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PSK 212- Statistics II: Exploratory Statistics
Semester: 2020-2021 Spring
Office: G410/A
Instructor: Burcu TEKEŞ, Ph.D.
Contact: burcutekes@gmail.com, burcutekes@baskent.edu.tr
Office hours: Due to COVID-19 pandemic, students need to contact with instructor via e-mail.



Course aim: The aim of this course to introduce students with exploratory statistics via Jamovi.
Course overview: In this course, you will learn the basics of scientific method, and basic data
analysis. By the end of the course, you should be able to plan, design, execute simple research
projects, analyze data, interpret the results and write a proper Results section.

Course learning outcomes:

 Sharpen their statistical intuition and abstract reasoning as well as their reasoning from
numerical data through psychological and social research.
 Be able to read and evaluate statistical results any given research reports.
 Apply probabilistic thinking skills to various problems.
 Be able to apply statistical software programs and able to summarize data descriptively.
 Evaluate statistical graphs according to their reliability in showing data properly.
 Develop better attitudes to statistics.
 Apply statistical thinking to other subareas of psychology.

Course materials:

Jamovi, J. N. & Foxcroft, D. R. (2018). Learning statistics with jamovi.


Dancey, C. P., & Reidy, J. (2007). Statistics without maths for psychology. Pearson education.

Weeks Topics
1. Introduction
2. Correlation
3. Introduction to hypothesis testing: t-test (one way & independent samples)
4. t-test (repeated)
5. One-way ANOVA (between)
6. One-way ANOVA (within)
7. Midterm
8. Two-way ANOVA (between)
9. Two-way ANOVA (within)
10. Reliability – Validity
11. Introduction to Non-Parametric tests & Chi-square
12. Overall

1. Be in the class.
2. I expect you are able to discuss about presented topics. Please be aware that there is no such
thing as ‘wrong answer’ as long as you state your idea politely. Active participation will be
3. Read all of the materials. It will help to understand the topic.
4. Participate in-class activities.
5. Academic dishonesty is strongly forbidden. More details, see page 3.
6. Please send an e-mail to me for all your question. If you didn’t receive a reply within 2 days,
send another one with a note “REMINDER”. You can see a proper e-mail example in page 7.
E-mails with an inappropriate use of language will not be answered.

Midterm: % 30
Quiz/Assignment: % 30
Final: % 40
TOTAL: 100 points

Policy on Grading:
The following grading scheme is used to assign the final grade for the course. No changes can be
made to your final grade unless there has been an arithmetical error.
A 95-100 B 84-80 C 69-65 D 54-50
A- 94-90 B- 79-75 C- 64-60 F1 49-0
B+ 89-85 C+ 74-70 D+ 59-55 F2


Required standards of academic performance and other issues:
Attendance to class

 You are required to attend classes and associated field work and laboratory sessions.
 You are required to attend all the classes and stay until the end of class.
 You are required to notify the instructor of any planned absences prior to the absence (directly
or in writing, before the absence takes place).

Attendance Sign-in Sheet

 Signing an attendance sheet on behalf of another student who present or absent constitutes of
the violation of the code of student conduct and it is considered to be academic misconduct.
Such violations will be reported to the reprobation and discipline procedures.

Submission of coursework

 You are required to submit coursework on time.

 You are required to notify the instructor (directly or in writing) prior to late submission of

Academic Honesty

Academic dishonesty includes and is not limited to cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, multiple
submissions, and denial of access to information and facilitation of academic dishonesty.
At first, your unethical behavior will ben warned and you will get 0 point for the assignments and
presentations that include academic dishonesty. If you have one more in a same or another class,
disciplinary action will be taken.
Please note that academic dishonesty will be recorded into your academic history and affect your
future academic life negatively.
Psychology department use ‘Turn it in’ program, which show academic dishonesty for all

Students who have academic dishonesty will be announced all instructors of the department.
Therefore, either you have one more or not, catch easily.
Academic dishonesty includes:
1. Cheating – Using unauthorized notes, technology or other study aids during an examination;
attempting to write on the desk (or find a written material on the desk you sit), communicate
with others in order to get help during an exam or in an assignment where collaboration is not
2. Plagiarism – The use of an idea, phrase, or other original work in a work and claiming
authorship; the use of papers purchased and turned in as original work.
3. Fabrication – Invention of information, citation, or data.
4. Multiple submissions– Resubmission of work previously used in another course or project.
5. Denial of access to information – Maliciously preventing the use of library or course

Communication codes
You are requested to be respectful for both oral or written communication with your instructors.
When you send an e-mail to your instructor

 Use a greeting
 Introduce yourself
 Briefly and politely state the reason why you are e-mailing and say thank you at the end.

Sample e-mail: -------------------------------------------

Please write your student number and a subject on subject line.
For example; Course Selection or About your ……… course.
Dear X or X hocam or Hocam or Mr./Mrs. X or Dear Academic Title_Name
My name is ………………….. and my student number is ……………….. I take the course
……………………….. and I need your help
Thank you very much for your help.
Best regards,/ Have a nice day, etc.
Name-Surname&Student number

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