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Advances in Psychiatric Treatment (2998), vol. 4, pp.


Psychiatric aspects of diabetes mellitus

Peter Trigwell & Robert Peveler

In 1899, Maudsley wrote: untreated. Diabetes is either primary (idiopathic)

"Diabetes is a disease which often shows itself in or secondary (with various possible causes,
families in which insanity prevails: whether one disease including pancreatic destruction by malignant
predisposes in any way to the other or not, or whether tumour or pancreatitis, and insulin antagonism by
they are independent outcomes of a common neurosis, steroid therapy). There are two principal forms of
they are certainly found to run side by side, or the disease.
alternately with one another more often than can be
accounted for by accidental coincidence or sequence".
Type I diabetes
Recent research confirms that a range of psycho Often called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus,
logical problems and psychiatric disorders are this type usually develops during childhood or
common in people with diabetes. Such problems
adolescence, presenting acutely with severe
are important not only because of the suffering symptoms of malaise, fatigue, weight loss, polyuria,
caused, but also because of their impact upon the polydipsia, infections and sometimes coma.
management and outcome of the diabetes itself.
This article reviews the psychosocial impact of Type II diabetes
diabetes and its treatment, describes the range of
psychological problems and psychiatric disorders Often called non-insulin dependent diabetes
which commonly occur in people with diabetes, mellitus, this tends to occur in the overweight and
and outlines the role of the psychiatrist in the the elderly. It is often asymptomatic and detected
recognition and management of these clinical by routine urine testing, but sufferers may present
problems. with infection or vascular complications.

Medical complications
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes (particularly Type I) is accompanied by
long-term microvascular, neurological and macro-
Clinicalfeatures vascular complications. These include retinopathy,
nephropathy, neuropathy, cardiovascular disease
Diabetes mellitus is a common, chronic condition and peripheral vascular insufficiency. They are a
caused by diminished availability or effectiveness major cause of morbidity and mortality, but research
of endogenous insulin. About 19t of the population has confirmed that good glycaemic control sig
of the UK are recognised to be suffering from nificantly reduces the risk of eventual medical
diabetes, but most authorities estimate that another complications (Diabetes Control and Complications
1% have the condition, but go undiagnosed or Research Group, 1993).

Peter Trigwell qualified and trained in psychiatry in Leeds. His main research interest is in psychological factors which affect the presentation,
management and outcome of physical illness. Part of his clinical work involves psychiatric input to the diabetes service of a large teaching
hospital (The General Infirmary at Leeds, Great George Street, Leeds LSI 3EX).Robert Peveler qualified and trained in psychiatry in Oxford.
His research interests include treatment adherence and medically unexplained physical symptoms. His clinical interests are in consultation-
liaison psychiatry and general practice psychiatry.
APT(1998),vol.4,p.l60 Trigwell & Peveler

Physical management the outcome. It determines the risk both of serious

medical complications and of psychological
Of all chronic disorders, diabetes arguably requires problems or psychiatric disorder. The onset of
the greatest level of active involvement in manage diabetes, especially Type I, brings many pressures
ment and self-care. In addition to the multi- and difficulties. Following diagnosis there will
often be a 'honeymoon period' lasting for a few
disciplinary services that he or she might receive, a
person with diabetes must, in many ways, be their weeks or months. During this time the person may
own doctor, nurse, dietician and biochemist appear to be adapting well to the demands and
(paraphrasing R. D. Lawrence, founder of the restrictions of the treatment regime. There may be
British Diabetic Association). In broad terms, an element of novelty, so that monitoring and
management of diabetes consists of balancing administration of medication is interesting and not
events which raise blood glucose (e.g.. consuming too onerous. Eventually, a proportion will begin to
foodstuffs which contain carbohydrate) with events cope less well. They may pass through stages
which lower blood glucose (e.g. exercise, insulin similar to those seen in a bereavement reaction:
or oral hypoglycaemic medication). The aim is to disbelief, denial, anger and depression. The
keep the blood glucose within the normal range as similarity with grief is probably because the
far as possible, and hence to avoid later medical diagnosis of diabetes threatens various losses: of
complications. A high blood glucose level may lead job or career potential, of sexual function and
to symptoms of hyperglycaemic ketoacidosis reproductive potential, of eyesight or limbs, or of a
sense of control over one's life and future.
(similar to the presenting symptoms of Type I
diabetes as listed above). A low blood glucose level
causes hypoglycaemia, leading to hunger, sweating, Psychological hurdles
agitation and confusion. Coma may follow,with the
possibility of irreversible brain damage. The day-
to-day management ofdiabetes is described in Box1. Diabetes, in common with any chronic physical
illness, poses numerous psychological hurdles
(Maguire & Haddad, 1996).

Coping with diabetes Uncertainty about the future

The range of possible long-term outcomes in
In view of the importance of self-care, the way in diabetes is very wide, from no significant medical
complications to blindness, amputation, renal
which people adjust to having diabetes is crucial to
failure or severe neuropathic pain. Examples of
poor outcomes are repeatedly encountered in the
diabetes clinic, and uncertainty about outcome is
Box 1. Components of successful day-to-day likely to be a particular problem for those who have
management of diabetes had adverse experiences of diabetes in friends or
relatives. These concerns must be actively and
Diet- increased intake of fibre and complex empathically addressed in order to avoid unneces
carbohydrates and reduced fat intake are sary distress; the treatment and outcome of diabetes
encouraged have improved a great deal since older relatives
Medication-oral hypoglycaemic medication were diagnosed.
may be necessary in Type II diabetes in
addition to dietary management; regular Loss of control
subcutaneous injections of exogenous Some perceive diabetes to have 'taken over' their
insulin are also required in Type I diabetes
life, leading either to a feeling of helplessness or an
(and sometimes in Type II)
angry, rebellious response.
Exercise - aerobic exercise is valuable for
weight loss, decreasing insulin resistance Being secretive
in Type II diabetes and reducing the risk
of hypertension and cardiovascular disease As a result of concern over the acceptability of their
Monitoring - blood and/or urine glucose diagnosis to others, particularly employers or
levels are monitored to allow immediate insurers, some people may keep it a secret. In
decisions concerning other aspects of view of the possibility of hypoglycaemic episodes,
management and other potential problems, this can be very
Psychiatrie aspects of diabetes APT (1998),vol. 4, p. 161

Coping styles and strategies mismatch between the regime and the preferred
lifestyle. Recent research has examined the
importance of motivation in diabetes, and it may
Three factors are particularly important in
prove possible to improve poor glycaemic control
determining how an individual reacts to the
using a motivational interviewing approach
(Trigwelleffl/, 1997).
Individual perceptions
The extent of social disability varies according to Presentation of psychological
how serious the person perceives their condition
to be, rather than according to the degree of problems
seriousness perceived by doctors. Because of this,
it is particularly important to find out what the
person's understanding and expectations are. People with diabetes may complain directly of
psychological problems, but difficulties often
Personality traits and previous ways of coping present initially as a change in behaviour. For
example, checking of blood glucose level may be
Those with marked dependent, avoidant or reduced in frequency or cease completely, insulin
obsessional traits are likely to adapt less well. injections may be missed, and good dietary habits
abandoned. Risk-taking behaviour such as smoking
Coping style or misusing alcohol or other drugs may begin or
Denial has been found to be an adaptive and useful increase. In dealing with this situation there are
coping style in some physical disorders (Gréeret several important points to remember (Box 2; see
al, 1979). In diabetes, however, it is a common but Peveler & Tooke, 1995).
maladaptive reaction to the diagnosis. Some people Ability to cope with diabetes can be increased by
may behave as if they do not actually have diabetes a sympathetic and understanding approach,
at all, and there may be an element of 'magical' offering advice and effective education. Some
thinking ('if I ignore this, and behave as if it doesn't people with diabetes and their families find the
exist, it will go away/I won't have it at all'). In some series of "Coping with..." booklets published by the
cases the result of this will be emergency admission British Diabetic Association very helpful. When
due to severe hyperglycaemia. The overall coping problems with glycaemic control arise, however,
strategy depends upon the balance between they are usually not simply the result of educational
how much lifestyle is modified to accommodate deficits; evaluation of education as a means of
improving inadequate self-care shows that it is
diabetes, and how much the regime is made to fit
around other activities with the minimum possible largely ineffective. Diabetes nurse specialists are
impact. well placed to offer help, and tend to see the
majority of those with poor coping and psycho
logical problems. It is important, however, to
Adherence or self-care recognise that they are carrying out this work and
to provide suitable supervision and psychiatric
Adherence can be defined as the extent to which a back-up in order to facilitate it.
person's behaviour (medication-taking, diet, or
lifestyle change) coincides with medical or health
advice (Haynes et al, 1979). There is a tendency to Box 2. Points to remember when considering
consider problems with coping as synonymous a change in self-care behaviour of people
with non-adherence. However, this is an over- with diabetes
simplistic and unhelpful approach which assumes
that one specific treatment plan exists which is Self-care behaviour may be used to express
effective in all situations. In fact, people must feelings that have nothing to do with the
modify their regime in accordance with blood and diabetes itself.
urine test results, activity levels, infections and Poor glycaemic control should be approached
other illness episodes. In short, there is no clearly as a problem of multi-factorial aetiology.
defined treatment for them to adhere to. A more The person with diabetes must be managed
useful term to describe this is self-care. There are in a sensitive way, using a combined
many reasons why behaviour may deviate from the approach by both medical and psychiatric
usual regime. When problems with glycaemic teams.
control arise it is important to look for any
APT(1998),vol.4,p.ì62 Trigwell & Peveler

Entile diabetes Table 1. Increased prevalence of psychiatric

diabetesStudy disorder in
An extreme example of maladaptation to diabetes Prevalence (%)
is 'brittle diabetes'. This is characterised by gross
fluctuations in glycaemic control, often with
repeated emergency admissions. It is now widely 18 24 hospital
t'fn/,1988 sample
accepted that brittle diabetes is a behavioural rather
than a pathophysiological problem (Williams et al, Mayou 12 19 Young patients with
et al, 1991 diabetes mellitus
1991). In an influential paper in this area, Tattersall
Rodgers & 3.8 8.6 General population
& Walford (1985) concluded that: Mann, 1986SampleIDDM
"...such patients are neither 'mad' nor 'bad' but
indulge in potentially dangerous behaviour, partly
because they are ignorant of its consequences but more Weyerer
ctn'l, 1989 43.1 Patients with
often because it 'pays' in the sense of fulfilling other
needs, whether for love, shelter, approval or escape 26.2 Healthy control
from an otherwise insoluble conflict."
Sensitivity and tact are essential to engage the IDDM, insulin-dependent (Type I) diabetes mellitus
person (who may be very reluctant or even hostile)
in psychological work, and blunt confrontation
should be avoided. Assessment should identify and
address important psychosocial factors. A link is notable that specific subgroups suffer particularly
then made between periods of worse glycaemic high rates of psychiatric disorder: those with
control and emotional distress or social difficulties. medical complications, frequent admissions for
A firm and consistent approach is essential, stabilisation, or brittle diabetes (Tattersall, 1985;
requiring close liaison between psychiatric and Wulsin et al, 1987; Wrigley & Mayou, 1991).
medical teams. A period of in-patient management
on a medical ward may be needed, with a senior
physician taking the lead role in dealing with the
Depressive disorders
person and coordinating the team approach.
Confrontation is not necessarily helpful: the mark Depressive illness, with or without anxiety, is the
of success in these difficult cases is containment most common psychiatric disorder seen in people
and stabilisation of the situation, with eventual with diabetes. Some studies suggest that depression
improvement in the underlying problems, and/or anxiety may affect up to 50% of young
improved glycaemic control, and, hopefully, people with poorly controlled Type 1 diabetes (Orr
reduced need for admission. et al, 1983; Tattersall & Walford, 1985). The preva
lence of depression is significantly higher than
in the general population, and at the high end of
Psychiatric disorder in diabetes the continuum of depression prevalence in the
physically ill (Fris & Nunjandapper, 1986; Mayou
Difficulties in coping with diabetes may contribute et al, 1991; Lustman et al, 1992). It is presumed that
to the causation of psychiatric disorder, but often at least part of this increased risk is due to
such disorders have the same range of causes as the psychosocial difficulties which accompany
those seen in non-diabetic people; genetic risks, life diabetes, although it has been suggested that organic
events unrelated to disease, and chronic social factors may also be important (Geringer, 1990).
difficulties. Psychological difficulties exist on a
continuum from mild to severe, and the 'cut-off
point for psychiatric disorder is arbitrary. What may
Treatment of depression in diabetes
be considered a mild disorder in an otherwise well
person may assume greater clinical significance For mild depressive syndromes the initial treatment
when it occurs in conjunction with a chronic is to offer advice, information, explanation and
physical disease, in view of its effects upon practical support to people with diabetes and their
behavioural management and physical outcome. families (Popkin et al, 1985). For more persistent
Rates of psychiatric disorder diagnosed according cases, specific psychological treatment such as
to standardised criteria are higher in diabetes than problem-solving therapy, cognitive-behavioural
those expected in the general population (see Table therapy or interpersonal psychotherapy may be
1), although it appears that the suicide rate is not used (although the lack of published studies of
elevated overall (Harris & Barraclough, 1994). It is psychotherapy for depression in diabetes mean that
Psychiatrie aspects of diabetes APT (1998),vol. 4, p. 163

this approach lacks an evidence base). It is impor al, 1991; Peveler et al, 1992). Nevertheless, because
tant to note that the presence of the symptoms and such disorders are common in the general popu
signs of a major depressive disorder have exactly lation, particularly among teenage and young adult
the same significance in a person with diabetes as women, and because sub-threshold cases or 'partial
they would in a person who is physically well. syndromes' may also be clinically significant when
Thus, the characteristics of a depressive disorder occurring in people with diabetes, they constitute
that suggest a probable response to treatment in the an important clinical problem.
physically well also apply in those who have The clinical features of people with both an eating
diabetes. It is a common error to assume that the disorder and diabetes differ little from those of non-
depression is 'understandable under the circum diabetic patients. The principal difference is that
stances' and not to attempt to treat it. Depression people with diabetes have available to them an
in people with diabetes has been demonstrated to additional means of weight control: the under-use
respond to antidepressant medication and to or omission of insulin. Such self-induced glycosuria
electroconvulsive therapy (Kaplan et al, 1960; Fakhri is not restricted to people with eating disorders,
et al, 1980; Turkington, 1980; Finestone & Weiner, being common in younger women seeking to loose
1984). weight. Eating disorder sufferers appear to have a
poor physical prognosis, with a high risk of physical
Other benefits of antidepressants in diabetes complications of diabetes (Steel et al, 1987), although
systematic studies are still required.
Tricyclic antidepressants such as amitriptyline and Satisfactory management depends upon success
imipramine (as well as low-dose phenothiazines
ful detection of the condition. Sufferers are often
and carbamazepine) may be helpful in the treatment ashamed of or secretive about their behaviour, and
of painful diabetic neuropathy. It has also been do not volunteer information about it in the clinic.
suggested that antidepressant treatments including Poor glycaemic control, repeated episodes of
imipramine, lithium, fluoxetine and electro-
ketoacidosis or hypoglycaemia and weight fluctu
convulsive therapy may reduce hyperglycaemia ations are important clues to diagnosis. Sensitive
and have 'antidiabetic effects', possibly by
but direct questions about eating habits and
increasing insulin sensitivity, although further attitudes need to be asked whenever the index of
research is needed (Sarán,1982; Normand & Jenike, suspicion is raised, and opportunities offered for
1984; Trueeffl/, 1987). interviews in more confidential surroundings than
an open ward or a busy clinic.
Cautions Specific psychological treatments (cognitive-
behavioural therapy and interpersonal psycho
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) therapy) have been shown to be of benefit in non-
should be used with caution as they have been
diabetic patients, and can be translated to the
reported to cause hypoglycaemic episodes (mainly
in non-insulin-dependent (Type II) diabetes treatment of people with diabetes, although
mellitus) and their side-effects (tremor, nausea, management is more complex (Peveler & Fairburn,
sweating and anxiety) can be mistaken for hypo- 1992). A major difficulty is that psychological
treatment services are not well equipped to deal
glycaemia (Bazire, 1996). There is also a need for
caution with tricyclic drugs, as their side-effects with such a combination of problems, and dedicated
(urinary bladder dysfunction, sedation, cardio- liaison psychiatry services are probably best placed
to do this work, where they exist.
toxicity, weight gain and adverse affects on sexual
Unfortunately, no research evidence exists to
function) can be troublesome. Particular care must
guide the management of the large number of
be taken if using antidepressants in people with
people with dietary problems falling short of full
renal dysfunction.
eating disorder. Dietary advice is usually given by
the dietician or specialist nurse, but clinical
Eating disorders experience indicates that this is usually ineffective.

As with other disorders, there is a spectrum of

disturbance of eating habits and attitudes in people
Psychosexual problems
with diabetes. Physicians long suspected that there
was an increased incidence of eating disorder in Sexual problems are common in diabetes. Overall,
people with diabetes, although studies of 'full erectile dysfunction occurs in approximately 50%
blown' anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, of men with diabetes (McCulloch et al, 1980).
diagnosed according to standard criteria, suggest Transient erectile dysfunction may be a problem at
that rates are not raised greatly, if at all (Fairburnef times of poor glycaemic control, and retrograde
APT(1998),vol.4,p.l64 Trigwell & Peveler

ejaculation and ejaculatory failure may also occur. mianserin and high-dose clozapine, and propran-
In women, orgasmic dysfunction and reduced olol may lead to a prolonged hypoglycaemic
vaginal lubrication have been reported (Kolodny, response to insulin (Bazire, 1996).
1971; Jensen, 1981).
The sexual problems encountered in diabetes
may initially be the result of neurological and
vascular complications, but frequently a mixture of
Role of the psychiatrist
physical and psychological factors are important.
For example, a young man with diabetes may notice
a slight reduction in the strength of his erection due When responding to a request to see a general
to early microvascular changes, but this may be hospital patient for assessment, there is a temptation
exacerbated by anxiety and lead to presentation to screen the person for formal (classifiable) mental
disorder and to offer no further help if the person's
with impotence. It is important to try to establish
the extent to which physical and psychological symptoms do not strictly satisfy such criteria. This
narrow 'mental model' is no more helpful than a
factors are contributing to the problem, but a narrow 'medical model' would be in such patients.
considerable degree of uncertainty may need to be
tolerated regarding the relative importance of the It is not an adequate response to the original request
various aetiological factors (Hawton, 1985). The for an opinion, which will invariably have been
situation will usually become clearer as psychosexual asking two main questions: are psychological
therapy proceeds. Alternatively, there are an factors important in the presentation of this case;
increasing number of options for physical treatment, and would a psychiatric intervention be helpful?
The psychiatrist needs to employ a broad-based
especially of erectile dysfunction, including oral
yohimbine and newer agents, intracavernosal biopsychosocial model in carrying out the assess
injection of prostaglandin E, and penile surgery ment and, if the answers to the two questions are
'yes', to take a pragmatic, problem-based approach
(still considered a last resort).
to helping with management. Both psychological
and physical elements may be important in
Other psychiatric disorders management, along with continued close liaison
with the medical team. It cannot be over-stated that
Several other psychiatric disorders occur commonly levels of psychological distress which might be
in association with diabetes. These include:
(a) phobias - especially related to needles and
injections; Box 3. Key points
(b) obsessive-compulsive disorder - which may
involve blood glucose monitoring and other People with diabetes suffer from a spectrum
attention to detail which is particularly of psychological problems, ranging from
necessary in Type I diabetes; mild difficulties in adjusting to diabetes to
(c) alcohol and drug dependence; 'full-blown' psychiatric disorders.
(d) panic disorder (note: symptoms of hypo-
Good diabetes management makes extreme
glycaemia may precipitate or mimic a panic demands on patients'behaviour.
episode); and Disorders which may be regarded as mild in
(e) schizophrenia. the physically well may assume greater
There is little research into the treatment of these significance when they occur together with
disorders in people with diabetes, but there is no diabetes, because of their impact on self-
reason to believe that the management which is care and the consequent outcome of the
appropriate and effective in the physically well will diabetes.
be any less so in patients who also have diabetes. It Psychiatrists need to avoid the pitfall of not
is important, however, to consider the possible treating 'understandable' psychological
effects of the psychiatric disorder upon the person's problems.
ability to manage his or her diabetes effectively, and Modifications to standardtreatmentapproaches
to monitor their glycaemic control. It is also may be required when diabetes is present.
important for the mental health team to be aware Close collaboration between the psychiatric
of the possible effects of any treatments they use and medical teams is necessary in dealing
upon diabetes, and to make management choices with patients who suffer from both
with this in mind. For example, there have been diabetes and a psychiatric disorder.
isolated case reports of hyperglycaemia with both
Psychiatrie aspects of diabetes APT (1998), vol. 4, p. 165

considered subclinical in the physically well must — & Tooke, J. E. (1995)The young diabetic. In Psychiatric Aspects
of PhysicalDisease(eds A. House, R. Mayou & C. Mallinson), pp.
be actively addressed in conditions such as diabetes 9-16. London: Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of
in view of their effects upon self-care and, con Psychiatrists.
sequently, upon the future physical and psycho Popkin, M. K.,Callies,A. L.& Mackenzie, T.B.(1985)The outcome
logical well-being of the patient. It is very important of antidepressant use in the medically ill. Archives of General
Rodgers, B.'&Mann, S. A. (1986)The reliability and validity of PSE
for the psychiatrist to identify and deal with any
diagnosable psychiatric disorder but, in addition, assessments by lay interviewers: a national population survey.
he or she must be able to offer advice and support Sarán,A. S. (1982)Antidiabetic effects of lithium. Journal ofClinical
to the medical team regarding psychological Psychiatry,43,383-384.
problems of a lesser degree. SteeCJ. M.,Young, R.J., Lloyd, G. C.,etal (1987)Clinically apparent
eating disorders in young diabetic women: associations with
painful neuropathy and other complications. British Medical
References Tattersall, R. B. (1985) Brittle diabetes. British MedicalJournal, 291,
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Bazire, S. (1996)PsycliotropicDrug Directory.Wiltshire: MarkAllen. Pickup), pp. 76-102. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific.
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convulsive therapy on diabetes mellitus. Lancet,ii, 775-777. hypoglycaemia with the addition of a tricyclic antidepressant
to maintenance sulfonylurea therapy. American Journal of
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1147-1150. ' Journal of the American Medical Association, 243,
Finestone, D. H. & Weiner, R. D. (1984) Effects of ECT on diabetes
mellitus. Acta PsychiatricaScandinavia, 70,321-326. Weyerer, S., Hewer, W., Pfeifer-Kurda, M.,t'Ã-¡¡/(1989)Psychiatric
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Geringer, E. S. (1990)Affective disorders and diabetes mellitus. In Wilkinson, G., Borsey, D. Q., Leslie, P., et al (1988) Psychiatric
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Gréer, S., Morris, T. & Pettingdale, K. W. (1979) Psychological 38-43.
response to breast cancer: effect on outcome. Lancet,ii, 785-787. Williams, G., Gill, G. & Pickup,]. (1991) "Brittle" diabetes. British
Harris, E.C. & Barraclough, B.M. (1994)Suicide as an outcome for MedicalJournal,303,714.
medical disorders. Medicine,73,281-296.
Wrigley,M. & Mayou, R. (1991) Psychosocial factors and admission
Hawton, K. (1985) Sex Therapy:A Practical Guide. Oxford: Oxford for poor glycaemic control. Journal of Psychosomatic Research,
Medical Publications. 35,335-344.
Haynes, R. B.,Taylor, D. W. & Sackett, D. L. (1979) Compliancein Wulsin, L. R., Jacobson,A. M. & Rand, L. I. (1987) Psychosocial
Healthcare.Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Press. aspects of diabetic retinopathy. DiabetesCare,10,367-373.
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study of 160insulin treated diabetic men and women and an age
matched control. ArchivesofSexualBehaviour,10,493-504.
Kaplan, S. M., Mass, J. W., Pixley, J. M., et al (1960) Use of
imipramine in diabetes. Journal of the American Medical
Multiple choice questions
Association, 174,511-517.
Kolodny, R. C. (1971) Sexual dysfunction in diabetic females.
Diabetes,20,557-559. 1. Major depressive disorder in a person with Type
Lustman, P J.,Griffith, L.S.,Gavard, J.A., et al (1992)Depression in
adults with diabetes. DiabetesCare, 15,1631-1639. I diabetes:
McCulloch, D. K., Campbell, I. W., Wu, F. C., et al (1980) The a should not be treated with antidepressant
prevalence of diabetic impotence. Diabetologia,18,279-283. medication if it is an understandable reaction
Maguire, P.& Haddad, P.(1996)Psychological reactions to physical
illness. In Seminars in Liaison Psychiatry (eds E. Guthrie & F. to the diabetes
Creed), pp. 157-191. London: Gaskell. b does not respond to electroconvulsive therapy
Maudsley, H. (1899) The Pathology of Mind (3rd edn). New York: c may present with worsening glycaemic
Mayou, R., Peveler, R., Davies, B.,etal (1991)Psychiatric morbidity control
in young adults with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. d should generally be treated with fluoxetine as
PsychologicalMedicine,21,639-645. the first-choice antidepressant
Normand, P.S. &Jenike, M.A. (1984)Lowered insulin requirements
after ECT.Psychosomatic», 25,418-419. e may lead to proliferative retinopathy.
Orr, D. P.,Golden, M. P.,Myers, G.,et al (1983) Characteristics of
adolescents with poorly-controlled diabetes referred to a tertiary
care centre. DiabetesCare,6,170-175.
2. Possible complications of diabetes mellitus
Peveler, R.C., Fairburn, C. G., Boiler,l,etal (1992)Eating disorders
in adolescents with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Diabetes include:
Care,10,1356-1360. a chronic neuropathic pain
— & — (1992)The treatment of bulimia nervosa in patients with
b blindness
diabetes mellitus. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 11,
45-53. c obsessive-compulsive disorder
APT(1998), vol. 4, p.l66 Trigwcfl & Peveler

d renal failure 6. In Type I diabetes:

e retrograde ejaculation. a extreme and frequent fluctuations in
glycaemic control are the result of abnormal
3. Hypoglycaemia: insulin absorption
a only occurs in patients with Type I diabetes b sexual dysfunction is almost always caused
b can lead to permanent brain damage entirely by organic factors
c may mimic a panic attack c the risk of later medical complications is
d occurs least frequently in those with 'brittle' increased in those with mild forms of
diabetes psychiatric disorder
e may be precipitated by SSRIs. d erectile dysfunction may improve with
improved glycaemic control
4. Research has shown people with diabetes to be e denial is a particularly effective coping style.
at increased risk of:
a depression
b completed suicide
c cardiovascular disease
d severe anorexia nervosa
e sexual dysfunction.

5 The following may be signs of psychiatric MCQan weI

disorder in diabetes: 1 2 3 4 5 6
a reduced frequency of blood testing aF a T a F a T a T a F
b increased alcohol intake bF b T b T b F b T b F
c increased frequency of blood testing cT c T c T c T c T c T
d reduced clinic attendance dF d T d F d F d T d T
e admission to hospital with hyperglycaemic eT e T e T e T e T e F

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