring two variables
temperature and humidity in a building, laboratory and greenhouse. In this thesis, the required
equipment, connections and circuit diagrams with necessary codes were compiled in a step-by-
step order.


This thesis is organized into six chapters. The first one deal with the brief introduction
of the project also includes literature survey on the existing solar panel model.

Chapter-1 In this chapter the basic introduction about the project including objective & project
statement & thesis organization is given in short.

Chapter-2 In this chapter we describe the need of latest technology useful for agriculture

Chapter-3 In this chapter covers the basic introduction & history of Arduino along-with it’s
software modulation, programming, coding etc with respect to Arduino 1.8.2, apart of this the
significance of using MICROCONTROLLOR is also discussed in detail.

Chapter-4 In this chapter we describe the basic introduction about our construction & working of
project with the basics of some main components used in it.

Chapter-5 In this chapter the project is concluded and its future prospects are discussed in
short considering the various dimensions as per the modern requirements.

References In this section various citations used in our project are discussed.

Appendix In this section the program is written for Arduino Uno as per the system

Base Paper In this section the base paper of the conceptual prototype is attached for the

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