Story Bird

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Once upon a time, there was a man who possessed an

extraordinary pearl of wisdom that no one in the town could match.

Itachi Uchiha was a crime reporter who was also a national-level
chess player who used to chase people. He was only 24 years old, but
he possessed the amazing insight and had apprehended over 250
criminals. And here was someone with a higher level of intelligence
than the man himself. He was so clever that he used to kill people
who had no idea what they were doing. And, because he had no
idea, it was as if he used to kill everyone without spilling a drop of

Itachi, you learned about the criminal, but you were unable to
determine who he was and who murdered a person close to Itachi.
Itachi tried to call everyone who was involved with the deceased
person, but no leads were found, and the criminal was able to slip
away with ease.

Before the leaves of the quaking aspen became golden, he buried

Itachi's love in the forest. The tamped-down dirt, the way the wild
grasses died back all around her, and the circle of tiny brown
mushrooms that sprouted shortly after went unnoticed.

*After the death of the Itachi and the criminal, their souls were
sucked by two birds*

After becoming the bird he noticed that he had a special power of

listening to everybody no matter where they are and also he can
reach anywhere anytime, in short, he was everywhere all the time.
Some rumors were spreading all over the world about a bird who
was intelligent and also very fast in hearing the rumors or all the
gossip going on. As Alkonost finds out that the rumors are about him
he started gathering a group of birds and bought up allies who would
do anything for Alkonost on the other hand phoenix did the same by
gathering his lover and 3 or more friends to make a group of 5.
Phoenix then got to know about Alkonost more and when he found
out that there is someone more powerful in strength than phoenix
he was really afraid of him knowing that he was the only person who
had killed his love in the human world.

On the other hand, Alkonost was unaware of phoenix that

there is someone more intelligent in techniques and other stuff and
was enjoying his group.

The day when Alkonost got to know that phoenix was the one
the rumors were spread about earlier. He tried to make friends with
him and also phoenix agreed with him. They both become good
friends and as the time passed phoenix and Alkonost became good
friends and phoenix was losing her love.

Her love thought that the phoenix would leave her for Alkonost
and will not take revenge for what Alkonost did to her in her human
life. But Alkonost had a different mind where he started spreading
rumors about phoenix that he was someone who should do bad
things which were not acceptable to anyone.

That was when phoenix knew about Alkonost’s real side and
when Alkonost try to attack phoenix he failed many times as phoenix
was really intelligent and was aware of all the techniques which
could tackle Alkonost strength, but Alkonost didn’t give up he
continued spreading rumors with a huge group he had made earlier
and also tried to bully phoenix many times.

As phoenix had the special ability to be everywhere and listen

to the rumors he made a plan of letting Alkonost spread all the
rumors he wanted and let Alkonost win the show till the last part.
Meanwhile, Alkonost made a plan to kill phoenix’s love again where
he was about to use his strength against phoenix’s girlfriend and
what’s going to kill her very next moment phoenix tries to break the

When Alkonost tried to kill phoenix love phoenix gathered

everyone around to show who Alkonost was. As Alkonost spreads
false rumors through Phoenix's voice, Phoenix devises a strategy, and
by enacting the strategy, the false rumors become true, and
everyone learns about Alkonost's true identity. Here Alkonost went
wrong and everyone saw the true side of Alkonost then phoenix
saved her love this time by using the techniques and the strength of
everyone who was there around. The power everyone gave to
phoenix was more than enough to kill Alkonost and the group he
made and by doing so phoenix became the hero of the world and
married her love.

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