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Chusng 1 Dich thu thuong mai Muén dich thu thuong mai, th nhét, ban can c6 mét sé kién thitc chuyén mén nhéat dinh. Khéng cé kién thie chuyén mé6n thi khong the dich t6t thu thuong mai. Vi du: Cac thuat ng@ vé gid cd nhu FOB, CFR, CIF co nghia 1a gi? Tai sao lic thi ding FOB, lic thi dung CIF? Doi voi tén hang, chat luong, s6 luong, bao bi déng géi, gid ca, hinh thi van chuyén, bdo hiém, phuong thiic thanh todn, kiém hang, hop déng, béi thudng, trong tai, v.v. clan cé khéi niém 16 rang vé ching, néu khéng sé dich khéng chuén xéc. Thit hai, cé nhiéu tt don khéng mang nghia thong thudng ma co nghia chuyén mén. Vi du: 1. Most little shops have been absorbed into big business. __- Hou hit cac cata higu nhé déu da dure sdp nhdp vao cong ty ldn. (absorb ) khong co nghia la Adp thu, gop ma la sdp nhép) 2. Follower countries can just borrow the latest technology cheaply without having to bear the cost of research, invention and develop- ment. Nhimg meéc di sau cé thé sit dung cong nghé tién tién nhdt ittdn_kém vi khong phdi chiu chi phi nghién citu, phat minh vd phat trién. Gorromkhong co nghia la vay, muon ma la Idy, si dung) 3. The prices are relatively low, and many goods are attractive buys. Vi gid cd neomg déi thdp, nén nhiéu hang hoa tré thank nhimg mén hoi hap dan. (buy)khong c6 nghia la hang mua ban ma la mon hot), 4, We shall write and ask for their ceiling for the advertising project and then we can budget accordingly. Ching ta sé viét that héi mite gid trén cho dit dn qudng cdo dé, rdi theo dé mé lép ngdn sdch. (6 day giling ¥6 nghia la mike gid cao nhdt/ gid tran, khOng co nghia adn nha) Luyén dich tighg Anh thvong mai — $ 5. The accountant was found to have cooked the books. __Ngudi ta phat hign nhdn vién ké todn dé da gian lan sé séch. (6 day (cook hong 6 nghia la ndu nuing ma la gid mao, gian lan) 6. The syndicate tried to corner the market in silver. Nghiép dodn nay da cé ling doan thi rneing bac. (corner 6 day la ling doan, khéng lién quan dén nghia géc) 7. Buyers cannot digest your price unless it is reduced. Néu guy cong ty ha gid, nguoi mua c6 thé chép nhan. digest 6 day khéng c6 nghia siéw hoa ma c6 nghia la chdp nhdn, chiu) 8. The advertising campaign was a disaster. Chign dich quéng céo lin ndy 1d mét that bai hodn toan. (disaster 1a tai hoa, thdm hoa, nhuing cing ¢6 nghta thdt bai hoan toan) ~~ 9. The Buyer may elect to purchase spare parts and components from the supplier. Bén mua ¢6 thé chon mua céc phu ting thay thé vd linh kign nt nha cung cap. (elect khong cé nghia la b6 phiéu bdu, ma 1a lea chon) 10. I think this plot of land will fetch at least $60 per m*. Toi nghi miéng dat nay sé ban duoc it nhdi lé 60 dé la My/m?, (fetch 6 day khéng c6 nghia 1a di tim/ldy vé ma la bdn duoc (gid) 11. We are now long on steel. Hién nay ching t6i dang dau co dai han mat hang thép. (6 day long c6 nghia la ddu co dai han, dau co gid len) 12. I don’t want my remarks about the auditors to be minuted. Toi khong muén nhitng loi nhdn xét cia t6i vé cdc kiém todn vién dé duce ghi vdo bién ban, (minute 6 day 1a dong tu, c6 nghia 1a ghi vdo bién ban (cuge hop), khéng cé nghia la phiit hay rat ngdn) 13. We shall contact you as soon as there is an opening for busi- ness. Neay khi 06 ca hoi t6t dé giao dich, chiing t6i sé lién hé vdi quy cong ty. (opening 6 day c6 nghia 1a co héi tde/thudn loi) 6 — Luyén dich ting Anh thuong mai 14. It will never be a commercial proposition. Dé sé khong bao gid ld mgt cuge giao dich c6 Idi. (proposition 6 day khong co nghia la /oi dé nghi ma 1a cude giao dich) 15. He was seconded to the Sales Department for two years. Anh dy dé duoc thuyén chuyén vé b6 phan ban hang hai ndm réi. (second khong cé nghia la chit hai hay gidy ma 1a d6ng ti thuyén chuyén cing tac) 16. You are going to be stepped up to manager. Anh sdp ditge dé bat lén chite gidm doc. (step 1a d6ng tw dé bar, edt nhc, Khéng phai 1a danh tw bude di) 17. Party A shall not be liable to Party B for any normal tear or ac- cidental damage that may occur to the equipment. Déi vdi bat ky ché héng thong thang hay ut hai bat ngé nao co thé xay ra cho thiét bi, bén A khong phdi chiu trdch nhiém vdi bén B. (tear 6 day 1a danh tu, nghia la ché hong/rach ) 18. We are able to quote you very advantageous terms. Chiing t6i c6 thé bdo cho quy céng ty mic gid rat cé Igi. (term dugc ding 6 hinh thtic sé nhiéu, co nghia la gid, diéw kién) 19. We touched land after 3 months at sea. Cining t6i da cép vao dat lién sau ba thang wén bién. (touch cé nghia 1a cap bén, do) 20. For the past five years I have been working as a shorthand typist with Messrs. Taylor & Co. Trong 5 nam qua toi lim nhén vién dénh mdy t6c ky cho céng ty 1 (with 6 day c6 nghia 1a (a nguoi lam thué) cho -) aylor. 21. Investors lost thousands of pounds in the wreck of the invest- ment company. Cac nha dau ne da mat hang ngan bang Anh khi cong ty ddu ne nay pha san. (wreck vén cé nghia tau chim/hu hai, 6 day duge ding voi nghia sw phd sin) Luyén dich ting Anh thuong mai — 7 22. Cotton, silk and wood are important articles in our trade. Vai béng, lua va g6 la nhimg mat hang quan trong trong viée mua bén cita clning t6i. (O day articles khong cé nghia la bai bdo ma 1a mar hang) 23. The ship will call at Shanghai on 20th May. Tau sé cp bén Thugng Hai vdo ngay 20 thang 5. (call at khong cé nghia la ghé tham ma la ditng, do, cap bén) 24. It is a joint-stock company with the capital registered at 1,000,000. D6 la mot cong ty cé phan cé vén diéu Ié la 1 trigu. (capital 6 day khong dich 1a thié dé ma la tién von) 25. We wish to cover the goods against All Risks. Ching 16i muén béo hiém moi nii ro cho hang hoa. (cover 6 day khong c6 nghia 1a che phi ma la bdo hiém) 26. There will be a trade fair at Shekou in October this year. Vo thang 10 nam nay sé cé mét hoi chg thong mai ¢ Xa Khaw. (fair 6 day khong co nghia 1 cong bang ma 1a danh tr cé nghia la hoi cho) 27. We are an important firm handling textiles in large quantities in Egypt. Ching t6i la mot cong ty chuyén kinh doanh mat hang vai dét v6i so emg lon o Ai CGp. (firm khong cé nghia la ving chdc ma 1a danh tt c6 nghia 1a cng ty, doanh nghiép) 28. We can raise the loan for this investment. Ching t6i c6 thé huy dong tién vay cho khodn dau te nay. (6 day raise khéng cé nghia nang én, dua lén ma la huy dong, thu gom) 29. Upon receipt of the Seller’s delivery advice, the Buyers shall, 15-20 days prior to the delivery date, open a transferable, divisible, irre- vocable letter of credit in favour of the Sellers for an amount equivalent to the total amount of the shipment. Negay khi nhén duoc gidy bdo giao hang cia Bén ban, Bén mua sé mo mét thit tin dung c6 thé chuyén nlueong, chia nko va khong thé iniy ngang vdi s6° tién neong diomg vdi tong sé tién ctia chuyén hang gui dé tré cho Bén ban true 8 — Luyén dich tiéng Anh thuong mai han giao hang uz 15 dén 20 ngay. (6 day advice c6 nghia la thong bdo, in favour of cé nghia la cd thé tra cho -) 30. The credit shall be payable against presentation of draft drawn on the opening bank and the shipping documents specified in article 13 hereof. Tin phiéu phdi duc thanh todn khi xudt trink hi phiéu do ngdn hang phat hank ky phat vd cac ching ut giti hang duge quy dink trong diéu khodn 13 nay. (G day against cé nghia la dua vao -). Tht ba, trong tiéng Anh thuong mai cé rat nhiéu ti va cum ti déng nghia. Cum tu Aang hda c6 cac cach dién dat sau: goods (cling c6 thé ding good), commodity, merchandise, make, product, consignment, item, article, freight, parcel, shipment, cargo, v.v. Cac cach dién dat vé hich hang \a: client, clientele, buyer, customer, user, connection, connexion, friend, v.v. Cum tit quan tamlthich 06 thé ding be interested in, be interested to handle, take (have, feel, find) interest in, v.v. dé dién dat. Vi du: We can approximate the universal capital goods as the total dollar value of capital goods. Chuing ta cé thé ding tong tri gid dé la cia ue ligu sdn xudt dé wée tink toan b6 ue liéu san xudt. No firm can effect the price of that good. Khong mét doanh nghiép nao cé thé téc dong gid cd ctia mat hang do. The cargo was damaged during transit. Hang héa da bi we hao trong qué trinh van chuyén. Eight thousand metric tons of freight have been landed. 8 ngan tdin hang hoa da duge béc da lén be. We have sold many parcels on this basis. Chning 16i da bén nhiéu 16 hang theo phuong thite nay. Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong mgi ~ 9 Those commodities shall be delivered soon after all necessary docu- ments are submitted to the vendor. Sau khi tat ca ching ut can thiét n6p lai cho bén ban, s6 hang do phai duc giao ngay. Our product sells well in the world market. San phém cia ching 161 bin rat chay trén thi medng thé gidi. The quality of the goods is better than that of the last shipment. Chat ligng ctia chuyén hang Ldn nay t6t hon chat heong ctia chuyén hang lan tnéc. Indonesia is a heavy buyer of Japanese goods. Indon via la mtée mua rat nhiéu hang héa cia Nhat. The store has more customers than it can take care of. Cita hiéu nay co ting kheich hang nhiéu hon mite n6 c6 thé don tiép. He set up a business and soon had a good connection. Ong ta thanh lip cong wy vd chang bao léu co duoc mot khdch hang lin. We will telephone all major users in the industry and arrange ap- pointments. Cluing 161 sé goi dién cho tdi cd khdch hang ldn trong nganh dé sép xép cde cuge hen. We are not interested in men’s garments. CIning t6i khong quan tém dén quén do nam. She has a great interest in your black tea. Ba dy rat quan tam dén mat hang hong tra ctia quy cng ty. We take interest in your canned beef and wish to have the cata- logues. Cling tdi quan tm dén san phdm thit bo dong hép cia quy mudn c6 cdc sch in mau hang. cong ty ve 10 — Luyén dich tighg Anh thuong mai One of our clients feels interest in your products and wishes to have your quotations for the items specified below .. Mét khach hang ciia ching ti quan tam dén cdc sin phim ciia quy cong ty vd muén c6 bang bio gid céc mat hang dui day .. Should you find interest in any of the items in our catalogue, please do not hesitate to send your enquiries. Néuu gus cong tv quan tém dén bat cié mat hang ndo trong sdch in mau hang cia ching 16i, xin ding ngéin ngai enti thie héi gid. Su khac biét gia cdc ti déng nghia néu trén vé co ban c6 thé nhan thay qua cc cau vi du, con ham ¥ cua céc cum ti déng nghia nay hau nhu co thé thay thé cho nhau. Tuy nhién, khong phai tat cd cdc cum tit nay déu ging nhau, vi du: Owing to the increasing demand for this type of our products, our stocks have run very low. Do nhu céu déi vdi loai sn pham nay ciia ching ti ngdy cang tang, nén lugng hang ton kho ciia ching ti con rat it. In view of the risen prices of raw material, we have been obliged to increase the prices of our products accordingly. Vi gid nguyén vat li sn phdm ciia ching ti. iu thé tang, do vay ching toi budc phdi tang gid cdc Cum ti bat déu bang owing to cé thé lam trang ngif hoc vi nga, con cum ti bat dau bing in view of chi lam trang ng. Ngoai ra, céc cum tt xin vui long, yéu cdu cling dugc ding rat nhiéu trong tiéng Anh thuong mai, vi du: Please take a look at the minutes of our previous meeting. Vui long xem qua bién ban cudc hop ldn mde cia ching ti. Kindly advise us when our order will be shipped. Vui long thong bdo cho ching 161 biét khi nao chuyén hang dat ctia chung t0i sé duoc giti di. (Thuong ding kindly thay thé cho please, cau trén cé thé déi thanh Please tell us when our order will be shipped.) Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong mgi — 1 1 We shall appreciate it if you will make us a firm offer for 50 tons of peanuts. Vui long cho ching t6i m6t bang chao gid cé dinh déi vdi 50 tan dau phéong. (appreciate thudng cé nghia la cém kich, dich linh déng thanh vud long) We enclose an application form for documentary credit and shall be glad if you will arrange to open for our account an irrevocable letter of credit for $40,000 in favour of ABC Company, the credit to be valid until June 15. Chiing t6i giti hem mét don xin cdp tin dung ching tt, vd xin quy cong ty thu xép md mét thie tin dung khéng thé nly ngang so tién 40.000 dé la nhap véo tdi khodn ctia ching t6i dé tra cho cong ty ABC, that tin dung s@ cb gid i cho dén ngay 15 thdng 6. (C6 ngudi cho rang cau tric shall be glad if you will kha xua) We should ask you, therefore, to extend the shipment date and va- lidity of your L/C to 15* and 31% July respectively. Vi ody, xin quy cong ty vui long gia han ngay giti hang va hiéu luc cia tic tin dung lan luot dén ngay 15 vd ngdy 31 thang 7. (6 day xin vui long that'ra cé nghia la yéw edu) Immediately upon receipt of your above letter, we approached our mills with the request that they hasten their production of your con- tracted bars. Negay khi nhdn duge ld tue néu trén cla quy cong ty, ching ti da lién hé v6i cde nhd may cua chiing t6i, yéu cdu ho tang téc san xudt cde thanh sat duoc quy dinh trong hap déng cia quy céng ty. (O day request 14 danh tw) Give me some help. Xin hay giip t6i. (C6 thé xem day la dang céu ménh lénh da Iuoc bd please) Take a deep breath, will you? Hay hit thé m6t hoi thét sdu. (Cau ménh lénh + cau héi duéi) I don’t suppose you could lend me ten thousand dollars, could you? Toi nght la anh khéng thé cho t6i muon 10.000 dé 1a, phdi khong? (Phan dau cia cau nay la céu phd dinh duoc ding véi y nhe nhang uyén chuyén hon hinh thtic khang dinh) 12 — Luygn dich tiéng Anh thuong mgi Jones, would you please begin by telling us a bit about your tea? Jones, éng oui long bat ddu bang cach néi cho chting t6i biét adi chit vé mat hang tra cia quy céng ty ditdc khéng? (Cac cau hoi dang nay thudng dién dat ¥ xin vui long) We had the cases opened and the contents examined by a local in- surance surveyor in the presence of the shipping company’s agents. Trude sit hign dign cia cdc dai by céng ty tau bién, ching ti dé yéu cau mot nhan vién gidm dinh bao hiém & dia phuomg mé cdc kign hang vd kiém tra hang héa bén trong. (yéu cdu 6 day ding mau cau have sth. + V-ed) Since there is no direct steamer sailing from here to your port prior to March 5*®, we are extremely sorry for our inability to advance the shipment as requested. Béi vi mide ngay 5 thdng 3 khéng cé tau thuiy di thang ut day dén cang ctia guy cong ty, nén ching tdi hét site xin 16i vi khong thé giti hang sém hon nlut da duge yéu cau. Awaiting your immediate reply. Xin phic dép ngay. (Cau thudng ding 6 cudi thu) Nhu vay, trong thu ty tiéng Anh thuong mai cé rat nhiéu ty va cum ti déng nghia, ban can phi tich ldy dan dan. Thit tu, cdc cum tu va mau cAu lién quan dén thuong mai duge sit dung rat nhiéu, cé nhéing doan vé co ban ding céc cum tw va mau céu thuéng duoc ding trong van phong thuong mai, vi du: Our leather shoes are famous for super-quality material and excel- lent craftsmanship and have been met with warm reception all over the world. Sdn phdm gidy da ctia ching 16i néi tiéng oi chat ligu cb chat long héo hang vd tay nghé xudt sc, nén san phdm nay da duoc don nhén néng nhiét trén khap thé gidi. Luyén dich tighg Anh thuong mgi ~ 13 Your letter of November 21 addressed to our sister corporation in Shanghai has been transferred to us for attention. As the items fall within the scope of our business activities, we shall be pleased to en- ter into direct business relations with you. La the dé ngay 21 thing 11 cia quy cong ty giti cho chi nhénh ctia ching 16i ¢ Thuong Hai da duoc chuyén dén ching ti xem xét. Vi cdc mat hang dé thuéc pham vi kinh doanh ctia ching t6i, nén ching 6i rat dui dude quan hé budn ban truc tiép vdi quy cong tw. Néu ban ndm ving céc cum tir va mau cau thudng dang sau day thi ban sé rat c6 loi khi hoc tép hoac gui thu va dién tin tiéng Anh thuong mai: be acceptable to sb. be accompanied by in accordance with according to for sb.’s account advance shipment to one’s advantage to do sth. advise sb. that advise sb. to accept an offer advise sb. to work fast be airmailed allow sb. a discount allow [hoac grant] sb. a special allowance [discount] amend ... as amend ... (so as) to read make amendment be applicable appoint sb. as an agent settle by arbitration arrange insurance arrange to open an L/C as a special accommodation 14 —Luyén dich tighg Anh thuong mai duge ai chap nhén dugc kém theo phi hop v6i, theo nhac theo ... nhép vao tai khodn cia ai, bdn cho ... gui hang truéc thoi han lam viéc gi la cé Igi cho ai thong bdo cho ai rang Rhuyén ai chap nhén gid chao Rhuyén ai quyét dinh nhanh duge giti bang dutng hang khong gidm gid cho ai cho ai mot mite gidm gid dae biét sida d6i ... thanh 6 thé dp dung, thich hop chi dinh ai lam dai ly gidi quyét thong qua trong tai phan xt tién hanh bdo hiém thu xép md thu tin dung nhit la mét su chiéu cO dae biét as follows = as below ask for compensation ask for extension of ask for replacement ask sb. to ship [dispatch] replace- ment ask to be an agent as per be not available on basis on the basis of be not in a position to book one’s order book shipping space cancel a contract tescind a contract make a change accept a claim file a claim forward a claim lodge a claim make a claim place a claim put a claim raise a claim register a claim submit a claim claim ... for entertain a claim come within the scope of be committed compare favourably with a comparison will convince sb. of sth. niu sau yéu cau boi thating xin gia han/kéo dai yeu cau giti hang thay thé ‘yéu cu ai giti hang thay thé xin duge lam dai ly theo, can cit theo (cach dung xua) khong cb sin theo phuong thiic ... trén co SO. Rhéng thé dat hang dat tude dung tich xép hang nly b6 hop ding hily 66 hop dong thay doi chap nhén yéu cau boi thudng yéu cau bai thitdng/ndp don khiéu nai khiéu nai... V1 chap nhdn yéu cau béi thing ném trong pham vi cia .. hita, cam két, hét long hét da 161 hon vige so sdnh sé lam cho ai tin diéu gi Luyén dich tighg Anh thuong mai — 15 compensate for demand (a) compensation complain to sb. of [hoae about] sth. file [hodc lay; lodge; make] a complaint with a department about sth. in compliance with be confirmed by conform to be in conformity with correspond with make a counter-offer through the courtesy of cover ... against cover insurance cover sb. on sth. credit one’s account deal in debit one’s account decline an order defer discussion demand compensation be novel in designs be desirous of sth. give sb. a discount draw (a draft) on sb. enable sb. to effect shipment enclose a catalogue and a price list enclose a trial order at one’s end enquire for make enquiry for 16 — Luyén dich tiéng Anh thuong mai bat thaibag tha, yéu cau béi thudng hkhiéu nai vdi ai ve viée gi bhidu nai 0di b6 phan nao dé v8 viée gi diing theo duge xdc nhan bdi ... theo, tudn theo, ding theo phi hop 2di, theo, ding theo ding vdi, phi hdp vdi (6én mua) trd gid nhd vao suv uu dai cua... bdo hiém ... khéi béo hiém bdo him cdi gi cho at ghi odo tai khodn bén c6 cia ai budn ban, kinh doanh, giao dich ghi vao tai khodn bén ng cia ai tt chéi don dat hang hodn viéc ban bac thao ludn yéu cau bOi thudng 6 hiéu thiét ke mong muon cdi gi gidm gid cho ai Ry phat héi phiéu cho ai bude ai tién hank giti hang git kem sdch in mdu hang vd bang ké eid gui kem don dat hang thit O ché ai di gid, hdi mua héi gid, hoi mua send enquiry for thank sb. for one’s enquiry for welcome one’s enquiry enter into business relations with establish business relations with entertain business at ... price entrust sb. with agency establish an L/C through ... bank be excellent in craftsmanship make an exception as an exceptional case extend ... to have sth. extended until fall within the scope of be famous [hodc well-known] for find discrepancy find ... missing be fine for be forwarded to ... for attention be without foundation give sb. an offer for [on] sth. give sb. the first chance have an enquiry for have one’s name and address from in the hope of inform sb. on what terms one can supply inform sb. that in line with the market giti tht hdi gid/hdi mua cam on ai da héi gid{hdi mua ... hoan nghénh thi héi gid cia ai lép quan hé buén ban/giao dich vdi ... giao dich vdi miic gid ... uy nhigm ai lam dai ly mé thu tin dung thong qua ngdn hang 6 tay nghé xudt sac phé lé nhut la mOt triténg hop ngoai lé gia han/kéo dai dén ... gia han viéc gi cho dén khi ... thudc pham vi ctia ... noi tiéng vi phat hién sai sét/di@u khong khép phat hién mat ... thdi han c6 gid tila... dugc chuyén dén ... dé xem xét khong c6 co sdledn cit chao gid cho ai vé ..., cho ai gid chao 3 8 a. atu tién cho ai 06 tht héi gid ve ... biét tén va dia chi cla ai tit... hy vong, v6i hy vong ... théng bdo cho ai biét co thé cung cdp dua trén nining diéu kién gi théng bdo cho ai biét, bdo cho ai biét phit hep vdi thi trudng Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong mgi— 17 in reply (to one’s enquiry) in stock in view of increase ... to for your information instead of ... as feel interest in find interest in have interest in take interest in be interested in sth. effect insurance take out insurance submit an insurance claim insure F.P.A insure W.P.A insure ... against insure ... for insure sb. on sth. arrange insurance insure ... with take the opportunity to introduce this is to introduce ... as invite one’s attention to other products issue an inspection certificate keep sb. informed of arrange to open an L/C establish [hodc open] an L/C through ... bank expedite [hoc rush] an L/C payment by L/C be liable for 18 — Luyén dich tigng Anh thysng mai tra Idi (tht héi gid cia ai) (cach dung xua) 6 sén trong kho xét thy, vé viéc tang... dén ... xin théng béo thay vi... nhit quan tdm/thich tién hanh bdo hiém n6p don doi béo hiém bdo hiém mién bai thudng t6n that riéng bdo hiém ké cd t6n that rieng bdo hiém ... khdi bdo hiém vdi s6 tien ... bdo hiém cdi gi cho ai bdo hiém ... vdi nhén co héi nay gidi thiéu thu nay dé gidi thigu ... 1a mdi ai quan tam dén nhiing san pham khac cap gidy ching nhén kiém dinh bdo cho ai biét v2 ... thu xép mé thi tin dung md thit tin dung thong qua ngdn hang gap nit mé thie tin dung thanh todn bang thi tin dung 6 trdch nhiém/nghia ou phdi ... lines of business look forward to [receiving one’s order] be in the market (for sth.) out of the line with the market be normal be not up to notify sb. that nganhjlinh oc kinh doanh, mat hang inh doanh mong doi (nhén duge don dat hang cia ai) mudn mua (cdi gi) khdclkhong phi hop vdi thi rrudng binh thuong khong dat dén ... théng bdo cho ai biét Id... give sb. an offer for [hoae on] sth. make sb. an offer for [hodc on] sth. send sb. an offer for [hodc on] sth. chdo gid cho ai vé ... offer C.I.F [hoac C.F.R; F.0.B] offer as follows offer sb. sth. offer one’s service as an agent offer to act as an agent } on ... terms accept one’s order be unable to accept one’s order be without an order cancel an order confirm acceptance of one’s or- der confirm one’s order enclose a trial order ensure the fulfillment of an or- der execute an order fulfil an order | chao gid C.I.F (hoac C.F.R; F.0.B) chao gid nh sau chao gid cdi gi cho ai dé nghj duge lam dai ly theo phuong thicidua trén diéu kién (so s4nh v6i under ... terms theo phuong tutcldua wen diéu kien chép nhdn don dat hang cia ai khong thé chap nhan don dat hang cia a khong cb don dat hang nao huily don dat hang xde nhdn dong § nh@n don dat hang cila at xde nhdn don dat hang cla ai gui kem don dat hang tht dam bdo thc hién don dat hang ) tic hin don dat hang Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong mgi — 19 not in a position to accept one’s order order sth. at a price order as a trial place a trial order } place an order [orders] with sb. (for sth.) Place one’s order elsewhere refuse an order send [hodc give] sb. one’s order for sth. work on an order owe [hodc obtain; give] one’s name and address to make a partial shipment send sb. particulars of be permitted be popular with customers postpone shipment be premature be moderate in price propose an agency agreement be of the quality be superior in quality give sb. one’s (best, lowest) quotation for make sb. one’s (best, lowest) quotation for send sb. one’s (best, lowest) quotation for send quotation for quote for sth. at quote sb. a price for sth. be ready for shipment 20 —Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong mai khong chép nhan don dat hang cia ai dgt mua cdi gi vdi gid dét mua tht dat mua (cdi gi) vdi ai dat mua @ chb khéc tit ch0i don dat hang dat mua céi gi odi ai thuc hién don dat hang biét tén va dia chi ca at nt... giti hang ting phan théng bdo cho ai biét chi tiét vé ... duge phép duge khdch hang wa chuong hodn vide gti hang sm, chua dén han gid cd phdi ching dé nghi ky hdp dong dai ly C6 chat higng 6 chat long hdo hang cho ai bang bdo gid (1m dai nhdt, thdp mhdt) 08... gui bang bdo gid ve ... bao gid cdi gi ¢ mic... bdo gid cho ai vé cdi gi san sang giti hang di meet with warm reception upon receipt of recommend sb. as an agent recommend sb. to do sth. recommend sth. as a substitute on the recommendation of reduce ... to refer sth. to sb. remit ... by repudiate one’s liability for sth. come [hoic fall, lie] within scope of sell fast [hoac well] be sent through ... bank in settlement of ship goods by S.S [hoic M.V.] effect shipment shipping document covering ... be short by be (found) short weight by sign and return a copy of ... for one’s file specialize(d) in state terms of instock \ out of stock \ submit an insurance claim subject to one’s confirmation subject to goods being unsold subject to reply reaching here within ... day(s) suggest that one accept duigc tiép don nong nhiét ngay khi nhdn dugc gidi thigu ai lam dai ly gidi thiéu ai lam viéc gi dé nghi/gidi thiéu cdi gi lam hang thay thé £ theo st gidi thiéu/tién cit cila ... gidm/ha ... xudng dén ... chuyén/trao vige gi cho ai gidi quyét chuyénigui ... bang tit chéi thuc hién nghia ou vé viée gi thuge pham vi cia ... ban rat chay duge giti qua ngdn hang ... dé thanh todn/gidi quyét ... gui hang bang tau chay bang hoi nude (hoac tau chay bang dong ca) tién hanh giti hang chitng ut giti hang bao gém ... thiéu khodng ... (phat hién) thiéu trong luong khodng ... ky tén vd trd lai mot ban ... dé Iuu vio hé so cia ai chuyén doanh, chuyén vé n6i 6 cdc diéu khodn ve ... 6 hang trong kho hong con hang, hét hang nép don doi bdo hiém phai c6 su xdc nhén cua ai néu hang khong bén duge thé hoi dm phdi dén day trong vong ... ngay : dé nghi ai chdp nhén Luy@n dich ting Anh thuong mgi — 21 “under ... terms : theo phuting thite{dita trén diéu kién (so c sanh v6i on ... terms theo phuong -thaite/dua trén dieu kién) take the liberty of doing sth. __man phép lam vigc gi (cach dng xua) be transferred to ... for attention chuyén/trao cho... dé xem xét de transshipped (at) dude chuyén tau/sang tau (tai) "warrant an agency appointment cif Iam dai Ly be willing to san long "within the stipulated time trong thai han quy dink Thu nam, khéng duoc xem thuéng khi dich séo ngi: (CRORE es aie aula) Dear Mr x x x (Dugc ding truéc ho hoac ho tén cla nam, khong duoc ding truéc ten ma kh6ng c6 ho) My dear Mr x x x (Yéu cau gidng nhu Dear Mr x x x, tit dear 6 day khong viét hoa) Dear Mrs x x x (Dugc dung trudc ho hodc ho tén cua ngudi phu nt da két hon, khong dugc ding ¢ trudc tén ma kh6ng cé ho.) My dear Mrs x x x (Yéu cu giéng nhu Dear Mrs x x x, tw dear 6 day cling khong viét hoa) Dear Miss x x x (Thudng dugc dat 6 truéc ho hoac ho tén cia phu nif chua két hén, khéng dugc dung truéc tén ma khéng cé ho.) My dear Miss x x x (Yéu cdu giéng nhu Dear Miss x x x, tt dear 6 day khong viét hoa) Trong nhiing ném gan day, ngudi ta khong con phén biét cdch ding Mrs hay Miss nita, ma dung Ms thay thé cho hai ty nay, nhat 1a trong mét sé thu tu co tinh chat cong viéc. Dear Sirs (Bugc dung phé bién trong thu thuong mai tiéng Anh, thich hop ding véi ngudi phy trach 14 nam tai céc co quan, doan thé théng thudng) tighg Anh thong mgi Dear Sir (Gidng véi cach ding Dear Sirs, duoc ding khi viét cho mét ngudi) Gentlemen (Thudng duoc ding trong thu thuong mai d Mj, Canada. Chi dung hinh thie s6 nhiéu, khong dung hinh thic 6 it Gentleman. Khi can dung s6 it c6 thé ding Dear Sir hay Sir; khong dung Dear 6 truéc Gentlemen, khéng thém ho tén 6 sau Gentlemen. Cac co quan co cd nhan vién nam va ni c6 thé ding Gentlemen, phia sau thém dau hai cham) Dear Madam (Ding cho phu ni da két hon hodc chua két hon, Ma- dame la céch xung h6 cla ngudi Anh déi voi phu ni da két hén va chua két hén) Ladies and Gentlemen (Trong thu thuong mai 6 My, mét sO ngudi khong dang Dear Sirs va Gentlemen, bdi vi sau nhiéu nam duoc stt dung rong rai, hai céch xung hé nay bj xem 1a co ¥ phan biét gidi tinh, nén ngay cang cé nhiéu ngudi ding Ladies and Gentlemen dé thay thé) Ladies Dear Ladies Mesdames (Day 1a hinh thie sé nhiéu cia Madam va Madame, thudng dung cho cdc cong ty, xi nghiép, co quan mang tén cla nit. Vi du: Mesdames Smith & Alvarez) Dear Mesdames Sir = Siig (Cach xung hé lich su, thuong dung trong van phong trang trong) My dear sir My dear sirs My dear madam My dear madams Dear Sir or Madam Dear Sir and Madam } (C6 thé dich la Thua quy ng, quy ba) Sirs and Mesdames Luyén dich tighg Anh thuong mai — 23 pra Thank you for your order. Cam on quy cong ty da dat hang. Many thanks for the inquiry. Rai cd on quy cong ty da giti thie hai gid. We shall appreciate your ... Cling t6i rat cdm on guy} cong ty dé ... Thank you very much [hodc very, very much; ever so much; most sincerely; indeed; from the bottom of my heart]. Cam on guy cong ty rat nhiéu (hoac rat, rdt nhiéus hét site mhiéus mot cach chan thanh nhdt; thiec sy; tan day long.t6i). It gives us great pleasure to acknowledge receipt of ... Ching ti rét oui ming thong bdo la da nhén duoc ... Thanks a million. [hodc ever so much] V6 citing cém on (hoa hét siée nhiéu). Please accept my sincere [profound] appreciation for . Xin nhan sw biét on chan thank (séu sdc) ctia ti 06. I wish to express my sincere [profound] appreciation for ... Toi mudn bay t0 sit biét on chan thanh (sau sac) ctia ti ve ... There is nothing more important [satisfying, gratifying] to me than to receive one of your letters. D6i v6i ti khéng 6 gi quan trong (hai long, toai nguyén) hon la duoc nhan mot trong nhimg la thie cia ong. We have pleasure in informing you that we are interested in ... and should be glad if you would make us an offer. Chning t6i vui mitng thong bdo vdi quy cong ty la ching t6i quan tam dén s- 04 $8 rdt oui néu quy' céng ty c6 thé chao gid cho ching ti. 24 — Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong moi It was good [fine, thoughtful] of you ... Quy cong ty thét t6t (t6t, chu dao) ... We would like to express our gratitude to you for ... Cining 161 muén bay 16 long biét on ctia clning 161 2di quy cong ty 2 We should be grateful if you could very shortly let us have your answer to our letter of ... concerning ... CIning 16i rét biét on néu quy céng ty c6 thé sém cho ching 161 biét cau tra lai cia uy cong ty cho Id thie ctia ching t6i giti ngdy ... v8... As the information requested in our letter of ... is now urgently required your early reply will be greatly appreciated. Vi hign nay dang can gdp thong tin duoc yéu cau trong ld thie ching ti giti ngay ..., ching 161 sé rat biét on néu guy céng ty som tra loi. Your compliance with our request will be highly appreciated. 1 quy cong ty déng ¥ vdi lai thinh cau cia ching t6i, chiing 161 26 cing cam kich Thank you in advance for ... Xin cdm on quy cong ty ttc v We should esteem it a high favour if you could kindly advise us ... Néw diege quy cong ty thong bao cho ching ti .... ching t6i 26 ciing biét on. You would greatly oblige me by obtaining for me information as to Ous céng ty sé gitip ti rdt nhiéu néu guy cong ty tim dutge cho toi thong tin vé It is generous of you to take so much interest in my work [to give me so much of your time, to show me so much consideration]. Ow) céng ty that nt 1é khi quan tém that nhiéu dén cong vige cia ti (khi danh cho tdi that nhiéu thdi gian, khi quan tam that nhieu dén tdi). Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong mai — 25 We require for immediate delivery 5 compressors and shall be glad to receive an offer from you Cling t6i can giao ngay S cdi may nén, vd se rat oui néu nhén duoc bang gid chao cila quy céng ty. Believe me, I am truly grateful for ... Hay tin t6i, t6i chan thanh biét on quy cong ty v express one’s apology (ai) xin bay 16 su héi léi make an apology to sb. for sth. xin Idi ai vé viée gi offer sb. an apology for sth. xin I6i ai v6 vige gi demand an immediate apology from sb. yéu cau ai xin Idi ngay I can only ask you to accept my apologies. Toi chi con cdch xin guy cong ty chép nhdn loi xin Iéi cia toi. With much regret. Rat ldy lam Gn hén. We apologize to you for ... Chuing ti xin W6i quy cong ty v8. We request you to accept our apologies for . Chiing t6i xin quy cong ty nhén Idi xin Idi cia ching ti vé ... We tender you our apologies for ... Chiing t6i xin duge xin Idi quy cong ty vé ... Apologizing again. Mét lan nita xin l6i (qu cong ty). 26 — Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong mai We have sent them a letter of apologies for the delay in shipment. Chning t6i da giti cho ho mor ld thie xin l6i vé viée giti hang wré. Please accept our many apologies for the trouble caused to you by the error. Xin hay nhdn v6 van lai xin Idi cia ching t6i vé sit phién todi do’ sai sé nay gay ra cho quy cong ty. I owe you an apology [apologies]. Toi thanh that xin Idi guy cong ty. Please excuse ... Xin thit li ... We are anxious to repair the consequences. Ching t6i rat muén sita chita nhing hau qua dé. It is with great regret that we learn Ching t6i rat lay lam tic khi biét ... We regret our inability (to do) ... Ching t6i rat tiée 1a chiing ti khong the ... I enclose a check for $500 with apologies for the delay in answer- ing your letter. Toi gti kém mét chi phiéu S00 dé la cing di xin I6i vi da chém tré tra loi thi cia quy cong ty. At present we cannot accept new order for which we express our regret. Ching 16i xin 6i vi hign tai chung t6i khong thé nhén don dat hang mdi. Luyén dich tighg Anh thuong mgi — 27 Cait sao new o phan | i Di véi cdc co quan, don vi hodc ngudi khong quen biét: Yours (very) truly, } Kinh thie (Very) Truly yours, Yours (very) faithfully, Kink tue (6 Anh, thudng ding cho (Very) Faithfully yours, } ngudi cé cap bac, dia vi cao hon hay ngudi khéng cé quan hé mat thiét) Yours (very) sincerely, Kinh the (thuéng dugc viét cho ngudi (Very) sincerely yours, } C6 cap bac hodc dia vi ma ngudi gui Cordially yours, biét ro tén) Yours cordially, | Than ai Déi voi thu gui cho cap trén hoac ngudi lon tuéi: Yours (very) respectfully, | Kink the (thé hién sy t6n trong dac } biét, thudng ding trong cdc céng van, thu tt, v.v.) (Very) Respectfully yours, Yours (very) obediently, Kinh the (ding cho ngudi 16n tuéi (Very) Obediently are eee au Yours gratefully, Yours appreciatively, | Kink tue Your obedient servant, Déi véi thu giti cho ngudi quen hoac ban bé théng thudng: Yours, Yours ever, Ever yours Yours cordially, Yours affectionately, As ever, Yours as ever, Yours (very) sincerely, Always (sincerely) yours, Yours devotedly, Thén mén 28 — Luyén dich tigag Anh thuong mai Déi véi ngudi than, ho hang hodc ban than: Yours, Yours ever, Ever yours, Yours affectionately, As ever, Yours as ever, Thuong mén Lovingly yours, (Much) Love, With love from, With loads of love, Lovingly, Your loving son (daughter, sister, nephew, niece, grandmother), Con trai than thuong cia me (con gai, chi/em gai, chau trai, chdu gdi, ba ngi/ngoai) Your most affectionate, Thuong mén Your devoted friend, Nguoi ban chan thanh ctia ban Thu gtti cho ban bé thn hoac déng nghiép than thiét doi khi cing dung: Yours hurriedly, Yours in a hurry, Yours hastily, Yours in haste, Thuong mén C6 ngudi cho ring Cordially, Respectfully va Very truly yours trong phan 1di chao cudi thu cé vé cing nhac. Tuy nhién, trong thu tu thuong mai dién hinh c6 xu hu6ng dung Sin- cerely yours (c6 thé dich la Kinh thiz) hoac Cordially yours (cé thé dich la Than di) hon. Luyén dich tighg Anh thuong mgi — 29 Tht sau, trong tiéng Anh thuong mai co mét sé ti rat thudng duoc suv dung. Cac tir don cé tan sé st dung cao trong tiéng Anh hang ngay nhu I, we va you cé thé néi la ba tu thudng dang nhat trong tiéng Anh thuong mai; ngoai ra con cé accept, agree, ask, business, order, place, reply, shall, v.v. . Nhding tu khéng thuong dung trong tiéng Anh hang ngay nhu commission, compensation, discount, enquire, enquiry, insurance, quota- tion, shipment, v.v. cling rat thudng duoc dung trong tiéng Anh thuong mai. Vé cach st dung you va we, cé ngudi cho rang nén dang dai tw nhan xung ngdi tht hai sé nhiéu cang nhiéu cang tét, vi déi téc thuong mai sé cam thay ho duoc ton trong nén dé dang dat duoc méi quan hé hop tac vui vé. Vi du: It is our privilege at Continental Cars to serve as your exclusive Jaguar and Alfa Romeo dealer. Our showroom is stocked with an array of beautiful and desirable automobiles, to satisfy your discriminating taste. You will find the luxury car you have always dreamed about — the kind that has kept loyal customers coming back to Continental since 1965. You can depend on our reputation and experience to pro- vide the selection and service you deserve. Duong nhién cing cé thé ding dai ty nhan xung ng6i thit nhat sé nhiéu, nhung hiéu qua khéng bang: We have been pleased to sell fine automobiles for more than two decades. We supply the finest imports to customers from all over the United States. We are proud to be the only dealer in this area for both the Jaguar and the Alfa Romeo. We are proud of our record of at least a 10 percent increase in sales volume every year since Continental Cars was founded in 1965. Tuy nhién, mét sé ngudi cho rang ding dai tt nhan xung ngoi thir nhat cang nhiéu cang t6t. That ra, tay theo ngi cénh cu thé ma quyét dinh, chit khéng c6 nguyén tac tuyét déi. Hay so sénh hai nhém cau sau day: Your speech at the meeting was very enjoyable, provocative and valuable. Bai phat biéu tai hoi nghi cita dng rét thi vi, I6i cuén vd c6 gid tri. 30 — Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong mai I certainly enjoyed your speech at the meeting, I found it very pro- vocative and valuable. Toi thuc su rat thich bai phat biéu ctia dng tai hoi nghi. Tdi thay né rat loi cuén vé cé gid tri. You are to be congratulated on your promotion to finance director. Xin chic mig éng nhin dip dng diegc dé bat lam gidm doc tdi chink. I'm delighted to learn about your promotion to finance director, congratulations! Toi rat vui ming khi biét éng diegc dé bat lim gidm déc tai chinh, xin chiic ming! Diéu quan trong la: khong nén chi dung #d/ (I) hode dng (you) tw dau dén cudi, két hop ding chting ta/téi (we) sé dat hiéu qua hon. Cach ding I hay We trong cau ¢ ng6i thit nhét, chu yéu tay thuéc vao ngui viét, néu ban muén nhén manh 0/ thi dung I; con néu ban cho ring ban dai dién cho céng ty, chit khong phai cé nhan ban thi dang We. Tham chi trong cing mot l4 thu ban cé thé via ding I vita ding We. Vi du: I can confirm that we are prepared to accept this delay on the un- derstanding that the goods will be delivered to us no later than 30 September. Tai xin xc nhan la ching tdi sn sang chap nhan su chém tré nay dt diéu kién la hang héa sé duedc giao dén ché ching t6i trade ngay 30 thang 9. Dang shall 4é biéu thi trach nhiém php luat cling la mét dic diém néi bat trong tiéng Anh thuong mai, vi du: The Seller shall guarantee all shipments to conform to samples sub- mitted with regard to quality. Bén ban phdi dam bao tat ca sé hang guti déu cé chat lugng ding nine hang mau. Luyén dich tighg Anh thuong mgi — 31 The Contracting Parties shall grant each other most favoured nation treatment on the basis of full reciprocity with respect to customs du- ties. Céc bén ky hap déng sé cho nhau ché dé dai ngé tot nhdt cia nha made trén co sé déi bén cing cé loi vé thué hai quan. Quality inspection shall be conducted by a recognized surveyor agreeable to the Buyers and their findings shall be considered final. Viée kiém dink chat long phi do nhan vién gidm dink diac cong han tate hign od duege Bén mua dong yy déng thoi nhitg phat hign cia ho sé duge xem la c6 tinh chat quyét dinh. Thu bay, nén ding giong diéu than mat ty nhién, st dung van ndi & mite 46 via phai. Thu tu tiéng Anh 1a dang van viét, duoc dung kha nhiéu cau phtic, dong ti’ khuyét, nhung khuynh hu6ng hién nay la ngudi ta dung van noi ng&n gon, ro rang, dé hiéu, sinh d6ng, giau hinh tuong. Nhu vay, mét mat thi ty nhién, hoa nha, mt khdc thi pha hop véi khuynh huéng phat trién, tién hoa cua ng6n ngi. Vi vay, khi ding van viét ban nén chon nhing tw va cum tw ngdn thudng gap, tranh ding nhiing cum ti dai, phtic tap va ng6n ng qua trinh trong. Vi du: Ding We have received your letter of Nov 5. thay cho We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated the 5th Nov. Ching tdi da nhin duoc ld thu quy cong ty giti ngay 5 thing 11. Dung We try to choose our trading partners carefully. thay cho We endeavour to choose our trading partners with discretion. Ching ti cd’ ging lua chon céc d6i téc thuong mai mét cach can thin. Dung The freight rate of this cheap commodity would be USD 28 pmt from Canada to China in spite of its FOB price being USD 12 pmt. thay cho The freight rate of this cheap commodity would amount to USD 28 pmt from Canada to China notwithstanding its FOB price being USD 12 pmt. Mac dit gid FOB ctia loai hang hoa ré rién nity la 12 dé la mii tan, nhung cuée phi tie Canada dén Trung Quéc len dén 28 dé la méi tan. 32 — Luyén dich tifag Anh thuong mai Vao dau thap nién 70 cua thé ky 20 da'cé nhing tai liéu day viét thu va dién tin bang tiéng Anh ghi rang: Phdi chu truong tranh ding van viét, ngén ng@ va cach thtic viét thu ty va dién tin kiéu ci tuong d6i dai dong, ruom ra va cau ky. Tuy nhién, can luu y [a mac di thu td va dién tin kiéu cd khong con thich hop dé tiép tuc duoc str dung do thiéu tinh théi dai, nhung né rat chudn muc, it gay hiéu lam; con ding van noi trong thu thuong mai dé din dén viéc khéng théng nhat vé cach dién dat, nhat la khi stv dung tiéng long. Thit tam, chu ¥ dén giong diéu, tranh cttng nhac va qua gay gat. Giong diéu phai lich sy, can nhac nhiéu dén déi téc, thong cém véi déi tac, chi y dén yéu cau, mong muén va tinh cdm cia déi tac. Vi du: M6 dau 14 thu héi 4m cho déi tac thudng phai viét mét vai cau cam on nhu sau: Thank you for your letter of June 5. Trong phan két thtic cling phdi viét mét vai cau dién dat ¥ c4m on, vi du: A prompt reply would be appreciated. A demonstration (of your product) would be appreciated. Thank you for your help in this matter. Thank you for any assistance you are able to offer in this matter. Giong diéu cla 14 thu sau day kha lich su: It is in November, 2004 that we signed our contract. Everybody knows, in international trade price naturally fluctuates at different time. Under the present circumstances that the goods is in short sup- ply while many enquiries keep coming in, how could our manufactures be expected to accept your request for a reduction of the price? We would appreciate it very much if you could immediately establish the covering L/C at the contracted price. Otherwise, we shall have no other alternative but canceling the contract. Ching ta da ky hap dong vdo théng 11 nam 2004. Moi ngudi déu biét trong thong mai quéc té, vao nhimg thoi diém khdc nhau gid cd duong nhién Luyén dich ting Anh thuong mgi — 33 hay bién déng. Trong tinh hinh hang héa khan hiém hién nay md niéw the héi gid cit giti dén, lam sao cé thé ky) vong cdc nha sdn xudt ca ching tdi chap nhan yéu cdu gidm gid ctia quy céng wy? Ching tdi rét biét om néu quy cong ty c6 thé mé ngay thie tin dung theo gid ghi trong hop déng. Néu khong, ching 16i so khéng con sv lta chon néo khdc ngodi vige hiy hop déng. Doan thu trén ding mau cau It is ... that dé nhén manh thoi diém ky hop déng, cach dung while lam tang thém tinh so sinh gitta hang hoa khan hiém va nhiéu thu hoi gid ci giti dén. Dong thoi, ding dang bi dong lam sao cé thé kj vong ... c6 vé khach quan hon, khéng bi chi phéi bdi tinh cam ca nhén, giong diéu cua We would appreciate ... if you could cing rat uyén chuyén. Vi vay, doan thu trén cé giong diéu khé lich su. So s4nh véi doan thu trén, ban co thé thay doan thu sau day khong lich sy bang. Our contract was signed in November, 2004. It is something like the ABC to a businessman that price fluctuates at different time, we therefore, cannot accept your request for a reduction of price. Because of the shortage of supply and a lot of enquiries from our customers we ask you to establish the covering L/C at the contracted price. If you do not accept it, we would insist on canceling the contract. Hop dong ctia ching ta da duoc ky vao thing 11 nam 2004. Déi vdi nha doanh nghiép, viée gid ca bién dong vdo théi diém khéc nhau la diéu rét co ban, vi vdy ching tdi khong thé ché’p nhén yéu cau gidm gid ctia quy cong ty. Do ngudn cung cap thiéu hut vd cdc khdch hang cia ching t6i hdi gid rat nhiéu, nén ching t6i yéu cau quy cong ty md thie tin dung theo gid ghi trong hop dong. Néu quy cong ty khong chap nhdn, ching t6i nhdt dinh hiy hop dong. Giong diéu cua doan thu nay nang né hon nhiéu so véi doan thu truéc, nhat la dang cau di vdi nha doanh nghiép, vibe gid cd bién dong vao thoi diém khac nhau la diéu rdt co bdn nén tranh ding. Doan thu truéc vila lich sy vita cé site thuyét phuc, di ty chéi thi ngudi viét thur ciing nén tw chéi mét cach lich su. 34 —Luyén eich tighg Anh thuong mai Dé tranh citing nhac va qua gay git, ban cé thé tham Khao céc ¥ sau day: + Cam on hodac khen ngoi nhung viéc lién quan dén c6ng viéc cla di tac. + Nhe nhang néu ra ly do tt chéi, cé thé néi ngu ¥ hodc gién tiép, kh6ng nén tu chéi thang thing. Sau d6 dua ra nhing goi y hay kha nang lua chon tich cue khac. ‘Dé nghi Iya chon khac gitip déi tac c6 lai hy vong, tham chf khién cho ho cam thay diéu Iva chon méi cé loi hon (néu khong dua ra diéu lua chon nhu vay thi khéng co buéc nay) Két thic phan néi dung chinh, néu muén déi tac héi 4m, ban nén dé nghi ho héi 4m nhu thé nao. + + +. Sau day la mot la thu tw chdi, dai khdi duge viét theo nam bude néu trén: Thank you so much for your letter asking if we might possibly be interested in an article on business communication for this year. We know that you would probably produce a good article, but un- fortunately, we have carried quite a lot of information on this subject and don’t feel that we can use any more material for some time. May I suggest that you try Smith & Co.? That may be able to help you. Thank again for thinking of us and our best wishes. No, not la nhiing ti phu dinh truc tiép nhat, ching ta nén ding cau khang dinh dé thay thé. Cach viét nay cé thé gidm thiéu viéc dung cham dén ngudi khac; mat khéc c6 thé khién ho hiéu dugc hoan canh khé khan cla ban, va déng cdm voi tam trang cla ban, nhu thé cang cé loi cho viéc tim ra giai phdp cla van dé. Vi du: 1, Co géng dung We gladly refund when the returned item is clean and resalable. thay cho We don’t refund if the returned item is soiled and unsalable. 2. C6 ging-dung The dress is available in blue, yellow and white. thay cho The dress is not available in pink. Luyén dich tigng Anh thuong mgi — 35 3. Dang We'll be able to ship your order on August 10. thay cho We can’t ship your order until August 10. 4, Dung Perhaps next time we can send you what you require. thay cho We regret our inability to serve you at this time. Di nhién khéng phai la khong duoc ding tw phu dinh, nhung ding cang it cang tét. Nén trénh phéng dai qué mitc. Phong dai qué mitc khac véi viée t6 diém mét cach thich hop, vi du: Khi viét thu gidi thiéu quang cao cac sin phém va dich vu, chung ta khéng thé tranh khdi viéc ding nhing ti don ho&c cum ty sau day: ideal, magnificent, unbelievable, fabulous, the best, outstandingly, superior, incomparable, v.v., nhung theo sau nhiing tl nay phai c6 day du chitng cif dé 101 néi c6 can cit, néu kh6ng sé bi cho la khoa truong, phong dai. Nhdng tt don sau day nén tranh ding trong thu tw vi dé tao giong diéu qua citng nhac: abuse, alleged, apology, broken, complaint, criticism, defective, dis- comfort, dissatisfied, failure, guilty, impossible, inability, inadequate, loss, sorry, suspicion, unable, unfair, unfavorable, unfortunate, unwill- ing, v.v. Cfc cach sau day khé dc biét, ban cé thé tham khdo: 1. Khi néu cau hei, thinh cdu hay dién dat quan diém khéc véi déi tac, ta thudng dang thi qué khit: Could you ...?, Would you ...?, I wanted ..., I was sure ..., I wondered ..., v.v. nghe c6 vé uyén chuyén, lich su hon va 46i tac dé chép-nhan hon. Vi du: Would you let us know what your expe- rience has been in your dealings with him? Ong vui long cho ching t6i biét ong cb duoc nlring kinh nghiém gi khi giao dich uéi ong dy? Could you reduce the price? Quy céng ty c6 thé gidm gid khong? 2. Ding dang bi dong, giong diéu vita lich sy via phd hop véi théng 1é quéc té hon. It was considered a mistake to postpone shipment wantonly. CO¥ wri hoan giti hang bi xem la diéu sai tdi. 36 —Luyén dich tighg Anh thuong mai Has it been decided where we are to hold the talking? Quy cong ty da quyét dinh noi chiing ta 16 chite cuée dam phan chia? 3. Dang cdu trac cau diéu kién. Viéc ding dong tw 6 cau triic cau diéu kién thé hién su uyén chuyén, lich su va sé tao ra bau khong khi than thién, binh dang. Vi du: Were it not for your manager we should miss the first vessel. Néu khéng nho gidm doc cia cdc éng, cé 12 ching ti da nha chiéc tau dau tién. If we should finish the production next week, the shipment would be made by May. Néu ching t6i co thé hoan tat khdu sdn xudt vao tudn ti thi hang sé duge guti di wdc thang 5. He shouldn’t wonder if the contract went to be canceled. Néu hop déng bi htiy thi 6ng ta cing khéng dude thac mac. 4. Bién déi cau. Ding cau nghi van dé néu thinh cdu hay dé nghi thi giong diéu sé uyén chuyén hon, d6i khi ding céu cdm than dé déi tac c6 nhiéu kha nang xoay x hon. Vi du: Excuse me, but aren’t you Mr. Smith from Australia? Xin Idi, éng cb phai la éng Smith dén ut nude Uc khéng a? Shall we return the damaged goods to you or hold them at your disposal? Theo ¥ éng, ching t6i nén giti ird lai hang héa bj hue hao cho quy cong ty hay gite chiing lai? What a competitive price you quoted! Quy cong ty da bdo m6t mic gid that canh tranh! 5. Dung dang phi dinh mot cach thong thao. Nhu da dé cap 6 trudc, chting ta nén trénh ding no, not; c6 thé thém J am afraid vao truéc cau phu dinh, hoac I don’t think va I’m not sure. Vi du: 1 am afraid that if shipment cannot be made as contracted, you will lose an important buyer. Toi e rang néu guy cing ty khong giti hang nhue da duoc théa thudn trong hap déng, quy céng ty s€ mat mét khdch hang quan trong. Luyén dich ligg Anh thuong mgi — 37

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