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Passive Voice

Basic pattern of Passive Voice

A. Sederhana

S + to be + V3

B. Sedang

S + to be + being + V3

C. Telah

S + has/have/had + been + V3

+ S to be (being) V3

- S to be not (being) V3

? yes-no To be S V3

? WH WH to be S V3

Active Voice Passive Voice

Simple Present Tense S + is/am/are + V3
The man sweeps the floor every morning. The floor is swept by the man every morning.
Present Continuous Tense S + is/am/are+ being + V3
The students are doing the test now. The test is being done by the students now.
Simple Past Tense S + was/were + V3
The man swept the floor yesterday. The floor was swept by the man yesterday.
Past Continuous Tense S + was/were + being + V3
The students were doing the test that time. The test was being done by the students that time.
Present Perfect Tense S + has been + V3
Tom has taken your book. Your book has been taken by Tom.


Translate the sentences into English!

1. Laskar Pelangi dibaca oleh banyak orang. ..............................................................................

2. Bukuku dipinjam oleh Tom kemarin. ..............................................................................
3. Rumah ini dibangun pada tahun 1900. ..............................................................................
4. Cerita-cerita Tom disukai teman-temannya. ..............................................................................
5. Rumahku sedang diperbaiki sekarang. ..............................................................................
Change the sentences to be passive.

1. Once a week, Tom cleans the house.

2. Mr. John teaches our class.

3. Right now, Sarah is writing the letter.

4. Sam repaired the car.

5. The salesman was helping the customer when the thief came into the store.

6. Many tourists have visited that castle.

7. George had repaired many cars before he received his mechanic's license.

8. They will finish the work by 5:00 PM.

9. My father rides the horse every day.

10. He painted the fence yesterday.

11. James will bring his video games when he comes.

12. My mother is making a cake for my birthday.

13. I was using a maths book to do my homework.

14. Students have collected a lot of money for charity.

15. By the time we arrived,they had finished all the food.

16. By June I will have bought a wedding dress.

17. Sara took the dog for a walk.

18. The weather forecast annouced that the wind will bring heavy coulds.

19. She can help me.

20. We shall see them.

21. Ali took the pen.

22. The pupils have bought the books.

23. He writes the letter.

24. I offered them a new house.

25. She will repair the roof.

26. The cat killed the mice.

27. Mike is reading the book.

28. You must take the medicine.

29. Moussa can do this exercise.

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