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Delhi Technological University

USME, East Delhi Campus

Class Test-II 2021-22

Course/Section : BBA (Section B) Semester: VI

Subject: Project Management
Maximum Marks: 20 Maximum Time: 80 minutes

All 4 Questions (Part B of 10 MCQs comprising 1 question and Part A of 3 Questions) are compulsory
Each question carries 5 marks.

Part A:.

1. Draw the AOA network diagram; determine the critical path of the network and the total time
duration needed for the project from start to end, having the following activity schedule. (You
may either draw in your answer sheet in MS Word or attach a scan of hand-drawn diagram)

Activity Duration in days

A (1-2) 6
B (1-4) 4
C (1-7) 2
D (2-3) 6
E (3-6) 4
F (4-5) 8
G (4-8) 12
H (5-6) 10
I (6-9) 8
J (7-8) 8
K (8-9) 10

2. A project to develop technology training seminars is 5 days behind schedule at day 65. It had a
planned cost of $735,000 for this point in time, but the actual cost is only $550,000. Estimate
Earned Value, the schedule and cost variances, and the three Indexes for this point of time. Also
comment on whether each of these values is favorable or unfavorable.

3. Explain four priority rules for resource allocation. What priority rule is best overall? How would
a firm decide which priority rule to use?
Part B: Quiz Give only the correct answer option for each question of 1/2 Mark. (Don’t repeat the
question. Just answer the correct option for each MCQ).

1. The standard practice with AOA and AON is to estimate activity times under the assumption of
resource loadings that are __________.
a) probabilistic
b) crashed
c) normal
d) dynamic

2. In CPM, __________ are specified.

a) exact levels of uncertainty associated with activities
b) an expected time, a crash time, and the standard deviation time
c) three costs
d) two activity times and two costs

3. The __________ technique overlaps the design and builds phases of a project to expedite its
a) crashing
b) fast-tracking
c) leading
d) blitzing

4. The two fundamental approaches to constrained allocation problems are __________.

a) heuristic approaches and rules of thumb
b) linear programming approaches and optimization models
c) heuristic approaches and optimization models
d) goal programming and trial and error

5. In application, PERT has primarily been used for __________.

a) construction projects
b) manufacturing projects
c) industrial projects
d) research and development projects

6. The critical activities in real-world projects typically constitute less than __________% of the total
activities in the project.
a) 5
b) 10
c) 30
d) 50
7. In the AOA network, circles depict ________.
a) networks
b) events
c) logical dependencies
d) dummy activities

8. The calculation of the standard deviation for the beta distribution is based on the assumption that
a) the range is divided by a count of the values used to compute the mean
b) the range is approximately equal to six times the standard deviation
c) the standard deviation is 50 percent of the mean
d) the standard deviation is the square of the statistical variance

9. If a project budget is over funded, it will often __________.

a) produce waste
b) encourage slack management
c) improve morale
d) produce waste and encourage slack management

10. Identify the statement that is not correct regarding a project budget.
a) The budget is included in a project plan.
b) The budget is not an expression of organizational policy.
c) The budget serves as a control mechanism for the project.
d) The budget serves as a standard for comparison of planned and actual usage of resources.

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