13A04502 Digital Communication Systems

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Code: 13A04502 R13

B.Tech III Year I Semester (R13) Supplementary Examinations November/December 2017

(Electronics & Communication Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70
(Compulsory Question)
1 Answer the following: (10 X 02 = 20 Marks)
(a) State sampling theorem for band limited signals.
(b) What is companding?
(c) For binary sequence 01101001 Sketch: (i) Polar NRZ. (ii) Unipolar RZ signaling.
(d) Sketch eye diagram or eye pattern.
(e) Briefly explain correlation receiver with diagram.
(f) Write the equation for probability of symbol error in terms of likelihood function.
(g) Sketch the signal constellation diagram for PSK & FSK.
(h) Discuss differential phase shift keying (DPSK).
(i) Mention the properties of syndrome.
(j) Define: (i) Hamming distance. (ii) Hamming weight.

(Answer all five units, 5 X 10 = 50 Marks)
2 (a) Explain delta modulation system transmitter & receiver with block diagram and necessary equation.
(b) Consider a low pass signal with a bandwidth of 3.4 kHz a linear modulation system with step size
= 0.1 volts is used to process this signal at a sampling rate 5 times the nyquist rate and frequency of
signal is 1KHz. Find the output signal to noise ratio under: (i) Pre filtered. (ii) Post filtered conditions.
3 (a) Explain time division multiplexing with block diagram.
(b) A PCM system uses a uniform quantizer followed by a 7-bit binary encoder the bit rate of system is
50 x 106 bits/sec.
(i) What is the maximum message bandwidth for which system operates satisfactorily?
(ii) Determine output signal to noise ratio when a full load sinusoidal modulating wave of frequency
1 MHz is applied to input
4 Explain base band binary data transmission system with block diagram and necessary equation.
5 For binary data 011100101 are applied to input of modified duo binary system:
(i) Construct the modified duo binary coder output and corresponding receiver output.
(ii) Suppose that due to error during transmission the level at receiver input produced by third digit is
reduced to zero construct new receiver output.
Contd. in page 2

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Code: 13A04502 R13

6 (a) Explain geometric interpretation of signals. Illustrate the geometric representation of signals for
2-dimentational signal space with 3 signals with any coordinates.
(b) Show that the energy of a signal is equal to squared length of signal vector representing it.
7 Using gram Schmidt orthogonalization procedure, find set of orthogonal basis function to represent
signals S1 (t), S2 (t), S3 (t) and S4 (t). Sketch the signal for orthonormal basis functions.

8 (a) Derive the expression for probability of error for BPSK.
(b) A binary FSK transmit data at rate of 2 Mbps over a AWGN channel. The noise is zero mean with the
power spectral density N0/2 = 10-20 W/Hz, the amplitude of received signal is in absence of noise is 1µv.
Determine average probability error for coherent detection of FSK assume erfc (2.5) = 4.1 x 10-4.
9 Explain QPSK transmitter and receiver with block diagram. Sketch the signal space diagram for QPSK.

10 For (7, 4) cyclic codes, the received vector is 1110101 and generated polynomial is g(x) = 1 + x + x3.
(i) Draw a syndrome calculation circuit.
(ii) Calculate syndrome calculation vector for 1110101.
Correct the signal error in received vector.
11 For convolution code g(1) = 111 g(2) = 101
(i) Draw the encoder block diagram.
(ii) Find code words corresponding to information 10011.
(iii) Construct state diagram.
(iv) Draw code tree.
Draw the trellis for convolution encoder.


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