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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

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Study Guide in (EGE 4 – Good Manners and Right Conduct) Module





UNIT/CHAPTER 4– Pedagogy / Methods of Teaching GMRC/Values Education



-defined as the collective conceptions of what is considered good, desirable, proper or bad,
undesirable, and improper in culture. It is a shared idea about how something is ranked in terms of
desirability, and worth of goodness. Also, values are different for each person. It may differ because
of interpretations, beliefs, norms and culture to culture. Values help to distinguish the
appropriateness of one’s motivation towards goodness and not. These can provide morality and
competence as well. Person’s core values can be learned through family, friends, school, church,
media, and other sources within the community. Values play an important role in building one’s
morality and attitude towards life. It reminds us, of what is more important in life. An individual
helps understand what to ought and not to. By means of values, personality born.


According to Merriam-Webster it is the “art, science, or profession of teaching, especially education.

It comes down to studying teaching methods. It can be either teacher or learner centered. Each
teacher has a different pedagogical approach that they consider according to their classroom learning
and the student needs.


At the end of this lesson, the students should be able to:

1. Identify different methods in teaching values education

2. Explain the importance of approaches/methods in teaching values education


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (EGE 4 – Good Manners and Right Conduct) Module

3. Explain the effects of values education in the curriculum

LEARNING CONTENTS (title of the subsect

Pedagogies/Methodologies and Techniques of Teaching Values Education

1. Classroom learning activities methods/approach

These are the sources strategies that can be used in values education.

(a) Biographies

(b) Stories

(c) Extracts form essays, articles, classics and newspaper

(d) Parables, proverbs, quotations and poems

(e) Value/moral dilemmas

(f) Classroom incidents/anecdotes/ conflicts.

2. Practical activities method

The practical approach can teach learners to select fit opportunities that can enhance their

personal and social life according to what they feel and understood. The activities below will

help them to live base on their principles.

(a) School campus/classroom maintenance activities

(b) Social forestry/community development activities

(c) Work experience related activities

(d) Organizing campaigns on community sanitation, literacy, environmental

awareness, AIDS prevention awareness

(e) Yoga, meditation and prayer sessions

(f) Eradication of social evils campaign activities (gender inequality, dowry,


(g) co-curricular/self-government activities


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (EGE 4 – Good Manners and Right Conduct) Module

3. Socialized techniques and activities

Social interactions, such as cooperation’s and communication, will helps the student
experience social life that promotes healthy development of a person. Also the rate of understanding
will increase. Group oriented techniques provides values towards each other. Activities below are
strategies for values education.

a. Dramatization activities like staging play, dramas, both of traditional folk and modern on
value themes.

b. Enacting opportunities to take up and practice the role of different kinds, taking the role
form epics/scriptures.

c. Modelling exercise, the ideal persons and groups on themes such as

1) Gender inequality

2) Problems pertaining to women's role and education

3) Caring animals and human beings

4) Problems related to environmental protection

5) Consequences of air water pollution

4. Incidental learning method

It’s a method where an individual can identify wrong and right actions based on their
experience/s. This can be pre-plan occur or by accident and reprimanding or rewarding those



1. In your own opinion, what pedagogies/ methods in teaching values education best response for
the millennial learners’ values formation?
Well, I would say that all of these methods are very useful in teaching values education,
but, on my opinion, extract essays, articles, classics, and newspaper would be the best
methods in teaching values education to the students for the reason that these can help them
in many ways. For instance, writing essays allows students to write what they have learned
and this allows them to reflect and give their attitude regarding to their lesson. Next is
article, writing articles can help students to widen their knowledge and this can help
students engage with regards to the different issues in our country. And of course the
classics, classics that provide roadmap to the students to learn and grow. They will be able


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (EGE 4 – Good Manners and Right Conduct) Module

to learn and appreciate the beliefs and behavior that our ancestors pass down. Lastly, the
newspaper, reading and writing newspaper is very helpful to the students. This method will
teach the learners to be an opener and using this tool it can help them to look at things in a
bigger scope and also it can improve the critical thinking skills of the students.

2. Tell something about the effects of values education in the K-12 curriculum?
Before anything else let us define values education first. Values Education is teaching and
learning universal values such as moral values, honesty and etc. I do believe that including
values education as a subject in the K-12 curriculum is extremely helpful for the students
because moral values can make their behavior better that leads them to decide the good and
bad things in their life. In addition, values education can help the students not only to
understand the values but also this allows the students to reflect their attitudes and behavior
and contribute to society through good citizenship and ethics.

3. Discuss briefly the importance of pedagogies/methods in teaching GMRC/Values Education.

Having well pedagogies/methods in teaching GMRC and Values Education is extremely
important for it can improve the quality of your teaching. These methods will serve as your
guide and planning action to be an effective teacher. Additionally, being mindful of the
way you teach can help you better understand how students achieve deeper understanding
and acquire deeper learning.

4. How do school activities and teachers influence a lifelong learning on GMRC/Values Education?
For me, school activities and teachers plays important role in the lifelong learning on
GMRC and Values Education for the reason that it/they provide assistance in imparting
learning and knowledge to the students. Further, teachers are the one who teach and guide
the learners and they are the one who give and provide activities to the students. That is
why school activities and teachers have a great impact in influencing a lifelong learning on
GMRC and Values Education.

5. During this global pandemic, in what ways have lectures and pedagogy changed?
At this point in time, the pedagogies that we used to do for so many years have changed a
lot due to this global pandemic. Before this crazy thing happens, we used to do role playing
in school, we used to do recitation, we used to teach and acquire learning face-to –face and
all. But now, it changed big time. Both teachers and students still adjusting with this kind
of set up, wherein we are now doing electronic learning or the online class. In this situation
we won’t be able to do some pedagogy like role playing and etc. But teachers think
different ways and methods so that the learners still learn in spite of this pandemic. For
example, instead of role playing and reporting face-to-face, teachers requiring their students
to make a video while reporting. All of the performance tasks will be now recorded and
uploaded. Yes, in our situation is somehow difficult but we have nothing to do with it but
just go with the flow and keep going.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (EGE 4 – Good Manners and Right Conduct) Module


Spend quality time

reading educational
books that promotes
positive values with
the students.
Expose students
to the type of Play games and
ACTIVITY 1-B television program sports with the
Put your own ideas in that support good students as a
moral values. family.
teaching values education
effectively inside the circle.

Let students Encourage students

demonstrate the values to reflect with the
they have different moral
acquired values like kindness
I am going honesty, and
to use media fairness etc.
effectively in teaching
values education

LEARNING CONTENTS 2 (title of the subsection)

. Pedagogies/Methodologies and Techniques of Teaching Values Education

1. Classroom learning activities methods/approach

These are the sources strategies that can be used in values education.

(a) Biographies

(b) Stories

(c) Extracts form essays, articles, classics and newspaper

(d) Parables, proverbs, quotations and poems

(e) value/moral dilemmas

(f) Classroom incidents/anecdotes/ conflicts.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (EGE 4 – Good Manners and Right Conduct) Module



Essay: In more or less than 100 words, discuss substantively the given statement below.
Education post COVID-19: Challenges and opportunities; face-to-face, online and blended learning

Indeed, the Corona Virus Disease has a great impact to the various aspects of our normal life.
Especially in the education sector. As the result, schools have been forced to put off the traditional
classes that we used to do for so many years. Instead, the institutions shift it from traditional class in
to electronic learning or the online class.

As of now, method and pedagogy has been reshaped due to this pandemic. Online and
blended learning have been adopted by the several education institutions to keep imparting learning
and knowledge to the learners. This new method involves the use of technological devices and
services to create virtual classroom. This new system is somehow difficult for it can encounter few
challenges. The challenges for the teachers lies on how they will be able to maintain the orderliness
of the classroom even if it is online class especially sometimes we cannot avoid environmental noise
or the unwanted noise during the class. Also, teachers are challenge to do video streaming to make
sure that their learners are paying attention during discussion. Further, the challenges that the
students encountered during online class was they find it easier to get distracted with their
environment since not all students are capable of having peaceful and sufficient room in their house.
Also, there are students who do not have wifi or stable internet connection in their home. But most of
them are able to attend their class in spite of this painful situation. Undoubtedly, this new normal is
extremely challenging yet gives us opportunities after all. Opportunities that will be usable in the

Truly, due to this pandemic everything has changed big time! We have nothing to do with it
but to embrace and accept it. We don’t have to worry about it because everything happens for a
reason. So stop complaining, go with the flow and keep going.


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (EGE 4 – Good Manners and Right Conduct) Module




Values education is a process where learners can instil and give values to others. These can
take place at home, schools, and can learn everywhere by means of observation or through guidance.
We have different techniques in teaching values. Some of these are classroom activities method,
practical activities method, socialized techniques and activities, and incidental learning method. In
order for the educators instil values for their students. Values education plays an important role in
guiding an individual towards success and positivity to live peacefully. It teach students what to
ought and not to. Determining what’s more important, as well as right and wrong. And lastly, it


FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020

Study Guide in (EGE 4 – Good Manners and Right Conduct) Module

provides morality and competence as well.

Chaitanya Mekala (2017).Value Based Education and Methods, Strategies, Approaches to impart it
in Education. International Journal of Research Culture Society, Arizona USA 5th of July values
2017 (2020) Value based Education
Kristen Cole (2019). Pedagogy in Education: More Than a Buzzword

Gowler D. (2000). What are they saying about the parables. Retrieved September 16, 2020, from

Arora, Shirley L. (1995). The perception of proverbiality.

Ehondor B. (2017) The concept of proverbs a theoretical category in communication in Africa.

Retrieved from

(n.d.). Retrieved September 19, 2020, from,

LiteraryDevicesEditors. (2013). Metaphor. Retrieved September 19, 2020,

Skuola Editors. (2000). Kinds of poetry. Retrieved September 19, 2020, from


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