Internship Report: (An Internship Report Submitted From June To October)

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(an internship report submitted from June to October)

Rohit Gautam
Roll No. 2000892
Submitted to:
Dr Sanjeev Kumar Singh

Department Of Social Science

Dayalbagh Educational Institute,
Dayalbagh, Agra

About Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam

 More than 70% of the population in India depends on agriculture, while the
cultivable land is about 40 percent of the total cultivable land in the world. It
is clear that the availability of arable land per capita is very less as compared
to the developed countries of the world.
 Therefore, for the country to be self-sufficient in food grains, it is absolutely
necessary to increase the production and productivity per hectare.
Agricultural inputs play an important role in increasing production and
productivity, of which seed is an important input.
 It is known from scientific research that 15-20 percent increase in production
is achieved by the use of high quality seeds. After the Green Revolution, it
became necessary that the agricultural institutions of the country should
produce high quality seeds and make them available to the farmers.
 Before the division of the state of Uttar Pradesh, the headquarters of Uttar
Pradesh and Terai Development Corporation was established in Pantnagar
for the supply of seeds.
 As a result of the bifurcation of the state of Uttar Pradesh, the Uttar Pradesh
Beej and Terai Development Corporation, whose headquarters was located
in Uttaranchal, transferred most of the infrastructure to the state of
 To ensure the availability of seeds in the state, the Uttar Pradesh Seed
Development Corporation was established on 29th June 2002 by the
mandate no. 2397/12-2-2021-S.35/2000.
 As a result of the mandate, the registration of Uttar Pradesh Seed
Development Corporation under the Register of Companies Act was started
from February 15, 2002.
 The business of Uttar Pradesh Seed Development Corporation was started
from 09 December 2002

Our offerings

 To make available seeds of growing varieties in sufficient quantity in time at

reasonable prices in their area of operation.
 Coordinating with research institutions to develop seeds of high yielding
species and selecting the best species on the basis of breeding and managing
their parent and base seeds in desired quantity
 Producing registered seeds as per requirement in the above mentioned areas
from the producers.
 To make available to the farmers by producing certified seeds of hybrid
species developed from different crops, for which to coordinate with the
institutions to get the seeds of parental lines.
 To make proper management for the intake, quality control, processing,
packaging, storage and marketing of the produced seeds.
 Establishment and proper exploitation of internal resources for regular
service, development and progress of farmers.
Swot Analysis of Company

The Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) Analysis / Matrix helps

the managers of the Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam to develop four types of
 SO (strengths-opportunities) Strategies
 WO (weaknesses-opportunities) Strategies
 ST (strengths-threats) Strategies
 WT (weaknesses-threats) Strategies

 Strengths of UPBVN

 Reliable suppliers – It has a strong base of reliable supplier of raw material

thus enabling the company to overcome any supply chain bottlenecks.
 Strong Brand Portfolio – Over the years Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam
has invested in building a strong brand portfolio. The SWOT analysis of
Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam just underlines this fact. This brand
portfolio can be extremely useful if the organization wants to expand into
new product categories.
 Strong dealer community – It has built a culture among distributor & dealers
where the dealers not only promote company’s products but also invest in
training the sales team to explain to the customer how he/she can extract the
maximum benefits out of the products.
 Successful track record of integrating complimentary firms through mergers
& acquisition. It has successfully integrated number of technology
companies in the past few years to streamline its operations and to build a
reliable supply chain.
 Strong distribution network – Over the years Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas
Nigam has built a reliable distribution network that can reach majority of its
potential market.
 Automation of activities brought consistency of quality to Uttar Pradesh
Beej Vikas Nigam products and has enabled the company to scale up and
scale down based on the demand conditions in the market.
 Strong Free Cash Flow – Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam has strong free
cash flows that provide resources in the hand of the company to expand into
new projects.
 Good Returns on Capital Expenditure – Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam is
relatively successful at execution of new projects and generated good returns
on capital expenditure by building new revenue streams.

 Weakness of UPBVN

 Not highly successful at integrating firms with different work culture.

 High attrition rate in work force – compare to other organizations in the
industry Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam has a higher attrition rate and have
to spend a lot more compare to its competitors on training and development
of its employees.
 Need more investment in new technologies.
 There are gaps in the product range sold by the company. This lack of choice
can give a new competitor a foothold in the market.
 The profitability ratio and Net Contribution % of Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas
Nigam are below the industry average.

 Opportunities of UPBVN

 Lower inflation rate – The low inflation rate bring more stability in the
market, enable credit at lower interest rate to the customers of Uttar Pradesh
Beej Vikas Nigam.
 Government green drive also opens an opportunity for procurement of Uttar
Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam products by the state as well as federal
government contractors.
 Economic uptick and increase in customer spending, after years of recession
and slow growth rate in the industry, is an opportunity for Uttar Pradesh
Beej Vikas Nigam to capture new customers and increase its market share.
 New trends in the consumer behavior can open up new market for the Uttar
Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam . It provides a great opportunity for the
organization to build new revenue streams and diversify into new product
categories too.
 Organization’s core competencies can be a success in similar other products
field. A comparative example could be - GE healthcare research helped it in
developing better Oil drilling machines.
 The market development will lead to dilution of competitor’s advantage and
enable Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam to increase its competitiveness
compare to the other competitors.
 Threats of UPBVN

 Shortage of skilled workforce in certain global market represents a threat to

steady growth of profits for Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam in those
 Imitation of the counterfeit and low quality product is also a threat to Uttar
Pradesh Beej Vikas Nigam’s product especially in the emerging markets and
low income markets.
 New technologies developed by the competitor or market disruptor could be
a serious threat to the industry in medium to long term future.
 Changing consumer buying behavior from online channel could be a threat
to the existing physical infrastructure driven supply chain model.

 Limitations of SWOT Analysis for Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas


 Certain capabilities or factors of an organization can be both a strength and

weakness at the same time. This is one of the major limitations of SWOT
 SWOT does not show how to achieve a competitive advantage, so it must
not be an end in itself.
Seed Production/Quality Assurance

Production of high-quality seed is fundamental to modern agriculture. Most annual

crops are established each season from seeds, and seed quality can have a major
impact on potential crop yield. Seeds can serve as the delivery system not only for
improved genetics but also for new planting and production methods and crop
protection strategies that improve the overall efficiency of agriculture and reduce
its environmental impact.
The purity of any commercial product propagated by seed begins with the genetic
purity of the seed planted. Genetic purity standards have been established by state
seed laws and seed certification agencies to assure growers that the seed they buy
is accurately labeled with the correct crop and variety. Seed purity standards also
specify the percentage of contamination by seeds or genetic material of other
varieties or species. The physical purity of seed refers to the presence and identity
of weed seeds, and the percentage of other materials such as dirt or plant residues.
In addition, the germination capacity of the seed in a standard test must be shown
on the label. In some cases, seeds must also be tested for the presence of seed-
borne diseases, and hybridity tests are conducted to confirm parentage in hybrid
Production of high quality seed is an exacting task. Seed producers take many
steps to protect genetic integrity, including ensuring the integrity of their planting
seed, properly identifying and labeling plants and fields, planting seeds on clean
land which has not been used to grow the same crop in the recent past, removing
rogue plants, or plants which are not true to the variety’s characteristics, and
employing physical isolation – via mesh cages, distance isolation, time isolation or
hand pollination – to ensure that pollination only occurs among plants of the
desired variety.
Business Plan of UPBVN

 Increase in production and sales of seeds produced by the corporation.

 Development of new crops likes guar, jowar, dhaincha etc.
 To increase the number of sale centers of the corporation in state.
 Strengthening of production and marketing infrastructure of the corporation.
 Tie-up with other seed producing institute (private sector).
 Insure ability of quality seeds in other states by setting up sale centers.

Minimum Seed Testing Standard

Generally, 98 per cent of the seed should have pure seeds of that species and
inaddition, the inert matter should never exceed 2 per cent. In addition, 10 seeds per
kg in the base seed and 20 seeds (grains) per kg in certified seeds should never
contain seeds (grains) of other crops. All seeds are generally certified for 9 months
which can be extended for a maximum of 6 months in a particular system. This is
possible only if the seeds are corrected in the re-examination.
Role of UPSEED in seed production
 Timely availability of high quality basic certified first seed to seed grower.
 To provide technical information on seed seed and use of fertilizers.
 Timely inspection of the crop and informing about weed control, new
agricultural technology, irrigation etc.
 To provide sacks when the seed crop matures and to conduct deposit and
disease tests in the laboratory by selecting field samples.
 Issue of intake letter to the producer if the field conforms to the sample
 At the time of intake, B.P. To select a sample and send it to the laboratory for
 Payment to a lump sum producer in case of conformity with B.P.
 To make a legislation of inwardly unprocessed seeds.
 A.P. from the legislative wave.
 To select a sample and send it to the laboratory for testing.
 To make the producer the highest payment if ap norms are conforming to the


A seed legislation plant must be properly planned before it is set up. It should be
ensured that the seed cleaning, grading, seed treatment and other activities from this
plant can be done efficiently without damaging the seeds and preventing mixing with
each other. It should also be noted that at least machines, labourers, technical
knowledge, time saving and low cost work should be carried out for this purpose.
Take care of the following things while setting up the plant:
 The quantity of seeds of which species is to be enacted and all these seeds are
available in the surrounding areas as per the capacity of the plant.
 The requirement of legislation such as which weedseed mixture is possible in
a particular area which has to be cleaned and planted according to its simple
useful method.
 What level (size) is to be made?
 Whether it is necessary to provide a method of drying or not.
 Location of installation of legislative plants.
 Source of power power to operate machines (electric diesel engines etc.)
 Method of seeds coming to the plant - (state private lying produced etc.)
 Availability of Labour.
 Complete necessary information on legislation and knowledge of running the
 Categorizing the working methods (when, which seed is required to be be
made and which will be suitable for the plant to be done earlier). )
 The characteristic properties (physical) of the seed to be enacted so that it is
easier to make the statement accordingly.

The details of annual legislative capacity of 26 seed legislative plants of the

Corporation are given below:

S. Name of the machine Project Name Annual

no. Legislative
Capacity (in

1. Seed Legislative Plant Meerut Meerut 80,000

2. Seed Legislative Plant Meerut 40,000


3. seed legislative plant bulandshahr Meerut 40,000

4. Seed Legislative Plant Aligarh Aligarh 80,000

5. seed legislative plant Sikandrarao Aligarh 40,000

6. Seed Legislative Plant Vilaspur Rampur 80,000

7. seed legislative plant Rampur 40,000

8. Seed Legislative Plant Bareilly Bareilly 80,000

9. Seed Legislative Plant Puranpur Bareilly 40,000

10. Seed Legislative Plant Kanpur Kanpur 80,000

11. seed legislative plant etawah Kanpur 40,000

12. seed legislative plant jalaun jalaun 40,000

13. Seed Legislative Plant Lucknow Lucknow 40,000

14. seed legislation plant pihani Lucknow 40,000

15. Vegetable Seed Legislative Plant Lucknow 10,000


16. Seed Legislative Plant Faizabad Faizabad 80,000

17. seed legislative plant sardan Faizabad 20,000


18. Seed Legislative Plant Gorakhpur 20,000


19. seed legislation plant settlement Gorakhpur 20,000

20. Seed Legislative Plant Gorakhpur Gorakhpur 40,000

21. Seed Legislative Plant Varanasi Varanasi 40,000

22. Seed Legislative Plant Azamgarh Azamgarh 40,000

23. Seed Legislative Plant Saini Allahabad 40,000


24. Seed Legislative Plant Umbrella Agra 40,000


25. Seed Legislative Plant Tehra Agra 40,000


26. Seed Legislative Plant Dalpatpur Moradabad 40,000


total 11,90,000


During the entire seed production process, a number of precautions have to be taken
from seed sowing to harvesting to maintain the physical and genetic purity,
germination capacity etc. Under this, seed growers are required to adopt standard
methods so that the production of seeds is up to the standard level and its physical
and genetic purity is in line with the standard level. In other words, the method of
procurement of high quality seeds is called improved seed production by effectively
controlling all factors affecting the quality of seeds during seed production,
processing, storage etc.

How do farmers participate in seed production programme? (Qualifications)

Farmers who are willing to participate in the seed production programme of the
Corporation can take seed production programme through the Corporation.

Farmers participating in seed production will have to take the

following action:

 By selecting the crop species as per the available area and depositing the
desired registration amount, send your demand on the prescribed draft letter
of the Corporation to the Branch Office Regional Office Headquarters of its
 At least 5 o in a village. The seed area will be inspected by the seed
certification agency only after taking seed production on the land. So if your
own area is 5. If less than 5 ha by motivating other farmers of your village.
Ensure seed production programme in the area. Failing this, the seed
certification institution is to be inspected by 5 ha. You will have to pay the
amount of inspection fee for the area which is less than that. The seed field
has to be sown simultaneously and the crops will not have to be mixed.
 Seed production is technically somewhat difficult as compared to normal crop
production, so farmers have to get technical inputs from the corporation staff.
As per the law prescribed to the farmers, the seeds, manure, chemical
medicines etc. The said work is called roging in technical language. There will
be additional expenditure on this work. Therefore, the price of basic seed
should be mentally prepared for inspection fee, cash payment of registration
fee while taking seeds as well as expenditure on diseases.
 Interested seed growers should have proper irrigation arrangements on
suitable land for crop species grown and be mentally prepared for expenditure
on other agricultural investments.
 The farmers participating in the seed production programme will have to keep
the base seed bags, tags, seed price receipts, storage receipts and order forms
with them till the entire crop session and show them at the time of inspection
by the staff of the staff corporation of the seed certification institution
otherwise the seed area may be cancelled.
 The seed field has to be inspected by the representatives of the Corporation
and inspectors of the seed certification institution on botanical, flowering and
ripening stage as well as the instructions given by them.
 The crop will be harvested only after the seed area is inspected at its peak and
is near the area. After harvesting, the crop product has to be eliminated and
the quantity prescribed as per the norms has to be intaken


The need for green revolution in agriculture as well as quality control of seeds has
been felt. There is often a problem of good seeds in the cultivation of crops. These
crops are mainly used in vegetables before reaching the stage of flower, fruit or seed.
Good quality seeds are essential for good yield. Generally, sowing certified seeds
yields 15 to 20 per cent more than the seeds extracted from the home grain. Most of
the farmers sow homegrown foodgrains instead of seeds. So, they have to use more
foodgrains. While sowing certified seeds can yield more in less seeds and seeds
produced from certified seeds can be used for the next three years. For seed
production, these crops have to be grown till the ripening stage of seed. This work
is different from vegetable production, difficult and technical which the seed
producer should know. For good seed production, it is necessary to keep in mind
some of the following simple things which are beneficial in all crops.

 Climate
Climate is very important in seed production of crops. Only the seeds of
temperate (hot climate) crops can be produced in the plains of our country and
the region, whereas seed production of even temperate crops is possible only
in cold hilly areas. Therefore, it is necessary to select only the recommended
species based on the climate of the region.

 Choice of seeds
The seeds should be selected keeping in mind the improved species. Mainly,
the farmers sow only certified seeds in their fields. It is best to take foundation
seed for seed production. The authenticity and quality of the base seed is better
than the certified seed. It is also worth a little more than the certified seed. For
this, seed certification institute DCC (Tarai Vikas Nigam) Take seeds from
NSC (National Seed Corporation) and sow it. From here foundation seed is
produced from breeder seed followed by certified seed.

 Seed purification
If the seed is not treated, the seed should be treated at the rate of 2.5 grams
per kg or captain medicine at the rate of 2 grams per kg before sowing.
Carbendazim should be used at the rate of 2.5 grams per kg where there is an
uncircumcised kanduva problem. Before putting the paddy seed into the
nursery, 25 kg of seed was given 19 grams of MESC. 6 per cent or 38 grams
of MESC Soak 3% and 4 grams of streptocycline or 40 grams of plantomycin
overnight in 45 litres of water. The next day, dry it in the shade and put it in
the nursery.

 Farm preparation
Your field should be fully prepared before the buoy. First add water and make
a little deep ergonomy so that the soil becomes brown and the weeds are
removed as much as possible.

 Sowing
In a field where the crop is to be sown for seed production, no seed of any
species other than the selected species should be sown. Set up separate
nurseries for each species so that the seeds of other species do not meet.
Otherwise, they will merge and produce high quality seeds. Similarly, while
spraying seeds, caution should be taken to prevent the seeds of one species
from being found in another species and that the seeds of another species
should not go to the field even while spraying the seeds.

 Distance from farm to farm (separation distance)

For the farmers producing seeds, it must be kept in mind what is the distance
of the field of the crop of which they are going to produce. Different distances
have been fixed for the seeds of each crop. Otherwise, free pollination will
adulterate the seed and prevent the production of pure seeds. In order to
produce the seed, one species of crop should be sown only by keeping a
certain distance from the other so that the pollen grains of one species do not
shrink the crop of another species. Separation distance has also been identified
in various crops on the basis of irrigation. which is as follows

Has. harvest an account Base Certified

distance distance (in
(in meters) meters)

1. maize 400 200

(1) endogenus (a) For a crop of same

species colour and shape dain

(b) Crop with grains of 600 300

other colours and shapes

(2) Clustered and (a) Other species and the 400 200
free pollinated same species which
species conform to the standards
of certification.

2. tide

(1) hybrid (a) As per above. 300 200

(b) Johnson Grassargham 400 400

and Fodder Tide
(2) free pollinated (a) As per above. 400 400

(b) Other species 200 100

3. millet

(1) hybrid Other species and the 1000 200

same species which
conform to the standards
of certification.

(2) Clustered and as above 400 200

free pollinated

4. Paddy, wheat, From another crop 3 3

barley and other

5. pigeon pea pulse From another crop 200 100

6. Urad, Moong, From another crop 10 5

Month, Gram,
Lentils and Peas

7. Soybeans & From another crop 3 3


8. egg From another crop 300 150

9. sesame plant From another crop 100 50
and seed

10. Sunflower & From another crop 400 200


11. Linseed, From another crop 50 25

Mustard and Rai

Also from turnip and 100 50

sugar cabbage

It is very important for the seed producing planters to inspect their crops from
time to time. The main three stages of inspection are: (1) Botanical, (2)
Flowering and (3) Registered areas of various crop species of Zayedkharirabi
are inspected by technical officers of corporation and seed certification
institute at ripening stage. During this period, instructions are issued to
remove the deficiencies found in the crop, isolation, weeds and other species
of plants etc.

In order to obtain pure seeds, undesirable plants need to be removed from the
crop seeds. Remove other species and diseased plants from time to time in
addition to the sown species. Generally, before the fruit arrives, the plants of
other systems should be removed on the basis of the colour and shape of the
flower and the shape of the fruit and on the basis of the shape, shape and
colour of the fruit when the flower comes in the form of the leaf and depending
on the nature of the branches. The seed content of weeds in any good seed
should not exceed 2 per cent. It is important to know here that in a species the
seed of another species of the same crop is also called khar. To eliminate other
weeds, recommended chemicals should be used or the crop should be treated.

Seed certification is the process of effectively controlling the following factors

affecting the quality of seeds at different stages of seed production and legislation.
 Physical and genetic purity
 Deposit percentage
 Moisture percentage
 The subconditionof seeds of other identified species
 Sub-situ of diseased grains
 Sub-situ of seeds of other crops
 Weed sussion
 Sub-situ of emergency weeds
 Sub-state of the fertilised material

Certified Seed of Uttar Pradesh Beej Vikas

Nigam, Tehra Agra
The process of seed certification is performed as follows:

 Registration of Seed Growers

 Verification of source of seed used for seed crop
 Inspection of seed crop at various levels
 Inspection of seed crop at the time of harvesting, mortgage and legislation
 Seed Product Sample Selection & Testing
 Seed grading, packing, chemical treatment, labelling and sealing inspection
 Issue certificates to the pariiyibijlats as per standard standard
 The seed waves that meet the standard of certified class are issued white tags
to the seed lato which meets the standards of blue and the base seed class.


 At Farm Level

 Maintain the correct separation distance as per the standard.

 Efforts should be made to have the entire seed field under one species and of
the same category and stage at one stage.
 The entire seed field should be sown simultaneously so the total area at one
place is 10 ha. Don't exceed.
 The entire seed area should be within one square kilometer.
 Mixed crops of seed area should not be sown.
 In case of seed diesel sowing, proper cleaning of other species is also
absolutely necessary before sowing. The sui should be done in such a way that
there is no inconvenience in the inspection. Deposit the bijo before purchasing
from an institution of parent and basic bees. Priority should be given to
agricultural universities, government agricultural farms and progressive seed
products in the production of basic seeds so that diseases can take place to the
desired level and high quality seeds can be produced. The basic seed fields
should also be inspected at the level of Project Officer Seed Production
 Quality inspections should also be carried out to maintain the quality of the
bees at the field level.

 At Barn Level

The seed should be treated in such a way that the seed of one species is not mixed
with the seed of another species. Before filling the seeds in sacks, they were turned
upside down in case they were not new so that no other crop species or pre-session
grains could remain in those boros. Also ensure that old sacks are made pest free
using malathion linden pesticide. Seal the bags and store them in double stalks in
such a way that samples can be taken from each sack of seed as per requirement.
Mark the code number and species on the sacks. The area should be sealed with a
sample and a part of it should be sealed and kept with the excise tax.

 At Plant Level

In accordance with the intake letter issued by the Corporation, the seeds should
be intake at the plant. The intake at the plant should be conducted every day as
per the prescribed norms. Select the B.P. sample and seal it. Keep a guard sample
safely at the plant. V.P. samples should be sent to seed testing laboratory for
regular testing. No more than normas should be disciplined in any shift at the
plant. For legislation of paddy wheat seeds, spirlgravity separator should be used
while making legislation of indated cylinders and pulse seeds at plants. At the
time of legislation, it should be ensured to use the appropriate quantity of seed
treatment chemical. The bags should be filled with the right amount of processed
seeds. In case of automatic ware being installed in the tank, one or two bags of
forest slab should be checked or checked with one or two bags of vanaj every libra
machine or triple tol cut or after each 15μ20 bag. The machine driver who is
stitching to ensure that the bags are filled with proper weight should be held
responsible. Each bag must be sealed.

Facilities provided by the Corporation to seed growers

Seed ranks supreme among all agricultural investments. Only the use of good quality
seeds in your field leads to an expected increase in yield. Therefore, it is absolutely
necessary to use high quality seeds continuously to ensure corresponding growth in
production of foodgrains relative to the continuous growth in the population of the
country. The main responsibility of providing uni-productive seeds to the farmers of
U.P.0 has been entrusted by the State Government to the U.P.R. The Corporation
provides based certified status (first) seeds to the interested progressive farmers of
most of the districts of the State for commercial sale by certifying the seeds produced
by them. The following facilities are provided by the Corporation to the seed growers
for production of these seeds.
 To make available to seed growers for high quality janabase certified (first)
seed production programme.
 To provide technical information for not allowing the mixture to occur at the
time of sowing.
 To inspect the seed fields from seed sowing to harvesting and provide
technical information on seed production as well as irrigation pest and weed
control. s
 Providing empty sacks to fill the seed product.
 Timely intake of unprocessed seeds produced and to make it legislative and
pay the seed growers at a higher rate than the market price.
 To exempt transportation expenditure according to distance in case of intake
of seed product at a distance from the intake center seed legislative plant.

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