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I was watching news just as my morning routine, and the news read the

rumor, Baikal Lake is possessed by the evil spirit. A guy who was aware
was asked about this, he said in a terrified way, “Yes, at night when its
cold, the lake started showing bubbles. The water was warm, and it was
overflowing”. I had to run off to office, by the way, a brief introduction
about me; I am Anahita, 28. I like shopping, watching Hockey and well
am good at Basketball myself. I don’t have any siblings; my mom is a
housewife while my dad was in the Navy. He passed away when I was
4. Since then, I have been living with my mother. She is the one made
me who I am today. I have got a great life and a partner who I love the
most. His name is Joe, he is an ex-militant. He was injured in the last
war and was released from the Army to stay back. Although he has
recovered, he has not thought of going back yet. Well, this was the
brief about me.
I and Joe started dating when he moved around in my neighborhood.
He was really kind to people, open to others and most importantly
honest with himself. I was so attracted by these qualities, and this led
to the beginning of our relationship. We always used to hang out near
the Baikal Lake, but the rumor wasn’t real, and people started coming
and it seemed safe. We always had the best time near this, the food
was great, the lights and the people were always happy. The cold
weather was always pleasant, and I never felt a thing when I put my
hand in the lake.
Meanwhile, Poseidon was looking at someone, it was none other than
Joe. He wanted to control him, take over his whole personality. I on the
other hand was ignoring the signs that were given. I have always been
ignorant of things like this. Even in my childhood, I was able to control
water, as in warm it up, or make a twister out of it. These kinds of
things happened based on my emotions, and I decided to ignore those.
One fine day, Joe was walking around the lake, and he saw something
strange. He ignored it thinking it was a fish or a water body. He was
giving a thought to join the Army again and this thing was bugging him
whether he should, or he should not. Lost in his deep thoughts, he was
walking near the lake, and he saw something, bubbling inside the
water. He got suspicious and got near by the lake. He felt the water, it
was boiling hot. He remembered the rumor about the lake, and he was
witnessing the same events. He started running, but it was too late, he
was already under the wrath of Poseidon. Poseidon decided to show
up, and he said, “You Joe are the chosen one. You will fulfill my wishes”
and a tide splashed onto him knocking him unconscious.
The next day, people around the lake found Joe lying near by it. They
heard a huge tide, but there was no scratch on Joe. The people took
him to the shelter and after few hours Joe was up and running.
Meanwhile, the tide shook the news, all the people feared going near
by the lake. Just like the daily morning, I was watching the news, I saw
Joe in it and read about the tide. I was so scared, that something might
have happened him, I ran to him as fast as I could. I met him and there
wasn’t a scratch on his body. In fact, his injuries though they were
healed, he was able to move his body like never before. We decided to
overlook this as usual, but when I asked Joe what happened, he
stammered “I don’t know. I heard a strange voice in my head about
being chosen and that’s it”. “I don’t remember anything else, but the
strangest thing is, I don’t feel water cold anymore!” he continued in
surprise. I started thinking this is strange, so I decided to take him to
the doctor and see what was going on. The tests were negative, and the
doctor said he was completely fine. We moved on from that incident
and no one in the town dared to visit the Lake again.
After a few months, a robbery took place. This took place in the exact
route which Joe goes to. I called to confirm with him, and he said he did
not remember anything about robbery. It is normal for a human to
forget things in his work, so I left it at that. We used to meet daily, but
these days something was off, Joe wasn’t meeting me, nor was he
doing something. He kept forgetting things and one day, as every
morning I was watching news, the news read, “John Will found dead in
his apartment. This is a live footage of man leaving the apartment but
just disappears later. This was seeming to be a suicide until the camera
caught a glimpse of this man. His identity is still unknown, this is pitch
black video and image enhancements cannot be done”. I looked at the
figure and noticed it was the same height was Joe, but I trusted him. I
wanted to tell him that I am coming over to his house to check up on
him, but he did not answer, so I went to his office. One of his
colleague’s told me he has not been to office since that day. I went to
his home, and saw something, it was the thumb on this table. He wasn’t
home so I locked the door and ran in fear as fast as possible.
I came back home, and I did not want to believe that this is done by
him. I called him up on the cellphone, and he answered, “Hello”, he
said in a hurry, I heard some noises in the background, muffled noises,
so I asked him what it was about. He had already kidnapped the John
Will’s Wife and her daughter. This murder hit the news, but there were
many others whose name wasn’t in the news yet. I did not know any of
it until this call, and even in this call he did not speak of it and digressed
the question. I told him, “Lets meet today, I am feeling scared” and he
quickly replied, “Yes. Is 7 pm fine?”, “Yes.” I replied in fear and cut the
That evening, at 7 PM I met him, I asked him about his where abouts
and what he was up to. He said everything was fine, he delivered the
reports to his boss and many more things. After talking for a while, I
asked him about the thumb I saw in the apartment. He denied having
the thumb. I told him, “I saw it with my own eyes, and I also went by
your office to check up on you, and guess what, you weren’t there. So
where were you?”. He replied, “I guess its fine if I come out”. “What?” I
asked in anger, and he came out, Poseidon. When he showed up, the
weather got cold, the cloud become dark, and it started lightning. The
wind started blowing faster and the waves started coming out of the
lake. High tides started hitting near the beach and the sea was cut into
half with single arm moment. I was so feared, I froze, I did not move an
inch and could not shout. I couldn’t close my eyes and nor can I turn
over from this. Then I heard a voice from the locket my mom gave me
when I was a child, “Child never fear, for fear kills you and courage
survives”. It was all so sudden that I was not sure what to do. I took the
courage and asked, “Who are you and why are you here?”. To that
Poseidon replied, “I am Poseidon, the god of sea. And I am here for
revenge”. “A revenge for what?” I asked in fear. “A revenge for what
you say. Why don’t you ask the one who is inside of you?”. I was so
scared at that moment, I closed my eyes, and I held the locket tight, I
asked to myself, “what is happening?” and he replied, “I am here to
protect you. I am Tyr the Norse God of War”. Suddenly there was a
power surge, I regained my confidence, but there was about to be a
fight. “Well, if it isn’t the Norse God Tyr. You know why I am here and
what I want, right?” he asked in diabolical way. “What is he talking
about?” I asked, “I will tell you” Said Poseidon “My family was
destroyed in a war. I control water as like my family and the war many
eons ago, took my family away from me. It was said that my family was
water demon, and I was a God descendant. But isn’t it cruelling when
your gets killed just because they are a demon”? “I will destroy the very
creation god loves so much...HUMANS!!!” continued Poseidon. The
Norse God attacked him, with his fist he went straight to his gut, but
Poseidon created a wall of water, unbreakable and strong. Poseidon
then responded with a twister, the clouds were rumbling, and thunder
was everywhere. The twister was about to hit the town and was so
strong that Tyr was having a hard time controlling it, “Use the ring your
father gave you child” said Tyr while he was pushing the twister. “How
should I do that?” shouted I with confidence. “Just keep the stone in
front of him, it is supposed …”, “Alright” said I in a hurry. I kept the
stone in front of Poseidon, and it showed him what had exactly
happened, his family though they were demons, helped God win the
battle. The water that was polluted by the demons can also be cleaned
up by their powers to make it Holy. Poseidon’s family helped us do that.
Poseidon remembered everything from the beginning and stayed low
inside the lake forever,

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