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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C  Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152-3041 March 29, 2022 – National Vietnam
War Veterans Day

To: Distribution [Politicians, Media, Potentially-Interested Persons]

Re: PA “Forensic Audit” of 2020 POTUS Election [PART CCCLXXV] – “New World Order”

I’m unimpressed with the pro-Russian narratives remitted in response to my pro-Ukraine

commentaries, but one lengthy analysis merits dissemination; it integrates many of the
claims received during recent months into an unnerving prognostication. It was sent by a
lawyer I met in my political travels among advocates for election integrity, and it cites
events that I recall having noted independently [such as international conferences
attended by inter alia Fauci that presaged the Covid-10 epidemic]. As opposed to the prior
“annotation” approach, it’s easier to critique facets thereof and then to introduce the
entire text. Granted, this possibly emanates from a pro-“Q” perspective [although I failed
to ID links from such articles to election integrity, months ago], but it’s desirable to take
it at face-value and then compare/contrast its tenets with what has/will transpire.

I must chuckle at references that are immediately ID’ed by people of a certain age, such
as those who watched Dallas and Dynasty, and who were aware of daytime soap operas;
such levity enhances digestibility. On the other hand, I already noted the political shuffling
among R/D parties regarding whether it’s desirable to provide Ukraine air-control; here,
noting the talking-heads on the Sunday-shows, the R’s are more hawkish than the D’s.
Whereas the D’s praise Brandon’s restraint, the R’s note his pattern of dilatory support.
My paradigm of the GOP-triad [establishment, pro-Putin neoisolationist, pro-Zelensky
pro-West activist] continues to fit the categorization of speakers, including on FNC; here,
the Dems are far more homogeneous [except for The Squad and Marc Lamont Hill] when
scoffing @ Brandon’s gaffes and blinding themselves to the daily slaughter of innocents.

When I requested permission to quote him by-name, his reply reflected his personality:

Sure. I have a fair amount of body armor (and too much fat), so I can handle
the likely incoming criticisms/attacks. Even our dearest Conservative
friends can have bouts of cognitive dissonance, and I know I certainly have.
I happen to have a lot of Ukrainian and Russian and some who are Russian-
Ukrainians in my life, and the views they have about this are interesting to
say the least. But none of the ones I’ve spoken to feel the US should get
into this, regardless of whether they support Zelensky or Putin. If they
seem to be on the fence, I just ask them if they would send a child of theirs
to fight this fight and not one has said they would. That says it all to me.
When you run from totalitarian rule it must make you more sensitive to
losing the freer lifestyle of the US, even under these horrible conditions.
I’m taking bets now, but only in sliver or gold, as to how high gas prices will
be by Memorial Day. Right now, the high bet is $10/gallon, and the low bet
is $6/gallon.

Andrew Teitelman, Esquire

380 Red Lion Road, Suite 103
Huntingdon Valley, PA 19006
P: 267-255-6864
F: 215-434-7491

Another friend who shares my sentiments and who was sent an [anonymous] copy of this
e-mail reacted as I did to one facet of the pro-Russian perspective that’s nauseating:

I also can’t stand the argument that “Ukrainians were Nazi collaborators!”
or “Azov Battalion is a neo-Nazi organization!” It’s Eastern Europe, a part
of the world with long sad history *everywhere* of anti-Semitism. Russia
included. And Putin’s personal mercenary army, the Wagner Group
(named after Hitler’s favorite composer) has a clear Nazi pedigree.

Remember, also, that the current activist initiative is to supply Ukraine with “safe skies”
rather than a NATO/USA “no-fly zone” because the former wouldn’t reasonably provoke.
Ignored in this essay is Putin’s capacity to blackmail Europe via the energy pipeline spigot;
irrelevant is reference to the USA/Mexico open-border, and highly relevant is the “other”
agenda at-play, to wit, supplanting the Judeo-Christian Ethic with Sino-Soviet globalism.
The only inserts are intended to clarify rather than to critique, for the message is holistic.

*** The Essay ***

I haven’t been following your analysis of “Putin’s War” until I read the below {*Again,
Putin must lose*}, so I was somewhat surprised that you are taking the bait from the MSM
(and yes, that includes FOX and Mr. {Mark} Levin - - perhaps especially them since we
Conservatives were and are still being conditioned to believe those sources as our only
hope), and our “leaders” who they advocate for. It is not worth debating what is
happening in Ukraine or why it is happening, since the key factor, for me at least, is that
we have no reliable source of information from which to be certain about any of that. It
is an information war after all, so we really need to listen carefully to what is being said
and by whom. When that happens, I seek nuggets of irrefutable truths and try to apply
discernment and reason to them to formulate my thoughts and opinions, all of which
intentionally remain open to revision.
There is one truth amongst the small number irrefutable truths I have discovered so far
regarding the Ukraine situation that disturbs me greatly - - that being both “sides” (Rs &
Ds and their proxies in the media) are on the same side in pushing this “war” on us as
though we need to be in it. Whenever these opposing forces join forces, I step back
instinctively. Then we have several seemingly irreconcilable matters to contemplate
before we can begin to form even a nascent opinion, of which the following are a few

1. Is Russia a nuclear armed world power? We are supposed to say yes to this, and I
will go along with that for now. YES. They may be nuclear armed, but are they
really a “world power” at this point?
2. Is Russia a threat to NATO that requires 24/7 surveillance and high alert of the
forces we (the US) keep stationed in Europe and at sea nearby? We are supposed
to say yes to this, but I will not go along with that for now in part because of the
below. NO.
3. Is Ukraine a part of NATO that is entitled to our full border protection and nuclear
umbrella defense? The answer to this is NO. We don’t even protect our own
4. Should we be provoking Russia/Putin by supplying lethal force to Ukraine? Based
on the evidence I’ve seen so far, the answer for me is NO, but they want us to say
yes to this so badly that both “sides” are pushing it…so my answer is NO squared.
5. If Russia is such a threat to NATO, how is it even possible that Russia is being
beaten so badly that the fight is still even going on (this is the equivalent of the
mainland United States invading Texas and being held at bay). I just don’t buy it.
6. If Russia is such a threat to NATO, how is it even possible that it would seek help
from China to take down Ukraine? It really can’t be both ways, so either we’ve
been lied to all along (which I do believe, but not just because of this) or there is
another agenda at play. I believe there is another agenda, a much bigger and more
integrated agenda than what is happening in the Ukraine.

The real agenda at work has been shown to us, but even many of us who have taken the
time to look and listen, haven’t been able or are unwilling (as in cognitive dissonance) to
connect the dots. The overarching agenda has been in play for at least an age (2,600+
years), but we only need to look back over the last three years to see all of what we need
to know for now.

1. In September 2019 “they” (the Globalists including the WEF, WHO, UN, CDC, FDA
and so many other connected GOs & NGOs) ran Event 201, being a “tabletop
exercise” to test our preparedness for a worldwide viral pandemic.
2. By mid-December 2019, word was being “leaked” that there was a major flu event
in Wuhan, tied to wet markets, bats, and maybe a lab.
3. From January 2020 through mid-March 2020, we (the American population) were
told not to worry and to keep on living “normally” by representatives of all the
above two and three-letter organizations, including Fauci.
4. Then, somehow suddenly (or not), in mid-March 2020 it is given the name “COVID-
19” and we are put on lockdown in our own homes to “bend the curve” for two
weeks (that only lasted two years to varying degrees) so our hospitals would not
be overwhelmed, and the rest is “history” or at least some-story that we are all
aware of and victimized by, even if we don’t agree on some critical facts such as
the safety and efficacy of the shots that have been pushed on us to the point of
being forced at risk of job loss for many. I won’t even begin to address the medical
fraud forced by the government and major suppliers of care and medicines,
whereby it became virtually illegal for doctors to speak against the treatment
protocols from on high, let alone treat your patients with other medications.
5. As a major function of the COVID event the worldwide economy was decimated
in the name of “saving lives” and for our own good, yadda, yadda, yadda. This
economic decimation has continued unrelentingly and even been accelerated
with the uncontrolled electronic printing of empty dollars and other world
currencies, which were then illiberally distributed to the now ‘unworked masses’
to keep them monetarily medicated as the next phase of the economic and liberty
(I intentionally do not use the word “freedom” as that was eliminated long ago)
destruction was rolled out.
6. During August of 2021, the same characters who held Event 201, did it again, but
this time it was the computer/internet version, and it was called “Cyber Polygon,”
whose purpose was to test world preparedness for… yep, you guessed it… a
worldwide computer virus that takes down the internet. This was followed by a
similar study in Israel I believe last December. If the rough timeline holds correct,
we can expect, and many Truthers are predicting, that we will see a cyber
takedown any time now.
7. The cyber takedown will be the final intentional deathblow to the US Dollar
(actually Federal Reserve Notes “FRN” that are debt instruments and not even
money), and will open the door to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), which,
in turn, will be the end of what liberties we have left since the government or their
proxies and the central banks can shut anyone down from any transaction any
time they want…and they will. They will use your ESG social credit score and, God
forbid you refuse any injection or other “medical” intervention they “mandate,”
you won’t be able to work, shop or do anything else. Forget about freedom of
speech or even thought.
8. Besides a one-world government and complete control over the human
population, a well and long stated goal of the Globalists is massive depopulation.
They want to take us from the approximately 7,500,000,000 humans there are
today down to a “sustainable” 500,000,000; and of those who remain, they will be
enslaved, “own nothing and be happy” (see Klaus Schwab of the WEF). This is
supposed to happen by 2030 (they call it “Agenda 2030”) and they do not try to
hide their plan. Please check out the Georgia Guidestones if you haven’t already
and the WEF website (once you cut through the sugar-coated turd language they
use, your tongue will drop).
So, the war in Ukraine is just another piece in this very ugly mosaic puzzle. One great way
to reduce the population real fast will be another world war where all gloves are off and
nuclear, biologic, and chemical weapons, along with energy weapons we can only
imagine, will be used with abandon. All because they got us to back a foolish plan to get
into a fight with Russia over Ukraine - - all led by a mentally deficient criminal who couldn’t
get foreign policy right even when his brain was ostensibly functioning during his 50 years
sucking at the public teat. That does not even begin to address the problems on our own
shores such as the intentionally open borders and purposeful closure of our fossil fuel

If you are a bit perturbed and feel a need to repel my arguments or defend your own,
then please do so as it will require your consideration and that is the whole point. You are
a very smart man and I have no doubt you will reach good positions that adapt as your
information changes, and that is my goal.

Be well, stay safe and get prepared.



P.S. Most world leader roads lead back to the WEF. That includes the comedic actor
Zelenskyy and our favorited autocrat, Vlad-the-Bad Putin. But, not to be outdone, so to
have The Donald and Ivanka willingly been participated in WEF programs. As the World
Turns, I only wish I still had confidence in General Hospital because I’m starting to get sick
and tired of being lied to, but I doubt I’d have enough gas to get there as the Ewings and
Denver Carrington have been shut down. Oh well.

*** Addenda ***

The friend who provided an initial reaction to this essay supra emphasized the existence
of potency that Brandon chooses not to invoke: “Contrary to what some say, no one is a
match for us. It’s not even close. The era of American Exceptionalism is far from over.
Thus, when I read the accusation that Trump acquiesces to the WEF, I recall how he had
attacked that organization while the incumbent; on the other hand, I have no “insider”
info as to whether he had “participated in WEF programs” previously/subsequently.

In light of the putative negotiations in Istanbul, it’s initially noted that Zelensky seems
poised to concede adoption of a neutral status and agreement to loss of [at least] Crimea.
Yet, during an extensive interview during which he elaborated timeline implementation,
his omission of citing Ukraine's supposed “Nazism” prompted Russian authorities to
censor its domestic broadcast. Thus, Dan Hoffman feels that “What scares Vladimir Putin
at the heart of this conflict is democracy. It's not that NATO represents a threat.” [BTW:
Ukraine negotiators and Abramovich suffered suspected poisoning.]

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