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Meditate Upon Your Life by Jan Wray A.

In our life, we go through different things and these events influence the way of our thinking and the
way we live our lives. Examine the following quotations:

1. There is a difference between choice and decision. It is easy to make a choice for there are many
options. To make a decision is hard for what will come will be what you are going to live for the rest of
your life.
2. The brain tells the heart what to feel. But symbolically, the heart has its own mind that it
decides on its own.
3. Reason is more ahead than emotion. But when some situations arise, it is better to
use our heart than our mind.
4. Sometimes, when we had the biggest courage to tell the truth, it turns to be
your greatest fear that he or she would not answer back honestly.
5. When we love someone, we give them what we feel, what we want
them to feel at ease. Worse is that sometimes, they don’t return the favor.
6. Life is a drawing that has no eraser. We continue with our
lives knowing that we can’t erase all good memories and even our mistakes.
7. Everything is not yet too late. And if we have the
time now, we need to change for the better. 8. Accept the past as past, without denying it or
discarding it. Although it’s hard to accept, it will eventually pass.
9. A real friend is someone who walks in when
the whole world walks out. 10. You can be whoever you want to be. And it
depends on you on how you are going to make your name.
11. To the world, you are nothing. But
for one person, you might be everything. 12. Sometimes when you want
to return to your original life, it’s either lose now what you are or wear today what you should be.
13. Heart is in the
center of our chest nut it beats at the left side. Maybe that is the reason why the heart is not always
right. 14. Success in life is not
measured upon how you work hard but how you work smart enough. 15. Our hands are built
to work our minds are built to reason. Yet our hearts are built to work for what you feel and to reason
for what you love. 16. Life is not constant
for it always changes. Change is constant for it never has life. 17. We may have
moved on to the future but there is something that makes us stuck in the past. 18. Being a
leader is not just ability. Being a leader is a privilege and a responsibility. 19. The river
runs and hides out to the ocean and under the sky. The answer will come, hold on to patience and watch
for the sign. Everything is in its time. 20. The end is near and
the beginning is far. An end is a beginning of another life while a beginning is an end of another past.

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