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TEGO® Airex

Foam is a major Figure 1:

Waterborne wood
problem coating, airless applied

Foam is one of the most common prob-

lems which a formulator must consider
when developing coatings, paints and
printing inks. Foam is particularly im-
portant in waterborne, radiation-curing,
solvent-free or high solids formulations.
The problem of foam is usually easy to
recognize, as when foam bubbles form
in a container after filling. Foam is also
clearly visible when applying a paint to
a substrate by brush or by roller. There
are however numerous other problems
without defoamer
where the connection with foam is not
immediately obvious.

Pinholes encourage corrosion

If the substrate for an industrial coating
shows early signs of corrosion the cause
may be pinholes in the paint. Pinholes with defoamer
are small channels in the coating which
remain when foam bubbles rise too
slowly out of the drying paint layer.
If these channels reach down to the Air inclusions inhibit optimal curing
metallic substrate, moisture and salts of UV coatings
can penetrate unhindered resulting in A great advantage of radiation-curing
progressive corrosion. coatings is that they cure within a few
seconds. Oxygen from the air can slow
Clouding and loss of gloss caused by down curing. Inert gas can be used to
small foam bubbles avoid contact of the coating with air. In
If a coating does not develop gloss or spite of this, curing can be affected if
becomes cloudy immediately after ap- foam bubbles containing air are present
plication, the initial response is to sus- in the coating. This can be prevented by
pect incompatibility of the components adequate deaeration of the coating using
of the paint. However inspection using a additives from the TEGO® Airex family.
microscope or even a simple magnifying
glass reveals that cloudiness or low gloss
is sometimes caused by extremely fine
air bubbles trapped in the dry paint film.

Two different types of

product –TEGO® Foamex
and TEGO® Airex
There are two types of foam: micro-
foam and macro-foam. However it is of-
ten difficult to differentiate these foam
types clearly as they often occur to-
gether as a "foam problem" in coatings,
paints and printing inks. Degussa sup-
plies TEGO® Foamex additives, which Figure 2:
Surfactants orient
primarily remove macro-foam, particu- themselves at the
larly in waterborne formulations. How- interface liquid/air
ever, depending on the structure of the
additive, they are also effective against
micro-foams. These products are fully Surfactants with their hydrophilic and Paint viscosity is responsible for foam
described in the “Technical Background hydrophobic regions orient themselves problems
Defoamers“ (p. 44). preferentially at the liquid/air interface. Viscosity also has a decisive effect on
Included or incorporated air in a liquid foam formation in paints, coatings and
TEGO® Airex additives are predomi- has such interfaces. Surfactants orient printing inks.
nantly effective against micro-foam al- themselves at this interface and thus
though they also show positive effects stabilize the air bubbles producing sta- For example, the speed at which foam
when tackling macro-foams. The mode ble foam (fig. 2). bubbles rise depends on the viscosity of
of operation of the TEGO® Airex family the paint formulation. According to the
of products and their applications will Many raw materials used in formulating simplified form of Stoke’s Law the rela-
be described below. paints and coatings contain surfactants tionship is (fig. 3):
which result in foam formation:
• the binder itself (particularly in dis- v ~ r 2/
persions and emulsions for water-
What is foam? borne formulations) v = rising speed of the foam bubble
Surfactants cause foam • wetting and dispersing additives r = radius of the foam bubble
Foam is a stable distribution of small gas • surface or substrate wetting additives  = viscosity of the paint
bubbles (usually air bubbles) in a liquid • waxes and wax dispersions or grinding
system. Pure liquids do not foam. Only if additives such as stearates This means that air bubbles in paint
surfactants are present in the liquid can formulations with a relatively high vis-
a stable foam occur. cosity  only rise very slowly (small ris-
ing speed v). As a consequence air bub-
bles do not reach the paint surface but
remain in the paint layer while the paint
cures further or dries physically – a
great problem particularly in highly vis-
cous floor coatings or high-build wood

How is micro-foam
Micro-foam consists of small air or gas
bubbles in the coating. When present,
surfactants orient themselves at the air/
liquid interface and surround the micro-

Micro-bubbles can often only be recog-

nized with visual aids such as a magni-
fying glass or a microscope. However, for
micro-bubbles to occur, air or gas must
first have been incorporated into the
Figure 3: Rising speed depends on viscosity of the paint and size of the bubble paint formulation.

Air incorporation can occur by:

• stirring during paint manufacture
• stirring when adding curing agent in
2-pack systems
• application processes such as rolling,
dipping, spraying and, most impor-
tantly, airless-/airmix-spraying
• release of gas by chemical processes
during curing of the paint (e.g. reac-
tions of isocyanate with moisture)
• application on porous substrates such
as wood, stone or cement floors

How can micro-foam be prevented in

Figure 4: Rising speed depending on the radius of the bubble paint films?
There are different ways of combating
Micro-foam and macro-foam – size is curing or drying, they reach the surface micro-foam in paints, coatings or print-
the distinguishing feature where they form macro-foam (see “Tech- ing inks. Choice of low-foaming raw
However another important relationship nical Background Defoamers“, p. 44). materials or adjustment of viscosity to
is indicated by Stoke's Law: the size of an optimum value can markedly reduce
the air bubble has a very marked effect In contrast, the rising velocity of air micro-foam problems. The manufactur-
on the rising velocity as the radius of the bubbles between about 10 and 100 µm ing and application processes should
bubble appears to the square in the diameter is so small that, same viscos- also be organized so that only a mini-
equation. ity provided, they rise extremely slowly mum of air is incorporated into the
and finally remain in the coating. These coating material. Nevertheless items
Large air bubbles (>100 µm diameter, but small bubbles are called micro-foam such as raw materials and methods of
depending on the viscosity) rise very (fig. 4). manufacturing and application are usu-
quickly – sufficiently quickly that, during ally specified and the room to maneuver

is very limited. Addition of additives equation. It relates the internal pressure

such as deaerators is the simplest way to of a micro-bubble to the external pres- Laplace Presure:
inhibit and remove micro-foam. sure of the surrounding medium. Derived from the Young-Laplace
equation with Pin = Pex + 2 /r.
Can micro-bubbles dissolve of their With small micro-bubbles the internal Pin = internal pressure of
own accord? pressure is higher than the external air-bubble
Changes in micro-bubbles in a coating pressure and this pressure difference Pex = external pressure of liquid
which has been applied by airless tech- causes air from the micro-bubble to dif- surrounding the bubble
niques can be observed under a micro- fuse into the surrounding medium and  = interfacial tension
scope during the drying phase (fig. 5). dissolve there. Diffusion, and with it, r = radius of the air-bubble
shrinking of the micro-bubble occurs.
At first there is a mixture of micro-bub- This becomes faster the smaller the mi-
bles of different sizes. As drying occurs cro-bubble so that small micro-bubbles The internal pressure of an air bubble is
the picture alters. Large micro-bubbles dissolve. greater than the external pressure as the
become larger while small micro-bub- effect of interfacial tension  must be
bles become even smaller. They literally The air from the small micro-bubbles ei- overcome. The ratio of interfacial ten-
shrink until they are no longer recogniz- ther remains dissolved or diffuses into sion to radius of the bubble is greater
able. larger micro-bubbles whose internal the smaller the air bubble. This leads to
pressure is markedly lower. Larger mi- an increase in the internal pressure Pin .
The driving force for the shrinkage of the cro-bubbles can thus grow further. For small air bubbles between 10 and 20
small micro-bubbles is the Laplace pres- µm diameter the internal pressure can
sure of the micro-bubble. The Laplace be 10 to 15 % higher than the external
pressure is given by the Young-Laplace pressure (fig. 6).

Figure 5: View through a microscope: dissolving of micro-bubbles with time proceeding, waterborne formulation on glass, airless applied

Micro-foam immediately, formulation without Micro-foam after 10 min, formulation without Micro-foam after 20 min, formulation without
deaerator deaerator deaerator

There is a wide range of chemical com-

pounds which can show targeted in-
compatibility in coatings systems, e.g.:

• organic polymers such as polyethers

or polyacrylates
• dimethylpolysiloxanes (silicone oils)
• organically modified polysiloxanes
such as arylalkyl modified polysilox-
• fluorosilicones

Figure 6:
These are frequently used as deaerators
equation or for the formulation of deaerators.
These basic substances are supplied in
How do deaerators What substances are effective the following variants:
work? Effective deaerators have targeted in- • as products containing 100 % effec-
Effective deaerators must have a tar- compatibility with the coating system. tive agent
geted incompatibility with the paint However it is necessary to find a good • as solutions in organic solvents
formulation so that the deaerator im- balance between effectiveness and • as waterborne emulsions, specially for
mediately orients itself at the air/liquid compatibility: If the compound is too use in waterborne formulations
interface, i.e. at the micro-bubbles. It is compatible, it will not exhibit deaerat-
assumed that the deaerator displaces ing activity, but if it is too incompatible,
foam stabilizing surfactants there and there will be defects such as craters,
so promotes diffusion of the air into the fish-eyes or turbidity (fig. 7).
surrounding medium. The micro-bubbles
become ever smaller until they com-
pletely dissolve.

Larger micro-bubbles grow further as air

diffuses into them and can rise more
quickly to the surface (Stoke’s Law).
There they break or form surfactant-
stabilized foam bubbles (see "Technical
Background Defoamers“, p. 44).

The additional defoaming effect of a

deaerator (destruction of macro-foam)
is also intensified if the deaerator con-
tains hydrophobic solids such as silica,
urea or metal soaps.
a) b) c) d)
Figure 7: Solventborne clear coat, with different additions of deaerator: a) compatible; b) + c) incompatible;
d) targeted incompatible

Is there an ideal solvent-free, radiation-curing and high less in thick layers: The coating material
solids formulations. (50 g) is stirred at a high rotation speed
deaerator? (3,000 rpm) with a dissolver for 3 min-
The ideal deaerator is both effective and utes in order to incorporate air. A coat-
sufficiently compatible with the paint, Meaningful test methods ing is immediately applied by doctor
coating or printing ink formulation. blade on glass (300 µm). After drying,
Both effectiveness and compatibility
for deaerators the micro-bubbles are examined with a
must be tested for each particular coat- Experience shows that simple prelimi- magnifying glass or microscope.
ing system. Effectiveness and compati- nary tests are helpful in evaluating and
bility are not only dependent on the choosing deaerators. However these tests Evaluation of pigmented coatings is of-
deaerator itself but also on the quantity do not replace evaluation under end-ap- ten difficult because of their poor trans-
used in the formulation. The deaerator plication conditions. parency. In this case differences in gloss
most suitable and its optimal concen- can be used as a criterion: the more mi-
tration should be determined in prelim- Test methods for low to average vis- cro-bubbles the lower the gloss.
inary investigations as well as in tests cosity paint formulations
made under practical conditions. 50 g of the paint is stirred for 1 minute Testing high-build coatings
at a high speed (3,000 rpm) on a dis- For high-build coatings, e.g. 2-pack
Combinations of additives are helpful solver with a disc. This causes much air floor coatings, the flow test is not suit-
Highly efficient deaerators may unfor- to be incorporated and finely distributed able. For such formulations it is better to
tunately produce surface defects such in the paint. Immediately after stirring, use grid molds with which a defined
as craters. This can be avoided by com- the paint is poured down on a transpar- layer thickness (e.g. 3 mm) can be ob-
bining them with substrate wetting or ent polyester film fixed on a glass panel tained. Freshly stirred coating com-
surface active additives (see “Technical inclined at 25° to the perpendicular. pound is added to a mold which has
Background Slip, Flow and Radiation– After drying, the film is assessed visually been treated with release agent. After
curing Additives“, p. 60, and ”Substrate by transparent light for bubbles, pinholes curing, the specimen is removed from
Wetting Additives“, p. 68). and (if deaerator has been added) by re- the mold and evaluated visually (fig. 9).
flected light for possible defects such as
Storage stability tests are necessary craters, fish-eyes or orange peel (fig. 8). However, in many cases the freshly
High storage stability is expected from foamed coating material can simply be
many coatings systems. The ideal deaer- Test methods for medium to high vis- filled into a lid from a metallic coating
ator should therefore be effective and cosity paint formulations container or a plastic beaker and, after
compatible even after extended storage. The following method has proved par- curing, evaluated (please see the video
Tests under demanded conditions are ticularly useful as a preliminary test for ”Deaeration of floor coatings“).
essential (e.g. four weeks at room tem- formulations which will be applied air-
perature, 40 °C and 4 °C). In many cases
a combination of several deaerators or a
deaerator and defoamer is the best

Degussa supplies deaerators from the

Tego product range for numerous appli- Figure 8:
cations thus enabling micro-foam and Test foils from the
flowout test
general foam problems to be effectively a) without additves,
combated in waterborne, solventborne, a) b) b) with deaerator

dewetting and the foam bubble can rup-

ture (see also “Technical Background
Defoamers”, p. 44)

How important is the method of applica-

tion when choosing the deaerator?
The method by which the coating is ap-
plied plays a very important role. There
are deaerators which, because of their
strong incompatibility produce, for ex-
ample, a break of curtain at the curtain
coater machine. In this case only rela-
tively compatible deaerators should be

With airless- and airmix-applications

micro-bubble formation is very strong.
Figure 9: Specimen of a floor coating This requires especially effective and
therefore more incompatible deaerators
Test on the finest micro-foam FAQ: and a good balance between effective-
Micro-foam can occur in so a fine form ness and sufficient incompatibility must
that it is no longer visible to the unaided At what stage in a coatings formulation be found.
eye. Optical equipment such as a micro- should the deaerator be added?
scope or magnifying glass can be of Deaerators can be added to the mill-
help. However the following method can base or the let-down. This depends pri-
render visible the finest pores which oc- marily on the incompatibility of the
cur from micro-bubbles in the coating. deaerator with the coating system. It is
generally true the greater the incompat-
Copper sulphate test ibility the more shear force is required.
The coating is applied in a realistic Some deaerators are excellent as mill-
thickness to a sand blasted steel panel. base deaerators while others can be
After completely drying or curing, about used in the let-down or in clear coats.
4 ml of 10 % copper sulphate solution is For the ideal point of addition, please
filled into a small watch glass. The sheet see the technical data sheets of the
is placed coated surface down on the products.
filled watch glass and the apparatus in-
verted so that the copper sulphate solu- Can deaerators also act as defoamers?
tion can react. After 24 hours the paint Basically yes. Both deaerators and de-
surface is rinsed with water. If there are foamers work on the principle of tar-
fine pores in the coating they show up geted incompatibility. If macro-bubbles
as red dots. These red marks are elemen- form, e.g. in low viscosity formulations,
tal copper deposited from the copper deaerators will also orient themselves at
sulphate solution while iron has been this liquid/air boundary. The targeted in-
dissolved from the panel. compatibility of the deaerator leads to

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