A Heterogeneous Model of Disposition Effect

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Applied Economics

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A heterogeneous model of disposition effect

Mao-Wei Hung & Hsiao-Yuan Yu

To cite this article: Mao-Wei Hung & Hsiao-Yuan Yu (2006) A heterogeneous model of disposition
effect, Applied Economics, 38:18, 2147-2157, DOI: 10.1080/00036840500427403

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Applied Economics, 2006, 38, 2147–2157

A heterogeneous model of
disposition effect
Mao-Wei Hung* and Hsiao-Yuan Yu
College of Management, National Taiwan University, No. 1, Section 4,
Roosevelt Road, Taipei, Taiwan

A portfolio choice model is provided to illustrate the disposition effect

under irrational belief in mean reversion assumption. Higher cognitive
reference, stronger irrational belief in mean reversion magnitude and less
risk aversion all strengthen the disposition effect in the model. The
equilibrium market interest rate is priced after the market clearing
condition is employed. The grater disposition effect reduces the capital
mobility from the stock market to the bond market and thus mitigates the
dropping of the market interest rate.

I. Introduction for losers are not greater than those for winners,
but investors continue to believe they are despite
Investors sometimes are reluctant to realize their persistent evidence to the contrary, this belief
capital losses as paper losses occurred but are willing would be irrational . . . Most of the analysis
to realize their capital gains as paper gains occurred. presented here does not distinguish between
This asymmetric financial behaviour is termed as the prospect theory and an irrational belief in mean
‘Disposition Effect’ by Shefrin and Statman (1985). reversion as possible explanations for why
Many different theories and researches have been investors hold losers and sell winners . . .
proposed to explain it. However, to the best of the
authors’ knowledge, most disposition effect related Based on Odean (1998), and Barberis and
papers are empirical researches and studies. Pure Thaler (2002), a disposition effect related theore-
theoretical models are still scarce in this field. Thus, tical model is built in this paper that is based
the motivation is to construct a theoretical model on upon the irrational belief in mean reversion. This
the disposition effect in this paper. Based on previous is motivated by how financial economists construct
literature, the most prevalent theory is the prospect their theoretical models for the disposition effect
theory, provided by Kahneman and Tversky (1979). based on the prospect theory; only few or even
However, in Odean (1998, p. 1777),1 an alternative none put emphasis on irrational belief in mean
behaviour theory – the irrational belief in mean reversion so far. Therefore, the main goal is to try
reversion – is introduced: to build a simple theoretical model based on
irrational belief in mean reversion for better
Investors might choose to hold their losers and interpretation of the disposition effect. In addition
sell their winners not because they are reluctant to the mean reversion belief, the concept of
to realize losses but because they believe that cognitive reference price level from Grinblatt and
today’s losers will soon outperform today’s Han (2001), and Odean (1998) is also employed
winners . . . If, however future expected returns into the setup of the mean reversion process. This

*Corresponding author. E-mail: hung@mba.ntu.edu.tw

Barberis and Thaler (2002) surveyed the irrational belief in mean reversion theory.
Applied Economics ISSN 0003–6846 print/ISSN 1466–4283 online ß 2006 Taylor & Francis 2147
DOI: 10.1080/00036840500427403
2148 M.-W. Hung and H.-Y. Yu
helps investors judge whether they have cognitive second power and second power interaction term of
paper losses or gains. Besides, similar to Dumas market interest rate and aggregate wealth share are
(1989), and Kogan and Uppal (2000, 2002),2 employed to solve the model and to apply the log
heterogeneous agents are incorporated into the linearization approach. This is different from
economy. This completes the model and brings Vasicek (1977) who chooses the market interest
about various dynamic results. rate as the state variable and distinct from
There are still some distinctions in this paper Campbell and Viceira (2002) who uses the first
amongst other previous papers and caveats worth power log linearization approximation.
mentioning. First, in contrast with Grinblatt and Prior disposition effect related papers were
Han (2001), the cognitive reference price level and mostly empirical studies. Andreassen (1988) demon-
the current stock price are added into the equity strates that individuals make their buying and
premium term instead of into the market demand selling decisions as if they expect short-term mean
term. This is because the focus is the portfolio reversion. Czarnitzk and Stadtmann (2005) reports
choice and the disposition effect, not the market a positive relation between the sales of investor
returns. Second, after modelling the theory of magazines and the stock market development to
irrational belief in mean reversion, it is possible to elucidate disposition effect. Odean (1999), Barber
setup cognitive reference price level and current and Odean (2002) and Barber et al. (2003) provide
stock price in the form of mean reversion.3 Note empirical evidence that buying decision, due to the
that when the current stock price is above the searching problem, virtually depends on the atten-
investor’s cognitive reference price level (in gain tion effect and implies that the irrational belief in
domains), investors accrue paper gains and the mean reversion may have little impact on the
mean reversion belief fails to work. Consequently, buying decision. As to the selling decisions, Odean
there is no (negligible) disposition effect. However, (1998) successfully uses empirical data to elucidate
when the current stock price falls below the supportive evidence of the disposition effect.4,5 In
investor’s cognitive reference price level (in loss Odean (1998), both prospect theory and irrational
domains), investors suffer paper losses and the belief in mean reversion are main candidates for
mean reversion belief starts to work; hence gen- explaining the disposition effect. It suggests that the
erates a disposition phenomenon. This phenomenon irrational belief in mean reversion plays a key role
could be traced back to the concept of mean in the selling decision and in the phenomenon of
reversion. A belief that falling into the loss domains disposition effect. In addition to the prospect
convinces investors to believe that current falling theory and the irrational belief in mean reversion,
stock price is temporary and prices will recover Lakonishok and Smidt (1986) provide some other
soon. This belief indeed makes investors reluctant reasons for the disposition effect, the purpose of
immediately to realize their losses. Third, similar to diversification of market portfolio and the realiza-
Dumas (1989), and Kogan and Uppal (2000, 2002), tion of private favourite information. Harris (1988)
the aggregate wealth share is used as the state highlights expensive trading costs of lower price
variable. This provides various asset pricing impli- stocks to explain the disposition effect.
cations in the equilibrium. However, in contrast Disposition effect is found not only in stock
with them, the analytical solutions are approxi- markets but also in other asset markets.6 Genesove
mated using the log linearization approach pro- and Mayer (2001) find that in the housing markets,
vided by Campbell and Viceira (2002), not the sellers are usually reluctant to sell their house below
perturbation analysis approach by Kogan and their original purchase price. In the futures
Uppal (2000, 2002). Besides, due to choosing the markets, Coval and Shumway (2000) present the
aggregate wealth share as the state variable, a behavioural study of professional traders in the
Wang (1996) and Detemple and Murthy (1997) also provide heterogeneous agents and portfolio constraint models.
Campbell (2000) surveys the heterogeneity in asset pricing at the millennium. Affuso (2002) and Holman and Graves (2002)
empirically report the significant importance of heterogeneity by UK and US data respectively.
Arak and Taylor (1996) have developed and tested the mean-reverting model setup between foreign stocks and closed-end
country funds.
Grinblatt and Keloharju (2001) have the similar empirical disposition effect results by using Finland data. They find that
past returns have important influence in determining disposition behaviour and the seasonality plays another interesting issue
as well.
Shapira and Venezia (2001) report some similar disposition results by using Israeli data. They show that not only the
individual investors have the disposition effect but also do the institutional investors.
Dyl (1977), Constantinides (1984), Lakonishok and Smidt (1986), and Badrinath and Lewellen (1991) all provide evidence of
disposition effect.
A heterogeneous model of disposition effect 2149
Treasury Bond futures pit at the CBOT.7 In their For type II agent who is the rational investor:
study, the traders who have earned profits in the
morning tend to take less risk in the afternoon, C1

UðC2 Þ ¼ ð3Þ
while the traders who have accumulated losses in 1  2
the morning are willing to take more risk in the dPt
afternoon. This is consistent with the disposition ¼  dt þ  dZ ð4Þ
effect explained by the prospect theory.
This paper emphasizes two main contributions and for both agents:
which include: (1) building a simple pure theoretical
model for disposition effect based on irrational belief ¼ rt dt ð5Þ
in mean reversion and (2) successfully comparing two
heterogeneous agents’ portfolio choices and pricing  s  sÞ dt þ s dZs
ds ¼ ð ð6Þ
the equilibrium market interest rate. It is organized as
follows: Section II introduces the disposition effect where s ¼ W1 =ðW1 þ W2 Þ and subscripts denote the
model with irrational belief in mean reversion. types.
Optimal consumption and portfolio choice policies Equations 1 and 2 are for the disposition investor
are eventually derived for heterogeneous agents in while Equations 3 and 4 are for the rational investor.
this section. Market clearing condition to solve the Two agents are set to be heterogeneous not only in
equilibrium interest rate is included in this section as preference but also in expected price dynamics (in
well. Section III applies the results from the previous beliefs) outset. Equations 5 and 6 are the same for
sections and discusses their portfolio applications and both agents. In Equations 1 and 3, the power utility
asset pricing implications. Some implication calibra- over consumption with different constant relative risk
tions are given in Section IV. Finally, Section V aversion,  1 and  2 are for the disposition investor
concludes the paper. and for the rational investor, respectively. In terms of
the rational investor, the risky asset evolves according
to Equation 4 which follows a geometric Brownian
motion; where the diffusion term, , presents the
II. The Disposition Effect Model instantaneous volatility of the risky asset and the drift
term,  presents the instantaneous return of the risky
Following Dumas (1989), Odean (1998), Kogan and asset. In contrast to the rational investor, the
Uppal (2000), Grinblatt and Han (2001), Campbell disposition investor measures (believes) the evolution
and Viceira (2002), Chang and Hung (2002), and of risky asset according to Equation 2, which is
Wirjanto (2004), a fundamental consumption-based almost the same as Equation 4 with the exception of
theoretical model is provided to elucidate the the drift term. In the drift term of Equation 2, besides
disposition effect in the asset market. the constant return , there is one other excess
premium component, 1 ð1  ðPt =Rt ÞÞ; where 1  0,
Investment opportunity set and economy and Pt, Rt present the current risky asset price and the
cognitive reference price level, respectively Pt varies
It is assumed that there are only two different assets
with the stock price while Rt is fixed initially by the
in the chosen economy. One is the risk-free asset in
disposition investor. The reference level (Rt) could be
the bond market and the other is the risky asset in the
thought of as investor’s original purchase cost. The
stock market. The aggregate wealth share is selected
term 1 ð1  ðPt =Rt ÞÞ, referred to as the irrational
as the state variable and adopt the power utility over
belief in mean reversion, is set in the form of mean
consumption with different constant relative risk
reversion because it will help generate the disposition
aversion for two heterogeneous investors. The
model is as follows: effect. The rational investor has no concept of the
For type I agent who is the disposition investor: cognitive reference price level and has no irrational
belief in mean reversion. Thus she would not expect
the extra premium. On the contrary, the disposition
UðC1 Þ ð1Þ
1  1 investor is knowledgeable of cognitive reference price
   level and irrational belief in mean reversion.
dPt Pt Consequently she expects to generate the extra
¼  þ 1 1  dt þ  dZ ð2Þ
Pt Rt premium when choosing a risky asset. This is the
Locke and Mann (1999) provide the professional futures traders have tendency to hold losing trades with longer periods and
larger positions than to hold winning trades.
2150 M.-W. Hung and H.-Y. Yu
discrepancy between the rational investor and the condition: limt!1 E0 ½JðW1 , W2 , rt , s, tÞ ¼ 0. Thus
disposition investor. If the current price is below the there is the following Euler equations that suggest
cognitive reference price level, a disposition investor the optimal consumptions and portfolio choices.
with the extra premium will raise her total required
equity premium since 1 ð1  ðPt =Rt ÞÞ > 0. In the UC1 ¼
e t C
¼ JW 1 ð9Þ
following sections, it is demonstrated that higher
UC2 ¼ ð1 
Þe t C
¼ JW 2 ð10Þ
required equity premium indeed creates the disposi-
tion effect. Equation 5 states the dynamic process of  1
the risk-free asset with the instantaneous drift term r. ðJW1 W2 Þ2
1 ¼ 1 
The state variable, the aggregate wealth share, is ðJW1 W1 W1 ÞðJW2 W2 W2 Þ

defined as the proportion of the disposition investors’ 1 ðJW1 W2 ÞðJW2 Þ
wealth over aggregate wealth. In Equation 6, it is JW W W1 =JW1 ðJW1 W1 W1 ÞðJW2 W2 W2 Þ
assumed that the aggregate wealth share follows an  1 1  
W2   r 1 1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞ
Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process; where  2 ð0, 1Þ pre-  þ
W1 2 JW1 W1 W1 =JW1 2
sents the adjustment speed; s presents the long run   
mean and  s is the instantaneous volatility of the JW1 s ðJW1 W2 ÞðJW2 s Þ s
þ þ 
aggregate wealth share. Finally, both Z and Zs are JW1 W1 W1 ðJW1 W1 W1 ÞðJW2 W2 W2 Þ 
standard Wiener processes and where dZsdZ ¼ dt ¼ M IB H
1 þ 1 þ 1 ð11Þ
and  is the correlation coefficient between Z and Zs.
ðJW1 W2 Þ2
2 ¼ 1 
The optimal consumption policies and ðJW1 W1 W1 ÞðJW2 W2 W2 Þ

portfolio choices 1 ðJW1 W2 ÞðJW1 Þ
An imaginary social planner is used to demonstrate JW2 W2 W2 =JW2 ðJW1 W1 W1 ÞðJW2 W2 W2 Þ
the maximization problem of the whole economy. In W1   r ðJW1 W2 ÞðJW1 Þ W1
this economy, the planner wants to maximize the W2 2 ðJW1 W1 W1 ÞðJW2 W2 W2 Þ W2
following inter-temporal expected welfare utility and 
1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞ
is subject to the inter-temporal budget constraint. 
(Z " # )   
 t C1
JW2 s ðJW1 W2 ÞðJW1 s Þ s
max E0 e
þ ð1 
Þ dt þ þ 
fC1 , C2 , 1 , 2 g 0 1  1 1  2 JW2 W2 W2 ðJW1 W1 W1 ÞðJW2 W2 W2 Þ 
ð7Þ ¼ M IB H
2 þ 2 þ 2 ð12Þ

subject to where the subscripts of value function J denote the

partial derivatives.
dW ¼ dðW1 þ W2 Þ Equations 9 and 10 are referred to as the ‘envelope
Pt condition’ which states that the optimal consumption
¼ 1  þ 1 1   rt þ rt W1  C1 dt
Rt policy depends on the marginal value function.
  Different from traditional envelope conditions, the
þ 1 W1 dZ þ ½2 ð  rt Þ þ rt W2  C2 dt
optimal consumption policies depend not only on the
þ 2 W2  dZ ð8Þ
value function but also on the social planner’s
where C1, C2 and W1, W2 present the consumption subjective weights.
and the wealth of the disposition investor and of In Equation 11, the optimal portfolio choice for the
rational investor, respectively. E is the expectation disposition investor consists of three main parts: the
operator. is the individual discount rate which is set myopic demand ðM 1 Þ, the irrational belief demand
to be constant over time.
and (1 
) are the ð1 Þ, and the hedging demand ðH
1 Þ. The first term on
planner’s subjective weights (NOT the wealth the right hand side in Equation 11 is referred to as the
weights) of the disposition investor and of the myopic demand, which measures the effect of excess
rational investor, respectively. Finally, 1 and 2 return on the portfolio choice. It comprises both type
denote the portfolio choices invested in the risky asset of agents’ effects ðJW1 W1 and JW2 W2 Þ, the interaction
of the disposition investor and of the rational effect ðJW1 W2 Þ, and the wealth ratio (W2/W1) between
investor, respectively. the rational investor and the disposition investor. The
Adopting the dynamic programming approach, interaction effect and the wealth ratio effect are rarely
there is the value function J(W1, W2, rt, s, t) that studied in previous literature. Note that the
satisfies suitable regularities and the transversality ðJW1 W1 W1 =JW1 Þ is referred to as the Arrow–Pratt
A heterogeneous model of disposition effect 2151
measure of risk aversion. The middle part on the right total different story to our paper. This distinction will
hand side in Equation 11 is termed as the irrational be reviewed in the coming sections.
belief demand which is the main focus in this paper.
As to the disposition investor’s part, it is very similar
to the prior myopic demand. Both of them include Analytical solutions of Heterogeneous investors
risk premiums and are measured by the risk aversion
of the disposition investor and by the instantaneous Following Campbell and Viceira (2002) and Chang
volatility of risky assets. The differences between the and Hung (2002), it is known that the optimal
two are the forms of required risk premiums. The consumption policies and portfolio choices for each
myopic demand requires an excess return premium investor are:8
(  r) yet the irrational belief demand requires a

c1  w1 ¼  a0 þ a1 s þ a2 s2 þ a3 r þ a4 r2 þ a5 rs
mean reverting risk premium ð1 ð1  ðPt =Rt ÞÞÞ which
is dependent upon the current risky asset price and þ log
the disposition investor’s cognitive reference price 1
level. At last, the rest of the right-hand side in

c2  w2 ¼  b0 þ b1 s þ b2 s2 þ b3 r þ b4 r2 þ b5 rs
Equation 11 is referred to as the hedging demand.
Disposition investor adopts the aggregate wealth þ logð1 
Þ ð14Þ
share to be the state variable as her hedging tools. It 2
also incorporates both type of agents’ effects and the  
1 ð  rÞ 1 1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞ 2A2  A0 1
interaction effect between them. As to the rational 1 ¼ þ þ
1  2 1 2 2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ
investor’s optimal portfolio choice in Equation 12, it h i
s s
is similar to the prior disposition investor’s portfolio  r þ A2 ðs  sÞ  A3 
choice. Nevertheless, the main discrepancy between
¼ M IB
1 þ 1 þ 1
Equation 11 and Equation 12 is the middle term, the
irrational belief demand. When observing the irra-  
1 ð  rÞ 2B2  B0 1
tional belief demand of the rational investor and of 2 ¼ þ
2  2 2B2 ðB1 þ B4 Þ
the disposition investor, it is obvious that the h i
s s
disposition investor governs her irrational belief  r þ B2 ðs  sÞ  B3 
demand by the risk aversion, ðJW1 W1 W1 =JW1 Þ, but M H
the rational investor governs her irrational belief ¼ 2 þ 2 ð16Þ
demand through the interaction effect and the relative where
wealth ratio. This great distinction certainly brings a
1 1 log
½ þ 1 Þð1  ðP=RÞÞ2 2A2  A0 1 2 A0 1
a0 ¼ ðA0 1 Þ A0 0 þ  þ þ ðA2 s þ A3 Þ  A2 A4
1 21  2 1  1 2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ 2A2
ð2A2  A0 1 Þ
a1 ¼ ðA2 s  A3 Þ
2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ
2A2  A0 1
a2 ¼
4ðA1 þ A4 Þ
 þ 1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞ s 2A2  A0 1 A0 1
a3 ¼ ðA0 1 Þ1 1  þ  ðA 2 
s þ A 3 Þ
1  2  2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ A2
 2  2A  A A 
1  s 2 0 1 0 1
a4 ¼ ðA0 1 Þ1  
21  2  2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ 2A2
2A2  A0 1 s
a5 ¼ 
2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ 
1 1 logð1 
Þ 2 2B2  B0 2 B0 1
b0 ¼ ðB0 1 Þ B0 0 þ  þ þ ðB2 s þ B3 Þ  B2 B4
2 22  2 1  2 2B2 ðB1 þ B4 Þ 2B2
ð2B2  B0 1 Þ
b1 ¼ ðB2 s  B3 Þ
2B2 ðB1 þ B4 Þ

The proof is available upon request.
2152 M.-W. Hung and H.-Y. Yu

2B2  B0 1
b2 ¼
4ðB1 þ B4 Þ
1  s 2B2  B0 1 B0 1
b3 ¼ ðB0 1 Þ 1 þ  ðB2 s þ B3 Þ
2  2  2B2 ðB1 þ B4 Þ B2
1 s 2 2B2  B0 1 B0 1
b4 ¼ ðB0 1 Þ1  
22  2  2B2 ðB1 þ B4 Þ 2B2
2B2  B0 1 s
b5 ¼ 
2B2 ðB1 þ B4 Þ 
ð1=1 Þ 1 s2 ð2  1Þ 1  s P 1 s2
A0 ¼ , A1 ¼ , A2 ¼ , A3 ¼   þ 1 1  , A4 ¼
1  1 2 1  1  R 2ð1  1 Þ
2 ð1 
Þð1=r2 Þ 2 s2 ð2  1Þ 2  s 2 s2
B0 ¼ , B1 ¼ , B2 ¼ , B3 ¼ , B4 ¼
1  2 2 1  2  2ð1  2 Þ
0 ¼ ec1 w1
ð1=1 Þ ½1  c1  w1 , 1 ¼
ð1=1 Þ ec1 w1 ,

0 ¼ ec2 w2 ð1 
Þð1=2 Þ ½1  c2  w2 , 1 ¼ ð1 
Þð1=2 Þ ec2 w2

The small letters of consumption and wealth Market clearing condition and
present their corresponding log values. equilibrium interest rate
Therefore, the social value function can be
In the heterogeneous economy, the market interest
presented as:
rate is set as an endogenous variable left to be solved
in the last. There are two asset markets in the model,
2 2 W1 1
the stock market and the bond market. Following
JðW1 , W2 ,s,r,tÞ ¼ e tþ1 ða0 þa1 sþa2 s þa3 rþa4 r þa5 rsÞ 1
1  1 Kogan and Uppal (2000), it is assumed, that the
2 2 W1 2 aggregate supply of stock is unity in the stock market
þ e tþ2 ðb0 þb1 sþb2 s þb3 rþb4 r þb5 rsÞ 2
and net zero supply of bond in the bond market.
1  2
According to Walras’ Law, the bond market is
cleared to have the equilibrium interest rate.9
which is associated to a second power function
with the state variable, the interest rate and the sð1  1 Þ þ ð1  sÞð1  2 Þ ¼ 0
interaction term.
The optimal consumption policies for both agents After the market clearing condition is employed, the
are associated with the second power of the state equilibrium market interest rate is:

1  ð=2  2 Þ  b5 ½B2 ðs  sÞ  B3   ðs1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞ=1  2 Þ þ s½ðð1  2 Þ=1 2  2 Þ  ða5 A2  b5 B2 Þðs  sÞ þ ða5 A3  b5 B3 Þ
r ¼
ðb5 ðs =Þ  ð1=2  2 ÞÞ þ s½ða5  b5 Þðs =Þ þ ð1  2 Þ=1 2  2 

Equation 17 demonstrates the equilibrium market

variable, the market interest rate as well as their interest rate in the heterogeneous economy. The
second power interaction term in the heterogeneous irrational belief demand appearing in the numerator
economy. The optimal portfolio choices for the two is ad hoc in this paper, thus conflicting with previous
agents are associated with the first power of the literatures.
state variable. The mean reversion belief
ð1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞÞ appears both in the irrational
belief demand and in the hedging demand (in A3)
for agent I but totally disappears for agent II. This III. Asset Pricing Implications
discrepancy helps generate the disposition effect
phenomenon. This discrepancy in Section IV is Some financial behavioural applications and asset
calibrated. pricing implications are introduced in this section.
It is the same to clear the stock market: s1 þ ð1  sÞ2 ¼ 1.
A heterogeneous model of disposition effect 2153
Investment behaviours the irrational belief demand persistently is referred
to as the contrarian.
Based on the optimal portfolio policy in
Equation 15, the disposition investor builds her 1 ð  rÞ 1 1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞ
1 ðContrarianÞ ¼ þ
portfolio choice according to the myopic demand, 1  2 1 2
the irrational belief demand, and the hedging 2A2  A0 1
demand. þ
2A2 ðA1  A4 Þ
Recalling the irrational belief demand in Equation h i
s s
15, which has a mean reversion form that starts the  r þ A2 ðs  sÞ  A3 
asset allocation implications, the irrational belief M IB
¼ 1 þ 1 þ 1 H
demand is categorized into four specific investment
behaviours. First, when the current stock price is
above the individual’s cognitive reference price level, The disposition investor. A disposition investor is
it falls under the gain domains; on the other hand, influenced by the disposition effect, thus making her
when the current stock price is below the individual’s reluctant to sell losers. This peculiar behaviour occurs
cognitive reference price level, it falls under the loss only when the underlying asset is a loser, not a
domains. Whether the irrational belief demand works winner. The investor waits for her portfolio price to
or not, Table 1 sorts out these four specific come back to the original purchasing price or to her
investment behaviours. cognitive reference price because she has a belief in
mean reversion when the price drops. This implies
that the disposition investor treats the stocks in her
The rational investor. The rational makes her
portfolio unequally and asymmetrically. When the
investment decisions based on the fundamental
underlying asset market price is below her cognitive
value that is reflected in the myopic demand (  r). reference price, the asset is thus a loser. The
In terms of the movement of stock prices, she does disposition investor would consequently be reluctant
not have the mean reversion belief as an irrational to sell the asset. However, when the underlying asset
believer. The irrational belief demand vanishes for the market price is above her cognitive reference price,
representative agent and thus makes here reduce to the asset would be a winner and the disposition
the rational investor. investor would most likely behave rationally with
1 ð  rÞ 2A2  A0 1 regards to the fundamental value. The mean reversion
1 ðRationalÞ ¼ þ belief to the irrational belief demand is employed here
1  2 2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ
h i to elucidate the phenomenon of asymmetric behav-
s s
 r þ A2 ðs  sÞ  A3  iour. An agent holding the irrational belief demand
M H when the market price is in the loss domains
¼ 1 þ 1 ð18Þ
eventually evolves to a disposition investor in the
economy. Her role switches back and forth from a
rational investor to a contrarian. In the gain domains,
The contrarian. The contrarian is faithful to she handles her portfolio based on the fundamental
the mean reversion belief in the mean reversion value and ignores the irrational belief demand; there-
belief whenever the market price goes up or fore she behaves like the rational investor. However,
down. She treats irrational belief demand equally when she holds the irrational belief demand, she is
and symmetrically both in the gain and loss reluctant to sell her losers and thus behaves similarly
domains. Besides the basic myopic demand and to the contrarian in the loss domains. Hence the
the hedging demand, an agent who holds disposition investor is regarded as a compound

Table 1. Four specific investment behaviours. According to different gain/loss domains and mean reversion belief
(the irrational belief demand), the four specific investment behaviours are classified as follows.

Gain domains

Without mean reversion belief With mean reversion belief

Loss domains
Without mean reversion belief The rational investor The disposition investor
With mean reversion belief The speculator The contrarian
2154 M.-W. Hung and H.-Y. Yu
between the rational investor and the contrarian. Table 2. Calibration parameters

1 ðDispositionÞ Parameters Default value Corresponding figures

> 1 ð  rÞ 1 1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞ 2A2  A0 1 1 2 Fig. 2 (1.1, 2, 10)
> þ þ
> 1  2 1 2 2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ 2 4 –
> h i
0.5 –
> s
<  r þ A2 ðs  sÞ  A3 
 0.06 –
¼    r Endogenous Fig. 4
> 1 ð  rÞ 2A2  A0 1 2 0.4 –
> þ
> 1  2 2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ s2 0.4 –
> h i
> ec1 w1 1 –
:  r þ A2 ðs  sÞ  A3 s 
> s
  ec2 w2 1 –
( 1 0.6 Fig. 4 (0, 0.6, 1.2)
1 þ 1 þ 1 if P < R  0.8 –
¼ ð20Þ
M1 þ 1
if P  R  1 –
s 0.5 –
s 0.008–0.8 –
The speculator. The last investment behaviour, the P 1  100 Fig. 1, Fig. 3
speculator, who behaves thoroughly opposite to the R 50 –
disposition investor, possesses an asymmetric percep- Notes: Parameters picked for calibration are presented.
tion toward the irrational belief demand. She is eager Different figures with different parameters are disclosed in
to pursue instantaneous profit and executes severe the right most columns. The change of parameter value is
stop loss point in the market. This phenomenon could presented in the parentheses.
be explained by the asymmetric irrational belief
demand as well. When the price goes up and reaches
above her cognitive reference price, she fears a price
drop and therefore sells her holdings arbitrarily. The equilibrium interest rate is isolated from the
Nevertheless, when the price falls, rigorous stop loss irrational belief in mean reversion only if
point forces her no longer to wait for the price back  1 ¼ (a5 s)1. But this outcome is not easily
and thus deal with the fundamental value. This achievable. It is also not easy to directly judge the
implies that the irrational belief demand works for impact of irrational belief in mean reversion on the
her in the gain domains only. An agent who holds the equilibrium market interest rate. However, it is
irrational belief demand in the gain domains even- intuitive that lower stock price usually brings hot
tually evolves to the speculator in the economy. money into the bond market and thus makes the
interest rate decline. On the other hand, it is found
1 ðSpeculatorÞ that taking the disposition effect into consideration
> 1 ð  rÞ 1 1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞ 2A2  A0 1 mitigates the dropping of market interest rate. This
> þ þ
> 1  2 1 2 2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ finding is verified in the coming calibration sections.
> h i
> s
<  r þ A2 ðs  sÞ  A3 

> 1 ð  rÞ 2A2  A0 1
> 1  2 þ 2A2 ðA1 þ A4 Þ
> IV. Calibration
> h i
:  s r þ A2 ðs  sÞ  A3 s 
  Based on the previous model, some important results
( relating to the disposition effect are calibrated in this
1 þ 1 þ 1 if P > R
¼ ð21Þ section. Note that due to lack of consistent and
M1 þ 1
if P  R generally accepted measure of each variable, the focus
will be on the relative magnitudes and influential
directions, not their absolute values.
The disposition effect and the market interest rate
Table 2 summarizes all the related parameters
Based on Equation 17, the equilibrium market interest picked for the calibration. The varieties of different
rate in the heterogeneous economy is also affected by variables and related figures are described on the
the irrational belief in mean reversion. corresponding right most columns.
@r s s 1
¼ a 5   ¼ 0 ð22Þ
@ð1 ð1  ðP=RÞÞÞ ðb5 ðs =Þ  ð1=2  2 ÞÞ þ s½ða5  b5 Þðs =Þ þ ð1  2 Þ=ð1 2  2 Þ  1  2
A heterogeneous model of disposition effect 2155

Portfolio Choice
−0.5 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96
Fig. 1. Market price effect: Higher prices lead investors to allocate more weights on stocks due to the work of the state variable,
aggregate wealth share. However, lower prices raise the portfolio weights as well because of the irrational belief in mean reversion.
Note that the irrational belief demand works over loss domains only. The disposition effect from the irrational belief demand
offsets the rational selling from the hedging demand and thus makes investors do not sell the losers eventually when facing losses.
Alpha 1 sums the myopic demand and the irrational belief demand as well as the hedging demand: (– - –) myopic demand (- - - - -)
irrational belief demand, (—) hedging demand, (—) alpha 1.

Portfolio Choice

1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96


Fig. 2. Relative risk aversion effect: Investor gradually allocates more portfolio weight in risky assets while prices go up because
of the hedging demand. However, conservative investor abandons holding risky assets while prices drop but by contrast, risk-
taking investor increasingly allocates more portfolio weight in holding risky assets. This makes less risk aversion investor behave
more serious disposition effect over loss domain: (– – –) gamma 1 ¼ 1.1, (—) gamma 1 ¼ 2, (- - - - -) gamma 1 ¼ 10.

Market price effect while prices drop but by contrast a risk-taking

investor increasingly allocates more portfolios in
Figure 1 describes the aggregate optimal portfolio
holding risky assets. This makes less risk aversion
choice which consists of three demands, the myopic
investor behave more serious disposition effect over
demand, the irrational belief demand, and the
loss domains. These results are verified in Fig. 2.
hedging demand. The myopic demand is constant
over time. The hedging demand increases the value of
the portfolio as stock prices go up. The irrational Four specific Investment behaviours
belief demand works only over loss domains and
elevates the portfolio choice. The raising from The irrational belief in mean reversion may work for
the irrational belief demand offsets the dropping different types of investors. For a rational investor, it
from the hedging demand in the loss domains and fails to work over all price fields. For a contrarian, it
thus the disposition effect makes investors not sell works thoroughly and symmetrically over all
their losers when facing paper losses. domains. For a disposition investor, it works over
loss domains only. As to a speculator, it works solely
over gain domains. With these characteristics in
Relative risk aversion effect
mind, it may be concluded that both the disposition
The relative risk aversion coefficient governs the investor and the speculator possess characteristics of
relative importance of each portfolio demand. The the rational investor and the contrarian. A disposi-
rationale behind an investor who gradually allocates tion investor learns the behaviour of a rational
more portfolio choice in a risky asset while prices investor over gain domains but imitates the contra-
increase could be traced to the concept of the hedging rian over loss domains. The speculator behaves
demand. In terms of the irrational belief demand, a thoroughly oppositely. Since the rational investor
conservative investor abandons holding risky assets and the contrarian have linear form of behaviours,
2156 M.-W. Hung and H.-Y. Yu

Portfolio Choice
1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96


Portfolio Choice

−0.5 1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96

Fig. 3. Four specific investment behaviours: Both the rational investor and the contrarian have the investment behaviour of linear
forms but the disposition investor and the speculator have the kinked forms. The disposition investor behaves like the rational
investor over gain domains but behaves like the contrarian over loss domains. Thus she could be viewed as the compound of them.
The speculator is just opposite to her. Therefore the disposition investor and the speculator generate different kinked portfolio
curves: (—) rational investor, (- - - - -) contrarian, (– - –) disposition investor, (——) speculator.

Interest Rate

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59



Fig. 4. The market interest rate in the heterogeneous economy: Higher stock prices crowd out the bond market capital and
absorb the hot money into the stock market. It carries the falling of the bond price and raises the market interest rate. However,
when price drops, greater magnitude of disposition effect deteriorates the free capital mobility from the stock market to the bond
market and thus mitigates the dropping of the market interest rate: (—) lamda 1 ¼ 0, (::::::) lambda 1 ¼ 0.6, (- - - - -) lambda
1 ¼ 1.2.

the disposition investor and the speculator imitate economy is calibrated in Fig. 4. It is intuitive that
characteristics from them respectively, and thus higher stock prices sponge market hot money from
generate the different kinked portfolio curves. This the bond market to the stock market and therefore
phenomenon is illustrated in Fig. 3. raise the market interest rate. However, when price
drop, greater magnitude of disposition effect reduces
the capital, mobility from the stock market to the
Market interest rate
bond market and thus mitigates the dropping of the
The relationship between the disposition effect and market interest rate. This phenomenon is plotted in
the market interest rate in the heterogeneous Fig. 4.
A heterogeneous model of disposition effect 2157
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