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Objective : After completing this topic, you should be able to use English in the
Business context for:
 Guiding a company tour
 Introducing a company to the clients.
 Describing location of the company

Topic : Company Tour

Brief Description: In this topic you are learn and practicing the use of language
expression for Guiding a company tour, introducing a company to the clients
, and describing location of the company. These languages skills are very useful
for the employees who are in charge of dealing with company visitors.

I. References
1) Brieger, Nick and Comfort, Jeremy. 1989. Early Business Contacts. New
York: Prentice Hall International (UK) Ltd.
2) Blanc, Kesaint. Bisnis dalam Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc.
3) Macaziola, Sare Jones. 1993. Getting Ahead; A Communication Skill Course
for Business English. London: Cambridge University Press.
4) Tim Harmoni. 1997. Spoken Business. Jakarta: Harmoni.
II. Other References
1) Blanc, Kesaint. Bisnis dalam Bahasa Inggris. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc.
2) Badger, Ian. 2003. Every day Business English. London: Longman.
III. Key Questions/Assignment
1) What language expression do you use for Introducing a company to the
2) What language expression do you use for Guiding a company tour?
3) What language expression do you use to describe location of the company
IV. Assignment
Please write a conversation based on the following situation.
Imagine that you are a business man. You are in charge of dealing with customers
and expected to handle the visitors visiting to your company at the first time. This
conversation may videotape in the classroom.


A. Introduction

This unit discusses about the vocabularies and expression used for talking
about company, line of business and telling direction in the company. The learners
also will practice saying and writing direction around the company. It is expected that
at the end of this unit, students will be able to communicate in English for guiding
company visitors.

B. Presentation
Dialogue 1
Answer the questions under each conversation below to check your understanding.
After that, please practice the dialogue with a partner.
Woman : Oh, good morning. I’ve got an appointment with Miss Vetta in the
Personal Department
Recept : Ah, good morning. You must be Mrs. Peters
Woman : Yes, that’s right.
Recept : Miss Vetta asked me to send you up when you arrive. The Personnel
Department is on the first floor.
Woman : The first floor.
Recept : Yes, that’s right.
Woman : Thank you.

1) On what floor is Miss Vetta’s office?
2) In what department does Miss Vetta work?
3) Is Miss Vetta expecting the woman’s coming?

Dialogue 2
Man : Good afternoon. I’ve got a delivery for the marketing department.
Recept : Oh, that looks heavy. Marketing is on the third floor. You can take the
elevator if you like.

Question :
1) Where does the man want to bring the delivery to?
2) Why does the Receptionist suggest the man to take elevator?

Dialogue 3
Woman : Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to Mr. Chang’s office in the
After Sales Department?
Recept : Well, after-sales is on the second floor, but I think Mr. Chang is on
holiday this week.
1) In what division does Mr. Chang work?
2) Can the woman meet Mr. Chang? Why?

Dialogue 4
Man 1 : Excuse, where’s Mr. Lee’s office?
Man 2 : Mr. Lee’s office? Take the elevator up to the fourth floor. When you come
out of the elevator, go right. Then, turn left at the end of the corridor.
Man 1 : Right and then left.
Man 2 : Yes, It’s the first office on the right.
Man 1 : First office on the right. Ah, next to Miss Ho’s office?
Man 2 : Yes, that’s right

1) How can the Man 1 get to Mr. Lee’s office?
2) Whose office is next to Mr. Lee’s office?
3) On what floor does the conversation take place? How do you know?
4) Does Man 1 know the location of Miss Ho’s office? Explain.

Dialogue 5
Woman : Excuse me, I’m looking for Mr. Tan.
Man : Is that Mr. Tan in Marketing?
Woman : Er…. Yes, I think so.
Man : Oh, his office isn’t on this floor. It’s on the fourth floor. Go down the stairs
and turn left. At the end of the corridor go right.
Woman : Left, then right.
Man : It’s the first door on the left, opposite the conference room. Look, I’ve got
to go down there. I’ll show you where it is.
1) Where is the conference room located?
2) Does the Marketing Department face the conference room? Explain?
3) Do you think the man is very helpful? Explain.

II Language Focus
1. Expression used for describing type of companies
 Tell me something about the company?
 What are you company lines of business?
 Can-Am is Canadian cooperation, which manufactures and sells high quality
range of baseball and American football clothes and equipment.
 Can-Am is multinational cooperation with head quarters in Toronto.
It is the largest manufacturer of American sporting goods outside the U.S.
75% of Can-Am’s annual revenue comes from export sales.
 The group has major subsidiaries in the US, South Korea, and the Philippines.
 The companies have 10 branches in America.
 It has/hasn’t got branches in Malaysia.
 The company doesn’t have / has no branch in Australia.
 Coca-Cola has or hasn’t got any branches.
 It hasn’t got / doesn’t have branches in America.
 Is Fiat an Italian company?
 Is Samsung a Korean or Japanese Company?
 How many people work for the company?
 We employ more 5000 people worldwide.
 It sells its product in Europe through an exclusive distributor, Touchline Trading
 We are the largest manufacturer in the country.
 We have an excellent reputation for service.

2. Expression used in asking and telling about line of business.

 What does the company produce?
It produces……………………
 What does the company do?
We are in the transport business.

3. Expression used in asking and telling about department.

Department duties:
 What are the Marketing Department routine works?
It advertises and market products
 What are the Personal Department duties?
Its duties are to deal with employee.
 What are the responsibilities of the Accounting Departments?
Its responsibilities are to organize payment.
 What are the Research Department routine works?
Its routine works are to develop new products.
 What is Sales Department responsible for?
Sales Department is responsible for selling company’s products.
 What is the duty of Dispatching Department?
Dispatching Department’s duty is sending goods to customers.
 What does the After Sales Department do?
After-sale Department helps customers with problems.

3. Expression used in asking and telling about department.

a. Can you show me around the company/the office?
b. Can you tell me how to get to…………………..
c. Where is the marketing department?
d. Where’s (Mr. Lee’s) officer?
 Our sales representatives work in the third floor.
 Go up to the fourth floor. When you come out of the elevator, go left. It’s the
second door on the left at the end of the corridor.
 Oh, his office isn’t on this floor. It’s on the fourth floor. Go down the stairs and
turn left at the end of the corridor do right.
 Take the elevator up to the fourth floor. When you come out of the elevator, go
right. Then left at the end of the corridor.
 It’s on the first office on the right. Ah, next to Miss Ho’s office.
 It’s on the first floor on the left. Opposite the conference room.
 Personal department is in the first floor or purchasing department.
 Well, it is on the fourth floor.
 Could you give me direction to your office?
 Just follow the sign.
 Go past the meeting room and take the first turning on the left.
 You’ll see my office on right-had side.
 Take the lift to the fourth floor.
 His office is on the fifth on the right, along the corridor.

C. Exercises
1. Open file (File IIIC-Company Line of Business D1-P48) and click it to listen the
conversation (1-3) talking about work and company. While you listen to the
conversations, answer the questions that follow.
Dialogue 1
1. Where does the interviewee work?
2. In what country is the company based?
3. In how many countries does the company have branches?

Dialogue 2
1. What is the woman’s company specialized in?
2. Where is the Headquarter of the office located?
3. What business does the woman does not mention?
(a) Traveler’s check (b) banking (c) money exchange

Dialogue 3
1. Alcatel is a ……. company
(a) French (b) Dutch (c) Italian
2. The interviewee works in …
(b) Amsterdam (b) Rotterdam (c) Birmingham
3. The company has factories in … countries.
(c) 120 (b) 22 (c) 12

4. Fill in the following cards based on the job and company information of your
friend’s father/mother.
Name: ………………………………………………………
Company: ………………………………………………………….
The activities of the company: ……………………………………..
Department: ………………………………………………………..
Responsibility: ……………………………………………………..
Headquarter: …………………………………………………………
Branches: …………………………………………………………….

5. Fill in the following each blank using an appropriate preposition.

a. Take the third turning ..…. the left.
b. You need to take the lift …….. the third floor.
c. There is no profit …………… it.
d. We are very competitive ……… terms of price.
e. Are you listed ………. the Stock Exchange?
f. What kind of business are you ………?

2. Complete the sentences using the words in the box below. Use each word only.
Reputation demand corridor profit site
Partnership registration map lift first turn

a. Could you give me direction? I don’t have a ………………………………

b. How long have you had office on this ……..?
c. You can use the stairs, but it is quicker to take the …………………………
d. My office is along the …………………………..
e. After two years of making losses, we are now making …………………….
f. There is growing ………………… for our products in the Middle East.
g. My brother and I went to ……………………. three years ago.
h. We have an excellent ………………………… for quality.

3. Choose an appropriate response.

1. Did you have a good journey? a) No, it’s a partnership.
2. Is it limited company? b) Just over five years.
3. When was the company set up? c) Yes, that’s right.
4. Have you ever on this site long? d) Thanks, I can manage.
5. I heard you’re in transport business. e) Yes, very good thank.
6. What kind of company is it? f) Yes, we met last year
7. Can I help? g) It’s a small family business.
8. Do you know Gunilla? h) Yes, for twenty years.

4. Write down a question for the following answers. Refers to the dialogues and
a. …………………………………………………………………………………
We are in the shipping business.
b. ……………………………………………………………………………
No, we are not a partnership. We are a limited company.
c. ..……………………………………………………………………
We have been on this site for three years.
d. …………………………………………………………………………
In terms of region, the biggest market is North America.

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