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) Explain the ollowi n

aParty Wall.
A maU standi ng in between twd Muat i c h is their
common boundary is khown as Paxhy Wall i s qeneral
Como nly owned Thue aue coutain Kiguts tr tuis cOMOn
But sice t u wal is jointy 0ned theue is no
one omnu
anjouI exusive eamant

n caie one owne vaises the heiqut o pauty vall with

he oment t h e otheu, he does not dotive an ax cluaive
ngkt ovu it The othu ow hu acquires the same riquts as
the one who had vaised it. N e i h o o n e tan povide an
opening, windo or qi n the pauty tall wimou the
2Xpress fumission othe ofhuu
Evtn l hen one owne wants to cay u t yp airs
TeConsuction a n y kind thin i s porton,it is his
TAponsibility to a we hat the pauty wall will at be
2ndangued in any moannu.


)Easemunt of Riqkt oway

The 14ut to paus though Somebn elses proputty Is
Acquire eithr by axpreas qrant or touqh presaipti on
) In the irst case it is done with the utl Enow ledqe
and consenf ohe bwneA oth pmputty In that caie
it is a Covenant I s us ually put dohn in wiing
Sudh a viqlt nmay be qiven for a linited puiod m vy
aYe castA Itis qiven in papetutty . ln qranhna sucha
riqut, 30me kind cOmpensaBing ma be demanded.
3 How ewRN, h e n a peusO ULeA a porti on o and
without the knowledqe and conseut o its owneu sueh
as apedeai an pathw ay ov
Pin vei cle
nueu puicd o "
2.0 yeas without even oMce
beinq prevented from doing so, then the puon acquira
an easement o1qt a b ps esCmptio
A Onte such aneaement is acqulred, he seeuvient ownerr
is obliged to keep hat portion oland ec tor Dvement
odoinant ownes vehicde. HotevA, Ithne ca ement is
ovE small piecc l a n d wxed a a edesman pathway
the domi nant owhuu cannot compel the seaVIent o neu
to widen it to allow his veui clea to pass ovau it.
5 The dowinaut own is not obli qed to wmaintain the
1and can he
aected sip o nor

6) T& sIent DOMINENT

OWH cannot dig
trendhs or cause any SERV1ENT
kind oobstruction to
the dominant oWns
o re bvewen
A easenent oiqut ROAD
wTuy can be EXIS TINNG
ex tinquished bocth
e ownuu aqvee fo do DOMINENT HEK LSERVIENT
SO n witing HERI TArE
Mulua y aarecd NEW PATHWIAY
he size and positi on ATHWAY

othe attected stnp ROAD

land can be altuued, PROPOSE
s v i u f owne to OF RIGHT WAY
develop i s Ymaining pohon ol land in a desired manne

)Easement o liaht and air.

lea4ally speaking , evy ewneA is enhHed to veceiye
ligut and air fo is building nhich would co me to tuis land
in natural wa
2 In othe words, he has to bui ld luis buildinq na anner

which wiu ensue tmougu liqut and air from lis W popety.
a)tn most caLe Local authoitia yrescn be Marqi nal open
spacu on all sides depending upm heiqht and ni d
the buildina.
4) IheN Conutruchon is
pttmissible up to the edge AL
eownls boun dary,internal
towtyards aue povided }tor
T 45 AL
ad uitting suii ent liqht
and air
6The 1 qlut to acquive liqdt
and atrom he neighbours
land is a Presciphve
éasemeut. 3 owneu A HERITAGE AL
coushucts a bu ldivg

touchin9 his bGundary and

receives liqut and airfem EXTERNA CHOWK FOR
the neiqhboun Bs ANCIENT UGHT

PUpt y t r a puied o
20 yaaL , he acqui red he EASEMENT OF LuGHT
Easintt o tigut and air.
6The cpening in auch wallu become Anciut iquts
1 Cnce such ayn eaamut is dcqui yed , own B is obliged to
devalop his own propuuty in auch a wau Hhat th tigut and
AY o yed by o l n e A is not ale ct ed.

d)Natural nqhts oan oWnu.

The oIne d evuy immovable popeulty has a riqut fo
unjoy is p u y in ollwing ays
H e has exduuive aiqut to build on is lavd anY Aucture
wid is pumissible unde the local requlaions
He ha a ri qut to reiewe esh air uhich is not polluted
by oheu Puons
a) He has a riqut to live in i s houe with ruyaical eowort
wwch is nof wnduly ajected by.
) He has a iqut to recelve liqut and air lich is Yeeivea
vuhically pom i s o i n land.
land res and
5 He ahall enjoy natural suppovt or i s ,

bLL lAing on i s immediate suayevod ivas

Howeve , he boneA cannot have aement ovet uis own
land. W hen he. wants to sell ws popeuty he muust sell it
encumbranceA. hee aMe dny eastments or the
land is uothied tor acquisihon he uut disclose sut acks to
tMe prospechve purchas

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