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Emotion-Focused Therapy

and Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors

Jane F. Gilgun

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Kay Rice

Danette Jones

St. Paul, MN

8500 words

Gilgun, Jane F., Kay Rice, & Danette Jones (2005). Emotion-focused therapy and children with
problematic sexual behaviors. In Martin C. Calder (Ed.), Children and young people who sexually
abuse: New theory, research, and practice developments (pp. 231-244). Dorset, England: Russell

Jane F. Gilgun, Ph.D., LICSW, is professor, School of Social Work, University of Minnesota, Twin
Cities, 1404 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108 USA. Phone: 612/925-3569; Fax: 612/624-3744;
e-mail: Kay Rice, LICSW, ACSW, and Danette Jones, AAMFT, LICSW, are in
private practice in St. Paul MN. 2375 University Avenue W., Suite 160, St. Paul, MN 55114 USA.
Phone: 651/642-1709; fax: 651/642-0150
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Emotion-Focused Therapy

and Children with Problematic Sexual Behaviors

When Alan1, 8, and his family entered treatment because of Alan’s inappropriate sexual

behaviors, the primary emotion he expressed was anger. He did not want to talk about his sexual

behaviors. Parents in the neighborhood warned their children to stay away from him. Children at

school either avoided him or taunted him. Alan’s parents also were angry. They were quick to

blame others for their son’s behaviors, reluctant to look at their personal issues that affected Alan,

and were unable to deal with their son’s sexual behaviors, emotional states, and difficulties in

school and with peers. Frustrated, ashamed, and confused, they wanted therapists to fix their son.

At the end of treatment, Alan’s parents had begun to manage the difficulties in their

relationship and had gained new parenting skills. Alan had developed capacities for appropriate

emotional expressiveness, had learned to recognize his emotional states that meant he was at risk to

act out sexually, and had demonstrated that he knew what to do when he was at risk to be sexually

inappropriate or abusive. In general, he had learned to manage his sexual behaviors through

becoming aware of his emotions and through learning how to express his emotions in appropriate

ways. He and his parents accepted that Alan was at risk to act out sexually in the future and might

require additional interventions as time went on.

Alan’s parents were key in how well Alan did after treatment ended. They learned to talk

easily and openly about issues related to his sexual acting out. When he needed emotional support,

they were there for him. In the years following the end of therapy, Alan and his parents returned

periodically to see the therapists. Alan would say, “It’s time for a tune-up,” meaning he needed

extra help in managing his sexual behaviors. Usually these return visits were one to two sessions,
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taking place when Alan was at a transitional point and experiencing emotional turmoil, such as

going to a new school and entering puberty.

The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the centrality of emotional expressiveness in

the treatment of children ages five to 10 with problematic sexual behaviors. To do so, we pieced

together clinical experience, findings from research on the development of sexually abusive

behaviors, research and theory on emotional development and expression, and research and theory

on resilience. Though there is a vast literature on topics that can shed light on children’s emotional

development, there is little on the emotional expressiveness of children with issues related to their

sexual behaviors. The second and third authors of this paper originated the emotion-focused

therapy program we discuss in this chapter. This paper represents an initial attempt to put to paper

ideas that we think are important in child and family therapy when children have sexually

inappropriate behaviors.

Sexually Inappropriate Behaviors

In our view, behaviors are sexually inappropriate when children are pre-occupied with

sexual topics to the point where other aspects of their development suffer, when children’s sexual

behaviors are intrusive, unwanted, and ignore the wishes of others, and when children trick,

manipulate, and force others into sexual contact. Like abuse perpetrated by older persons, sexual

abuse perpetrated by children often involves an abuse of power where older, stronger, more

cognitively developed children takes advantage of younger children. We believe the sexual abuse

that children and young people perpetrate is as damaging as abuse that adults perpetrate. The

younger the children are when sexually inappropriate behaviors begin, the more likely the children

were sexually abused themselves.

Some childhood sexual behaviors are normative. Sexual contacts between age peers that are

mutually wanted, are of short duration, and where privacy is respected are not inappropriate. A
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useful guideline that helps to assess for inappropriate sexual behaviors is whether a child stops the

behavior when someone in authority makes the request. For example, a child who masturbates

during nap time in preschool is likely doing what comes naturally. If teachers ask the child not to

masturbate in public, and he complies, then there is nothing to worry about. If the child persists,

then the child and family require professional assessment. Children who engage in sexual activity,

even when mutual, but who persist after parents and others ask them to stop would benefit if their

parents or others in authority obtain consultation with competent professionals.

An Overview of Child and Family Issues

When they began treatment, Alan and his family were typical of families in the early stages

of learning to manage children’s sexually inappropriate behaviors. In the beginning of treatment,

family members typically express a restricted range of emotions, primarily displaying defensive

anger, possibly covering up their hurt and confusion. Their emotional responses may be under-

reactions (flat) or over-reactions (highly emotive), usually with emotions disconnected from

conscious thought. The language they use to express emotions lack concreteness, specificity,

imagery, and clarity. These qualities are associated with positive change in therapy (Watson, 1996).

Most parents are like Alan’s. They come to treatment angry. Their children’s behaviors are

everyone else’s failure. It’s hard for them to get beyond their own guilt to their other emotions.

Parents usually have their own therapeutic issues. Those who engage in their own therapy are most

likely going to “make it.” For example, when parents had been sexually abused and haven’t dealt

with the effects, they are unlikely to be effective with children who may have been sexually abused

and who have sexually problematic behaviors. Dealing with their own issues clears the way for

them to be more emotionally available to their children. Since the pioneering research of social

worker Selma Fraiberg (Fraiberg, Adelson, & Shapiro, 1975) on infant mental health, researchers
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and practitioners have recognized the importance of parents’ working through their own issues in

order to become more effective with their children.

Sometimes parents are willing to examine themselves and their relationships for the sake of

their children. They might not have done so without this motivation. When the parents are engaged

in their own therapy, this takes the pressure off the children. Not only may parents function better

as a result of therapy, but from children’s point of view, everyone in the family is in therapy, not

just the children identified with the acting out problems.

Clinically and through research, we have developed a typology of how children display their

emotions at the beginning of treatment for sexual behavior problems. The categories are angry,

anxious, hollow, disorganized, blaming, denying, and emotionally expressive. Children typically

move back and forth between emotion states, but some display a predominant style. There are

likely to be other types of displays of emotions and our list may be incomplete. These styles of

presentation sometimes, but not always, mirror how one or both parents and other family member

initially display their emotions.

Angry. Typically, when boys begin treatment, they channel their emotions through anger.

If they are hurt, they express anger. If they don’t get their own way, they are angry. They may

express feelings of affection through physically aggressive behaviors such as headlocks or through

verbal aggression such as name-calling and put-downs. The impression they give is a desire to

show mastery and dominance over others, perhaps in reaction to their own perceived lack of control

or their sense of how they are “supposed” to act, or a combination. To show their vulnerability may

be impossible. Many of the boys also have fears of being called gay, especially if they have acted

out sexually with other boys or been sexually abused by males. Some boys worry that they may be

girls, since they believe that men victimize only girls sexually. Girls, too, may be angry, possibly as

a defense against and as a means of managing fear, embarrassment, and shame.

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Anxious. Some children display a great deal of anxiety. These children often begin therapy

as if they are “snakes in a can,” but when treatment works, they let go of their anxiety, and their

personally appealing qualities emerge.

Hollow. Other children appear hollow and disassociated. These children are challenging

because therapists find it difficult to connect emotionally with them. Their affect may be flat.

Sometimes the term withdrawn fits them. They simply do not want to or cannot discuss their sexual

behaviors and usually almost any other emotion-laden topic.

Disorganized. Another typical child presents a picture of emotional disorganization, often

carrying multiple diagnoses including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and

oppositional disorder. It is likely that these children have underlying physiological features that are

implicated in their emotional disorganization. They often have experienced multiple adversities, but

if parents are willing to engage in therapy and to secure resources needed to facilitate children’s

development, there is reason to hope that children can learn to manage sexual impulses and develop

good peer relationships, do well in school, and look forward to a fulfilling future.

Blaming. Some children appear unable to take responsibility for their behaviors. Typically

they blame others, with statements such as “It’s his fault. If he hadn’t this, I wouldn’t have done

what I did.” Underlying shame and fear of consequences are associated with blaming responses.

Still other children may be unable to see that they have any responsibility for their own behaviors.

Denying. Some children outright deny their inappropriate sexual behaviors, even when

presented with clear evidence. Like children who engage in blaming, they may be full of shame and

fear of consequences that they don’t want anyone to think they could act in sexually inappropriate

or abusive ways.

Emotionally expressive. Not all children and families begin treatment displaying their

emotions in these ways, but some do. Some children and families can express a range of emotions,
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their affect and cognitions are interconnected and in balance, and they are accepting of a need for

help. This type of family will probably require a less intense form of intervention, perhaps a course

of psychosocial education that involves the whole family as well as peer group work for the child

with sexual issues.

An Overview of Emotion-Focused Therapy

Emotion-focused therapy is based on ideas derived from clinical experience and relevant

research and theory. Emotions are a big part of who we are as human beings. They affect what we

perceive, how we perceive, and what we do in response to our perceptions (Isen, 1984; Izard et al,

2002). They influence thoughts and activate internal representations of self, others, and how to

behave in particular situations. Children who are emotionally competent can identify and name

their own feelings and those of others. They can talk about their negative emotions such as anger,

envy, and anxiety, have the presence of mind to consider possible courses of actions, and take into

considerations the effects of their behaviors on others (Raver, 2002). They have good peer

relationships. Adults find them appealing and engaging. They comply with adult requests, while

they also are assertive and express their own wants.

Children with these qualities have positive emotional connections with others. These

connections are based on capacities for empathy where children accurately imagine how others are

feeling through sensitive interpretations of often subtle clues. Children modify their behaviors in

response to these perceptions. Such contingent responsiveness is possible when children identify

and understand their own inner states.

Families and Emotional Expressiveness

Children can’t do what their parents can’t. Children’s emotional development stems from

qualities of their attachment relationships to primary caregivers. Sensitive, responsive, reciprocal

caregiving fosters emotional expressiveness, responsiveness, and empathy in children. When

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children enter treatment for sexually inappropriate behaviors, therapists obviously cannot observe

the quality of attachments that occurred earlier. They can, however, observe parents’ interactions

with their children as clues to the family’s emotion systems.

Children internalize parental behaviors as guidelines for their own. When parents model

empathy, consideration for others, and emotional expressiveness that shows integration of thoughts

and feelings, children are likely to have similar qualities. For example, when parents take

responsibility for their own mistakes, this provides children with important lessons in how to handle

emotion-charged situations. An illustration comes from the authors’ clinical experience. A mother

took responsibility for her inaction when her children first told her their father was molesting them.

With no prompting from the therapists, she said in front of the children,

You told me Daddy was touching you sexually. I thought you were imagining it. I was

wrong. I’m so sorry.

This mother showed balance between powerful emotions of guilt, shame, and regret and her

cognitive awareness of the impact of her mistake on her children. In this situation, she neither

under-reacted nor over-reacted but provided a balanced and articulate response based on an

integration of thoughts and feelings.

Children Must Feel Safe

Another principle in emotion-focused therapy is that children have to feel safe to express

their emotions. Sometimes these emotions are unpleasant and may be displayed in ways that trigger

in parents automatic responses of guilt, shame, and rage. In such situations parents respond to

children’s emotion dysregulation with their own. Parents require coaching to rein back their own

emotions to give children the space they need to express themselves. Parents’ primary job in these

situations is to ensure that the children do not harm themselves and others and to provide guidance

in constructive management of these powerful inner states.

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Gendered Emotion Expression and Display

Parents also may have been socialized to believe gender stereotypes about girls’ and boys’

display of emotion, where they shame boys for showing “feminine” emotions such as sadness,

shame, compassion, and fear, while they reward boys for being aggressive, stoic emotionally, and in

charge. Ironically, the emotions that stereotypic notions stigmatize in boys are those whose

expression is important for emotional health.

Effective parenting takes teamwork. In families where there are two parents, the quality of

parenting styles reflects the quality of parental relationships. When parents are not getting along,

they have difficulty parenting effectively. Children with sexual issues are likely to tax them beyond

what they can manage. Children also may misinterpret parents’ preoccupation and distraction over

their relationship difficulties and think that the parents don’t love them or they are to blame for

parental difficulties. Therefore, if parents take care of themselves and take care of their own needs,

this will help their children. When parents are single, effective parenting requires the help of

others: friends, family members, and neighbors. Child care, respite, and organized recreation are

integral to providing support to parents.

Family Assessments

At intake, therapists assess family members’ capacities for the integration of affect and

cognitions, whether their emotions are not minimized or overblown, and whether their parents want

to come to therapy and genuinely want help. We want to know if they are willing to do what it

takes to help their children. Blame typically is present. We are most hopeful if the parents blame

themselves and not the children or the system. Self-blame is not a huge issue when parents are

willing to engage in therapy.

Multi-Modal Approaches
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Typically, children and their families require a multi-modal approach that entails child

individual therapy, group psychoeducation for the children, family therapy, and couples therapy for

two-parent families. We offer this spectrum of services in our emotion-focused therapy program.

Providing individual therapy before entering peer group has important benefits. In emotion-focused

therapy, therapists communicate empathy and understanding while at the same time are clear that

the sexual behaviors are inappropriate. Therapists speak directly about the children’s sexually

inappropriate behaviors.

Surprising to some, children and young people often are relieved when therapists speak

frankly about sex and expect them to do the same. Far too often, children and young people with

sexual issues are raised in families and communities where sexual topics are approached with strain

and reluctance, as if there is something naughty, dangerous, and taboo about sexuality. Many adults

buy into the myth that children are not sexual beings until some time in adolescence. Thus,

individual therapy can communicate acceptance of young people where they are. When children act

out sexually, rarely do adults respond appropriately, this is, directly, empathically, and with clear

setting of boundaries.

Not only do children gain personally from individual therapy, such work is preparation for

group work. The psychoeducation groups are 12 weeks long and are small (five to six children)

with two therapists required because the children often have attention difficulties and hyperactivity.

Group psychoeducation provides a place for children to be with other children with similar issues

and thus provides opportunities for them to see that they are not the only ones with sexual issues. In

peer groups, children learn to manage their sexual behaviors through a series of learning modules

that include information and practice in the management of emotion and sexual behaviors. They

can learn from other group members. Peers are a primary socializing group for children and
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adolescents, often as important and sometimes more important to young people than their families

of origin.

Family therapy provides opportunities for therapists to assess family processes that

contribute to the children’s sexual issues. Rarely is the family atmosphere characterized by

emotional balance, where parents model the expression of a range of emotions in appropriate ways,

where emotions and cognitions are connected, and where parents coach their children in emotion

expression that is balanced and considerate of others. The range of emotions expressed may be

restricted and out of balance. Emotions are often suppressed. When expressed, they may be

disconnected from conscious thought and thus can be hurtful and counterproductive. Parents may

be dismissive of children’s attempts at emotion expression. Teasing and taunting about displays of

emotion are common. Older siblings may be part of an ineffective family emotional system.

Gender stereotypes may play out in families where fathers are alternatively distant and harsh and

mothers are emotive or distracted and thus emotionally unavailable.

Families in treatment for children’s sexually inappropriate behaviors rarely view sexuality as

a natural topic of conversation. Few parents provide direct instruction about healthy sexual

expression. Rather parents convey information through innuendo and cryptic remarks. Displays of

affection may be restrained and awkward. On the other hand, some families have sexualized family

atmospheres where ordinary conversation is infused with sexual content, sexual boundaries are

routinely violated, and older children and adults in the family perform sexual acts in the presence of

children. Children internalize these sexual processes and draw on them as they develop inner

representations of usual and appropriate ways to express sexuality. Thus, families typically are out

of balance in terms of sexuality. On the one hand, they may restrict sexual discussions and

appropriate expressions or they may go far in the other direct and creative a highly sexualized
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family atmosphere. Children learn what is normal and usual from their families and they bring

these assumptions into their relationships with persons outside of the family.

Multiple family therapy and parent groups are beneficial when they are available. Children

benefit when they see how other parents interact with their own children. Parents benefit when they

have opportunities to interact with other parents in similar situations. In the authors’ program, this

type of therapy happens informally, as parents spend time together waiting for the children who are

participating in peer group. At the end of each peer, group parents are invited in so that their

children can show them what they learned during that day’s session. A more formal multiple-

family and couples group would be desirable but the costs and time commitment for families are

often prohibitive.

Significance of Emotional Expressiveness

In the first author’s long-term research on how persons cope with, adapt to, or overcome

adversities, Jane found that the single most important factor distinguishing persons who were

resilient from those who harmed others was emotional expressiveness during childhood and

adolescence (Gilgun, 1990; 1991, 1992; 1996, 1999c). Aspects of emotional expressiveness include

• experiencing, naming, and expressing a range of emotions and not just a few;

• experiencing continuity in emotional states and not switching abruptly from one state to

another, such as appearing joyful and an instant later conveying rage;

• dealing directly with emotions without suppressing them or attempting to relieve them

through self-destructive or anti-social means; and

• responding with empathy to the emotional states of others without taking advantage of their


Behaviors and activities associated with the acquisition of emotional expressiveness included

• confiding to others about personal, painful events and experiencing affirmation;

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• writing out emotions in journals;

• having outlets for tender feelings, such as caring for younger children and tending to pets;

• seeking comfort and solace through artistic expression, music, dance, and sports; and

• doing something kind for someone else.

In short, in Jane’s research, persons who had capacities for coping with, adapting to, or overcome

risks for harmful behaviors knew what they were feeling, experienced a range of feelings, and

managed their feelings so that neither others nor themselves were harmed. When they chose to

express their feelings they did so in pro-social ways, certainly not all the time, but they refrained

from seriously harmful behaviors to others such as sexual abuse, rape, and physical violence and to

themselves such as cutting, chemical abuse, and recklessness. These harmful behaviors appear to

stem from a desire to manage overwhelming negative emotions.

Persons who had experienced adversities but who also had capacities for emotional

expressiveness had at least one long-term close relationship in childhood and adolescence with pro-

social persons

• in whom they confided;

• with whom they identified;

• whom they admired;

• whom they emulated because they wanted to be like the persons they admired; and

• whose positive values they internalized and wanted as guidelines for their own lives.

Persons with adversities and who turned out well also had relationship with persons who actively

coached them on appropriate expression of emotion and modeled it themselves. In childhood and

adolescence, these young people consciously studied the behaviors of persons they admired and

emulated them. In short, emotional expressiveness develops from positive, long-term relationships

during childhood and adolescence. The young people model their own behaviors on persons they
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admire and work hard at being like them. These relationships typically are with family members,

both nuclear and extended, and with peers and families of peers. Appendix 1 lists qualities

associated with these positive capacities. Persons who develop these capacities display resilience.

Persons who had experienced adversities and harmed others typically were out of touch with

their feelings and the feelings of others; or, if they did have capacities for emotional expressiveness,

they also easily disconnected from the emotions and interests of others. They did not confide their

personal, painful experiences to others, often because they could not find anyone who they thought

was trustworthy. The persons with whom they identified and wanted to emulate typically modeled

negative values and behaviors, such as justifications for vengeance when they perceived that others

had harmed them. Persons in their environments applauded them when they behaved in ways that

lived up to gender stereotypes.

In addition, when they thought about acting out in harmful ways or were in the midst of

harming someone, they often felt a tremendous release of strong negative emotions. So powerful

was their desire to alleviate this emotional pressure that they disconnected from the humanity of

their victims. This release is highly pleasurable. Thus, the act of being sexually abusive can be so

strongly pleasurable that young people experience tunnel vision and disconnect from negative

consequences for others and for themselves.

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Emotional Expressiveness and Emotion Display

Emotional expressiveness is not the same as emotion display. Emotional display is how

people chose to show their emotions, through facial expressions, words, tone of voice, and body

language (Brody, 2000, 1999; Zeman & Garber, 1996). Persons can express their emotions

appropriately without making an obvious display. Some people have muted displays of emotion,

often based on cultural practices that enforce limits on emotion displays and encourage stoicism.

Many boys and men believe overt display of emotions is not appropriate in some social situations,

but if anyone asked them how they were feeling they could say so. The key idea, then, is awareness

and identification of emotions and pro-social expression.

Gender and Emotional Expression

Most of the persons who acted out against others were male, leading Jane to search for

explanations, which can be summarized as related to how males are socialized. All males are

exposed to cultural themes and practices that encourage them to be aggressive, in charge, to be stoic

and repress displays of most emotions except anger, and to be sexually aggressive (Brody, 1999c;

2000; Gilgun & McLeod, 1999). Males who cope successfully with adversities associated with

sexually harmful behaviors somehow bypass these gender-based themes and practices. When

pressure builds because of unexpressed emotions, they find release in a range of possible activities,

not by harming others. Cultural themes and practices related to being male and that enforce

suppression of most emotions, that punish men for emotions associated with being female such as

feelings of vulnerability, loneliness, and loss, and that lead men to believe that they can be

aggressive and take what they want are strongly implicated in male sexual aggression, apparently

even boys and adolescent young men.

In Western cultures, girls and women are less likely to harm others when they have risks to

do so because they are socialized to value relationships, to nurture and take care of others, and to
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express their emotions. In short, being female appears to be a protective factor against sexual

acting out while being male is a risk. It’s important to state that some girls and women are sexually

abusive and most boys and men are emotionally expressive.

Connections Between Therapy and Research

While Jane was developing her understandings of the centrality of emotional expressiveness

and gender in how persons cope with adversities, Kay and Danette were developing treatment

programs for children and adolescents with sexual behavior problems. Like Jane in her research on

resilience, Danette and Kay found that boys were much more likely than girls to be their clients and

that the boys typically had a great deal of difficulty naming, articulating, managing, and expressing

their emotions appropriately. They tended to overregulate their emotions to the point of suppressing

them, sometimes out of fear of appearing unmanly and sometimes because of assumptions about

how boys are supposed to handle their emotions. Their sexual acting act, when it involved the

safety and well-being of others, is a clear indicator of insensitivity to the emotions and wants of

others. Kay and Danette found that when girls acted out sexually, they usually were flooded with

many conflicted emotions and had enormous difficulties managing and regulating their emotions.

In brief, boys tended to have a restricted range of emotions and girls tended to be flooded.

Though we arrived at our understanding of emotional expressiveness from different places,

there is a great deal of overlap. The three of us view emotional expressiveness in children as

developing from a complex web of relationships that have taken place over time. These

relationships include those with parents, siblings, peers, extended family, teachers, neighbors, and

youth leaders. In addition, children’s emotional development, expression, and repression also are

influenced by a range of other factors, such as cartoons, films, sports, internet, video and computer

games. These various sources provide guidance, rewards, and punishments for how emotions are

expressed, with different rules for females and males.

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Children absorb messages about appropriate emotional expression for girls and for boys at

young ages. Typically by age three, children understand qualities and roles associated with each

gender. They emulate those that match their gender and avoid those of the other gender. For boys,

to be called a girl or a sissy is an ultimate insult. Appendix 2 is an instrument for the assessment of

emotional expressiveness that we developed for use with children and their families where the

children had sexual behavior problems. Appendix 3 is a tool that assesses for healthy child

sexuality. These instruments are part of the CASPARS, a set of five assessment tools for children

and their families (Gilgun, 1999a, 1999b; Gilgun, Keskinen, Marti, & Rice, 1999) and are available



In the final pages of this chapter, we address two questions: What fosters therapeutic gains?

What are the indictors that children are making gains in capacities for managing sexual behaviors?

Getting There: Fostering Change

The following are strategies and treatment guidelines the second and third authors use in

their emotion-focused work with children and families. This, unfortunately, is a partial list, but it is

suggestive of directions for treatment professionals to take in emotion-focused work.

• Build relationships with each family member. This will help the children get to the

point where the children can manage their sexual behaviors;

• Help children identify and label their feelings. Some kids get angry in therapy and dump

on the therapists. When this happens, help them label their feelings. “I can see you are

very angry.” Sometimes children have such powerful fears of abandonment that they do

not express their anger. The therapeutic task is to provide a sense of safety in therapy

and then in the family so that the children can identify, label, and learn to express these

feelings appropriately.
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• Provide parents with opportunities to become more emotionally available to their

children. As discussed, individual and couples therapy can do this, as well as instruction

and information about appropriate ways of dealing with their children’s sexuality and

other behaviors that are stressing family members and others in the children’s


• See the therapist role as multi-faceted including

o a facilitator of emotional development for the children and other family


o as role model for parents on how to set limits on children’s behaviors including

sexual behaviors while at the same time creating a sense of safety where no topic

is taboo in families; as role models for children and parents in how to talk

directly and respectfully about sexuality;

o as sex educator for the parents and the children, including preparing parents and

children for the kinds of behaviors to expect in the future. In a sense, the

toothpaste is out of the tube. The children know what sexual pleasure is, and it is

unlikely that they will stop being sexual. Masturbation will probably be an

important sexual outlet, even for younger children who have not reached puberty;

o as advocate for services children need, from insurance companies, social service

agencies, and schools. Be prepared to participate in school conferences to plan

how to deal with the children’s sexual behaviors in school settings;

o as honest appraisers of risks to reoffend. When children do not make progress in

their emotional development, treatment professionals typically are required to tell

any referral sources and the parents. Red flags for reoffending include having a

restricted range of feelings, flat affect when discussing emotion-charged events

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such as apology and empathy letters, and on-going incapacities for believe there

was nothing wrong with their sexual behaviors when there is clear evidence that

they violated the rights of others, abused their power, and perpetrated harm.

• Assume that children have capacities in the following areas:

o for dealing forthrightly with their sexual behaviors and the circumstances under

which their sexual behaviors take place;

o for taking responsibility for their behaviors;

o for engaging in therapy and becoming competent emotionally including

developing empathy for the people they’ve harmed;

o for managing their sexuality and the emotions that are associated with their

sexual acting out; and

o have capacities for letting go of gender-based ideologies that stigmatize

emotional sensitivity and encourage bravado, aggression, and entitlement.

• Specific structured activities build children’s capacities for emotional expressiveness.

These activities take place in the psychoeducation group. The children show their

parents their accomplishments at the end of group. The activities include

o Reading the book Feelings by Aliki (1987) with the children. The book is a great

help to children who have difficulties identifying and labeling feelings.

o Presenting children with cartoons where the children state what the story is about

and identify what the characters might be feeling;

o Reading Jan Hindman’s (1998) A very touching book...for little people and big

people with the children The humour in this book helps children and adults relax

about sexual issues and helps then see that sexuality is part of being human from

birth to old age;

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o Viewing a video about sexual abuse. Then the children draw a feeling they saw

in the video and discuss a time in their lives when they had that feeling. They

also ask questions about how the child victim might have felt before, during, and

after the abuse. This approach gives the children some distance from there own

experiences but they are still focusing on a specific person from the video.

Feelings charts. In this exercise, the therapists provide a list of feelings to the

children. They ask the children to pick a feeling and pick a color that stands for

the feeling. Then they draw a picture of something that represents the feeling.

The children then explain the pictures to other group members. One child drew

a black tornado to represent anger. Another child drew a yellow light bulb that

shined so hard it exposed everything. The therapists engage children in

discussions about the times in the past that they have felt this way, the pros and

cons of the various ways to deal with these feelings, and positive ways to deal

with these feelings now. In group discussion of the feelings charts, the children

present their charts to their parents at the end of group.

o Anger pyramid. The therapists draw a three-foot pyramid with the apex

designated as anger. They explain that anger is like the tip of the iceberg that

appears above the water line. Underneath the water are all the other feelings that

anger covers up such as shame, fear, sadness, loneliness, and rejection. The

therapists hope to help the children identify, label, discuss, and identify strategies

for the feelings that make them feel vulnerable.

o Feelings charades. The therapists present the children with a list of feelings. The

children silently chose a feeling and the act out the feeling. The other children

yell out their guesses until they guess correctly.

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o Collages. The therapists provides the children with a list of terms for feelings,

magazines, child-safe scissors, glue, and paper and ask the children to pick a

feeling and then find a picture in the magazines that represents the feeling.

o Empathy letters. When the therapists have evidence that the children have

developed emotional competence, they show them how to write an empathy

letter to the persons they’ve acted out on sexually. The children share their

letters in group to get the opinions of other group members.

o Apology letters. Once the therapists have evidence that the children have

developed empathy for the persons they’ve harmed and can take responsibility

for their behaviors, then they provide guidelines on how to write a letter of


o Reconciliation sessions. In these face-to-face meetings, the persons the children

harmed tell the children who perpetrated sexual abuse what the abuse meant.

The child victims typically go through a period of preparation that is supported

by the victim’s family. The children who perpetrated go through a long

preparation as well, to ensure that they have capacities for empathy and will not

even subtly place the blame on victims. Often these reconciliation sessions are

between siblings, where an older child sexually abused one or more younger


Jan Burton and colleagues (1998) have an extensive set of exercises for children with sexual issues.

Each of these strategies requires parental involvement. For example, under the supervision of

therapists in family therapy, parents can be helpful in composing and rehearsing empathy letters

under the supervision of therapists in family therapy. This, of course, assumes that the parents have

also made gains in their own therapy. For each of the structured activities, parents are involved.
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They participate in the last ten minutes of every peer group session when the children show them

what they did that day in group.

Indicators of Change

Indicators that suggest the children are at lower risk to act out in the future come from both

the children and their parents. Usually, when the parents make progress in their own therapy, the

children’s progress is parallel. If the parents don’t make progress, any gains the children make are

likely to be short-term. The following are some indicators of change. There are many more, but

this brief discussion provides

• Children show assertiveness. This quality is complex, but most therapy situations are.

The following example will illustrate. Two school age girls were acting out sexually

with each other in school. They were unable to stop their behaviors when the teachers

told them to. Both girls were referred to treatment and both had single mothers. One

mother and daughter engaged in treatment. The other mother refused treatment and did

not allow her daughter to do. The untreated mother told her daughter, other family

members, and friends that the other girl and not her daughter is a perpetrator and should

be charged with a crime.

The girl in treatment wrote a letter to the mother stating, “Dear ___, I’m not a bad

kid.” She expressed regret at what had happened between her and the mother’s daughter

and apologized. In therapy, she took responsibility for her behaviors, became

emotionally expressive, and assertive without being aggressive. The child also began

doing well in school and behaved appropriately. Her mother showed many therapeutic

gains. Thus, with responsiveness to treatment and a mother who also engaged in

treatment, this child took the initiative and wrote an assertive and not aggressive letter to

the mother of the child with whom she had been inappropriately sexual.
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• Previous taboo topics are on the table. A family who had completed treatment a few

years earlier came back for a tune-up session. The boy who had been the “target” client

in the program wanted to talk about puberty and masturbation. For almost the entire

session, family members told puberty stories and stories about masturbation with humor

and respect for boundaries.

• Children can ask questions that they were too ashamed to ask in the past. . One boy who

was approaching puberty asked during group time if it was okay if white stuff came out

when he masturbated last week. The therapists said, “Congratulations. You are growing


• Children tell on themselves. Children talk about topics that might have been too painful

for them in the past. One boy said he was masturbating in his room and his sister peeked

in on him. She told her mother he was masturbating. He was angry at his sister and was

embarrassed. Another kid said, “You got caught white-handed.” The humor allowed

the boy to admit that he got in trouble not because he was masturbating because when he

saw his sister spying on him, he chased her with semen on his hand.

• Humor. As this story shows, humor often accompanies the development of emotional

competence, as well as fostering it.

• Signs of attachment to others. Some children feel are lonely and isolated and have

minimal emotional attachments to others. These children are at high risk to act out

sexually if they have been exposed to inappropriate sexual behaviors. One boy, in foster

care, formed an attachment to his foster father. He considers the foster father his father.

He said, “He’s the only one I have.” He’s also attached to his therapist and to his

psychoeducation group. He is not attached to his foster brothers and he’s doing
Page 24 of 24

everything he can to keep everyone else away. Thus, though he’s made some progress,

he still has more work to do.

• Affect becomes more animated. Another child, who is developmentally delayed, really

likes his foster mother and is attached to her. His affect is less flat than it used to be, and

he smiles at jokes, even makes jokes himself. He is neater, cleaner, and looks like a

different kid. Connection to others is a protective factor. Separateness from others is a

risk for sexual acting out in children with these histories.

• Emotions and cognitions are connected. When kids are preparing to apologize for their

behaviors and express fears and doubts about the apology, this is a more hopeful sign

than if they read it by rote.

• Takes responsibility for their behaviors; empathy for victims. These two qualities go

hand-in-hand. In a reconciliation session, a boy stated that he had had no idea what his

sister, whom he had sexually abused, had gone through. He cried for her. He said, “I

took advantage of you.” He admitted that he had exploited her.

• Parents set limits. The following is an example. A single-parent family had been in and

out of treatment for several years. The son in the family had been molested in pre-

school and soon after began grabbing and fondling other children. His mother refused

for years to deal with her own childhood abuse. Finally, she agreed to some help with

how she was parenting her son. Once she began to manage her own issues, she could

start setting limits. She could say to her son, “Knock it off. I don’t want you to behave

this way.” The child responded to her limited setting and started showing other signs of

making treatment gains, such as handling teasing by age peers with humor. He was in

special education and waited at the same bus stop as other children but took a different

bus. The other kids picked on him for this. He said, “I have my own limo to take me to
Page 25 of 25

school.” The teasing stopped. He also has become an excellent skate boarder, and when

he showed up, the other kids shouted greetings.


This chapter pieced together the authors’ research and clinical experience as well as some

research on children’s emotional development. Our purpose was to show the significance of

emotional expressiveness in the treatment of children and their families where children have

sexually inappropriate behaviors. The therapy program is emotion-focused. Treatment

professionals are just beginning to formulate programs. Rigorous evaluations will take place some

time in the future. The approaches we described and the indicators of progress in treatment have

not been submitted to randomized clinical trials where children and families are randomly assigned

to treatment and control groups. We do not have quantified indicators of treatment effectiveness.

Rather, what we have presented are a set of good ideas, grounded in clinical experience and

research and theory. We have recommendations as to how treatment professionals can use this

information. We want other professionals to use these ideas to help them think about and identify

issues that their own clients might have. We want others to test these ideas for their fit with clients

after they have done a thorough assessment of clients’ strengths and vulnerabilities. If our ideas

don’t fit, then modify our ideas. Do not force information from clients into any of the categories

that we have offered.

For any of the interventions we’ve discussed, such as the feelings chart or charades, make

sure the children understand what professionals are asking them to do and be sure that how

professionals present these exercises is developmentally appropriate. Even children who are about

the same age may vary a great deal in terms of their levels of cognitive and emotional development.

If professionals want to do reconciliation sessions and apology and empathy letters, they

must have the skills to do so. These are not simple procedures. They require a great deal of skill,
Page 26 of 26

experience, and sensitivity to the multiple issues at stake. Be sure to learn from the experiences of

other professionals who have expertise in these approaches.

We believe that children’s behaviors are adaptations to their life circumstances, filtered

through cognitive schemas that shape what they perceive, how they perceive, and what actions they

take. The work of Toth and colleagues (2002) provides an in-depth discussion of cognitive schemas

and how they affect behaviors. In the long run, effective treatment leads to modification of these

adaptive inner representations of self, others, and how the world works. These are not trivial

pursuits, nor are they easily accomplished. To do this work, professionals must have highly

developed emotional competencies themselves and respect for their own limits.


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everyday life. In Robert S. Wyer, Jr. (Ed.), Advances in social cognition, Vol. X (pp. 1-61). Ahwah,

NJ: Erlbaum.

Brody, Leslie R. (2000). The socialization of gender differences in emotional expression:

Display rules, infant temperament, and differentiation. In Agneta H. Fischer (Ed) Gender and

emotions (pp.24-47). New York: Cambridge University Press.

Brody, Leslie R (1999). Gender, emotion, and the family. Cambridge, MA: Harvard

University Press.

Burton, Jan Ellen et al (1998). Treating children with sexually abusive behavior problems:

Guidelines for child and parent. New York: Haworth.

Fraiberg, Selma, E. Adelson, & V. Shapiro (1975). Ghosts in the nursery: A psychoanalytic

approach to impaired mother-child relationships. Journal of the American Academy of Child

Psychiatry, 14, 387-421.

Page 27 of 27

Gilgun, Jane F. (1999a). CASPARS: Clinical assessment instruments that measure strengths

and risks in children and families. In Martin C. Calder (Ed.), Working with young people who sexually

abuse: New pieces of the jigsaw puzzle. Dorset, England: Russell House.

Gilgun, Jane F. (1999b). CASPARS: New tools for assessing client risks and strengths.

Families in Society, 80, 450-459. Tools available at

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In Hamilton I. McCubbin, Elizabeth A. Thompson, Anne I. Thompson, & Jo A. Futrell (Eds.), The

dynamics of resilient families. (pp. 41-70). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Gilgun, Jane F. (1996). Human development and adversity in ecological perspective:

Part 1: A conceptual framework. Families in Society, 77, 395-402.

Gilgun, Jane F. (1992). Hypothesis generation in social work research. Journal of Social

Service Research, 15, 113-135.

Gilgun, Jane F. (1991). Resilience and the intergenerational transmission of child sexual

abuse. In Michael Q. Patton (Ed.), Family sexual abuse: Frontline research and evaluation (pp.

93-105). Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

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Hunter (Ed.), The sexually abused male: Prevalence, impact, and treatment (pp. 177-190). Lexington,

MA: Lexington Books.

Gilgun, Jane F., & Laura McLeod (1999). Gendering violence. Studies in Symbolic

Interactionism, 22, 167-193.

Gilgun, Jane F., Susan Keskinen, Danette Jones Marti, & Kay Rice. (1999). Clinical

applications of the CASPARS instruments: Boys who act out sexually. Families in Society, 80, 629-

Page 28 of 28

Hindman, Jan (1998). A very touching book...for little people and big people (rev. ed.)

Baker City, OR: Alexandria Associates.

Isen, Alice M. (198). Toward understanding the role of affect in cognition. In Robert S.

Wyer, Jr. & Thomas K. Srull (Eds.), Handbook of social cognition, Vol. 3 (pp. 179-236). Hillsdale,

NJ: Erlbaum.

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(2002). Emotion process in normal and abnormal development and preventive intervention.

Development and Psychopathology, 14, 761-787.

Raver, C. Cybele (2002). Emotions matter: Making the case for the role of young children’s

emotional development for early school readiness. Social Policy Report, XVI (3), 3-18).

Toth, Sheree, Angeline Maughan, Judy Todd Manly, Mary Spagnola, & Dante Cicchetti

(2002). The relative efficacy of two interventions in altering maltreated preschool children’s

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University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

School of Social Work
Jane F. Gilgun, Ph.D., LICSW

Qualities Associated with Resilience

• At least one long-term relationship with an adult inside or outside the family where
 the adult models pro-social behaviors and values
 the young person admires and emulates the adult's positive qualities
 the adult praises and appreciates the young persons pro-social values and behaviors
 the young person confides personal and sensitive material to the adult
 the young person seeks out the adult in times of stress and hurt
 the young persons shares happy news and events with the adult
 the young person shares with the adult events that occur in peer group
• At least one long-term friend pro-social friend during childhood and adolescence (longer than
five years) who serves a similar role as the pro-social adult described above
• Wants to follow rules and directions from adults
• Finds it rewarding to engage in pro-social behaviors
• Is persistent in the face of obstacles—tries and tries again
• Seeks help from adults after persisting on own
• Enjoys accomplishing tasks
• Willing to talk about feelings of sadness, fear, and being left out
• Respects the personal space, wishes, and property of others
• Accepts direction from adults who help them through conflicts with others
• remorseful when hurts others
• apologizes for hurting others
• makes amends when actions/words hurt others
• takes action to ensure will not hurt others in the future
• Does not take what s/he wants but asks permission or negotiates

The following are more characteristics of children older than 12 and adults
• Believes that living well is the best revenge
• Redresses wrongs through negotiation and not through getting back at others
• Equates masculinity with respect for women
• Equates masculinity with appropriate expression of emotion
• Equates being a girl or woman with assertiveness
• Engages in consensual sexual behaviors with others
• Goes for a run, a swim, or other physical activity when stressed
• Uses a wide range of pro-social ways to maintain emotional equilibrium
• Listens to and learns from criticism
• Enjoys dating in high school
• Masturbation related is related to sexual desire
• Has a wide range of sexual fantasies, primarily of age peers
• Imagines a positive future
• Takes specific steps toward an imagined positive future
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University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

School of Social Work
Jane F. Gilgun, Ph.D., LICSW

Emotional Expressiveness

Strength Risk
3=high 3=high
2=medium 2=medium
1=low 1=low
0=not known/not observed
Strength Risk
1. Child shows a range of feelings. _____ _____
2. Child puts own feelings into words. _____ _____
3. Child’s expression of feelings is appropriate to situations. _____ _____
4. Child’s feelings and reactions are linked to the events
that precipitated them. _____ _____
5. Child can identify a wide range of feelings in others _____ _____
6. Child sympathizes with other people’s feelings. _____ _____
7. Child appears to respect the feelings of others. _____ _____
8. Child has a person in family and/or community
who facilitates appropriate expression of feelings. _____ _____
9. Child’s moods are fairly even. _____ _____
10. Child shares emotionally-laden events with others,
both positive and hurtful events. _____ _____
11. Child engages emotionally with others. _____ _____
12. Child is sensitive to others. _____ _____
13. Child’s emotional responses match demands
of the situation. _____ _____

14. Child recognizes when her/his emotional responses

are inappropriate. _____ _____
15. Child apologizes for inappropriate expressions
of feelings. _____ _____
16. In general, the child manages his or her emotions well. ____ _____
17. In general, the child is respectful of the emotions of others. ____ _____
Scoring: add scores in each column. strength _____ r isk _ ____
score score
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University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

School of Social Work
Jane F. Gilgun, Ph.D., LICSW
Sexuality Scale

Strength Risk
3=high 3=high
2=medium 2=medium
1=low 1=low
0=not known/not observed
strength risk
1. Parents set limits on child’s inappropriate sexual behaviors. _____ _____
(e.g., exposing genitals, public masturbation, “grabbing” others genitals)

2. Child stops sexually inappropriate behaviors when parents set limits. _____ _____

3. Child is appropriately interested in looking at nude or semi-nude

pictures in newspapers, magazines, and catalogues, such as lingerie ads. _____ _____

4. Child does not have a known pattern of masturbating while looking

at nude or semi-nude pictures in newspapers, magazines, and catalogues,
such as lingerie ads. _____ _____

5. Child respects the sexual boundaries of others. _____ _____

6. Child does not have a pattern of attributing sexual behaviors

to dolls and other toys. _____ _____

7. Child respects the sexual boundaries of animals. _____ _____

8. Child’s sexual interactions with others are appropriate; that is,

occur with children about the same age and are mutual. _____ _____

9. Child has a good sense of when to talk about sexual things. _____ _____

10. Parents have provided child with information about sexuality

that is age appropriate. _____ _____

11. Parents respect the sexual boundaries of others, keeping

their own sexual behaviors private. _____ _____

12. Other persons in child’s environment keep their sexual

behaviors private. _____ _____
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13. Child has witnessed appropriate sexual expressions _____ _____

(e.g., affectionate kissing, hugging, talk, looks, and tough)

14. Child has not witnessed inappropriate sexual expressions.

(e.g., intercourse, coerced sexual contact such as rape, child sexual
abuse, and genital touching, even if between age peers). _____ _____

15. Family sexual talk is respectful. _____ _____

16. In general, the environments to which the child is exposed

is respectful of the child’s sexuality and the sexuality of others. _____ _____

17. Materials with sexual content to which child is exposed are age
appropriate. (e.g., books, magazines, computer games, cable tv,
internet information). _____ _____

18. Child is comfortable with sexual orientation. _____ _____

19. Child is comfortable with gender identity.

(e.g., a boy wants to be a boy and a girl wants to be a girl). _____ _____

20. Overall, child is appropriate sexually. . _____ _____

Scoring: add scores in each column. strength _____ r isk _____

score score

©2003 Jane F. Gilgun. jgilgun@umn.e du

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Not real names

Jane F. Gilgun, Ph.D., LICSW, is professor, School of Social Work, University of Minnesota, Twin
Cities, 404 Gortner Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55108 USA. Phone: 612/925-3569; Fax: 612/624-3744;
email:; website: She has
done research on how persons overcome adversities, the meanings of violence to perpetrators, the
development of violent behaviors, and strengths-based assessment of children, youth, and families
when the children and youth have adjustment issues. She has published and lecture widely on these
topics. She was a public child welfare social worker for several years before she studied for her
master’s in social service administration at the University of Chicago and her PhD in family studies
at Syracuse University, USA. She also has a licentiate in family studies and sexuality from the
Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium.

Kay Rice, LICSW, ACSW, is a therapist in private practice specializing in children, youth, and their
families where the young people are experiencing serious adjustment issues. She has specialized in
the sexual issues that children and youth develop. Her address is 2375 University Avenue W., Suite
160, St. Paul, MN 55114 USA. Phone: 651/642-1709; fax: 651/642-0150. She has consulted and
lectured widely on her approach to therapy and has published in her specialty area. A licenced
social worker, she has a master’s degree in social work is from the University of Iowa, USA.

Danette Jones, AAMFT, LICSW, is a therapist in private practice is a therapist in private practice
specializing in children, youth, and their families where the young people are experiencing serious
adjustment issues. She has specialized in family work with children who have sexual behavior
issues. Here address is 2375 University Avenue W., Suite 160, St. Paul, MN 55114 USA. Phone:
651/642-1709; fax: 651/642-0150. A licenced family therapist and social worker, she has consulted
and lectured widely on her approach to therapy and has published in her specialty area. Her
master’s in social work and in marriage and family therapy are from the University of Wisconsin,
Madison, USA.

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