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Fungaliths ⚫⚫ Ogre Mage ⚫

Decomposer, Fungus, Neutral, Farmer Chaotic, Magical, Humanoid, Giant

Although most creatures find them alien and difficult to LIFECYCLE
comprehend, the Fungaliths favor a well-run communal Always hunt denizens.
society with a simple goal—to reduce all organic matter to IF there are no denizens nearby, trade with alpha predators.
its component nutrients. ❑ Recruit humanoid denizens.
LIFECYCLE ❑ Ally giants.
❑ Extort from lawful or good groups.
Always harvest underground biomes. ❑ Prepare.

IF there is a fungal biome nearby, breed. ❑ Scout.
❑ Bribe alpha predators.
❑ Fight denizens.
❑ Ally decomposers.
❑ Scout.

If the Fungaliths
wipe out a monster
group, add a new
fungal biome in
that group’s

Syndicate ⚫⚫ Demigod ⚫
Chaotic, Order Divine
Sometimes, crime does pay. Some gods make mistakes. Some gods are mistakes.

Always Fight monsters that have attacked us. Always prepare.
IF we have a racket, gain 1. IF there is a group nearby that shares one of rolled our tags,
 Recruit humanoid denizens. extort that group.
 Extort denizens.  Steal.
 Bribe alpha predators.  Recruit monsters that share one of my rolled tags.
 Explore.  Hunt monsters that share one of my rolled tags.

 Build: Racket (req  / gain )  Relocate.

Hideout (req  / gain )
When a demigod spawns, roll twice on this list to determine
Casino (req Hideout / gain )
what tags it has:
The Syndicate may not 1) humanoid 2) undead 3) giant 4) decomposer 5)
build a racket if it does good 6) evil 7) lawful 8) chaotic.
not have denizen neighbors.
Monstrosity ⚫ Cult ⚫⚫
Aberration Evil, Order, Demonic, Humanoid
There is more on heaven and earth than is held in your When traditional gods and practices lose their luster, the
monster manual . bored, the debauched, and the ambitious are quick to find
new passions and new indulgences.
Always recruit denizens.
When a monstrosity spawns, draw a monster card. The
IF we gained a recruit, gain 1.
monstrosity has the ALWAYS and IF clauses of that card. Draw
 Build:

a second monster card. The Monstrosity has the actions () of
Idol (req )
the second monster card.
Sacrifice (req idol, ⚫ / gain )
Leave the drawn cards on the table as a reference. Apocalypse (req sacrifice / gain ⚫)
 Fight non-alpha predator.

 Scout.
 Steal.

The Temple +⚫ Otyughkind ⚫
+Order Decomposer, Animal

In desperate times, dungeon creatures may turn to obscure or Your trash is their treasure.
reviled cults for succor or power. Most pass into obscurity, but
some prosper and grow to become great powers.
Always Ally with non-undead.
❑ Extort a group that shares a tag with us.
IF I did not ally, hunt denizens.
❑ Build:
❑ Extort humanoids.
Altar (req )
❑ Relocate.
Ark (req  / gain )
❑ Trade decomposers.

Hecatomb (req altar  / gain ,)

❑ Build: Trash heap (gain ⚫)
Apotheosis (req altar ⚫⚫⚫ )
Dung pit (req  / gain +1 vs rout actions)
When The Temple spawns, add it to a random group that Cesspool (req  / counts as fungal biome)
already exists. That group gains ⚫ and the order tag. This
group may now use the abilities of The Temple when it makes
its move.
A group with a temple may never
relocate and always wins invasions.
If The Temple builds Apotheosis,
this triggers the Age of Villainy.
Demonic Horde ⚫⚫ Fiend ⚫
Undead, Chaotic, Evil, Demonic, Swarm Lawful, Evil, Demonic
A horde or ravening fiends from beyond the veil of reality, A prince of demons, as cruel and Machiavellian as she is
they know only how to devour. beautiful and beguiling.
Always Exploit gems, ore, water, or biome. Always Hunt good denizens.
IF I exploited, breed. IF the fiend has 3 or more , add .
❑ Fight denizens. ❑ Trade with magical monsters.
❑ Explore. ❑ Ally with evil.

❑ Relocate near an exploitable resource. ❑ Fight alpha predators.
❑ Scout.
Monster groups inhabiting constructions left by Demonic
civilizations gain +1 in conflicts with Demonic Hordes.
Any time the fiend wins

a conflict with a good
group, they gain 1.

Blue Wizard ⚫ Hag ⚫
Magical, Humanoid Chaotic, Evil, Humanoid

The Blue Wizard is a restless wandering, ever seeking new Hags delight in sowing discord and fostering resentment, for
magical mysteries to uncover and exploit. they believe that by these things they profit.
Always Explore. Always Explore.
IF a nearby group has a , trade with them. IF any neighbor has a , remove one  from them.
 Harvest a nexus or biome. IF you wipe out a monster group, Build a tomb.
 Relocate.  Exploit tombs.

 Bribe alpha predators.  Relocate to a tomb.

 Build the omphalos (req ⚫ / gain ).  Hunt humanoids.
 Ally with alpha predators.
The blue wizard may only
harvest a given nexus
or biome once.
Starhelm ⚫⚫⚫⚫ Farmers ⚫⚫⚫
Lawful, Good, Order Humanoid, Surface, Lawful, Farmer
The Starhelm is an ancient order of warriors who train day and Do not screw with the humble farmer folk unless you want to
night in the ways of the undead slaying. feel the humble pitchfork.
Always hunt undead. Always harvest surface biomes.
IF there are no undead at our current location, relocate. IF there are no surface biomes, build a farm biome.
 Rout alpha predators.  Breed.
 Fight denizens.  Rout alpha predators.

 Relocate.  Ally with Surface denizens.
 Build Tomb ().  Build: Silo (gain )
 Build Shrine of Starhelm (). Keep (req  / gain )
City (req  )

When the Order spawns, if there are no undead in the
If farmers spawn in a stratum that does not contain a biome,
dungeon, search the monster deck for the first undead
spawn them on the surface instead.
monster and spawn them in a random location.
If a city is built, search the deck for the first surface, order, or
If at any time there are no undead in the dungeon, disband the
city monster, then spawn it at the city’s
Order of Starhelm and remove them from the map, leaving
any  behind.

Miners ⚫⚫⚫ Dinosaur ⚫
Humanoid, Miner Prehistoric, Animal
LIFECYCLE “The meat-eating dinosaur is coming to town,

and you’re meat!”

Always exploit gems or ore.
IF we can’t find anything to exploit, explore. LIFECYCLE
 Fight denizens.
Always hunt denizens.
 Rout alpha predators.
IF there is nothing here to hunt, relocate.
 Trade with humanoids.
 Explore.
 Build Minehead (req / gain free explore)
 Rout alpha predators.

Mess hall (gain ⚫)

 Scout.
Quarry (req  / can now exploit stone)
 Breed.
Mill (req ⚫ / gain )
Dinosaurs may only spawn on the surface or in an
Miners always spawn on the surface above the nearest
underground biome.
source of gems or ore, if any are present.
Medusa ⚫  Stirges ⚫⚫
Chaotic, Evil, Humanoid Chaotic, Aberration, Swarm
Cursed by the gods, the Medusa bears both the blessing A nuisance even in small numbers, large flocks of the blood-
and curse of a petrifying gaze. sucking Stirges are a danger to all dungeon dwellers.

LIFECYCLE Stirges lack much intelligence but do occasionally gather shiny

objects to line their hideous nests.
Always hunt denizens.
IF there are no denizens nearby, prepare.
❑ Trade humanoids. Always Fight non-undead denizens.

❑ Extort alpha predators. IF we won a fight, Breed.
❑ Exploit nexus. ❑ Explore in search of prey.
❑ Scout. ❑ Steal.
❑ Relocate.
Whenever a monster attempts to rout a medusa and ❑ Build next complex

fails, that monster loses 1⚫ and the medusa gains 1. (req ⚫ / gain ).
If Stirges have population 4
or more, they can also fight
alpha predators, but do so
at -1 to the roll.

Ratfolk ⚫⚫ Giant ⚫
Chaotic, Humanoid, Animal Giant, Humanoid

The sight or an oversize rat or two is no cause for alarm. Truly varied are the forms and natures of giants.
No cause for alarm at all.
Always Exploit gems or ore.
Always Breed. IF we have no , prepare.
IF our population is 4⚫ or more, Fight denizens.  Build Castle (gain )
❑ Explore. Temple

❑ Scout. Garden
❑ Exploit gems, ore, or nexus. Tomb (gain )
❑ Build: Great Nest (req / gain ).  Ally giants or humanoids.
 Rout alpha predators.
 Harvest nexus or biomes.
 Exploit gems or ore.
 Explore.
 Hunt denizens.

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