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University of the Philippines Manila


Extension Campus Baler, Aurora

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2nd Quarter AY 2020-2021
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Paguigan, Joanna Kate B.


Task for Week 5

Individual Activity #4: Data Gathering (Assessment of Health and Health-related Problems in the


You will be tasked to create a short Barangay Health Profile. Most of the data that you will collect will
be in a form of a secondary data review. This activity aims to (1) develop your communication skills by
coordinating and working dynamically with other members of the team in the community and (2) assess
important health indicators in the community.

1. Follow the format below for your written output.


-Barangay Talubin, Bontoc, Mountain Province is nestled in the southeastern ranges of the
municipality, at the boundary of Bontoc and the Municipality of Barlig. The barangay is twelve
(12) kilometers south of the capital town of Bontoc and is accessible by all types of land
transportation. The Bontoc General Hospital and the Rural Health Clinic is located at the capital
town in Poblacion, Bontoc, Mountain Province approximately 12 kilometers away from
Barangay, Talubin and at least 20 minutes’ drive. Tinuveng is the dialect spoken by the IPs in the
ancestral domain. However, there are some who speak Ilokano, Applai, Bontok, Tagalog, and
English, because of intermarriages and migration.
Latest data shown are as of 2021, the total population of Talubin Ancestral Domain is 1,766 with
112 household population for sitio Doddo, while 275 in sitio Ban-ay with a total household count
of 387 for the whole Barangay.

Ninety (90) % of the population of Talubin ancestral domain can still be considered part of the
working force since even elder people aging from 61 years old and above who are physically
able and still attend to their farm works and so with the younger generation ranging from
fourteen (14) and above also helps in the daily routine and farm works of their family. This is
also a way of training the young generations specially the men who will become the future head
of the family. These are done at an early age with the guidance of the elders in the Ato along
with the community members, hence child rearing, disciplining and training is partly a
community responsibility.

B.Selected Community Health Data of Barangay

1. Nutritional Health Status of Children 0-6 years old in Barangay Talubin as of December 2021.
- The data shows that wound/injury is the leading cause of Child Mrbidty along side
abnormalities in their BMI. The type of illness which has the least number of child morbidity is

Data Gathered:
1. Cough and Cold - 9 cases
2. Wounds/Injuries. - 10 cases
3. Diarrhea. - 5 cases
4. Skin Allergies. - 2 cases
5. Burn. - 1 case
6. Overwieght -6 cases
7. Wasted. - 3 cases

2. Leading Causes of Morbidity in Barangay Talubin as of December 2021

- The data gathered shows that the leading cause of adult morbidity is caused by wounds/injury
since there are twenty six (26) cases listed while flu and snake bites have the least number.

Data Gathered:

1. Cough/colds. - 17

2. Wound/Injury - 26

3. Hypertension. -7

4. Flun. -1

5. Skin Allergy. -4

6.Snake Bite -1

7. Dizziness. -2

8. Loose Bowel Movement. -4

9. Numbness at Home extremities. -2

10. Dog Bite -

Leading Causes of Mortality in Barangay Talubin as of December 2021

- The data acquired shows that Cardio-vascular disease is the leading cause of death and male
have the highest number of registered death.

Data Gathered:

1. Cardio-Vascular Disease -4
2. Paraplegia due to spinal injury - 1
3. Dehydration. -1
4. Chronic Kidney Diseas -2
5. Mal infanction. -1
6. Prematurity. -1
7. Burned -1

3. Environmental Sanitation Data

A.) Method of Refuse Disposal

- Most of the households in Barangay Talubin dispose their waste material directly in the river or they
resort to burning and , a few use compost pits.
B. Methods of excreta disposal

- According to data, three hundred eighty seven (387) total households, there are three hundred forty
eight (348) households with water sealed sanitary toilet while there are 39 households with shared

Cues/Evidence Health Problem/Health Need Causes of the Problem

Most households dispose waste Sanitary and waste  People got used to
materials in the river or burn management education throwing waste in the
them river and burning them
because no strict policy
was enforced ragarding
the said action.
 People lack knowledge
on how to monitor and
organize compost pits
after it's accumulated
waste baggage is
 They believe burning is
the easiest way in
handling waste.
Wounds and Injuries are the no. iThe education, engineering,  The use of PPEs are
1 causes of Morbidity in both equality and enforcement are disregarded.
children and Adults approach to injury prevention.  Debris of hazardous
It is a need to educate the waste are not managed
workforce with the importance properly which causes
and proper use of Personal harm to children.
Protective Equipments.  There are limited funds
for PPEs since family
incomes mostly come
from farming and what
is earned is just enough
for daily expenses.

4. Family Planning Program Status Couples of Reproductive Ages

A.) Methods Utilized by Couples in Family Planning Program in Barangay Talubin as of December 2021.

- The most utilized method of family planning is the use condoms and pills though most mothers lead to
tubal ligation after attaining the number of children that they want.

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