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Bus 1101: Principles of Business Management

Learning Journal Unit Two

Submitted to Instructor: Ryan Hoskin

In my life experience, I consider feedback as advice given to me to do better and I accept it

whether it is negative or positive feedback and I used to check my weakness. As I work for
public safety organization, there were always weekly and monthly meetings where we assess our
work progress. Everyone presents his own weakness he thought he has to the staff and then
receives feedback from the staff as well; That is the time I always receive feedback from my
colleague and my boss. Most of the time I receive helpful feedback which motivates me to do
more and continue with that pace. One thing I want to say something about the feedback I
received which I consider the most helpful is where I received feedback to stop passing my time
working for nonimportant to my department and does not account to my job performance goal
set by the department I was working. I was helping another department technologically and I
always get criticism from my boss. I get feedback from my colleague to stop that. After I accept
the feedback, I did a better job performance and I have received a free scholarship for a degree
program as a reward even though I did not use the opportunity for some reason.
The feedback I received the most I consider it neither effective nor helpful is where my
immediate boss told me to stop working without his permission that I was working to make
better for the department with other departments as a team member of a risk and security
assessment department which was nominated by the higher officials from different organizations.
He thought that I may involve in disclosing his weakness to the officials. At that time, I refused
to accept my boss’s feedback because it was not only ineffective but also the feedback, he gave
me was from his personal fear of disclosing his flaw and the interest of his will not to send me
there which was out of the organization’s mission.
In conclusion, feedback could be constructive and distractive. After all the feedback we give is to
bring positive change to the person’s work performance. Therefore, the feedback we give must
be constructive, which can bring positive change to the person’s work performance. We have
also to be careful with our words when we give feedback, our tones when we speak, even our
body language and facial expression. This is because if we do not care and give attention to our
words and to the way we express and if it resembles a more negative and personal intention that
does not add any positive impact on the person’s work performance improvement, we may hurt
the person we gave feedback psychologically. Furthermore, we are not only contributing
negative input to the person’s work performance but also, we are reducing their work
performance and, in the end, damaging the organization’s work environment. An article written
by Kraft (2021) about the cause of negative feedback stats that it’s remarkable what employees
who feel valued and appreciated can do. When negative input is supplied, this dynamic can
swiftly shift. When you get workplace criticism, it may swiftly flip an emotional switch and
short circuit your level of devotion. The problem worsens if the feedback is given openly in front
of coworkers. Negative criticism may be humiliating and discouraging, and it can lead to a
decrease in productivity.
Thus, for any person in a position of managerial level, they should consider those mentioned
above and give constructive feedback to their employees.

Kraft, D. (2021, November 20). What problems can negative feedback cause on the job?
Woman. Retrieved February 9, 2022, from

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