2017 Batch 2015j Ios

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1. Explain the principle “Statute must be read as a whole in its context”.

(Refer page No. )
2. Explain briefly the internal aids of interpretation of statutes. (Refer page
No. )
3. State the importance of codifying of statutes in interpreting a statute.
(Refer page No. )
4. What are the general principles governing the retrospective operation of
statutes. (Refer page No. )
5. “Power to repeal is consistent with Power to enact”. Repeal may be
express or implied. Explain. (Refer page No. )
6. Explain the common law rules relating to statutes affecting the crown or
state. (Refer page No. )
7. Explain the different kinds of pleasures and pains. (Refer page No. )
8. Write short notes on any two:

a. Foreign Decisions. (Refer page No. )

b. Rule of Ejusdem genesis. (Refer page No. )
c. Arbitrary principle. (Refer page No. )
9. Answer any two:
a. Acts in Parimateria. (Refer page No. )
b. Harmonious construction. (Refer page No. )
c. Strict interpretation of penal statutes. (Refer page No. )



1. Explain the literal rule of construction with illustrations. (Refer page

2. “Language of the statute should be read as it is”. Discuss. (Refer page
3. Discuss the importance of historical facts and later developments in
interpreting statutes. (Refer page No.)
4. Explain general principles of interpretation regarding retrospective
operation of statutes. (Refer page No.)
5. Explain perpetual and temporary statutes. State the effects of repealing a
temporary statute. (Refer page No.)
6. Explain the principles of interpreting statutes affecting jurisdiction of
courts. (Refer page No.)
7. Discuss the theory of utility. (Refer page No.)
8. Write short notes on any two.
(a) Ejusdem generis. (Refer page No.)
(b) Preamble. (Refer page No.)
(c) Dictionaries. (Refer page No.)
9. Answer any two.
(a) Exact meaning preferred to loose meaning. (Refer page No.)
(b) Technical words are to be understood in technical sense. (Refer page
(c) Statutes are presumed to be valid. (Refer page No.)

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