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Certificate in Safety Officer

(Occupational Outcome: Safety Officer)



Nairiyah Construction Technical College, Nairiyah

Table of Contents
Personal details of trainee ...................................................................................................... 3
Details of employer.................................................................................................................. 4
Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 5

UNIT: Communicate in the workplace ............................................................................................... 7

UNIT: Plan and organise work .............................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

UNIT: Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures/ Risk Assessments .............. Error!
Bookmark not defined.

UNIT: Read and Interpret job plans and specifications .................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

UNIT: Use hand tools ............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

UNIT: Plan a complete activity ......................................................................................................... 21

UNIT: Use improvement processes in team activities .................................................................. 24

UNIT: Work safely with industrial chemicals and materials ......................................................... 26

UNIT: Undertake manual handling................................................................................................... 28

UNIT: Interpret technical drawing..................................................................................................... 30

NCTC Completion Statement....................................................................................................... 32

Version Date Changes Changed by Status

V1 12-18 Initial Release Superseded
V2 06-19 Revised Current
V3 10-20 Contact no. R. Brenchley & M. Aldesoqi Current
V4 05-21 Simplify text and delete duplicated
text R. Brenchley & M. Aldesoqi Current
V5 02-22 Reduced mentors questions from 3 to R. Brenchley & M. Aldesoqi &
2, and provide questions and answers A. Omer

May 2021_V4 Site Skills Training Training Record Book Page 2 of 31

It is important you keep us informed of any changes to the below information

______________________________________________________ _








ADDRESS (if different to the above):






Commencement Date Expected Completion Date

May 2021_V4 Site Skills Training Training Record Book Page 3 of 31









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Two aspects of the candidate’s working practice will be assessed: their performance; and their knowledge and
understanding. The assessor will work with the candidate to plan how, when and where evidence will be
gathered to cover these aspects.

There are a variety of methods through which evidence of the candidate’s competence can be gathered. There
are also different methods by which to collect performance and knowledge evidence.
In relation to performance evidence there are five main assessment methods:

1. Direct observation of the candidate’s performance by the mentor/supervisor.

2. Testimony from a witness such as a candidate’s colleague, this is also observation of the candidate.
3. Documentary evidence (such as permits to work, work specifications etc.) which relate to work successfully
completed by the candidate on a past occasion.
4. Demonstration of a task by the candidate at the mentor’s request. This is known as ‘Simulation’.
5. Questioning of the candidate to establish knowledge and understanding requirements.

Direct observation of the candidate by the mentor/supervisor is the most reliable, and often the most
straightforward, method of gathering evidence.

Knowledge of why something is done in a certain way cannot be demonstrated through performance alone and
questioning of the candidate is another assessment method that could be used

Human resources

Employees mentoring a candidate must be able to demonstrate that they meet the following occupational
expertise requirements. They should:

• be technically competent in the area(s) for which they are mentoring/delivering training and/or have
experience of providing training. This knowledge must be at least to the same level as the training being

• hold the appropriate qualifications

• have recent relevant experience in the specific area they will be mentoring

• be occupationally knowledgeable in the area(s) for which they are delivering training. This knowledge must
be at least to the same level as the training being delivered and must include up-to-date knowledge of each
industry (for which the task is taking place), its settings, legislative and regulatory requirements, codes of
practice and guidance.

• have credible experience of providing training/mentoring.

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Assessment of Work Evidence

Photographic Evidence:
This is a very good method of recording evidence at work; however all photos must clearly show that it is the
candidate who is carrying out the work that you are wishing to be assessed. The candidate must be in any
photograph taken.
Remember a photograph alone will not necessarily achieve your accreditation and any photo provided is only a
small part of the assessment.
You must also complete an

Assessment plan:
Showing that you have planned the whole assessment, including times and dates of the work, the amount and
type of materials, any Health & Safety issues and any other issues which might affect the job.

A detailed statement:
Of where, when and how the candidate carried out the work.

To help prove the work is authentic you should provide timesheets, job sheets and drawings etc.

All photos must show that Health & Safety in the workplace is being observed at all times

You can also provide for assessment a witness statement from your work based supervisor/mentor

The above will be required for all assessments whether or not you are being directly assessed by an assessor

All evidence must be signed as being authentic by yourself and your Work based supervisor/mentor with dates
& contact numbers

Work Based Supervisors Details

No Name Position in Contact Sample Signature

Company Number

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UNIT: Communicate in the Workplace
This unit covers the correct method of workplace communication in a range of settings.
Elements covered:
1. Collect, give and receive information and ideas.
2. Complete workplace paperwork.
3. Speak, listen and write in a way that responds in a good way to all different people.
Work Description Mentor/Supervisor
Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at the Signature
• Seeks advice from others to make plans to have
better knowledge or skills.
• Reads information and understands what is
needed for good communication and for following
the rules.
• Makes simple writing the correct way, with good
spelling and punctuation in the standard way the
company needs.
• Completes workplace forms and writing in the way
the company and the Saudi law need.
• Explains his ideas and requirements clearly and
listens carefully to other people’s instructions and
• Asks questions to confirm understanding.
• Understands what he and others must do in their
job positions and follows legal, regulatory and
company rules.
• Plans and does routine tasks. Makes some small
decisions on when the job will start, putting the
job steps in the right order, and asks for help to
decide which jobs/steps need to be done first.
• Uses digital technology to find, record or
communicate basic information.

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The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

List 9 of Communication Methods.

Candidate response:

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Question 2 Mentor question:
What are the topics of discussion of toolbox meetings?

Candidate response:

Unit: Communicate in the Workplace

Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

Signature:_____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

to the standards required in the workplace.

UNIT: Plan and Organise Work

This unit covers the ability to plan and organise work to according to company priorities.
Elements covered:
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1. Plan and prepare for work
2. Sequence work safely
3. Resolve problems
4. Clean up
Work Description Mentor/Supervisor
Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at the Signature
1.1 Access, understand and use site policy and procedures
documentation to make sure the work activity follows the rules.

1.2 Obtain, understand and use work instructions.

1.3 Plan work from an understanding of;

a) The required outcomes

b) Work procedures

c) Available time

d) What resources are needed

i) Known priorities

1.5 Work with others to inspect and prepare work areas.

1.6 Select correct tools, plant and equipment, check for condition and
rectify and report any faults.

1.7 Identify and safely handle resources and materials.

2.1 Read and understand work plans to make sure work is done on
time and in a logical, safe and efficient order.

2.2 Complete in writing company paperwork and/or reports.

3.1 Identify problems with work processes and make improvement


3.2 Report problems in a timely manner to relevant personnel.

4.1 Clear and clean work area, store tools and equipment.

4.2 Correctly dispose of materials including recyclables.

4.3 Clean, check and maintain machinery, tools and equipment.

4.4 Report issues with machinery, tools and equipment.

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The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

Why do we do planning?

Candidate response:

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Question 2 Mentor question:
There are many forms for receiving instructions, list four.

Candidate response:

Unit: Plan and Organise Work

Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

Signature:_____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

to the standards required in the workplace.

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UNIT: Work Safely and Follow WHS Policies and procedures/ Risk Assessments
This unit covers setting up and operating a range of mechanical cutting and holing equipment
Elements covered:
1. Access and apply site safety procedures
2. Apply personal safety measures
3. Apply operational safety measures
4. Maintain personal wellbeing
5. Identify and report incidents

Work Description Mentor/Supervisor

Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at Signature
the time?)
1.1 Access, understand and use work health and safety procedures to
make sure the work activity follows the rules.
1.2 Carry out isolation of all energy sources and lock moving
1.3 Show understanding of site plans, transport rules and signage.
1.4 Identify, act on, and report mistakes in site safety.
2.1 Select and wear personal protective equipment.
2.2 Make and keep a clean and tidy safe working area.
2.3 Get permits and certificates before special work is done.
2.4 Use safe manual handling methods.
2.5 Understand the company rules when doing high-risk work.
3.1 Recognise and respond to alarms.
3.2 Understand what he must do in emergency situations.
3.3 Understand and use basic firefighting methods.
3.4 Identify emergency escape route(s) and procedures
4.1 See the risks to his personal safety and understand what he must
do stay safe and healthy.
4.2 Identify, act on, and report situations which may put others in
4.3 Understand and explain with speaking or writing what fitness for
work is and what he must do.
4.4 Follow the rules with all work health and safety policies including
smoking, alcohol and drug use.
5.1 Understand and communicate incident and injury statistics.

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The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

The most common forms of energy with the potential to cause harm
Candidate response:

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Question 2 Mentor question:
List the main steps of the evacuation process in building or Work Area
in an event of emergency.

Candidate response:

Unit: Work Safely and Follow WHS Policies and Procedures/ Risk Assessments
Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

Signature:_____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

to the standards required in the workplace.

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UNIT: Read and Interpret Job Plans and Specifications
This unit covers interpreting job plans to company specifications.
Elements covered:
1. Plan and prepare for read and interpret plans and job specifications
2. Recognise amendments
3. Recognise commonly used symbols and abbreviations
4. Read and interpret job specifications
Work Description Mentor/Supervisor
Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at the Signature
1.1 Understand and use plans and job specification documentation
to make sure the work activity is completed the same as the
company wanted and needed.
1.2 Identify the main types of plans and drawings used in the
1.3 Identify the key functions of each type of drawing.
1.4 Understand and follow the quality needs of company operations.
2.1 Check title panel to verify latest amendments to drawing.
2.2 Check amendments to specifications and ensure currency of
3.1 Identify and confirm construction symbols and abbreviations.
3.2 Locate and understand legend on project drawings.
4.1 Identify and confirm job specifications from drawings, notes and
4.2 Identify and confirm standards of work, finishes and tolerances
from job specifications.
4.3 Identify and confirm material features from job specifications.

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The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

Draw at least 6 symbols that you have seen used on your site’s Job plans and/or

Candidate response:

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Question 2 Mentor question:
Write down the types of drawings and plans that are available on your work site.

Candidate response:

Unit: Read and Interpret Job Plans and Specifications

Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

Signature:_____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

to the standards required in the workplace.

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UNIT: Use Hand Tools
Applications may include hand tools used for adjusting, dismantling, assembling and finishing of items or
components, and the finishing, cutting, scraping of materials to size and shape. This includes simple
tapping and threading and routine maintenance of hand tools.
Work Description Mentor/Supervisor
Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at Signature
the time?)
1.1. Hand tools are selected correctly for the job.
1.2. Hand tools are used to make high quality finish,
tension, size and shape.
1.3. All safety rules are followed before, during and after
1.4. Unsafe or faulty tools are found and marked for repair
following the correct procedures before, during and after
1.5. Routine maintenance of tools, including hand
sharpening is done using correct methods and techniques.
1.6. Hand tools are stored safely in the right place following
the company’s procedures and maker’s rules.

The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

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Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

List the Spanner Types used in Engineering Workshop.

Candidate response:

Question 2 Mentor question:

List three Types of Pliers.

Candidate response:

Unit: Use Hand Tools

Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

May 2021_V4 Site Skills Training Training Record Book Page 20 of 31

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

to the standards required in the workplace.

UNIT: Plan a Complete Activity

This unit covers the planning, working, checking of results, and completing the paperwork for a simple
activity or job. The activity will contain many individual steps/tasks. The activity will need to put in order
these individual plan steps to make the complete activity successful. Examples of activities to be
planned may include:
• Fault diagnosis and repair of an item of equipment,
• Changing of an established sequence of assembly tasks.

The activities may also need a response and change of procedures, or choosing of different procedures
to deal with unknown things that may happen.

Activities are normally performed by the person doing the planned activity, and related reports are
completed as needed. Planning will be related to familiar work tasks and place of works, and will be
completed to normal operating procedures of the company and the law.
Work Description Mentor/Supervisor
Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at Signature
the time?)
1.1. Wanted results for the activity are understood and
made clear with all the right people.
1.2. Activity needs, including resources, how quickly it
must be done, quality needs and other needs for acceptable
completion are understood and made clear.
1.3. Important specifications and procedures are found
and made clear.
2.1. Each single step of the activity is understood and done
in the correct order.
2.2. Planning tools and methods are chosen and used to
suit the needs of the activity.
2.3. The plan is checked for accuracy and for following the
rules of instructions and requirements.
3.1. The plan is discussed and changed if needed to
successfully complete the activity when unknown things
happen as the activity progresses.
3.2. The results of the activity are checked against the
plan, and possible future improvements to the plan are found
and understood.

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The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

At your workplace how would you obtain instructions, specifications or
any clarification for a task?
Candidate response:

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Question 2 Mentor question:
List 4 Common types of plans.
Candidate response:

Unit: Plan a Complete Activity

Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

Signature:_____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

to the standards required in the workplace.

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UNIT: Use Improvement Processes In Team Activities
This unit covers finding chances for improvements and solving problems in team activities where more
than one person or department is needed, doing the improvement strategy, and checking to see if the
improvement worked.
Work Description Mentor/Supervisor
Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at the time?) Signature
1. Find areas for improvement and/or solve

2. Use improvement strategy.

3. Check the use of improvement for success.

4. Report on improvement success.

The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

May 2021_V4 Site Skills Training Training Record Book Page 24 of 31

Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

List the five stages of group development.

Candidate response:

Question 2 Mentor question:

Candidate response:

Unit: Use Improvement Processes In Team Activities

Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

Signature:_____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

to the standards required in the workplace.

May 2021_V4 Site Skills Training Training Record Book Page 25 of 31

UNIT: Work Safely With Industrial Chemicals and Materials
This unit covers using personal protective equipment (PPEs), identifying the particular hazards and
emergency procedures, and observing safe working practices in that environment, specifically when
working with industrial chemicals and materials.
Work Description Mentor/Supervisor
Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at the time?) Signature
1. Use PPE.

2. Identify emergency procedures.

3. Observe safe working practices.

The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

May 2021_V4 Site Skills Training Training Record Book Page 26 of 31

Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

The biological effects of all chemicals on people are dependent on several
factors. Name three (3).

Candidate response:

Question 2 Mentor question:

The type and level of PPE required when handling chemicals is
dependent on a number of factors. What are they?

Candidate response:

Unit: Work Safely With Industrial Chemicals and Materials

Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

Signature:_____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

May 2021_V4 Site Skills Training Training Record Book Page 27 of 31

to the standards required in the workplace.

UNIT: Undertake Manual Handling

This unit covers lifting and moving materials manually.
Work Description Mentor/Supervisor Signature
Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at the time?)
1. Lift materials manually

2. Move/shift materials manually

The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

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Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

Explain the six (6) step process for manual lifting you would follow when
you are required to lift an object.

Candidate response:

Question 2 Mentor question:

When carrying a load in your workplace, list 5 safety precautions you
must follow.

Candidate response:

Unit: Undertake Manual Handling

Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

May 2021_V4 Site Skills Training Training Record Book Page 29 of 31

Signature:_____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

to the standards required in the workplace.

UNIT: Interpret Technical Drawing

This unit covers understanding technical drawing applying to any of the full range of engineering
Work Description Mentor/Supervisor
Skills demonstrated in the workplace: (What was he doing at the time?) Signature
1. Select correct technical drawing

2. Interpret technical drawing

The Trainee is to detail experience of onsite tasks related to this Unit. On completion of entries, the Trainee and Employer are
to sign and date.

Date Brief description of work experience onsite

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Knowledge Questions

Question 1 Mentor question:

Give 5 instruments & equipment required in engineering drawing.

Candidate response:

Question 2 Mentor question:

List 5 types of lines used in engineering drawing.

Candidate response:

Unit: Interpret Technical Drawing

Sign when the Trainee has undertaken the listed tasks above to the workplace standards

Name of Trainee /Trainee: _______________________________________________ Date:

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ I agree that I have completed the tasks listed above.

Name of Employer/Supervisor: ___________________________________________ Date:

Signature:_____________________________________________________________ I agree that the tasks listed above have been completed

to the standards required in the workplace.

NCTC Completion Statement

I have reviewed the contents in this manual and based on the information contained within provided by the Trainee and Mentor/Supervisor,
confirm this manual to be successfully completed.

NCTC Representative: ___________________________________________________

Signature: ____________________________________________________________ Date:

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