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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methodology of the study. It discuss the research

design, sources of data, sampling techniques, data to gathered and statistical treatment

and analysis of the study.

Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive method of research. In this study which

involves collection of data to being more knowledge and better understanding about

the factors affecting the buying decision of Grade 12 GAS students in the school

canteen of Notre Dame of Trece Martires.

This method will be use through survey questionnaires. The findings of this

study will be analyzed based on the answers of 80 respondents in Notre Dame of

Trece Martires. The researchers used the survey questionnaires as supporting tools for

the study.

Souces of Data

The data were obtained through about the factors affecting the buying decision of

Grade 12 GAS students in the school canteen of Notre Dame of Trece Martires survey

questionnaires to support the discussion of the result of the study serves as primary

sources of data with the 80 respondents of Notre Dame of Trece Martires

The researchers also used secondary source of data such as books, thesis,
magazines, journals and other online sources.

Participants of the Study

The study will be conducted in Notre Dame of Trece Martires. In which the 80

respondents answer the survey questionnaires. Participants of the study are 80

respondents of Notre Dame of Trece Martires from Grade 12 GAS.

Sampling Techniques

Simple Random Sampling was used to identify the participants. The

participants participated by answering the survey questionnaire.

The study used the primary and secondary data. The primary data were

collected using survey questionnaire from the 80 respondents of Notre Dame of Trece


Factors affecting the buying decision of students which includes

psychological, cultural and social

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