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IRP Home FST-3

(India) Private Limited Target IIT MAIN-2022
1. A body of mass m suspended from a spring of length  and force constant k oscillates with periodic time T.
Now, the spring is cut into two pieces of lengths in the ratio 2 : 3. The same mass is attached to the two
pieces as shown and set into oscillations on a smooth surface. The periodic time of oscillation T' is
T 2 3T
(A) (B)
2 5
6T T
(C) (D)
5 5

2. A non-uniform rod of length  is placed along positive X axis with one of its ends at (0, 0). Linear mass density
of the rod varies as ( – x). Its centre of mass is at

     2   5 
(A)  , 0  (B)  , 0  (C)  , 0  (D)  , 0 
6  3   3   6 

3. A satellite revolves round the earth along an elliptical orbit of eccentricity e. It T is the periodic time of
revolution, the time taken by the satellite to travel from one extreme of the minor axis to the other through
perigee is

T T   T e
(A) (B) 1 –  (C) 1 –  (D) None of these
2 2 2e  2 

4. Two soap bubbles A and B respectively of radii 2 mm and 5 mm stick to each other to form a double bubble.
(A) The radius of curvature of common surface is mm and concave on the side of bubble A.
(B) The radius of curvature of common surface is mm and convex on the side of bubble A.
(C) The radius of curvature of common surface is mm and convex on the side of bubble A.
(D) The radius of curvature of common surface is mm and concave on the side of bubble A.
5. A body of mass 50 g performs simple harmonic motion with amplitude 20 cm. If the total energy of the body
is 2 J, the periodic time is
(A) 1.4 ms (B) 1.4 s (C) 14 ms (D) 140 ms

6. An electron in the second excited state of a hydrogen atom has an associated de Broglie wavelength of
(A) 0.32 nm (B) 0.66 nm (C) 3.2 nm (D) 1.0 nm

7. A satellite is moving in a circular orbit at a height of 200km above the surface of the earth. If it is raised to an
orbit at a height of 800 km above the surface of the earth, the correct statement is
(A) Kinetic energy increases (B) Potential energy increases
(C) Total mechanical energy decreases (D) Angular velocity increases
8. A solid of mass 6kg is kept on rough floor as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction is 0.2. Indentify the
correct statement.
(A) F2 = 32N acting alone, can tilt the object
(B) F2 = 10N acting alone can translate the object
(C) F1 = 40N acting alone can tilt the object
(D) F1 = 40N and F2 = 30N acting together can translate the object

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "B-41" Road No.2, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [1]
9. A ray of light incident on the surface of a medium at an angle gets refracted into the other medium at an
angle of refraction. From the graph shown, the correct statement is
sin r
(A) Speed of light in X is 3 times greater than in Y c

(B) Speed of light in Y is 3 times greater than in X

(C) Total internal reflection will take place.
(D) Refractive index increases with angle of incidence. sin i

10. Equipotential lines in a uniform electric field in the x-y plane at a certain place are shown in the diagram.
Y cm


2 6V
O X cm
8V 8
(A) magnitude of the electric field is 2  10 2 Vm –1
(B) magnitude of the electric field is 500 Vm–1

(C) electric field vector is E  (0.5 î  1.0 ĵ )Vm –1
(D) electric field at P is along PO.

11. A 70 kg box is dragged across floor by pulling on a rope attached to box inclined at 15° above horizontal. If
coefficient of kinetic friction is 0.35, magnitude of initial acceleration is (take tension along the rope to be 300 N)
(A) 4.3 ms–2 (B) 1.1 ms–2 (C) 9.8 ms–2 (D) 0

12. For a square uniform metal plate 25% of it was cut. Rotational inertia of the plate through perpendicular axis
about the three points shown in figure is
(A) equal at points P, Q and R (B) equal at points P and R
(C) equal at points R and Q (D) equal at points P and Q

13. If all nuclear reactions in the sun now were to suddenly stop for ever, then
(A) Distances between planets and sun would decrease
(B) Angular momentum of planets would increase
(C) Inner planets will be engulfed by the sun
(D) Speed of rotation of the sun would increase

14. The variation of the magnitude of the magnification m with respect to the distance of a linear object placed
perpendicular to the axis of a Convex lens is best represented by the diagram

m m m m
(A) (B) (C) (D)

u u u u

15. The areal velocity of the earth in the orbit around the sun is about (one astronomical unit is 1.5 × 1011 m)
(A) 2.8 × 1011 m2s–1 (B) 2.2 × 1015 m2s–1
(C) 1.1 × 1018 m2s–1 (D) 2.8 × 1013 m2s–1

Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "B-41" Road No.2, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [2]
16. A particle of mass m is moving with a uniform velocity v along the line v = 2 in the x-y plane. The angular
momentum of the particle about the origin
(A) Is zero
(B) Steadily increases from its initial value of 2mv 2

(C) Steadily increases from its initial value of 1

(D) Remains constant equal to 2mv throughout its motion 5 10 x

17. An ideal gas is at an initial temperature T and pressure P. If the pressure changes from P to P + dP when the
1 dP
temperature changes to T + dT at constant volume, the value of the pressure coefficient   varies
P dT
with T as shown in the graph

(A) (B) (C) (D)

1/T 1/T T T

18. Two particles of masses 2m and m and charges +q and –q, respectively, are fixed to the two ends of a light
rigid rod of length L. The rod is held in equilibrium in a region of uniform electric field E, directed perpendicular
to the rod. There is no gravity in the region. The rod is now rotated anticlockwise with constant angular
acceleration  about a fixed perpendicular axis passing through its midpoint. The work done in rotating the
rod through 90° from start is

2m, +q m, –q

(A) (3mL2/16) – (qLE) (B) (qLE) + (3mL2/8)

(C) (qLE) + (mL2/4) (D) (qLE) + (3mL2/4)

19. In the circuit shown, the charge on the 3F capacitor at steady state will be

1 2V

1V 2

(A) 6 C (B) 4 C (C) 2/3 C (D) 3 C

20. The area of the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is A and the gap between them is d. The gap is filled with
a non-homogeneous dielectric whose dielectric constant varies with the distance y from one plate as K =
.sec(y/2d), where  is a dimensionless constant. The capacitance of this capacitor is
(A) 0A/2d (B) 0A/d (C) 20A/d (D) None
21. A hollow conducting sphere of inner radius R and outer radius 2R has resistivity '' as function of the distance
'r' from the center of the sphere  = kr2/R. The inner and outer surfaces are painted with a perfectly conducting
paint and a potential difference V is applied between the two surface. Then as 'r' increases from R to 2R, the
electric field inside the sphere
(A) Increases (B) Decreases (C) Remains constant (D) Passes through a maxima
Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "B-41" Road No.2, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [3]
22. In the above problem the total current that flows through the outer surface of the hollow sphere is
(A) V/k (B) V/k (C) 2.V/k (D) 4.V/k

23. Two parallel rigid wires are fixed at a distance 'd' apart, with each wire in a vertical position. The top ends of
the two wires are connected through an ideal inductor of inductance L. A straight connector of mass M can
slide freely up and down, maintaining electrical contact with the two wires, in a horizontal position. A uniform
magnetic field exists perpendicular to the plane of the wires. If the connector is released from rest, the graph
of its downward velocity with time is

(A) t (B) (C) (D) t

t t

24. A loud speaker produces a musical sound by means of oscillations of a diaphragm whose amplitude is
limited to 1.0 micrometer. The frequency at which magnitude of acceleration of diaphragm becomes equal to
acceleration due to gravity is
(A) 3127 Hz (B) 399 Hz (C) 498 Hz (D) 271 Hz

25. A system is taken from initial state I to final state f along two paths. For path one heat supplied Q = 50 J and
W = 20 J what is the work along path two if Q = 36J.
(A) 36J (B) 30 J (C) 6 J (D) 70 J

26. A particle of charge 1C and another particle of charge 4C are held at separation of 9 cm on X- axis. Position
of third particle of charge - 0.44C to be located on the same line if all three particles have to remain in same
place is
(A) 6 cm from first particle (B) 3cm from first particle
(C) 3cm from second particle (D) any position between the two particles

27. A 100 pF capacitor is charged to potential difference of 50 V and battery is disconnected. Now the capacitor
is connected to an uncharged capacitor. If potential difference of first capacitor drops to 35 V, capacitance of
second capacitor is
(A) 50 pF (B) 35 pF (C) 40 pF (D) 43 pF

28. A point object O is kept at a distance of OP = u. The radius of curvature of the spherical surface APB is
CP = R. The refractive indices of the two medium are n1 and n2 which are as shown in the diagram. Then,
(1) if n1 > n2, image is virtual for all values of u. (2) if n2 = 2n1, image is virtual when R > u.
(3) the image is real for all values of u, n1 and n2.
Here, the correct statement/s is/are.
(A) only 1 (B) 1, 2 and 3 (C) only 2 (D) both 1 and 2

29. The kinetic energy of electron at which its de-Broglie wavelength becomes equal to 590 nm is.
(A) 4.33eV (B) 33.5eV (C) 4.33 eV (D) 4.36 eV

30. An n-p-n transistor can be considered to be equivalent to two diodes, connected. Which of the following
figures is the correct one ?

(A) E (B) E


(C) E (D) E


Vibrant Academy (I) Pvt. Ltd. "B-41" Road No.2, IPIA, Kota (Raj.) Ph. 06377791915 ( [4]

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