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High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 12

Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 26/02/2019

Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo


ENGLISH 12: Unit 13: THE 22nd SEA GAMES

Part D : Language Focus

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- pronounce linking sounds correctly.
- understand the usage of Double Comparison.

II. Time: 45’

III. Techniques: Group work, question and answer, communicative language
IV. Lexical items and structure(s):
 Pronunciation: linking sounds
 Structure: Double Comparison

V. Teaching aids: mini boards, tape, speaker, handouts.

VI. Procedures:
1. Class organization:
- Greetings.
- Checking the attendance.
2. Check old lesson:
3. New lesson

High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 12
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 26/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo
Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

WARM UP - Divides Ss into 4 groups.

- Listen to the tape.
(5’) - Asks ss to listen to a list of - Play game.
words/phrases and write as fast as *List of words:
possible on the mini-board the ones they + Look at
can hear. + Come in
+ Take off
- Checks the answers and announces the + Stand up
winner. + Get up

- Has ss read all the phrases again with

the linking sounds.

PRONUNCIATION - Introduces the vowel and consonant - Listen to the teacher.

- Take notes.
- Shows ways to link words together:

 Linking consonant to vowel - Listen to the tape and

- Gives ss some examples.

- Has ss listen to the tape. - Read the sentences.

- Calls some ss to read the sentences

again. - Work in pairs.
- Asks ss to practice in pairs in 1

- Gives feedback.

GRAMMAR Double comparison - Take notes.

(30’) - Sets the situations:
High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 12
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 26/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo
a. Situation 1: What will happen to
Minh?: “Everyday I eat two loaves of - Listen to the teacher.
bread and a glass of milk for breakfast.
(8’) For lunch and dinner, I often have pork, * Expected answers:
chicken and rice. I don’t like vegetables + Nam will get fat.
and fruits.”
+ Nam is getting fatter and
- Lets ss give answers. fatter.

+ The more he eats, the fatter

he will become.

b. Situation 2: How is the price of

traveling? “Two years ago, I went to
Hanoi by plane. I spent 1.5 million
dongs on the return ticket. Now, thing is * Expected answer:
different. It costs me nearly 2.5 million
+ The price of traveling
dongs to fly there.”
becomes/is becoming more
- Lets ss to give answers. and more expensive.

- Asks ss to form the structures.

a. Comparative + and + comparative

 Form:
- Take notes.
o Short adj/adv: adj/adv-er and
o Long adj/adv: more and more +
* Exception:

+ good/well  better and better

+ bad/ badly  worse and worse

 Use: to say that something is

changing continuously.

 Meaning: càng ngày càng ...., mỗi

lúc một ..... hơn.
High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 12
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 26/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo
- Gives examples:

+ It is becoming harder and harder to

find a good job.

+ He writes more and more carefully.

b. The + comparative, the +


 Form:

o Short adj/adv: the adj/adv-er, the

o Long adj/adv: the more +
adj/adv, the more + adj/adv.
 Use: to say that one thing depends on
another thing.

 Meaning:càng....càng.....

- Gives examples:

+ The earlier we leave, the sooner we

will arrive.

+ The bigger the supermarket is, the

wider the choice is.

Exercise 1: Matching
- Asks ss to have a look at exercise 1,
(15’) page 146 in the textbook.
- Listen to the teacher.
- Gives an example: 1-c
- Do task 1
- Asks ss to work in pairs to match half-
*Suggested answers:
sentences 2- 5.
2.a - 3.a - 4.b - 5.d.
- Calls 4 ss from each big group to give

High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 12
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 26/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo
- Write the answers.
- Gives feedback.
- Correct.
Exercise 2: Sentence completion

- Asks ss to read task 2 on pages 146-

147 in the textbook.

- Gives an example:
- Listen to the teacher.
+ The cost of living is very high. It has - Do task 2.
become …… (high)

 higher and higher * Suggested answers:

- Lets ss work individually, completing 1. shorter and shorter.
the first 4 sentences.
2. more and more expensive
- Calls 4 ss from each big group to give
answers. 3. worse and worse

- Gives feedback. 4.more and more complicated

- Correct.

Exercise 3: Sentence combination

- Gives ss handouts.

Combine two sentences, using the

structure the + comparative, the +

1. I live far ,I feel homesick.

2. You are young ,you learn quickly.

3. You work hard, you earn much


4.You practice English much, you speak

it fluently.

High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 12
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 26/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo
5. She drove fast. I became nervous.

6. I have to wait long. I get angry.

- Gives an example:

1. The farther I live, the more homesick I


- Asks ss to work in pairs to do the task.


- Gives instructions: There are 6 stars of

6 different colors on the screen. Behind
each star is a number of points and 2 - Listen to the teacher.
sentences. Two teams take turn to
- Play game.
choose a star and combine the two
PRODUCTION sentences. If one team makes an * Expected answers:
incorrect sentence, the other team takes
(7’) the turn to answer and gets the points. 2. The younger you are, the
We have one 20-point lucky star. The more quickly you learn.
winner is the team with more points. 3. The harder you work, the
- Lets ss play the game. more money you earn.

- Announces the winner. 4. The more you practice

English, the more fluently
you speak it.

5. The faster she drove, the

more nervous I became.

6. The longer I have to wait,

the angrier I get.

VII. Homework:

-Learn by heart the structure of Double Comparison.

High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 12
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 26/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo
-Do Test Yourself D page 148 - 151.

-Prepare: unit 14-reading / page 152-155

VIII. Teacher’s comment

 Comments:

Tuesday, February 26th , 2019

Instructor Trainee teacher

Trương Thị Tố Quyên Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo

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