Economic Evaaluation of Kinetic Based Copper Chorine Thermochemical Cycle Plant

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Economic evaluation of a kinetic-based

copperechlorine (CueCl) thermochemical
cycle plant

Wei Wu*, Han Yu Chen, Felicia Wijayanti

Department of Chemical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan

article info abstract

Article history: The three-step CueCl cycle plant is expected to be ready for commercialization due to less
Received 24 February 2016 steps, less equipment, and less challenges to process solid particles. In the proposed three-
Received in revised form step CueCl cycle, the compact layout is composed of O2 production unit, CuCl electrolysis
14 July 2016 unit and H2 production unit, solid CuCl2 is treated as the feed of hydrolysis reactor, and
Accepted 15 July 2016 aqueous CuCl2 from the CuCl electrolyzer is not directly recycled. Using specific kinetics of
Available online 17 August 2016 hydrolysis and chlorination reactions, a kinetic-based three-step CueCl cycle plant pro-
vides feasible predictions of process optimization. To address the commercialization
Keywords: procedures, first a simple heat recovery scheme is added to improve the overall energy
Hydrogen production efficiency from 33.87% to 47.31%, and second the traditional economic measures such as
Thermochemical cycle net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) are employed. The economic
Economic analysis evaluation patterns show that the labor cost dominates the operating cost, the operating
Optimization cost dominates the total cost of the plant, and the feedstock cost dramatically increases by
scaling up the plant capacity. Under prescribed scenarios and optimal conditions, simu-
lations show that the product costs of hydrogen and oxygen decrease by 99% and 91%,
respectively, while the plant capacity increases from 3E6 kg/yr to 3E8 kg/yr.
© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

plant [1,2]. The high temperature waste heat can improve

Introduction energy efficiency of thermochemical cycles [3,4]. Notably, the
copper-chlorine (CueCl) thermochemical cycle is a promising
Hydrogen economy would become significant in the next process due to lower operating temperature from 430  C to
several decades since hydrogen will likely be used in power 475  C and potentially lower cost materials [5].
generation and transportation. Seeing a shift away from the Recently, various design schemes for CueCl thermochem-
fossil fuel economy, hydrogen production is a key component ical cycles based on several steps of two to five are analyzed and
of a hydrogen economy. Although the hydrogen production compared [6,7]. The main conclusions showed that more steps
processes using the reforming of natural gas and gasification can provide good flexibility, but less steps induce higher heat
of coal are commercially available, they would produce grade and intensity requirements, more equipment material
massive carbon emissions. Compared to the water electrol- challenges, and more undesirable side by-products. Dincer and
ysis, thermochemical water decomposition provides higher Balta [8] proposed low-temperature thermochemical and
energy efficiency to decompose water into its components, hybrid cycles to improve energetic and exergetic efficiencies.
hydrogen and oxygen, by using the heat from the nuclear

* Corresponding author. Fax: þ886 62344496.

E-mail address: (W. Wu).
0360-3199/© 2016 Hydrogen Energy Publications LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 6 6 0 4 e1 6 6 1 2 16605

Aghahosseini et al. [9] developed an integrated process model been performed to examine the energy and yield effectiveness
of an integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) and a CueCl of the processes [4]. Various design schemes use thermody-
thermochemical cycle for trigeneration of hydrogen, steam and namic model which has been validated in Aspen Plus envi-
electricity. Jaber et al. [10] showed that the effective thermal ronment [8] to predict thermodynamic equilibrium and
management was used to recover heat from molten CuCl in the compositions in CueCl cycles.
oxygen production step of the thermochemical CueCl cycle.
Economic analysis is usually utilized to evaluate an eco-
nomic feasibility of the new technology for hydrogen produc- System description
tion. It is expected to increase the economic viability and reduce
its costs. Karasawa [11] first studied the SeI thermochemical We present a flow diagram for a three-step CueCl cycle in
cycle to compete with water electrolysis. Hydrogen from the Fig. 1 that consists of three major reactions by R1, R2 and R3. A
water electrolysis was economically provided under conditions mixture of CuCl2(s) and H2O(l) is fed into a hydrolysis reactor to
such as the small-scale power station. Since the high operation carry out O2 production reaction (R1) at 450e530  C [16]:
temperature of the nuclear power plant increases the thermal rR1
R1 : 2CuCl2ðsÞ þ H2 OðgÞ !2CuClðlÞ þ 2HClðgÞ þ 0:5O2ðsÞ (1)
efficiency of the SeI thermochemical cycle, the thermal power
of nuclear power plants in hydrogen production dominated the It produces intermediate compounds, CuCl and HCl, and
hydrogen cost. The CueCl thermochemical cycle was poten- one of the products, O2. Notably, O2 production reaction is
tially coupled with nuclear reactors to achieve higher effi- described by two steps, (i) CuCl2(s) / CuCl(l) þ 0.5Cl2(g) and (ii)
ciencies and lower costs of hydrogen production than other CuO(s) þ 0.5Cl2(g) / CuCl(l) þ 0.5O2(g). The decomposition rate
conventional technology. Orhan et al. [12] presented a detailed of CuCl2 is simplified as a zero-order rate law. If the rate of
analysis of the general methodology of cost estimation for the disappearance of Cl2 is very fast since CuCl(l) at a higher
CueCl thermochemical cycle, including all cost items with their temperature can effectively facilitate Cl2(g) diffusion to CuO(s),
percentages, the factors that affect accuracy. Through the cost then the kinetic of R1 is written as
evaluation tool in Aspen Plus, the hydrogen production cost in
the CueCl thermochemical cycle was estimated to be $3.30/kg rR1 ¼ kR1 ¼ 4:83  105 expð12279:82=TR1 Þ (2)
of H2 [13]. Recently, Liberatore et al. [14] presented the possi- 1
where kR1 has units of s and TR1 is denoted as the operating
bility of using the SeI thermochemical cycle for the sulfur re- temperatures of the hydrolysis reactor (R1). One of interme-
covery from flue gas in industrial plants. They showed that the diate compounds, CuCl(l), from the R1 reactor mixed with
cost of the SeI process and its power consumption significantly water flows into an CuCl electrolyzer to carry out CuCl elec-
depended on the plant configuration. trochemical reaction (R2) at 25  C:
In the past few years, the hydrogen production by thermo-
H2 O
chemical water decomposition have been tremendously R2 : 4CuClðsÞ !2CuCl2ðaqÞ þ 2CuðsÞ (3)
studied [15]. However, most of the studies are based on lab-
It produces intermediate compounds, Cu(s) and CuCl2(aq), at
scale experiments or preliminary simulations. Although ther-
room temperature. Notably, CuCl appeared in R1 and R2 un-
mochemical cycles are not commercialized due to limitations
dergoes a solidesolid transition or a solideliquid transition. In
of materials, equipment and heat sources, it may be worth the
our approach, CuCl2(aq) is purged directly to avoid the drying
investment because it avoids fossil fuels and CO2 emissions
process for CuCl2(aq) / CuCl2(s) and neglect the incomplete
without economic penalties. The CueCl cycle for hydrogen
kinetics of CuCl electrochemical reaction [17]. Moreover, two
production has significant potential due to less equipment and
of intermediate compounds, HCl(l) and Cu(s), from the hydro-
lower energy consumption compared to other thermochemical
lysis reactor and CuCl electrolyzer, respectively, flow into a
cycles. The three-step CueCl cycle usually possesses less steps,
fluidized bed reactor to carry out H2 production reaction (R3) at
less equipment, and less challenges to process solid particles,
430e475  C [17]:
since it combines the steps of drying and hydrolysis to carry out
aqueous cupric chloride as the feed of the hydrolysis reactor.
R3 : 2CuðsÞ þ 2HClðgÞ !
 2CuClð1Þ þ H2ðgÞ (4)
To address a feasible layout of three-step CueCl cycle plant, the
kinetic models should be taken into consideration [16] and It produces an intermediate compound, CuCl, and one of
effective steps are validated via new design schemes. In this products, H2, at higher temperature. Zamfirescu et al. [18]
article, a new CueCl cycle plant under prescribed limitations indicated that the kinetics of H2 production reaction is
that consists of specific kinetic models, a specific CueCl cycle described by
and a simple heat recovery is presented. Moreover, economic
analysis is taken into account such as NPV, payback period, and
CuCl2(s) CuCl2(aq)
IRR. Based on prescribed scenarios and ideal conditions, plant CuCl(l) R2
overhead cost and total indirect cost dominate the total pro- R1
duction cost at different plant capacities. R3 H2(g)
H2O(l) Cu(s)

Three-step CueCl thermochemical cycle O2(g) CuCl(l)

In the past years, the design and optimization of CueCl
(thermochemical) cycles from five steps to three steps have Fig. 1 e Three-step CueCl thermochemical cycle.
16606 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 6 6 0 4 e1 6 6 1 2

adjusted up to 786 K via the H2 heater. The corresponding H2

   yield is maximized if H2 production unit is maintained at
rR3 ¼ kR3 p0:5
HCl  pH2 Keq (5)
786 K.
where kR3 has units of mol$kg1$s1$atm0.5 and pi represents In O2 production unit, CuCl2 (s) and H2O (l) are mixed by the
the partial pressure of the component. If the irreversible re- first mixer (Mixer1), the first heater (H1) is used to adjust the
action is taken into account due to large amounts of Cu, then inlet temperature of an isothermal plug flow reactor (R1) at
Eq. (5) is reduced to 744 K, and a gaseliquid separator (Sep1) perfectly produces
pure components including O2, CuCl and HCl. O2 exits at room
rR3 ¼ 4:83  102 expð  7515:5=TR3 Þp0:5
HCl (6)
temperature via the first cooler (C1), CuCl(l) flows into CuCl
where TR3 is denoted as the operating temperature of a fluid- electrolysis unit and HCl(g) flows into H2 production unit. In
ized bed reactor (R3). Notably, the three-step CueCl cycle has CuCl electrolysis unit, CuCl(l) from Sep1 and Sep3 are mixed by
not been validated by experiments yet. Some challenge the second mixer (Mixer2) and then it is cooled down by the
problems should be solved by the process design, kinetics and second cooler (C2) to meet the operating temperature of CuCl
thermodynamics because complicated reactors carry out gas- electrolyzer at 298 K. A liquid-soild seperator (Sep2) prefectly
solid-liquid transition at different operating temperatures, produces pure components including CuCl2 and Cu where
some components, CuCl, HCl and H2, induce severe corrosive CuCl2(aq) is exhausted and Cu(s) is recycled and transported
conditions, and unknown side reactions may appear at into H2 production unit. In H2 production unit, HCl and Cu are
different operating temperatures. mixed by the third mixer (Mixer3) at 563 K, the second heater
(H2) is used to adjust the inlet temperature of the H2 produc-
Process design tion reactor at 786 K and a gaseliquid separator (Sep3)
perfectly produces pure components, including H2 and CuCl,
In the proposed three-step CueCl cycle, (i) CuCl2(aq) from the where H2 exits at room temperature via the third cooler (C3)
CuCl electrolyzer is not recycled by purging directly, (ii) the and CuCl is recycled and fed into CuCl electrolysis unit.
solid CuCl2(s) is treated as the feed of hydrolysis reactor, and To carry out the process simulation in an Aspen Plus
(iii) the kinetics of CueCl cycle are simplified by Eqs (2) and (6). environment, the proper property method for solideliquid
Moreover, the conceptual design of three-step CueCl cycle is processing, MIXCISLD, a combination of MIXED (for liquid and
depicted in Fig. 2. It shows that this three-step CueCl cycle is gas) and CISOLID (only for solid), is set up to characterize all
composed of O2 production unit, CuCl electrolysis unit and H2 streams [19] in which all compounds used in Aspen Plus
production unit. Each unit consists of a mixer, a heater/cooler, database are shown in Table 2. All separators and mixers are
an isothermal reactor and a solid/liquid/gas separator. Based assumed to execute the perfect separation, purification and
on the simplified kinetics of R1 and R3 and corresponding mixing, but the corresponding energy duties are omitted. For
specifications in Table 1, the operating conditions of R1 and R3 simplicity, H2 and O2 production units are denoted as
are determined by the sensitivity analysis of outlet composi- isothermal processes and RStoic module is used to simulate
tions of reactor with respect to inlet temperature which are an ideal CuCl electrolyzer. When liquid water with about 10
shown in Fig. 3 (a) and 3 (b), respectively. Fig. 3(a) shows that ton/day (23.13 kmol/h) is fed into this plant, H2 production rate
reactants, H2O and CuCl2, are almost consumed while the is 21.6 kmol/h and the corresponding O2 production rate is
inlet temperature is adjusted up to 744 K via the H1 heater. 10.8 kmol/h. As mentioned earlier, the proposed three-step
The corresponding O2 yield is maximized if O2 production unit CueCl cycle is a quite ideal process due to some units with
is maintained at 744 K. Fig. 3(b) shows that reactants, HCl and the perfect separation, mixing and isothermal conditions
Cu, are almost consumed while the inlet temperature although the kinetic-based reactors are taken into account.

Fig. 2 e Design and simulation of three-step CueCl cycle plant.

i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 6 6 0 4 e1 6 6 1 2 16607

Table 1 e Specifications and duties of the three-step CueCl cycle plant [7,8].
Units/Aspen module Description & specifications Work/Heat duty (kW) DHrxn (kW)
O2 production unit
R1/RPLUG Plug flow reactor: Length ¼ 1 m; 1382.65
Diameter ¼ 0.5 m
H1/Heater T H1,in (298 K) / TH1,out (744 K) 825.57
Sep1/Flash2 Gas-liquid separator; Separating HCl(g), O2(g), and CuCl(l) at 744 K
Mixer1/Mixer CuCl2(s) þ H2O(l)
CuCl electrolysis unit
R2/RStoic Isothermal reactor 724.70
C2/Cooler TC1,in (744 K) / TC1,out (348.15 K) 613.73
Sep2/HYCYC Liquid-solid separator; Separating Cu(s) and CuCl2(aq) at 348.15 K
Mixer2/Mixer CuCl(l) from Sep1 þ CuCl(l) from Sep3
H2 production unit
R3/RPLUG Plug flow reactor: Length ¼ 2 m; 470.90
Diameter ¼ 0.5 m
H2/Heater T H2,in (563 K) / TH2,out (786 K) 164.29
Sep3/Flash2 Vapor-liquid separator; Separating H2(g) and CuCl(l) at 786 K
Mixer3/Mixer HCl(g) from Sep1 þ Cu(s) from Sep2
C1/Cooler TC2,in (744 K) / TC2,out (298 K) for O2 44.50
C3/Cooler TC3,in (748 K) / TC3,out (298 K) for H2 95.80
Heat exchanger (Fig. 4)
EX/HeatX TH1,in (298 K) / TH1,out (576 K)/TC1,in (765 K) / TC1,out (744 K) (613.73)
Shell and tube heat exchanger;
Countercurrent flow; UA ¼ 5867.9 W/K

Energy efficiency

To evaluate the system efficiency, the overall energy effi-

ciency of the CueCl cycle, he, is chosen as follows [7].

he ¼  100% (7)
Qnet þ W

where LHVH2 is the lower heating value of hydrogen (244 kJ/mol

H2), W includes the electrical work for electrolyzer and work
duties for hot/cold utilities, and Qnet is the net heat by kinetic
reactions. Referring the work/heat duty of each unit and the
product enthalpies of formation in Table 1, the O2 production
unit consumes the more energy due to strongly endothermic
reaction (R1) but the H2 production unit releases the less heat
due to mildly exothermic reaction (R3). The net heat of both
reactions Qnet ¼ (1382.65 þ 470.90)/(21.6  1000/
3600) ¼ 308.92 kJ/mol H2 and the corresponding total work
W ¼ (825.57 þ 724.70 þ 613.73 þ 164.29 þ 44.50 þ 95.8)/
(21.6  1000/3600) ¼ 411.43 kJ/mol H2. Moreover, the overall
energy efficiency for this CueCl cycle by Eq. (7) is shown as
he ¼ 33.87%. The energy duties of all reactors and hot/cold
utilities are quite large, so the energy efficiency of this three-
step CueCl cycle may be lower than some conventional elec-
trolyzers [21]. Moreover, we use a simple heat recovery design
to improve the system energy efficiency. Fig. 4 shows that a
heat exchanger (EX) with its specification in Table 1 is added to
replace C2 cooler and reduce the duty of H1 heater from
825.57 kW to 211.84 kW. Moreover, the overall energy efficiency
of the heat-integrated CueCl cycle is enhanced from 33.87% to
47.31%. For most conventional electrolyzers, the electricity
required for hydrogen production system is above 5.6 kWh/m3
H2, but the electricity required for this CueCl cycle is only about
Fig. 3 e Sensitivity analysis with regard to inlet 1.28 kWh/m3 H2. Obviously, the thermochemical cycle can
temperatures: (a) Compositions of R1 reactor (b) recover the waste heat from different sources to reduce the
Compositions of R3 reactor. electricity required for CuCl electrochemical reaction.
16608 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 6 6 0 4 e1 6 6 1 2

Table 2 e Physical properties of all compounds of three-step CueCl cycle [20].

Compound Freezing point ( C) Boling point ( C) Solid enthalpy Solid gibbs
of formation free energy
(DHSFRM, kJ/mol) of formation
(DGSFRM, kJ/mol)
CuCl2(s) 498 993 217.4 173.6
CuCl(l) 430 1490 137 120
Cu(s) 1083.4 2595 0 0
HCl(g) 62.25 83.7
H2(g) 259.15  C 252.8
O2(g) 218.4 182.96

Fig. 4 e Design and simulation of three-step CueCl cycle plant with heat recovery.

2. Electricity is available for $60/MWh,

Economic analysis 3. The energy costs for the heating (H1, H2) and cooling (C1,
C3) utilities are $20/MWh,
Cost estimating 4. Land is available for $5000/acre,
5. Plant operating factor is 90%,
In general, investments are needed to purchase and install the
equipment. The total capital investment (TCI) is the sum of Moreover, all factors for the heat-integrated CueCl cycle
the fixed-capital investment (FCI) and the working capital in- plant (Fig. 4) are given in Table 3 and F is 3.63 for a mixed fluid-
vestment (WCI) where FCI is the sum of the total direct costs solids processing plant [23]. Since costs of high temperature
and the total indirect costs. FCI is given as a function of the and anticorrosive equipment are unknown due to non-
total purchased equipment cost (Etot) commercialized, the total purchased equipment cost (Etot) as
! the summation of different equipment costs (Ei) is evaluated
X X by using the Chemical Engineering Plant Cost Index (CEPCI)
FCI ¼ F fiDC fjIC Etot (8)
i i from 2005 to 2012 [24]. If the following regression model for
predicting the plant cost index is shown by
where fiDC is a factor of direct costs (DC) for piping, electrical,
instrumentation, etc. fjIC is a factor of indirect costs (IC) for yCI ¼ 29779:8 þ 15:095x (9)
engineering & supervision, construction expenses, contrac-
tor's fee, etc. F is an installation factor. Referring case studies where yCI is the plant cost index and x is time (year). Thus,
for chemical plants [22,23], some direct costs for this project each equipment cost in year is estimated by
are specified as follows.  !
yCI x
E i jx ¼  Ei jx¼ref (10)
1. The cost of the electrolysis cell (vessel and electrodes) was
$2500/m2 of total active cell area. where Ei jx¼ref represents an equipment cost in 1982 [25].
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 6 6 0 4 e1 6 6 1 2 16609

CuCl2(s) ¼ US$171/kg if the pretreatment fee for aqueous CuCl2

Table 3 e Factors for estimating capital-investment items
is taken into account. The cost of other raw materials used in
of the three-step CueCl cycle.
this CueCl cycle, HCl(g) ¼ US$0.241/kg, CuCl(aq) ¼ US$7.2/kg
Direct costs
and Cu(s) ¼ US$83.25/kg, are estimated from some websites
No. Item Delivered- [26,27]. In Table 5, the total raw material cost, 1.38E6USD/yr,
equipment cost % has been estimated for the same plant capacity.
1 Purchased equipment, Etot 100% According to the conventional economic evaluation for
2 Instrumentation and 13% Etot constructing chemical plants, the total production cost (TPC)
control is the sum of manufacturing cost (direct production
3 Purchased equipment 39% Etot
costs þ fixed charge þ plant overhead costs) and general ex-
4 Piping 31% Etot
penses (administrative cost þ distribution and selling
5 Electrical 10% Etot cost þ R&D cost þ financing). Table 6 shows that annual TPC
6 Service facilities 55% Etot evaluation would be applied to this three-step CueCl cycle
7 Buildings (including service) 47% Etot plant. It shows that annual TPC for the same CueCl cycle plant
8 Yard Improvement 12% Etot is 2.24E7USD where the production costs of hydrogen and
9 Land 6% Etot
Total Direct Plant Cost (DC) 313% Etot
Indirect Costs
1 Engineering & supervision 32% Etot
2 Construction expenses 34% Etot Table 5 e Raw material price lists of the three-step CueCl
3 Legal expenses 4% Etot cycle plant.
4 Contractor's fee 19% Etot Raw material Price list (USD)
5 Contingency 37% Etot
CuCl2(s) 1,064,791.69
Total Indirect Cost (IC) 126% Etot
HCl(g) 406.46
Fixed capital investment (FCI) ¼ DC þ IC 439% Etot
CuCl(aq) 65,997.66
Working capital investment (WCI) 15% of TCI
Cu(s) 244,711.38
Total capital investment (TCI) WCI þ FCI
Total cost 1,375,907.20

Assumed that the plant capacity is specified as 3E6 kg/yr,

i.e. 3.36E5 kg/yr of hydrogen and 2.66E6 kg/yr of oxygen,
Table 6 e Total production cost of the three-step CueCl
accordingly each equipment price of the heat-integrated Cue
thermochemical cycle plant [22].
Cl cycle can be estimated by Eqs (9) and (10) and the total
Item Description US$
purchased equipment cost, Etot ¼ 1.23E6USD, is shown in
Table 4. Moreover, FCI ¼ 4.85E6USD, WCI ¼ 8.56E5USD and Direct production costs
TCI ¼ 5.71E6USD are obtained, respectively, according to Raw material 1,375,907.20
Operating labor 400% Raw material 5,503,628.78
FCI ¼ 439%Etot, WCI ¼ 15%TCI and TCI ¼ FCI/0.85 from Table 3.
Supervision 15% operating labor 825,544.32
In generally, FCI, WCI and TCI are varied with different plant Utilities 10% Etot 110,501.61
capacities because the equipment sizes and prices dominate laboratory 15% operating labor 825,544.32
the plant capacity. Main. & Repair 10% FCI 485,102.05
By simulation of this heat-integrated CueCl cycle plant, 10 Operating 15% Maintenance & Repair 72,765.31
tons/day H2O(l) and 6.13 tons/yr CuCl2(s) are used to meet the supplies
Patent and 1% TPC 223,864.16
plant capacity with 3E6 kg/yr. Aqueous CuCl2, which is
exhausted from CuCl electrolysis unit, should be recovered
Fixed charges
and becomes fresh CuCl2(s) via another pretreatment process Depreciation 10% FCI 485,102.05
including drying, sedimentation and separation. Referring the Local taxes 2% FCI 97,020.41
website of an American multinational chemical, life science Insurance 1% FCI 48,510.20
and biotechnology company [26], we assume the cost of Rent 10% (Land þ Buildings) 58,565.85
Plant overhead 60% (Op. 4,088,565.09
costs Labor þ Supervision þ Main.
& Repair)
Manufacturing Direct production 14,200,621.33
Table 4 e Equipment price lists of the three-step CueCl
cost costs þ Fixed charges þ Plant
cycle plant.
overhead costs
Equipment Price list (USD) General Expenses
Hydrolysis reactor (R1) 4570 Administrative 15% (Op. 1,022,141.27
CuCl electrolyzer (R2) 7030 Labor þ Supervision þ Main.&
Fluidized bed reactor (R3) 5976 Repair)
Heat Exchanger (EX) 49,562 Distribution & 15% TPC 3,357,962.34
Heater1 (H1) 635,409 selling
Heater2 (H2) 181,222 R&D 5% TPC 1,119,320.78
Separator (Sep1, Sep2, Sep3) 906,957 Financing 2% TPC 447,728.31
Mixer (Mixer1, Mixer2, Mixer3) 129,277 Total Production Manufacturing cost þ General 22,386,415.58
Total purchased equipment cost 1,226,286 Cost expenses
16610 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 6 6 0 4 e1 6 6 1 2

oxygen are H2 ¼ 273.96USD/kg and O2 ¼ 37.14USD/kg. Appar- Regarding the effect of plant capacity, Fig. 6(a) and (b) show
ently, the hydrogen production cost is very high that com- the patterns of the annual operating cost, which are
pares to the regular selling price of hydrogen around 3.3USD/ composed of labor cost (Labor), general overhead cost (GO),
kg in the international market [28]. installed cost (Inst), loan interest (Loan), indirect cost (IC),
feedstock cost (Fstock), maintenance cost (Maint), insurance
Economic evaluation and taxes (Insu&tax) and electricity cost (Elect) at the plant
capacity of 3E6 kg/yr and 3E8 kg/yr, respectively. Notably, the
Since the CueCl cycle plant is new and clean hydrogen pro- percentage of labor cost achieves 40.22% at 3E6 kg/yr but it
duction process, the incentives for renewable energy invest- reduces to 18.43% while the plant capacity scales up to 100
ment are expected to reduce TPC and investment risk. In our times. However, the corresponding percentage of feedstock
approach, a few incentives are listed as follows: cost increases from 10.06% to 23.83%. For scaling up the plant
capacity from 3E6 kg/yr to 1.80E8 kg/yr, the percentage of the
1. The plant is 70% equity funded and 30% debt funded [29]. capital cost in Fig. 7(a) increases because the indirect cost in
2. Ten year depreciation schedule. Usually, an average of 10% Fig. 7(b) dramatically increases. Notably, the operating cost
of plant cost can be deducted annually as a provision for dominates the total cost of the plant since the percentage of
depreciation of plant. the operating cost is always higher than 60%. In addition, the
3. Taxation rate is defaulted to 20%. The company tax rate for feedstock cost in Fig. 7(b) increases by increasing the plant
2013 to 2014 was set at 20% by the Taxation Administra- capacity and becomes the key factor of the total operating cost
tion, Ministry of Finance, Taiwan [30]. of the plant capacity of 3E8 kg/yr. Apparently, the price of the
raw material CuCl2 strongly affects the total production cost.
To evaluate the economic performance of the project, a few Fig. 8 shows that the hydrogen and oxygen production costs
economic performance indices, such as net present value are gradually reduced while the plant capacity increases from
(NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR), are selected. By above 3E6 kg/yr to 3E8 kg/yr. In view of the hydrogen production cost
item No. 1, equity and loan by FCI(¼4.85E6USD) are 3.40E6USD from 273.96USD/kg to 3.97USD/kg, it shows that the large
and 1.46E6USD, respectively. If 2% inflation for the equity and plant capacity design could effectively reduce the hydrogen
2% interest rate for the bank loan are fixed, the corresponding production cost. By the way, the oxygen production cost is
present value regarding 10 year plant operating life is shown also reduced from 37.14USD/kg to 3.39USD/kg.
in Fig. 5(a). Moreover, the NPV of the project can be obtained
by 5.10E9USD. If NPV at the end of the project is zero, Fig. 5(b)
shows that IRR ¼ 14.76% is obtained. FCI, TPC are strongly
varied by variations of parameters such as the sale price and Conclusions
feed cost, so these economic performance indices are varied.
In this article, the three-step CueCl thermochemical cycle is
evaluated to be a commercialization potential of the hydrogen

Fig. 5 e Economic measures of three-step CueCl cycle Fig. 6 e Cost patterns of TPC at different plant capacities: (a)
plant: (a) present value for 10 year; (b) NPV vs. IRR. 3E6 kg/yr, (b) 3E8 kg/yr.
i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 6 6 0 4 e1 6 6 1 2 16611

Fig. 7 e Profiles of cost evaluation with regrad to plant capacity: (a) capital and operating cost ratios, (b) operating cost ratios.

Fig. 8 e Comparison of hydrogen and oxygen costs at different plant capacities.

production system. The kinetic-based CueCl cycle design production, this CueCl cycle plant can save 77% electricity
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recovery scheme and optimization, the proposed CueCl cycle free emissions and recovers enormous amounts of waste
plant can improve the overall energy efficiency from 33.87% to heat, the economic performance of the project in terms of NPV
47.31%. Compared to the water electrolyzer for hydrogen and IRR is evaluated. Based on specific investment
16612 i n t e r n a t i o n a l j o u r n a l o f h y d r o g e n e n e r g y 4 1 ( 2 0 1 6 ) 1 6 6 0 4 e1 6 6 1 2

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