Numbers and Quantity: Objectives

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Numbers and Quantity

After completing this lesson you should be able to:
 Express simple calculation
 Ask and answer question about the time
 Ask and answer question about the date
 Use a comparative adjective to indicate the degree comparison
 Talk about quantities of countable and uncaountable objectives


Vicky : Reitha, do you have something to do for today?
Reitha : No, I’m free now
Vicky : Can you go shopping with me, please?
Reitha : Sure, Where are we going to shopping?
Vicky : We are going to Gramedia Book store, I would like to buy an
economic book, an English dictionary, and I also want to buy some
stationeries, like: 3 pens, 2 pencils and a corrected pen.
Reitha : Alright, let’s go
Vicky : Come on Reitha, I have got them all
Reitha : How much are they altogether?
Vicky : This economic book is Rp. 85,000.00 and we have 15% discount of it,
this dictionary is Rp. 110,000.00, one pen is Rp. 12,500.00, one
pencil is Rp. 2,500.00 and this corrected pen is Rp. 9,000.00
Reitha : Do have enough money to buy them?
Vicky : of course, I have 250,000.00 in my bag
Reitha : So, you still have the change, don’t you?
Vicky : I hope so, How about the cost of our transportation?
Reitha : Oh yes, I think we just need four thousand rupiahs for each, and you
still keep the change.
Vicky : Sure.

1. How many people are there in the dialogue?
2. Who want to buy dictionary?
3. How much is an economic book?
4. How much money should be paid for pens?
5. How many pencils does Vicky need?
6. How much money should be paid for books?
7. How much money should be paid for stationeries?
8. How much money do they spend for their transportation?
9. Does Vicky still have change?
10. How much money will Vicky have left?

Please Note
The use of cardinal and ordinal numbers:
Floor 1 is the same as First floor = 1st floor
2 Second = 2nd
3 Third = 3rd
Room 4 Fourth room = 4th room
5 Fifth = 5th
6 Sixth = 6th
Rank 11 Eleventh rank = 11th rank
12 Twelfth = 12th
20 Twentieth = 20th
Level 21 Twenty first level = 21st level
22 Twenty second = 22nd
25 Twenty fifth = 25th

The use of cardinal and ordinal number in sentences:

Who won the price? Robby won the first prize

In which room do you stay? I stay in room 287 on the 2nd floor

Rewrite the following sentences using ordinal number
Example: It is book 1 ~~~~ It is the first book
1. Where is classroom 4? _______________________________
2. We are going to past building 5._____________________________
3. They are on level 7. ______________________________________
4. She is listening to song number 2. ___________________________
5. Tomorrow is day 13 for us. _________________________________

Imagine the building around you and try to tell about it

Here is an extract from a telephone conversation between a fashion desaigner, Marianne,
and a clothes manufactures, Juan then write a brief letter to Rina telling her the details of
this conversation

Marianne : Did you get the photographs I sent?

Juan : Yes they were really good. I liked them a lot. Now – when are
you coming to Milan?
Marianne : Soon, next month maybe, I’II come at the end of the month.
Juan : And will you bring the new designs?
Marianne : Of course! Not only the designs, I’II bring the clothes. They’re
already made and you can see them whenever you like.
Juan : I know Rina wants to see them. I’II tell her you’re coming next
Marianne : Fine. Oh, by the way Rina still owes me some money, you
know. I think she has probably forgotten. She said the money
would be in my bank last Tuesday and it hasn’t arrived yet.
Juan : Okay, I’II tell her. That’s all, isn’t it?
Marianne : Yeach, I think so. Can you ask Rina to call me? I’II be in all day
Juan : Okay, I’II tell her. Bye for now.

Vin Victoria Emanuele 11 200
340000 Milan Fax 33 (2) 24536749

Ref: JS/23/19
Dear Rina

I spoke to marianne yesterday. I told her __________ the photographs. She

said _____________to Milan at the end of next month. She also
said__________ the designs and the finished clothes. She _________ me to
remind you that ____________She said you_______________ the money
_______ in her bank last Tuesday but __________ arrived.
Finally, she ________ if you ________ call her. She said _____Friday.

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