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High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 10

Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 12/02/2019

Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo



Part B : Speaking

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
- learn vocabulary related to an excursion.
- talk about an excursion and know how to express their regrets for doing or
not doing something during the excursion.
- express information and improve the skill of speaking for details.
II. Time: 45’
III. Techniques: Pair/Group work, question and answer, communicative language
IV. Lexical items and structure(s):
 Vocabulary:
Nouns: excursion, fine, food poisoning, consequence.
Adjectives: carsick.
 Structure: Conditional Sentence Type 3
V. Teaching aids: pictures, mini boards.
VI. Procedures:
1. Class organization:
- Greetings.
- Checking the attendance.
2. Check old lesson:
3. New lesson:

High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 10
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 12/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo

Stages Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

WARM UP - Asks Ss some questions:

1. Where did you go on Tet holiday ?
(5’) 2. Who did you go with ?
3. Was your trip happy or not ? Why ?
4. What did you during your trip ? - Listen to the teacher.
- Answer the
* Suggested answers:
1. I went to Dalat/my
hometown….on Tet
2. I went with my
3. It was (not) quite
*Lead-in: happy because……
4. I visited my
I’m glad that most of you had an exciting relatives/ received
and healthy trip on your Tet holiday. lucky money….
Nga’s class also went on an excursion to
Huong Pagoda on the second day of Tet.
However, it turned into a terrible trip.
Now, let’s find out the reason through our
lesson today: Unit 11 – part B Speaking –
page 114/115.

PRE – - Pre-teaches the vocabulary. - Take notes.

- Uses techniques to help students guess
(12’) the meaning of the words.

 Excursion /ɪkˈskɜːʃn/ (n): chuyến

tham quan
Ex: They went on an excursion to
Hue on Tet holiday.
(context, example)
 Fine /faɪn/ (n): tiền phạt
= a sum of money that you must
High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 10
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 12/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo
pay for breaking rules or law.
(context, simple English)
Fine (v): phạt tiền
 Get a fine
 Consequence /ˈkɒnsɪkwəns/ (n):
hậu quả, kết quả
Ex: He drove too fast with tragic
(explanation, example)
 Food poisoning : ngộ độc thức ăn
= an illness of the stomach caused
by eating food that contains harmful
 Carsick /ˈkɑːsɪk/ (adj): say xe
= feeling ill/sick because you are
travelling in a car
- Choral repetition drill -> individual
pronunciation check -> memory check -
Check students’ understanding by asking
some questions. - Listen & repeat the
-Pronounces these words and show them new words
(spelling, part of speech, stress) on the
Task 1: Matching
- Explains the requirement of the - Listen to the teacher.
task. - Work in pair.
- Asks Ss to work in pair. - Read and do the task in
- Gives an example. 2 minutes.
- Asks Ss to read carefully the - Check the answers in
sentences in two columns and do pair.
the task in 2 minutes. *Suggested answers:
- Goes around to provide help. 1.f
- Asks Ss to do pair-check.
3. h
- Calls some Ss to give the answers

High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 10
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 12/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo
4. g
in full sentences.
6. c
- Gives feedback.
7. a

WHILE- Task 2: - Listen to the teacher.

SPEAKING - Asks Ss to read the requirement of
task 2.
- Gives a situation: You’re Nga’s
classmates and you’re not happy
with the excursion. Now, you’re
talking to Nga about the things you
wish you hadn’t done or you had
done during the excursion. - Write the structure of
- Asks Ss to read the examples and the Conditional
form the structure of the Sentence Type 3.
Conditional Sentence Type 3.
If + S + had (not) + P.P (V3/ed),
S + would/could (not) have + P.P
(V3/ed) - Work in pair.

*Meaning: unreal condition in the

- Asks Ss to practice in pair using the - Listen to their friends.
ideas in task 1. - Listen to the teacher.
- Goes around to provide help.
- Calls some Ss to go to the board
and write the sentences while the
others will make conversation.
- Gives feedback.

High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 10
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 12/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo

POST – - Gives instructions: Talk to your - Listen to the teacher.

SPEAKING friends about your excursion on Tet
holiday and express your regrets
about what you did or did not do
during the excursion.
- Asks Ss to work in group of 4. - Work in group.
- Allows them to use the ideas in
Task 1, but they need to use
Conditional Sentence Type 3 in
their conversation.
- Goes around to provide help.
- Calls randomly some Ss to stand in - Go to the board and
front and give their talk. make conversation.
- Gives feedback. - Listen to the teacher.

VII. Homework:

-Learn by heart vocabulary and the structure of Conditional Sentence Type 3.

-Do task 2 in your notebook.

-Prepare: unit 11-listening/ page 115-116. Search for information about special
features of Cuc Phuong National Park according to some questions:

1. What are the special features of Cuc Phuong National Park ?

2. How many different species of flora and fauna are there ?
Can you list the name of some of them ?
3. How many threatened and endangered species are there ?
What are they ?

High school: Nguyễn Hữu Thọ Textbook: English 10
Instructor: Trương Thị Tố Quyên Date: 12/02/2019
Trainee teacher: Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo

VIII. Teacher’s comment

 Comments:

Tuesday, February12th , 2019

Instructor Trainee teacher

Trương Thị Tố Quyên Nguyễn Thị Thu Thảo

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