BIMTECH - SCM - Project - Supply Chain Manager

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Introduction to the Project

Welcome to this Project module of the course on Supply Chain Management. We hope that you
have enjoyed the learning journey on this course so far and have found it useful in shaping your
understanding of Supply Chain Management. By now, you must have developed a good
understanding of the SCM frameworks for managing supply chains, warehousing and logistics
involved in moving products and services. In this module, we will focus on applying your
learnings to real-life situations, so you can put your knowledge to practice.

Project Objective
Suppose you are a specialised freelancer in the Supply Chain and Logistics domain, and
many organisations hire your expertise to develop SCM plans and strategies for various
complex scenarios. A few such scenarios are given below. To help you understand the problem
scenarios, their context and what is expected from you in this project, vivid summaries along
with directional questions are given below.

The sole objective of this project is to gauge your understanding of the various aspects of
supply chain management and assess your problem-solving skills. Try to implement all your
learnings from the three modules of this course to solve the complex business scenarios given

Problem Scenarios

Scenario 1
Ajay is a 35-year-old entrepreneur. He runs a snack outlet in a PVR multiplex. His business is
doing well because of his focus on quality. He is a business enthusiast and wants to expand the
reach of his business by branching into food catering services for corporates. He discusses this
plan with one of his friends, Abhay, who holds a senior position at Trident Sales, a private
company with an office strength of 150 employees.

Abhay informs Ajay that his company is looking to change its current caterer
and advises him to meet his company’s HR head, Aditya. Ajay meets Aditya and based on his
Initial presentation and proposal, Aditya invites Ajay to participate in the company’s caterer
selection process. Ajay, a connoisseur of food, wins the hearts of the selection team based on
his competence and the quality of food he serves during the testing period. However, Ajay is
given a preliminary contract for six months to prove his merit and his hold on various cuisines.
After six months based on feedback from employees, he might be promised an extension for
two years. His price for one meal is fixed at ₹150.

Overwhelmed with this new opportunity, Ajay plans to supply premium quality meals with
delicious variations. He decides not to repeat the main dishes for the next two weeks and adds
a variety of dishes based on the age profile of Trident employees.

Ajay arranges a cooking kitchen on the city's outskirts (consider any city as per your
preference), which is around 35 km away from the Trident office. Ajay is now looking for a
competent manager to run the show with him. After interacting with many prospects, Ajay
appoints you as his supply chain manager. He shares his plans with you and his other staff
members. He seeks inputs from you to plan and execute this catering contract.

You are required to plan and present:
(Assumptions for your design will be stated separately.)
1. Supply chain for raw materials for meals as per the menu finalised for two weeks
2. Logistics for the delivery of meals to the Trident office and for the delivery of utensils back
from the Trident office to the kitchen

Scenario 2
Drishti Pharmaceuticals is a well-known company valued at ₹500 crore manufacturing bulk
generic drugs in
Rishikesh. The company plans to manufacture specialised medicines, drops and injections to
treat eye infections/diseases. It also has inputs for a promising export market for these

However, the company has to develop a suitable air-conditioned warehouse and a

transportation network for these particular medicines. Now management is conscious of
environmental sustainability and wants to use only green energy for air-conditioning and battery-
or hydrogen-powered trucks for movement.

Suppose you have been hired as the Vice President (Logistics) for this project and management
wants you to plan and present a complete report on developing a network of air-conditioned
warehouses and the transportation of finished products for their approval.

The charging/refill requirements of the trucks have to be considered, as they are emerging
technologies. You have
You are required to plan the logistics for
(Assumptions for your design will be clearly separately.)
1. Developing the warehouses for the medicines (B2B model)
2. Delivering the medicines as per order requirement from consumers (D2C model)

Scenario 3

Gokul is returning to India from Vancouver, Canada to meet his parents in Ahmedabad after
three years. During these three years, he has completed his MS degree and is now working
as a senior data science engineer at Amazon Web Services. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
he could not return home after completing his MS degree. Now that the coronavirus infection
rates have dropped, he has managed to visit India for three weeks.

His parents are quite excited to meet him after such a long gap, as he is their only son
and this is the longest he has ever been away from them. They have decided to persuade him
to get married so that he can settle down and start his own family.

After a lot of back-and-forth discussions, Gokul complies with the marriage proposal and agrees
to meet some prospective brides. During his first meeting, he develops a connection with Dr
Manjula, an orthodontist. Both their families end up liking each other and decide to solemnise
the marriage during his visit to India.

Gokul and Manjula decide to spend some time together instead of planning their wedding
ceremonies. They decide to hire an event management company to plan
everything for them. Gokul recalls that his friend Yashveer has running an event
management company for many years. He immediately connects with Yashveer. After their
initial discussion, Gokul learns that Yashveer and his company have so far successfully
managed only corporate events and have no experience in managing wedding ceremonies.

Gokul insists that Yashveer be the event manager for his big day and promises that he and
Manjula will give him the required inputs to ease the process. They advise Yashveer on how to
plan a rural destination marriage for approximately 250 guests.

Yashveer now has 10 days to execute this special event for his childhood friend, and he
wants to make it a once-in-a-lifetime experience for them. Suppose Yashveer has hired you as
the Head of the Marriage Event segment based on your experience. He asks you to manage
this special event for his friend and has given you complete freedom.

You are required to plan the following and present your plans to Yashveer, Gokul and Manjula:
1. Rural destination and the logistics to be arranged for the movement of guests (Consider
guests only from four metro cities in India.)
2. Supply chain for the various items required for a three-day event

Scenario 4

John has just returned from his vacation in Dubai. During this trip, he got the opportunity to
interact with the owner of Super Bazar, a well-known Dubai-based supermarket chain. Based on
his interaction with the owner and some market research, he has deduced the substantial
growth of the organic fruit and vegetable market in Dubai and the overall Middle East in recent

He sees ample opportunities for the exports of these items from India. He has sizable
agricultural plots in UP and plans to grow and export organic fruits and vegetables to Dubai.

Suppose John hires you as a supply chain consultant for achieving his objective. He advises
you to design a supply chain strategy by considering the various constraints of farming. He also
requests you to develop a suitable blueprint for his logistics and warehouse network with the
core objective of delivering fresh fruits and vegetables to Super Bazar in Dubai. Initially, John
desires to start with the export of 50 tonnes of fresh produce on a daily basis and expand it to
200 tonnes after a year.

You are required to present your plans comprising:
(Assumptions for your design will be stated separately.)
1. Supply chain producing fruits and vegetables
2. Logistics and warehouses required to export this agricultural produce to Dubai

Project Submission Details

The submission guidelines for this project are provided in the table given below.

Element Description
A PDF file Analyse the cases given in the project by referring to the adjacent scenario
with answers provided and answer each question based on the concepts covered in the
to each course. Each answer should have sound reasoning and logic behind it.
question Write the answer to each question in a single document. You can use
asked infographics in your explanations. Submit the final document with all the
answers in the form of a PDF file with the filename mentioned below.

To understand the context of the problem, please conduct your own

primary and secondary research based on the scenarios provided.

SDM_Project _(Your Name)

Assessment Criteria

Learners need to present their research output to answer the questions asked in the project.
The final assessment will be based on the degree of expectations met.

Marks Requirement Meets Does Not

Question Awarded Expectation Meet

1a. Develop a supply chain Sourcing Sourcing

for raw material 5 strategy strategy not
1. Plan the developed by developed or
supply considering supply
the supply requirements
2. Choose the requirements not considered
correct while
developing the
3. Elaborate strategy
on the

5 Logistics and
1. Identify the warehouse
logistic network Logistics
developed by and
1b. Develop the logistics 2. Design the identifying the warehou
warehouse and specialised se
network for delivery
transportation requirements network
network plan not
of the product
3. Select ed or
transportation the
format and specialis
partners ed
ments of
ed while
ment of

6 Designed Multiple
1. Identify the multiple warehouse
logistic warehouses network not
with green developed or
2a. Develop the 2. Design the energy air network
warehousing network plan warehouse and conditioning developed
for medicines sales in the transportation based on
B2B model network plan complete
(including outsourcing

3. Select
format and
4. Elaborate on
the inventory

4 Designed the Outsourced

2b. Plan the logistics for the 1. Identify the end-to-end the logistics
delivery of medicines from capacity and D2C logistics network or
the factory to warehouses capabilities of the
network by designed the
and consumers for D2C hydrogen/battery
model -powered keeping the end-to-end
vehicles mentioned D2C logistics
stipulations network
2. Design the under without
endpoint delivery consideration considering
network for D2C the

4 Identified
3a. Identify the rural 1. Identify the requirements
destination and develop the logistic partially or
requirements for
logistics plan for guests requirem prepared
the selected
ents and transport plans
prepared with few
2. Sketch out the detailed details
transportation transport
plan for the 250 plans
guests from four

3b. Develop a supply chain 6 Sourcing Sourcing

for all raw materials required 1. Identify the strategy strategy not
for a three-day marriage supply developed for developed for
event the required the required
2. Choose the material from material from
correct vendor a network of a network of
suppliers suppliers or
3. Elaborate on developed a
the sourcing and single-point
4a. Develop a supply chain 5 Developed Not developed
for the farming process 1. Identify the supply chain ideal supply
supply strategy by chain strategy
requirements and
considering or strategy
the constraints of
farming the constraints developed by
of framing not
2. Choose the considering
correct vendor the constraints
of framing
3. Elaborate on
the sourcing and

4b. Develop the logistics 5 Transportation Transportation

and warehouses plan for 1. Identify the network network not
exporting the produce logistic and designed by designed or
considering unique
requirements for
fresh fruit and the unique requirements
vegetable requirements of the
transportation of the international
international transport of
2. Sketch out the transport of perishable
transportation perishable products not
and warehousing
products considered
plan for
international while
shipment designing the
3. Elaborate how
the transportation
network will cope
with the the
increase in
exports from 50
tonnes to 200
tonnes a year

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