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Chapter I: Sequences and Series # Tutorial 1A Solutions 1. Determine if the following sequences are increasing, decreasing or neither. ay" (a) ned! (b) CM nex! nm © __| Solution Comments @, | This i (“=n becomes more and more negative”) a decreasing sequence since as n increases, -n” decreases. | [EER MUZE ese Extra observation: As n>, -n? —>~00, therefore the sequence is divergent. (b) | The sequence is neither increasing nor decreasing. This can be seen because the term (-1)" alternates in sign as m takes even and odd numbers. Extra observation: o ay magnitude, with the numerator altemating between -1 and 1), therefore the sequence is convergent and the limit is 0. As ne, 0 (sinee the denominator is becoming larger in (0) | The sequence is neither increasing nor decreasing. GC method © Press (MODE) to fROnrAL FLOAT AUTS REAL RADIAN HF adjust setting as shown bo] DEC FHAC-R>PROK TAT GRAPHGD YES Starornewostics' Eid OW Hwa Chong Institution Page 1 of 22 Chapter I: Sequences and Series and type in| EEN the general term Poth Mot Pate re Bilin "Seem seen expression. Use ae using the key lasucnrBntUn'2014) uCLaM uae lssvon)= abe @ Press to set the scales of x and peaxestype in| MINDOH formula. ® Press [nd][GEAPH) to = output the table - values and scroll i down appropriately. || #5 3 Lf © Wecanalso observe the sequence graphically by pressing This graph shows the values of the terms of : the sequence. Notice graphically that the sequence initially increases and then decreases after a while. From GC, we can see that u, is increasing from =1 to »=16 , and is decreasing for n >17 onwards. Hence it is neither an increasing nor decreasing sequence, Algebraic method B iwa Chong Institution Page 2 of 2 Chapter I: Sequences and Series Considering the expression y=, where x >0 x +2014 Differentiating with respect to x, x(4028-2°) Taam? 2014) 15.9 for x>0 ¥ 1 T 1 ((s2} (4028)3 {(soay} ® We 0 “ve as 1 Therefore for x= (40283, is maximum. And with 1; = _ consis, ng = —/&— z 0.0419 ana 154-2014 +2014 uy, =! 0.0417, we conclude that u, is increasing from 17'+2014 n=1t0 n=16, and is decreasing for n>17 onwards. Hence it is neither an increasing nor decreasing sequence, Extra observation: As n>0, —" 40 therefore the sequenceis convergent and +2014 the limit is 0. ‘To understand why as n>, 1 30, we express +2014 1 n se 88 ag divide w+2014 |, 2014 © each term throughout by the highest power of). Then as n> ©, we have Page 3 of 22 Hwa Chong Institution Chapter I: Sequences and Series 2. Determine which of the following sequences, {u,} for n eZ", converge and which diverge. Find the limit of the converging sequence ntl @ w=s- 2|— (b) Solution Comments @ yo 1 Note that if -T, When noe,(2) 0, therefore u, >> a" 30 1 Thus u, is convergent and limit is b) © | ,,-2t! We eannot write u, —*!_, ® 1. thisis ” a @ because 20 is not a quantity. Its just an When n>", 0, therefore u,—>1 . Thus u, is | aystract concept describing something convergent and limitis 1 without any bound. 2n+1 For example, if we have v, = , then wwe cannot say », the limit is actually 2. Whenever we have such situation, we shall simplify the expression, usually via long division: 2n+1 1 , 2+-, na 1 as n>», 90, therefore v, >2 n (©) | When n>, u, 00. Therefore u, is not convergent. | The exponential term e" goes to infinity faster than n when n— 0, Therefore when, e’ <0 a n>, u, Another way to see the behaviour of u, isto use the expansion of e” found in MF26 (you will be learning expansions in later chapter): Hwa Chong Institution Page 4 of 22 Chapter I: Sequences and Series e ‘Therefore as n> 910, ——>a0 7 (d)_ | For neZ* (positive integers), u, =sinnz=0 Since sinnz=0 forall n 00, w, is convergent and its limit is 0 sequence in this question is just a constant sequence of zeros. Therefore the sequence is convergent with limit being zero. © Asn>oa, = 50, sin n B iwa Chong Institution Page 5 of 2 Chapter I: Sequences and Series 3. [A level N82/P1/Qla, A level J83/P1/Q1a] (a) ‘The sum of the first nine terms of an arithmetic progression is 75 and the twenty- fifth term is also 75. Find the common difference and the sum of the first hundred terms. (4) (>) An arithmetic progression has the first term 1000 and common difference ~1.4. Calculate the value of the first negative term of the progression and the sum of all the positive terms, [4 Solution Comments ® $204 0-Id)=75 > ar4d=2 (1) a+2d =75 . —() AP ‘© Direct application of formula (2)-(): 20a - 70 a= for u, and S, 0 © Negative term, u, <0. a=75—24) (2) ‘Sum of the first 100 terms 102 ( 2-5) +00—)-2)}=16000 2! (| Let u, =1000-+(n-1)(-1.4)<0 ante one 15.26. The value of the first negative term is uy =1000 + (716 -1)(-1.4)=—1, This means 1,1... Uajs ate all positive Thus, sum of all positive terms is 7 (21000) +(71 5-1)(-1.4)) =357643 Hwa Chong Institution Page 6 of 22 Chapter I: Sequences and Series 4, [A level NOS/P2/Q4 modified] It is given that a, 6, c are the first three terms of a geometric progression. It is also given that a, c, & are the first three terms of an arithmetic progression. (i) Show that 6? =ac and c= 2** BI (i) Heace show that 2(2) -(2)-1-¢ BI a) \a (ii) Given that the sum to infinity of the geometric progression is S, find in terms of a. [4] )_| Solution ‘Comments OW | ABLE 5 o? 2c (shown) Properties of AP: Common difference a I Common ratio (sequired in (iit)) Properties of GP: Common ratio d=c-a=b-c > 2e=ath > c= chown) Note: Wrong to show 1, =n, = O) or 4=4 to prove AP or GP mt Refer to answer to respectively. since c= 24> weave | decide on what to z climinate, Bath a 2 (shown) * ti) bY (b (2) (b)a-e Before finding S, we need to find r first, a} \a ‘as we already have the first term a. The 2? -r-1=0 {sins common ratio r = 5) a key to obtain ris to recognize that the 2 a Qr+ir-1)=0 in the equation in part (i) is actually the 1 ratior rey (r#1 as sum to infinity S exists) 2a 3 Hwa Chong Institution Page 7 of 22 Chapter I: Sequences and Series 5. [Alevel N88/P1/Q13b modified] . 3 - Ina geometric progression, the frst term is 12 and the fourth termis =. Let the sum of the first » terms of the progression be S,, and the sum to infinity of the progression be S.. Find the least value of » for which the magnitude of the difference between S,, and S islessthan 0.001 [4] Solution Comments u,= 2 = (12)r° ‘© Direct application of formula for u,, S, and Sn ‘© Magnitude of the difference (0 va(s)en") vob 22)n() n> 12.966 Therefore, least integer n= 13. Hwa Chong Institution Page 8 of 22 (ii) Chapter I: Sequences and Series 6. [RVHS16/Promo/Q6] (i) ‘The sum of the first n terms of a series is given by 8, = n(n+11). By finding an 3 expression for the n'" term of the series, show that this is an arithmetic series. Hence, find the common difference of the arithmetic series. (4) (ii) ‘The first, seventh and m"* term of the series in part (i) are the first three consecutive terms ofa g sum to infinity of the geometric series exists Solution 8,=4n(n-t1) nt term of the series, tn = $,-Spt tenes) (constant) ‘Therefore, the series mn arithmetic progression. Common difference = 1, 7% and m® term forma GP 1 tem, 1 =a comettic series. In cither order, find the value of m, and determine if the Bl ‘Comments To show it is an arithmetic series, we need to have the expression of the »'® term of the series tp, so that we can show u, —1,.. constant; it is NOT showing S,-S,.= constant! To obtain u, from S,, we apply the general formula u,= 5, -S,., To show AP, we need to show u,—u,4 is constant for general value of n; it is NOT. sufficed to show u, —1, =, 14 We can find the terms that we need using the 1 =(2n+10) x 2ntl0) formula found in part (i), 4, Hwa Chong Institution Page 9 of 22 Chapter I: Sequences and Series 7H term, u, ~faas10)~8 8 common ratio, r = = 2 Since r=2 does not satisly the condition -L3 The sum ofall its terms is three times the sum of its first N terms, S. (i) Show that v(t} ® (ii) When = 39, itis known that S a Find the third term of 4. BI Solution Comments xi) aan) fea cay = 6° which isa constant (since x is a constant) ‘Therefore consecutive terms have a common ratio of, xxl end) Hence, the series isa geometric series. ‘@(i) | Sum to infinity exists when |r|<1, ic. eect =e" <1 (since e* is always positive) = h(e") x(x+1<0 => -Ixr<0 Set of values ofx = {xe R:-1 (N+Db=(N49)a Therefore, = ras 39 Za) = 122 2 20 4 39 10 = a5 Substituting into (1), b= 6 Hence, third term required is e+ S)-He- 3) u 20) 10° 10 2 a+b 546 Il or Oth _ 546 2.2 When applying the formula, students will have S= 224 438d), and to further continue with the working, students will need a= 2-4 found in part (b)(i), and 4 the result b -( N wat) fom (b)G) to #1 make S in terms ofa only Hwa Chong Institution Chapter I: Sequences and Series 8. [A level 17/P2/Q2] ‘An arithmetic progression has first term 3. The sum of the first 13 terms of the progression is 156. (i) Find the common difference. (2) A geometric progression has first term 3 and common ratio r. The sum of the first 13 terms of the progression is 156, (ii) Show that r° —52r+51=0. Show that the common ratio cannot be | even though =] isa root of this equation, Find the possible values of the common ratio. (4) (iii) It is given that the common ratio of the geometric progression is positive, and that the nth term of this geometric progression is more than 100 times the ath term of the arithmetic progression. Write down an inequality, hence find the smallest possible value ofn. BI Solution Comments (i) | Sum of the first 13 terms of the AP = | Apply the sum of AP formula to obtain d 156 13 =[6 412d] =15 3 [6+ 12d]=156 d=15 (i)_| Sum of the first 13 terms of the GP= | Apply the sum of GP formula to obtain the 156 expression? —52r+51=0 Use the sum of the first 13 terms to show that 156 cannot be obtained. woe sl (shown) Plot y =x'*—S2x+51 in the GC to solve for en r= I, ; Sum of the first 13 terms = the other two values of r 3x13 = 394156 Ther 1 UsingC, Note: Impossible to use GC to find roots of polynomial of degree 13 in PlySmlt2. Apps. To check if the graph of y =x" —52x+51 has only two tuming points, we can check using the derivative 1.451067,1.21 1.45,1.21 3s.) Alternatively, students can also check the —52r +51 region where the the graph of 3752-0 y=x'—52x+51 is strictly increasing. i.e. 13,2 5250 dr 13r? —52=0 => r?-4=0 Hwa Chong Institution Page 13 of 22 Chapter I: Sequences and Series (r° +2r* -2)=0 r=2, r° =—2 (No Real Roots) Using the G.C to solve, we obtain 1.12 or r=2*=1.12 that the graph of y =x" —52x+5lis correct since it has only two turning points. Gil) | Using r= 1.210024 Use the positive value of r to form the 100[3+(n—1)(1.5)]<3r"" correct inequality " 5000 OAT AUTE REA, ASOT TPP From GC, a 4nin +1) 34 4760, 35 5040, east number of stages = 35. Wy Distance = 2x4 + 2x8 +2x16 +2%32 +. ton terms, which isa sum of GP with first term 8 and common ratio 2 2-1 Distance run = 83] =8(2"— 1) fi) 7 3-1) 10 | 8184 [16376 “ he has run exactly 10 km during the 11th stage. Remaining distance to cover from O = 10000 ~ 8184 = 1816m, Since OAi1 = 8x2” = 4096 > 1816, he is running from O towards Ais Stage | Path Distance taken 1 OA Ad 2 OO 2x8 3 OAO 2x16 10 OAwO 4096 W OAyO 8192 n OA,O 2x{4(2y J-8x2" Students may do the following: 8(2"-1)=10000 =n=10.29 and they conclude that the runner is running towards O as the runner hasn't reached the halfway point (“10.5”). This is an incorre concept, as the formula 8(2"—1) is only valid for integral values n Hwa Chong Institution Page 17 of 22 Chapter I: Sequences and Series Distance from O 1816 a [A level 18/P1/QU1] Mr Wong is considering investing money in a savings plan, One plan, P, allows him to invest $100 into the account on the first day of every month, At the end of each month the total in the account is increased by 4%. (i) Itis given that a=0.2 (a) Mr Wong invests $100 on 1 January 2016, Write down how much this $100 is worth at the end of 31 December 2016. Ly (b) Mr Wong invests $100 on the first day of cach of the 12 months of 2016. Find the total amount in the account at the end of 31 December 2016. [3] (©) Mr Wong continues to invest $100 on the first day of each month, Find the month in which the total in the account will first exceed $3000. Explain ‘whether this occurs on the first or last day of the month. 15] An alternative plan, Q, also allows him to invest $100 on the first day of every month, Fach $100 invested earns a fixed bonus of $b at the end of every month for which it has been in the account. This bonus is added to the account. The accumulated bonuses: themselves do not earn any further bonus. Gi) (@) Find in terms of b, how much $100 invested on 1 January 2016 will be worth at the end of 31 December 2016. WW (b) Mr Wong invests $100 on the first day of cach of the 24 months in 2016 and 2017. Find the value of b such that the total value of all investments, including bonuses, is worth $2800 at the end of 31 December 2017. B) Itis given instead that a= I for plan P. (iii) Find the value of d for plan Q such that both plans give the same total value in the account at the end of the 60" month, 3] Hwa Chong Institution Page 18 of 22 Chapter I: Sequences and Series Solution Comments (a) n | Amount worth in account at the month 1 | 1000-+0.002) 2 100(1+. 0.002)" 12 | 100(1+0.002)? = $102.43 (nearest cents) $100 will be worth $102.43 at the end of December 2016 (ib) | Jn] Amount worth in account at the end of the nth month | Apply sum of GP formula to solve for the total amount at the end of T | 1001+ 0,002) December 2016. 2 | (100+ 100(1.002)) (1.002) 12 | 100(1.002) +100(1.002)? +100(1.002)' +... +100(1.002) =100(1,002)[1 +1.002+...(1.002)"'] — 100(1.002)[1- 1.002)" [11.002] =$1215.71 The total amount at the end of December 2016 = $1215.71 (nearest cents) (d(C) | Lood.002)](1.002)" —1) Since n = 29 is taken to be the last > 3000 [1.0021] day of May 1.002" > 1.0598 ‘The inequality n> 29.1 would mean > 1.05 that it could be the first day of June n> 205816 2018 or the last day of June 2018 in(1.002) that the total in the account will first n>29.1 exceed $3000. End of 28" month, the total amount is $2882.7 Since end of 29 month would result End of 29" month, the total amount is $2988.6 in $2988.6 and $100 is invested at End of 30% month, the total amount is $3094.8 the start of the 30" month, the amount will first exceed $3000 at the The month in which the total in the account first exceed $3000 | start of the 30 month is June 2018. It will occur at the start of the month. Gifa) | 100+126 (iiy(b) | 24x100+ [+ 26+... +248] Take note that the first $100 placed Hwa Chong Institution Page 19 of 22 on the first day of the first month would have accumulated 24b of Chapter I: Sequences and Series ii) = 24005504 24... 2) = 2400+b(12)(25) 2400+ 3006 1.33 (nearest cents) Total value in Plan Q = Total value in Plan P a-c.0n® 80 100+ [+ 26-...+.605]=100(1.01)] “9 — 4 bl Sa +60)) = 2248.64 5 =1.23 (nearest cents) fixed bonus by the end of the 24" month. Similarly, the second $100 placed on the second day of the second month would have accumulated 236 of fixed bonus by the end of the 24" month. Fquate the value of the two plans till the 60" month, Hwa Chong Institution Page 20 of 22 12 Chapter I: Sequences and Series [VIC 2020/BT/Q11] ‘A pandemic is an outbreak of a discase that occurs over a wide geographic area and aifects an exceptionally high proportion of the population, (a) During a particular pandemic, an undergraduate attempted to use a simple geometric progression model to examine the number of infected cases. The model is represented by an equation where a is the number of infected cases in the first week after a city’s health authority began tracking the city’s infection situation, w, is the number of infected cases in the nth week, and r is a constant representing the rate of infection in the city. (Fore particular city, a=20 and the city recorded 1000 infected eases in the ninth week. Based on the student's model, find the number of infected cases in the 11" week, and also the week when the total mamber of infected cases would first exceed 20 000. [6] (ii) In another city, the government started introducing strict movement controls from day X, so that the value of r is lowered to 0.7 for the subsequent weeks. If there were 12 000 infected cases in the first week afier day X, use the student's model to find the theoretical maximum total infected cases after day X. 12) (6) Ona happier note, at 2 deserted beach of the second city, it was observed that more baby leatherback sea turtles were being hatched during the pandemic period. A conservationist closely tracking the numbers found that on the first day, second day and third day, there were 24, 27 and 30 turtles hatched respectively, and she assumed that the aumber hatched on a day would always be three more than the previous day. She wanted to find the number of days, n, before a total of 900 turtles, would have hatched over the period. Write down a quadratic inequality for n and solve it to find the smallest possible value of (41 Hwa Chong Institution Page 21 of 22 Chapter I: Sequences and Series Solution ‘Comment 12a) wi 20r*=1000 => =S08 number of infected cases in 11th week = 20r"” ft =20) 50° = 2659 20(1-r" —— > 20000 = l-r" <-630.69 =r =r" >631.69 =n, 831 89 43, 187, gr By the end of the 14th week, total number of | infected cases would execed 20 000. ; Use sum of GP formula to establish an inequality. ‘Take note of the integer answer require (week) (i) 12(b) — 12000 1-07 [2(24) +(n-1)3] > 900 Total number of infected cases n 2 24n+1.Sa° -1.5n 2900 n +15n-600 20 (n+33.117)(n-18.117) 20 +9 = 9 + 33.117 18.117 n<-33.17 0 or nS 18.117 neZ> + smallest possible n= Hwa Chong Institution Page 22 of 22 Apply sum of AP formula to get the inequality 1° +15n-600 20 ‘Take note of the integer answer required.

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