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Plan for Final Project

The final deliverable will be a 10-minute or less recorded video (Due January 18 th at 17:00). Imagine that your
audience is a class of students like yourselves who have not learned about an expanded view of marketing. Your
video should be an example of the complexity of trade-offs faced by marketers.

You can pick from one of the two controversies you wrote about this semester. You have already developed your
ideas on this topic and you have received feedback to improve it. You are allowed to pick either position to the
controversy, even if it is different than the one you defended before.

The best videos will be shared with our extended voice guest professors (with your permission) and may receive a
wider audience. This is a chance to receive bonus points in addition to the normal grading.

Consider the following guidelines:

1. Show an understanding of the managerial perspective on the given topic. Show how it connects to the
broader marketing topic and marketing principles we discussed in the class.
2. Demonstrate how the topic connects to broader Macromarketing issues of sustainability and societal
well-being. Consider all stakeholders, the expanded 4 Ps, systems thinking and learning, etc.
3. Acknowledge alternative viewpoints. As in the written controversies, the most persuasive arguments
show an understanding of both sides of the issue.
4. Take a clear position, supported with evidence and clear argumentation.
5. Use creativity in how to persuasively capture audience attention and present your position. (It does not
need to be lecture or slide based, but can use different mediums, drama, art, etc. Consider how to mix text, voice,
and images to your advantage.)

Notes: Everyone in your group should speak and/or be seen in the video. Do no waste time with introducing
yourselves; better to do this with text if possible.

(Please delete everything above this line before submitting)

Team name:

Names of team members:

Provide answers to these parts:

1. Controversy and your Position.

2. Supporting Reasons. Bullet points, in one sentence each for your main points (2-4) is fine

3. Feedback Received. What feedback did you receive from professor grading and/or
classmates’ responses? How will you use this to improve your argument?

4. Creative concept. What is your idea for your video recording? How will you make it
creative, interesting, and persuasive?

5. Outline. Provide an outline for the structure of your video recording. You can revise this
slightly later, but the more you have your plan decided early, the less risk later.

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