9plertb7n MODULE 2 Introduction To World Religion and Belief System

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Introduction to World Religion and Belief System

Quarter 1 – Module 2

Historical and Geographical Contexts of the Different Religions

Prepared by:

Mr. Dan Lhery S. Gregorious, LPT, MAEd

What I Should Know

This module was considered and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
demonstrate understanding historical and geographical contexts of the different
religions. In your journey to explore historical and geographical contexts of the different
religions we make known to you the origins of each world religions for better
appreciation of one of the main forces that driven the modern world.

The module is focuses on the lesson, namely:

 Historical and Geographical Contexts of the Different Religions.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning

Standards Competencies

Demonstrates The learner conducts a Analyze the

understanding of group activity that interconnectedness of
historical and demonstrates the geography, culture and
geographical contexts of influence of a religion in religions
the different religions. a certain culture.

Historical and Geographical Contexts of the Different Religions

Here are some questions to consider as you read this lesson:

o How do religions start? Where? When?

o How is religion affected by geography and culture?
o How have various religious traditions influenced one another?

Studying history has long been associated to the history of religions. In studying
religion we should also take a look on their origins and development to fully understand
its teaching. The way of life of our ancestors has resulted in the formation of different
religion and belief system. Religions have been a significant aspect of history of
mankind in all places and times. They have been some of the essential forces, which
shape knowledge, the arts, and technology. Most of the historians are above all
interested in the context in which religions initially arose and then their subsequent
development, especially how they changed when they entered new societies.

Let’s do this. This is the Asian Map. Can you identify which dominant religions can be
seen in each Asia’s countries? Name at least ten (10) countries.

Images taken @ https://geology.com/world/asia-satellite-image.shtml

Country Religion











Let us know

1. Hinduism

With one (1) billion adherents, Hinduism place third

(3 ) largest religion in the world today. Most of its faithful,
seen this religion as a “way of life” rather than a religion.
Tracking its development Hinduism has deep-root past of
the Indian subcontinent, with thousands of years ago
when tribal religions were widely practiced across the
region. Hinduism spread across the region, becoming the
dominant force in South Asian way of life that lasted until
today. Hinduism is unique in that it’s not a single religion
but a compilation of many traditions and philosophies.
Image available at
2. Buddhism

Siddhartha Gautama (also known as Buddha) is

the founder of Buddhism, was born in Nepal some
2,600 years ago. Scholars consider Buddhism as one of
the major world religions with about 470 million
adherents. Its practice has historically been most
prominent and spread far and wide from India to Sri
Lanka and to the rest of Southeast Asia. The religion
was also seen in China and gained much development
as it stretched to East Asia, through the Himalayas, and
it extended the Tibetan lands. Presently, Buddhism has
Image available at

become more popular outside its place of origin. Presently around seven per cent (7%)

of the world’s population are Buddhists.

3. Chinese Folk Religion

Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism are the

so-called “three teachings” of China have a lasting
legacy within the country. From the teachings of
Confucius around 2, 500 years ago comes the
Confucianism while Taoism came from the teachings
of Lao Tzu around 200 years earlier.
Image available at
4. Shinto

Shintoism was a deep-rooted in the 7th century

B.C. The said religion is widely practiced in Japan
along Buddhism, which was introduced to the country
around the year 550. In fact, an estimated eighty
percent (80%) of the Japanese population practice
some form of Shintoism, but few self-identify as Shinto
any longer. Shintoism is centered on a belief in, and
worship of, kami. Kami can be elements of the
landscapes or forces of nature. Because the focus of Image available at
Shintoism is on the ritual of offering to the kami and communicating with it, the people
who practice it (mainly the Japanese) view Shintoism as a part of their culture and way
of life more than as a religion.

5. Judaism

Dating back nearly 4,000 years, the

oldest monotheistic religions is founded, the
Judaism. Adherents of the religion Judaism
believe in the existence of one God (Yahweh)
who revealed himself through ancient prophets.
Yahweh first revealed himself to Abraham, who
Image available at
became later the founder of Judaism. The https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Israel

history of Judaism is important to understand the Jewish faith, which has a rich heritage
of law, culture, and tradition. More so it is also vital in the development of Christianity
and Islam as this is known as Abrahamic religion as it traces both origins to the tribes
of Abraham.

6. Christianity

Christianity is the largest religion in

the world today, which is estimated to
have around 2.4 billion adherents. The
Christian faith anchors on the life of Jesus
Christ. According to the Gospels, Jesus
was a Jewish teacher and healer who
proclaimed the imminent kingdom of God
and was crucified between 30–33 BCE.
Early Christians suffer from execution and
brutality of Roman Empire. However,
time comes it would be the empire’s
religion and the well-known religion Image available at https://liztellsfrank.com/2013/12/23/john-tells-liz-what-
around the globe.
7. Islam

The second (2nd) largest religion

in the world, with about 1.8 billion
adherents worldwide is Islam though
Islam is the youngest religion in the
world. Islam started in Mecca (now
Saudi Arabia), during the time of the
Prophet Muhammad’s life. Islam is the
fastest-growing religion and includes
more than twenty five percent (25%) of
the world’s population. Like Christianity Image available at https://uk.news.yahoo.com/kaaba-brief-

and Judaism, Islam is an Abrahamic religion. history-holiest-muslim-205731667.html

Complete the table below by using the Asian Map above, identify
on which country do the following religions originated.

Country Religion

1. Christianity

2. Islam

3. Judaism

4. Hinduism

5. Confucianism

6. Buddhism

7. Shintoism

History.com Editors. (2017, October 12). Buddhism. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from

History.com Editors. (2017, October 12). Judaism. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from

History.com Editors. (2017, October 12).Shintoism. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from

History.com Editors. (2017, October 12). Islam. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from

History.com Editors. (2017, October 12).Hinduism. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from

History.com Editors. (2017, October 12). Christianity. Retrieved July 25, 2020, from

King, A., & Cole, B. (2008). Asia Map and Satellite Image [Digital image]. Retrieved July
25, 2020, from https://geology.com/world/asia-satellite-image.shtml

Wilbert, M. (2017, May 26). 6 Major Religious Traditions: Where Did They Come From?
Retrieved July 25, 2020, from https://www.brainscape.com/blog/2015/06/origins-of-

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