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5180 Long Branch Avenue

San Diego, California 92107
(586) 489-8379
Innovative and highly organized Event Coordinator with seven years of experience
in progressively responsible roles, expertise in developing and maintaining par
tnerships with nonprofits, and strength in volunteer recruitment.
* Offers particular skill in generating both internal and external interest in a
ctivities; builds excitement around events and fosters participants' personal in
vestment in projects.
* Demonstrates facility for executing successful initiatives from concept throug
h delivery, managing tasks from securing vendors to developing promotional mater
ials and administering budgets.
* Serves as media contact, maintaining focus both on public perception of corpor
ation and bottom-line impact of events.
* Proficient in SharePoint, Publisher, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Outlook, with
knowledge of InDesign, PowerPoint, and Excel; basic skills in Spanish.
REI, Sumner and Kent, Washington
Distribution Center/Headquarters Outreach Specialist
* Developed and executed first outreach program at REI distribution center and h
eadquarters, purpose of which was to build corporate presence in community throu
gh charitable efforts and public education projects.
* Spearheaded branches' involvement in sponsored and partnered stewardship event
s; recruited, scheduled, and oversaw volunteers for conservation-focused service
projects and initiatives in honor of Earth Day and National Trails Day.
* Met and consistently exceeded annual goals for volunteer recruitment.
* Facilitated more than 40 staff events and 60 outdoor service projects in 2009,
with 2,000 volunteers performing total of 7,000 hours of community service.
* Coordinated service projects ranging from tree plantings, coastal cleanups, an
d invasive species removals to ongoing maintenance of organic farm run by Emerge
ncy Food Network staff to benefit their organization.
* Delivered outdoor education to local school children through Promoting Environ
mental Awareness in Kids (PEAK) programs, reaching 3,000 in past year.
* Promoted volunteerism among staff, increasing awareness of outreach program by
writing and distributing newsletter and building SharePoint site that featured
event calendar and photos from past activities.
* Enhanced communication further by employing tools such as outdoor resource cen
ter board and outreach team site.
* Informed staff of existence of company's grant and charitable action campaigns
, designed to create bridge between REI and community through involvement with l
ocal nonprofits; established connections with organizations whose goals and miss
ions corresponded with those of REI and managed grant-issuing process.
* Implemented clinics to educate staff on topics such as bike maintenance, snow
shoeing, and camping with kids.
* Administered outreach budget of no more than $10,000 per year for both locatio
ns; reported budget status and event metrics to directors on monthly basis.
* Contained costs by donating community education to nonprofits rather than maki
ng financial contributions.
* Managed all media: proofread projects, helped to write press releases, and ser
ved as company spokesperson for television or newspaper interviews.
Michigan Outreach Specialist, Troy and Northville, Michigan 2004-2006
* Coordinated and executed customer-facing events in support of REI business goa
ls and brand.
* Played critical role in improving sales, driving increase in customer traffic
by promoting in-store clinics, educating public on topics relevant to season or
in-store promotions.
* Served as interim District Outreach Administrator for Midwest district, overse
eing eight outreach programs.
* Facilitated location's involvement in festivities surrounding Super Bowl in 20
06; hosted snow shoeing expo, which fit 10,000 people with snow shoes over cours
e of three days.
* Managed REI's traveling store for weeklong Rails-to-Trails bike tour, scheduli
ng staff and ensuring professionalism of employees over one week of eating, slee
ping, and camping alongside customers.
* Established strong rapport with sales staff in Michigan market, increasing par
ticipation in clinics and service projects by laying groundwork for program's su
ccess and demonstrating consistency in supporting employees in their efforts.
* Selected specifically to assist in Pittsburgh-area store opening, hosting even
ts to generate interest locally, assisting with hiring process, and training loc
ation's outreach specialist.
* Created event fliers and maintained store's outreach website for upcoming acti
vities; developed relationships with key media contacts; and worked with managem
ent to leverage funding and resources for use in outreach initiatives.
Whole Foods Market, Troy, Michigan 2003-2004
In-Store Educator
* Trained new hires in all areas of store, from deli and produce to cafe, wine s
ection, and customer service; organized classes and delivered training on OSHA s
afety; and fielded questions on material.
* Ran team member demonstrations, intended to provide staff with knowledge of pr
oducts such as sushi and teas.
* Communicated and modeled Whole Foods' vision and goals; led service initiative
s, arranging partnerships with and donations to nonprofit organizations and coor
dinating company's involvement in events such as Earth Day.
* Maintained constant communication with leadership team in order to fulfill sto
re's educational needs.
* Planned and managed budget for store parties, booking location and securing ve
ndors for catering and decorations.
B.F.A., Graphic Design, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 2003
Member, Outdoor and Education Committees - Friends of the Cedar River Watershed

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