2011 AERO1560 Project

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AERO1560 Introduction to Aerospace Engineering

Design Project 2011

Aim: To design and build the smallest possible “Walkalong Glider” based on a scaled model of an
existing aircraft that has the best performance for the given missions.

Rules (version 2011.1 - updates would be posted in eLearning, if necessary, to clarify rules):
(1) Teams of five (5) students each - any variation need to be specifically approved;
(2) Structural material for the platform – anything!
(3) “Propulsion” board - anything!
(4) Size based on largest dimension in wingspan.
(5) Best of three (3) flight attempts for completion and speed.
(6) Only one design allowed for each group;
(7) Criteria for points:
Category Measurement Weighting

Achievement of stable flight Maximum points if mission is completed. 30 60%

around designated course. points for minimum qualifying distance which is
the length of the lab, and then points based on
proportional distance back to the starting line.
Zero points for not achieving min.distance flight.
Distance measured to point where aircraft touches
the ground.

Max. Wingspan of platform Normalised to the smallest platform to achieve at 20%

least the minimum distance on the day, ie.
maximum points for the team with the smallest
flight platform.

Speed of Flight Discretion of judges - slowest is best 10%

Accuracy of Scale of Design Scale, Innovation & workmanship - discretion of 10%


Peer assessment Contribution to the team effort ±10%


(8) Location for the “fly-off” contest will be in the W&A Bennett Laboratory (level 2 of
Aeronautical Engineering Building);
(9) Practices can be done in the Lab in Week 13 - however, please do not leave any rubbish in
the lab.
(10) Final Fly-off contest will be at 1200 on Friday 3 June 2011 (Week 13) - no practice flights
allowed then - attendance for full session required. Each team will have 3 minutes to
complete the 3 flights. Please keep to time so that every team will have a chance to complete
the required flights.
(11) Minor emendations may be given to clarify the rules, but these will be posted in eLearning
before the contest day;
(12) The judges’ decisions will be final.

KC Wong
May 2011
Team Design Assessment Sheet
- One (1) copy per Team to be handed in on Contest Day
- individual peer assessments (1 per person together with this Assessment Sheet)

Name of Aeroplane: .................................................................................

Group Members:
1. ........................................................... SID ...................................
2. ........................................................... SID ...................................
3. ........................................................... SID ...................................
4. ........................................................... SID ...................................
5. ........................................................... SID ...................................

Team Design Description:

Wingspan (m), b: ....................................................

Flight distance achieved (% past half-way):

Qualifying Distance: (Y/N)
(1) ........................................ Time taken (s): ....................................
(2) ........................................ Time taken (s): ....................................
(3) ........................................ Time taken (s): ....................................

The following for Judges’ Use ONLY

Design Innovation and Speed of Flight (judges’ discretion - max 20%): ...................

Peer Assessment (confidential - This Table for judges use only) - use given sheet - max 10%
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Smallest airframe (m) for all teams, bmin : ..............................................

Span parameter = (2 - b/bmin)* 20% = ...............................

Achievement of Mission = MD * 30 + ED * 30 = .............................................(minimum 0%)

where MD = 1 if minimum distance achieved (length of lab) and MD = 0 if not, and
ED refers to best extra distance in % half-course distance past the half-way
Confidential Peer Assessment
(1 per person to be handed in with Team Design Assessment Sheet)
Please follow instructions VERY carefully:

(1) Please fill this in the same row-order as the list of Team Members’ names on the
Team Design Assessment Sheet. Fill in your ROW only.
(2) Provided you are sensible to make it easy for the judges to record this peer
assessment, you can choose to seal this to maintain confidentiality;
(3) This will provide a bonus/penalty of up to 10% of your team’s final score for you as
an individual mark;
(4) Give each person (including yourself) within your team a mark (-10 to +10) with the
following rules:
a. This is to be based on the value of contributions by the various team members
to the final outcome;
b. DO NOT discuss this assessment with your peers in the team;
c. The total for the assessments of your peers need to add up to ZERO;
d. Fractional scores not permitted (ie. Whole numbers only);
e. Scores of All-zeros not permitted.

Assessor 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total
(need to be zero)

Example -10 +10 -5 +3 +2 0

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