Assisting I.V. Insertion

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Name: Mary Grace G. Rivera Yr. & Sec.BSN2D Grade:___________

1- excellent
2- Very satisfactory
3- Satisfactory
4- Needs improvement
5- Poor

1 2 3 4 5

1. Wash hands. Reduce microorganism transfer

2. Prepare the equipment. Facilitate efficiency and
3. Check the information label of the Ensures the right the IV and patient
I.V. solution container, including the to prevent administration errors.
patient’s name and room number, the
type of solution, the time & date of it’s
preparation, the preparer’s name and
the ordered infusion rate.
4. Compare the solution label with the Avoid administration error and
doctor’s order. ensures client is receiving the
correct therapy
5. Remove the protective cap of the Keep IV tubing port sterile at all
solution bottle. times. If IV tubing port becomes
contaminated, dispose of it
immediately and replace.
6. Take out the I.V. set from the Check if the set is still sealed and
package. sterile that is to be inserted into the
rubber port of the solution bottle.
7. Remove the protective cap of the This gives access to the puncture
I.V. set needle/puncture device. device that is to be inserted in the
solution bottle, making sure the
device is still sterile.
8. Close the clamp of the I.V. tubing. Stops the infusion to prevent air
bubbles from forming in IV tubing.
9. Insert the I.V. set needle/puncture Make sure that the device is sterile
device into the rubber port of the before inserting it to the solution
solution bottle. bottle using the sterile technique.
10. Fill the drip chamber with I.V. Filling the drip chamber prevents
solution by pressing lightly on it. air from entering the IV tubing.
11. Open the I.V. tubing clamp and fill Fluid in the drip chamber helps
tubing completely with solution, prevent air from being introduced
purging air out. into IV tubing.

12.. Bring the equipment together with Promotes efficiency and make the
the prepared I.V. solution at patient’s equipment and materials accessible
bedside. during the procedure.
13. Check patient’s identity. Avoid administration errors and
ensures right patient is receiving the
right therapy
14. Explain procedure. Promotes cooperation and reduces
patient’s anxiety
15. Wash hands. Reduce microorganism transfer
16. Place the patient in a comfortable Provide comfort while making the
reclining procedure leaving the arm in arm accessible for insertion.
a dependent position to increase
capillary fill of the lower arm and hand.
17. If the patient’s arm is cold, warm it Provide comfort and easy visibility
by rubbing and stroking the arm or of the vein
cover the entire arm with warm packs
for 5-10 minutes.
18. Clean the I.V. insertion with Prevent contamination.
povidone- iodine or alcohol in a
circular motion, from inside to out.
19. Do not touch the cleansed area and Reduce microorganism transfer and
instruct the patient to do the same. reduces contamination.

20. Place the I.V. pole in the proper Prevents backflow of blood in the
slot in the patient’s bed frame or if tubing and dislodging
using a portable I.V. pole, position it
close to the patient.
21. Hang the I.V. bottle on the I.V The IV bag should be
approximately one metre above the
IV insertion site.
22. After insertion of the I.V. catheter Avoid further injury and needle
by the doctor or trained I.V. therapy prick
nurse, dispose the needles/ stylet in a
sharps container.
23. Regulate the flow rate. This step ensures the IV solution is
infusing at the correct rate.
24. Secure the device with a Prevent the device from dislodging
transparent semipermeable dressing or and ensures it is secured in its
by the use of an adhesive bandage. position
25. Loop the I.V. tubing on the Secure position and prevents device
patient’s limb, and secure the tubing from dislodging
with tape or bandage.

26. Adjust the flow rate as ordered. Ensures right rate is regulated
27. If puncture site is near a movable Prevents dislodging and promotes
joint & secure it with a roller gauze or security of device’ position.
tape to provide stability.
28. Label the last piece of tape with the Label IV solution bag as per agency
type, gauge of needle, and length of the policy. Do not write directly on the
cannula; date and time of insertion; and IV bag.
your initials.
29. Wash hands. Reduce contamination and
microorganism transfer
30. Document procedure. Undocumented procedure is
considered undone.
1. Check the doctor’s order and verify Avoid administration errors and
the patient’s name and room number. ensures patient is receiving the right
2. Prepare the equipment. Facilitates efficiency and
3. Bring equipment to bedside. Make the equipment and materials
accessible during the procedure.
4. Explain procedure. Promote cooperation and reduce
5. Clamp the I.V. tubing to stop the Stops flow and leakage while
flow of solution. discontinuing the IV
6. Gently remove the transparent Makes the tape easier to be
dressing and all tape or bandages from removed.
the skin if possible, use alcohol or
acetone to disable adhesive.
7. Using the aseptic technique, open the Promotes sterility and avoid
gauze pad and adhesive bandage and contamination
place them within reach.
8. Put on gloves. Reduce microorganism transfer.
9. Hold the sterile gauze pad over the Pulling the cannula slowly prevents
puncture site with one hand & use your discomfort for the patient and avoid
other hand to withdraw the cannula pain while removing.
slowly & smoothly, keeping it parallel
to the skin.
10. Using the gauze pad, apply firm To prevent from massive bleeding
pressure on the site for 1-2 minutes of the site.
after removal or until the bleeding has
11. Clean the site and apply the Reduce microorganism transfer.
adhesive bandage or if blood oozes,
apply a pressure bandage.
12. Instruct the patient to restrict Prevent the site from receiving
activity for about 10 minutes and to pressure and causes bleeding.
leave the dressing in place for at least
an hour.
13. Do after care. Leave the area clean and
comfortable for the patient.
14. Wash hands. Reduce microorganism transfer.
15. Document procedure. Undocumented procedure is
considered undone.


Student’s Signature over Printed Name

Clinical Instructor’s Signature

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