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Activity Book 5


1 In style Narrator: Now listen again.

Track 1.12
Narrator: 4 What will the weather be like when Paul
When Mrs Perkins walked in and saw Renata, she
goes out?
took off her blue raincoat and was wearing the
clothes that Renata usually wears! So old jeans, a Boy: Paul, it’s not foggy now. Shall we go out
band T-shirt and blue trainers! She heard Renata and buy that jewellery for your sister?
talking to her friends about the plan at lunchtime and Paul: I’m doing a puzzle on my tablet now.
decided to do the same thing! Mrs Perkins is a very Anyway, it’s still cold and it’s going to
funny teacher! snow later.
Boy: OK. Well, shall we go out tomorrow when
Track 1.13
it’s sunnier?
Narrator: 1 How many children went to the fashion
Paul: Yes, OK. I’ll have more time then.
Narrator: Now listen again.
Man: Did you enjoy the fashion show, Alex?
Alex: Yes, it was great, we loved it!
Narrator: 5 What will the girl try on?
Man: Did everyone in your class go?
Girl: Mum, look at this leather jacket. Do you
Alex: No, five people were ill, so there were 16
like it?
of us. But when we got there, there were
only 15 chairs for us! We all had a fun Mum: Mmm, not really. What clothes do you
time though. need for Jane’s party? A new blouse like
Narrator: Now listen again.
Girl: No, I don’t like those spots on it. What
about this striped jumper?
Narrator: 2 What food will the children make?
Mum: Yes, that’s nice. Take it to the changing
Girl: Are you ready to make a pizza? rooms over there.
Boy: We don’t have any tomatoes! Let’s make Narrator: Now listen again.
something sweet instead.
Girl: How about some biscuits?
Narrator: 6 Which factory did Jim visit last year?
Boy: I think a cake would be better.
Woman: Where did you go for your school trip last
Girl: OK! year Jim? Did you go to that factory that
Narrator: Now listen again. makes handbags?
[Repeat] Jim: I really wanted to but we couldn’t
Narrator: 3 How much is the raincoat? because it was closed. But our teacher
Sara: Mum, can you buy me this raincoat? It’s took us to an even bigger one that makes
cheaper here than online. trainers.

Mum: How much is it, Sara? I can’t spend more Woman: Are you going there again this year?
than £30. Jim: I don’t think so. My science teacher
Sara: It says £26, but I think everything in this wants to take us to a place that makes
autumn part is half price. laptops this year.

Mum: Oh yes, you’re right, it’s only £13. But Narrator: Now listen again. That is the end of
Sara, that’s the last thing I’m buying you Part 1.
until your birthday! [Repeat]
Sara: Thanks Mum!

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Activity Book 5

2 Future technology Track 2.11

Track 2.09
Dr Şafak: Good morning everyone. Last week our
Narrator: 1 How did Rafael contact Anna?  
Design-an-app competition started. If
Rafael: I’m sorry I couldn’t call you last night. you want to enter it, send me an email
I was busy helping my mum.   with a link to your app by the end of
Anna: That’s OK. Did you send me a text the week. Remember, your app must
message? help students study for their exams.
Rafael: No, I sent you an email on my laptop Tomorrow, I’ll tell you about the prizes
because my phone didn’t have any you can win.
battery.  2
Anna: Oh, OK. I’ll check now. Azra: I’m really excited about the competition,
Narrator: 2 Which screen are they using to watch Burak.
the video? Burak: Are you going to enter it, then?
Emiliano: Ooh, look. Here’s a video of Sam’s dog, Azra: Yes! What, are you? Are you going to
Rupert. It’s very funny. He’s watching enter it too?
football on TV and he’s trying to catch Burak: I think so. I’ve got a good idea for an
the ball! app.
Martina: I can’t see. Move your phone up a bit, no Azra: Me too!
down a bit. That’s it. Haha haha!
Burak: Perhaps you’ll win the competition.
Narrator: 3 What are they looking at?
Azra: I hope so, Burak!
Jenny: I found this disc in a box, Mum. What is it?
Mum: Oh, I don’t know. Is it for our old
Dr Şafak: Good morning everyone. I’ve
computer? Perhaps it’s software.
downloaded and used your apps on my
Jenny: I don’t think it’s software. There isn’t any mobile phone – it took me a long time; I
writing on it. was surprised so many students entered
Mum: Oh, OK. Put it in the laptop. ... Oh look. the competition! All your apps were
Photos of you and your brother when great, but as you know only one student
you were little. Here you both are in the can win the competition. Before I tell you
playground. who it is, let me say ‘well done’ for all
Narrator: What can Abril borrow? your work.
Joaquín: What’s wrong? 4
Abril: I want to take my laptop to Grandma’s, Burak: Well done, Azra!
but the mouse doesn’t work. Azra: Thanks, Burak. I didn’t think I’d win the
Joaquín: Do you want to take mine? competition. I was surprised!
Abril: What? Your very new, very expensive Burak: I wasn’t. I thought your app was
laptop that nobody can use? brilliant. I used it last night.
Joaquín: No, not my new laptop! My old mouse. Azra: It took me a week to design it.
Abril: Oh, OK. Burak: That’s quick! I worked on mine for two
Track 2.10
[Repeat Track 2.09]

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Activity Book 5

3 Jim-nastics Firstly, where is it? It’s in Valley Road,

that’s V-A-L-L-E-Y. A sports star from the
Track 3.12 local football team came to open the
Mum: Emma – Zoe your tennis coach has just Sports Village on 6th July. There were
phoned. lots of activities on the day, like face
Emma: Oh yes? painting, free dance classes and gym
Mum: She said she wants to see you on Court 2 practice.
tomorrow after school, at four o’clock. If you’re football crazy, the modern
Emma Oh no, why? stadium has a large field. For swimmers,
there’s a 25m swimming pool. For
Mum: Don’t worry, it’s nothing bad! There’s
keeping fit there are improved fitness
a new girl called Leah starting at your
rooms. Lastly, for those who love team
club. She’s the same age as you, I think.
sports there are several different courts
Zoe wants you and Leah to play a couple
which can be used for volleyball and
of tennis games together.
basketball, but not tennis yet.
Emma: Oh OK. I hope she’s good. I hope she can
Mr Murray, the manager, has spent lots
hit the ball, and not into the net. Not like
of money to make sure that everybody
gets active and feels healthier. There’s
Mum: Oh Emma, I’m sure she’s really good. so much choice for adults and children,
Don’t forget to take your racket! And so go and check out the website or call
don’t be horrible about Ariana! 01723 37750 and ask about becoming a
Track 3.13 free member!
Narrator: You will hear a woman talking about a Narrator: Now listen again. That is the end of
new sports centre. Part 2.
Woman: The new Murray Sports Village is now [Repeat]
open and it’s much better than the old
swimming pool and sports centre! I’m
here to tell you more about this amazing
building and its programmes.

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Activity Book 5

4 Be careful! Ben: Oh no. Did you go to hospital?

Martin: Yes. I had an operation on my ankle.
Track 4.12
I wasn’t a very good patient. I didn’t
1 want to be in hospital – I wanted to
Mrs Watson: Oh hello. This is Mrs Watson. Could I play rugby last weekend.
make an appointment please? Ben: Oh dear. Hey, can I draw on your
Receptionist: Yes, of course. What’s the problem? bandage?
Mrs Watson: Well, it’s Rosie, you see. She’s ... um, 4
got a painful ear, I think. It’s very sore. And now to today’s news. Celebrity cook James
Receptionist: You think she’s got a painful ear? Have Samson couldn’t film his cookery show last night
you asked her? because he cut his little finger. His fans are very sad.
Mrs Watson: Yes, of course I have! But she can’t talk. This isn’t the first time James has had an accident in
Receptionist: Why not? Is she a baby? the kitchen. He says he’ll be able to return next week.
Get well soon, James!
Mrs Watson: A baby? No. Rosie’s my rabbit. And
she’s got big ears. Very, very painful Track 4.13
big ears. [Repeat Track 4.12]
Receptionist: But Mrs Watson. This is the doctor’s.
Rosie needs to see a vet. Track 4.14
Mrs Watson: Oh, I am so sorry. I called the wrong Marie Curie was born on 7th November 1867 in
number. Goodbye! Warsaw, Poland. Her parents were both teachers
and Marie was a good student who worked hard at
school. Marie wanted to study at university, but this
Tom: Excuse me, sorry, I need to go first. ... was impossible in Poland in the 1800s. University was
Excuse me. Can you help me, please? for men, not for women.
Receptionist: Yes, of course. What’s wrong?  Sorbonne University in Paris allowed women to study
Tom: I can’t find my little brother. We were there. It took a long time but finally Marie went to
in the café, but I went to get a drink France and studied at Sorbonne University. After
and he wasn’t there when I got back. three years of hard work she received her degree in
Receptionist: What’s his name?  physics.
Tom: Matthew. He’s seven. Marie married Pierre Curie who was also a scientist.
Receptionist: Let me see. Oh yes. I saw him outside Together they discovered two new materials called
talking to the doctors a few minutes polonium and radium. Marie also did a lot of
ago. He was asking lots of questions important research into cancer.
about ambulances! In 1903, Marie and Pierre won the Nobel Prize in
Tom: Oh thank you!  Physics. Marie was the first woman to win this prize.
In 1911 she won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Marie
Curie opened the Curie Institute in Paris, which is still
Ben: Oh Martin. Look at your ankle! What an important cancer research centre today. Marie
have you done? Curie died on July 4th 1934.
Martin: Oh, I broke it.
Track 4.15
Ben: Playing rugby again?
Narrator: 1 You hear a nurse talking in a hospital.
Martin: Nope. Um, I broke my ankle when I got
What does he say about his job at the
out of bed. I stepped on my computer
game and fell over.

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Activity Book 5

Man: How long have I been a nurse? This is my Narrator: 4 You hear a girl talking on the phone.
third year. I worked in a smaller hospital What’s the matter?
near the sea last year. It’s not very easy Girl: Well, I felt all right this morning. But in
here because I get lost in this bigger the break at school I started to feel sick.
hospital! At the moment, I’m looking ... Yes, Mum has given me something to
after someone with a bad cut. I have to eat, but my head still hurts. I’m going to
remember to bring his medicine every lie down for a while. ... Mmm … I’ll be
day, but I don’t mind that. on the sofa in the living room. If it gets
Narrator: 2 You hear two friends talking about a worse, I’ll call you back. OK? Thanks,
film on TV. What did the girl enjoy most? bye.
Boy: Did you see the film about men in space Narrator: 5 You hear a teacher talking about a
on TV last night? classroom. What does he want to know?
Girl: Yes, I thought the actors were OK. What Man: When I left at the end of this morning the
about you? window was closed and the printer was
Boy: I didn’t like it much. Especially when on my desk. Now I find that the window
they described the flight to the moon. is open and broken. The printer is on the
floor and it looks broken as well. It’s not
Girl: I know. I think the best thing was the
funny and you must tell me immediately
music. That was really exciting.
who was playing football outside the
Narrator: 3 You hear part of a programme about
window at lunchtime.
playing basketball. What is the most
important thing?
Woman: So, you want to get better at basketball?
Well, first you have to buy a good ball
like this one. They aren’t very expensive.
Next you need to practise throwing
the ball over a short or a long distance.
But the most important thing is to find a
friend who can help you practise. Then,
once you’re ready, you can choose your
favourite place to play. There are three
sports centres in this area.

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Activity Book 5

5 Fun foods Presenter: Um, OK. What happens now?

Asli: I mix the ingredients together and put it
Track 5.11
in a dish. Then it goes in the oven to bake
1 for 40 minutes.
Woman: It’s time for breakfast. Would you rather Presenter: OK, well, let’s taste it in 40 minutes. Good
have cake or fruit? luck, Asli.
Man: On most days, I’d prefer fruit because it’s
healthier. But maybe cake on Fridays. Track 5.13
2 Mum: I’m making a smoothie. What would you
prefer – fruit or vegetables?
Woman: You’re on holiday in a tent. You wake up.
Would you prefer to see a crocodile or a Boy: Can I have both?
bear? Mum: OK. Do you want to help?
Man: I’d rather not see a bear or a crocodile! Boy: OK. Let me slice this small pear up. Was it
Um, maybe a bear. I’m really scared of washed?
crocodiles. Mum: Yes, it was. OK, so I’ll cut this avocado in
3 half. Is half an avocado OK?
Woman: You can go to a restaurant with one Boy: Yes! I love avocadoes.
famous person. Would you rather go with Mum: Put them in the blender and let’s add two
Ed Sheeran or Emma Watson? green beans … and one cup of spinach
Man: Emma Watson, definitely Emma Watson. leaves. Would you rather have a cup of
I love her movies! yoghurt or coconut milk?
Boy: Coconut milk, please.
Track 5.12
Mum: There we go … and one tablespoon of
Presenter: Welcome to today’s final of ‘Junior Chef’,
lemon juice.
the cooking programme for kids aged
8–13. Let’s see what Asli’s cooking today. Boy: Yum! Thanks, Mum.
Hi Asli. How are you feeling? Track 5.14
Asli: Very, very nervous! Grandma: Johnny, your school photo’s arrived.
Presenter: Oh, don’t worry, Asli. Now, what are you There’s your teacher, Mrs Hall.
cooking for us today? Johnny: Yes, I met her on my first day. In
Asli: It’s a very special cake. It’s my September.
grandmother’s recipe. Grandma: And who’s that boy?
Presenter: Fantastic. Tell us what you’re doing. Johnny: That’s Michel. He’s French. He lives near
Asli: Well, I’ve put the flour, sugar, spices and me. I’ve known him since January when
an egg in this bowl. I’ve cut the butter we moved house.
into small pieces and I’m frying it in the Grandma: Oh, I see. Is that your best friend Tom, on
frying pan now. It goes in the bowl too. the right?
Then in this saucepan I have the tomato
Johnny: Yes, it is.
soup and …
Grandma: When did he join your school? December?
Presenter: Wait a minute, Asli. Did you say tomato
Johnny: No, it was earlier. In November. On my
birthday actually!
Asli: Yes, tomato soup. It doesn’t sound nice,
Grandma: How lovely! What about that girl?
but it tastes great. It’s an old Irish recipe
– my grandmother was Irish.

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Activity Book 5

Johnny: Right! That’s Susie. She ate too much Grandma: Oh right! And who’s the man with dark
chilli that day! She joined my class in hair?
June so that was her first day. Can you Johnny: Mr Drinkwater. Our headteacher.
see the girl on the grass?
Grandma: I know him!
Grandma: Yes.
Johnny: Really? I met him last month in May. He’s
Johnny: That’s Emilie. She prefers this class going to start a new cookery club in July.
because she was too old for Class 3.
She came to my class in February. She
sometimes brings me a slice of cake!

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Activity Book 5

6 Environmentally friendly Helen: Yes, she does, doesn’t she? Do you know
what she said when we got here? She said,
Track 6.11 ‘I love the lights! They’re really pretty!’
Look what I found online! It’s a beautiful treehouse. Simon: Lights? We’re in a five-star hotel, with a
It’s in Canada and it’s made from wood. When you go swimming pool and cinema! Why does she
inside, the first thing you see is the amazing windows. like the lights?
There are five! It’s bright during the day, and at night,
Helen: Well, I think she likes the bulbs. Outside
you can close the curtains.
the hotel they’re all different colours. Red,
There’s electricity and one or two plugs so you can blue, gold … What’s happened?
use your laptops and tablets when you’re here. It’s
Simon: Oh, no. There’s no electricity.
nice and warm here in the winter as there’s heating,
but in the summer, it can get warm. There isn’t air Helen: David isn’t going to be happy! Oh well,
conditioning, but the treehouse is in the trees so it’s I’ve got some card games in my bag. The
never too hot. kids will be happy to play a game with us,
won’t they?
If you want to make drinks and snacks, you can use
the small kitchen area. There isn’t a dishwasher, but Simon: Hmm, I hope the electricity works soon.
there’s a sink with a tap so you can wash up your I need to use my phone.
cups and plates. It’s important to remember that Helen: Oh, Simon! We’re here on a family holiday,
you’re in the countryside here. If you don’t want remember!
wild animals or insects to come in the treehouse, you
Track 6.13
must put your rubbish in the dustbin!
[Repeat Track 6.12]
At night, the bed is very comfortable and there’s a
lamp nearby so you can read. New bulbs are in the Track 6.14
cupboard if you need them. It isn’t a good idea to 1 How many boxes are there?
use candles though. Remember the house is made of 2 There are a lot of balls.
wood, and it’s very high up!
3 How much sugar is there?
Track 6.12 4 There’s a lot of rubbish.
Simon: Well, here we are, Helen. The first day of 5 There isn’t much rain in the desert.
our family holiday. We can spend lots of 6 There are a few pandas.
time together. What a brilliant hotel!
Helen: Yes, it is, Simon. It’s really hot outside, Track 6.15
but it’s nice in here. I’m happy we have 1
air conditioning! Where’s Isabella going? Adult: Which is the biggest rainforest in the
Isabella! Come here, Isabella! world?
Simon: Um, I think she’s going to look at the Child: The biggest rainforest in the world is the
curtains. They’ve got little butterflies on Amazon rainforest. It’s in nine different
them, or something. What’s wrong with countries!
David? 2
Helen: Oh, he’s looking for a plug for his laptop. Adult: Where was the longest traffic jam in
He wants to do his vlog for today. history?
Simon: Oh OK. He can go to his room in a minute. Child: The longest traffic jam in history was in
Victoria looks very happy. China in 2010. People were in their cars for
12 days!

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Activity Book 5

3 Ben: Well, they recycle all their glass, paper and

Adult: Which of these three cities has the most plastic, but they also use energy from the
expensive public transport (trains, buses, sun for their hot water and heating.
etc.)? Kim: That energy is cheaper than electricity,
Child: London has the most expensive public isn’t it?
transport. Shanghai has the cheapest. Ben: Yes, it is. In summer, they don’t use air
4 conditioning because air conditioning uses
a lot of electricity. They have windows
Adult: Which of these three countries is the worst
at the front and back of the house which
at recycling?
means air can pass through it and keep it
Child: The USA is the worst at recycling. It
recycles 34% of its rubbish. South Korea
Kim: Have they got a large garden?
recycles 49% and Germany recycles 62%.
Ben: No, they haven’t, but they have planted a
lot of flowers so the bees love their garden.
Adult: What percentage of Americans say they
The bees are good for their fruit trees and
have dropped litter?
vegetables. They have also put bird houses
Child: 43% of Americans say they have dropped in the trees, so there are a few different
litter. species of birds that visit their garden.
Track 6.16 Kim: That’s great.
Good morning everyone. I’m very happy to tell Ben: Yes, and they’ve got a small pond, and
you that our very popular tree planting classes last week I saw a few frogs in it, but I
are starting again next week on Saturday, 18th haven’t seen any fish! They’ve even got a
September. hedgehog house.
We expect all children from 7–11 years old to go to Kim: A hedgehog house?
them. Adults are very welcome to come along too. Ben: Yes. Hedgehogs come into cities to look for
We’re going to meet at 8.30 am in the main square food, but it’s dangerous for them because
and then we’ll go to the rainforest. First the children of the cars. So, my grandparents put water
will learn about the plants and animals in the region in their garden for them and a little house.
and then they will help plant trees in different places This means they might stay in the garden
and look after them. where they are safe and warm.
Please bring some lunch and something to drink. Kim: Aww … I’d love to see a hedgehog.
Looking forward to seeing you all with your children
next Saturday.

Track 6.17
Ben: My grandparents’ house is wonderful. They
live in the city, but their house is very good
for the environment and the animals that
live there.
Kim: Really? What do they do?

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Activity Book 5

7 Feeling it Track 7.12

[Repeat Track 7.10]
Track 7.10
Oliver: What are you doing, Julia? Track 7.13
Julia: Oh, I’ve found a really good quiz online. You’ve just got 8 out of 10 in a history test. How do
Let’s do it together! you feel?
Oliver: OK. What’s question 1? A, amazed, because you usually get five or less, B,
Julia: Your friend put a plastic spider on your satisfied, because 8 is a good mark, or C, miserable,
shoulder, because you always get 10.

Oliver: So it isn’t real? You move house and have to go to a new school.

Julia: No, Oliver. It’s just someone being funny! Do you feel A, positive because you can make lots of
Anyway, you make a loud noise and new friends and try new things, B, relaxed, because
everyone looks at you. Do you … A, cry you know it will be OK, or C, worried because you
because you’re embarrassed, B, shout don’t like change?
because you’re annoyed or C, laugh. Track 7.14
Oliver: B, shout because I’m annoyed. What’s A
your answer?
Are you bored of going jogging around your local
Julia: C, laugh. It’s just a joke! Question 2. park? Then join our colour run! The length of the race
You’re visiting an old castle and it’s is 5 km and you’ll be covered in paint. It’s awesome,
raining. How do you feel? A, relaxed, B, but your legs will ache the next day. When you
miserable or C, interested? That’s easy recover, you’ll want to do it again and again!
for me. C, interested. I love history. What
about you?
How many times have you laughed today? Not
Oliver: B, miserable. Who wants to visit old
many? Perhaps you need to learn how to laugh at
castles in the rain? This is a very silly
one of our laughter classes. Laughter is the best way
quiz! Why are we doing it?
to reduce stress and it’s a great way of doing exercise.
Julia: Well, at the end of the quiz it tells you So, you can keep fit without going to the gym!
what you’re like. So, if you answer B to
most of the ten questions, it says …
If you want to be a top athlete, it’s important to
Oliver: Yes?
look after your health. You must eat the right foods
Julia: Oh, um. It says ‘Are you always this and have a healthy diet. No more cola and sweets!
negative? Try one new thing every day To prepare for a race, you should practise, practise,
and smile!’ practise. Then just before the race begins, breathe
Oliver: I’m not going to smile with a spider- deeply, look at the finishing line and think about
Julia: A plastic spider. winning! Good luck!
Oliver: -on my shoulder or walking in the rain. Track 7.15
What does it say about you?
Julia: C, ‘You are always very positive. This is
Girl 1: What’s wrong?
great, but remember, not everyone is as
happy as you.’ Boy 1: There’s a rugby match on Saturday and
I was chosen for the team, but I hurt
Oliver: Well that’s one thing I agree with!
my foot in training last night and now I
Track 7.11 won’t recover in time for the match.
[Repeat Track 7.10]
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Activity Book 5

Girl 1: Oh, that must be really upsetting for you. Janie: Listen, I wanted to quickly ask you about
I know you love to play rugby. that new gym you work at – where is it
2 exactly?
Girl 2: What’s wrong? Monica: It’s on Heart Street.
Boy 1: There’s a rugby match on Saturday and Janie: OK, great. I need to write about it for my
I was chosen for the team, but I hurt homework. How much does it cost?
my foot in training last night and now I Monica: Oh right. Well, it’s £50 a month! Some
won’t recover in time for the match. people say that’s really expensive.
Girl 2: Oh come on Sebastian. There’ll be other Janie: Really? I thought £50 was normal!
matches. Rugby’s boring anyway. Monica: Not always! But they do have excellent
3 teachers. Even your cousin exercises
Girl 2: You look upset. Are you OK? there now!
Boy 1: Not really. Mateo said some really Janie: Robert? Oh yeah, he was saying that he
horrible things to me this morning. felt fit and strong! Can you tell me about
He’s often unkind to me and I’m really the different sports you can do there?
worried about it. Monica: Well, Robert started last month with the
Girl 2: Well, you’re not the only one. What’s our running and good health class – it’s on
maths homework? Mondays. They tell you what is good to
eat too! But then the teacher told him to
stop eating sweets. That was the hardest
Boy 2: You look upset. Are you OK?
thing to do!
Boy 1: Not really. Mateo said some really
Janie: And are there still running classes?
horrible things to me this morning.
Monica: Yes, but the lesson time changes next
He’s often unkind to me and I’m really
month, so some people will have to do
worried about it.
something else. There’s a great cycling
Boy 2: I know how you feel. He’s sometimes
class where they put bikes in the small
rude to me too. Perhaps we ought to talk
pool and not many people go to it. You
to a teacher. What do you think?
do exercise to music so it’s more fun.
Track 7.16 Janie: Wow, that’s clever! I think I’ve got
[Repeat Track 7.15] enough for my homework. I just need to
put it on a document and save it now.
Track 7.17 Thanks Monica, see you on Friday.
Janie: Hey, Monica, I haven’t spoken to you this Monica: Bye!
week. How are things?
Monica: Fine, thanks, Janie.

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Activity Book 5

8 Pretty cities 2
Boy: Afterwards let’s go to the river! If it’s warm
Track 8.09
we can go swimming!
Girl: It’ll be late at night; you’ll be freezing! Let’s
More people visited museums in America than theme go to the bridge instead. We can take some
parks. In 2017, six million people went to the Museum cool photos of the lights of the city.
of Natural History in Washington D.C!
Boy: OK!
There are 78 bathrooms in Buckingham Palace. In
Girl: The day after, I’d like to go to the museum.
total there are more than 750 rooms!
There’s an exhibition about Ancient Egypt
3 that looks really cool …
The Eiffel Tower is about 15 centimetres shorter in Boy: OK, I must remember to bring my camera
the winter! That’s because when it’s hot and the sun then.
shines in the summer, the metal gets longer.
Track 8.10 Boy: I still want to go swimming though!
1 Girl: OK, next we’ll go to the river. You have to be
Boy: I’m so excited to plan our trip to the city! careful though, it could be dirty.
Girl: I know! Where do you want to go first? Boy: No, I’ve been reading all about it. The water
Boy: Well, I think Mum will say we should go to in this city is really clean.
the hotel. 5
Girl: That’s a good idea. Then we can leave our Boy: I’ll be pretty tired after we go to the river!
suitcases there. Girl: That’s true – why don’t we go to the park?
We could have a picnic there.
Boy: That sounds amazing!

© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Activity Book 5

9 Lights, camera, action! Narrator: 3 You will hear two people talking

about a quiz show. Which topic was the
Track 9.10 most difficult?
Narrator: 1 You will hear two friends talking about Girl: Have you heard about ‘What do they
a trip to the cinema. What did they both know’?
like about the film? 
Boy: No …
Boy: Where did you go last night, Cara? 
Girl: Well, one of the contestants last night got
Cara: I went to the cinema with Jenny. We saw really angry because the questions were
the new superhero film.  too difficult.  
Boy: Ah, I’ve seen that, I loved it! What did Boy: Really? But they normally ask about
you think? easy things like the most popular songs.
Cara: It was OK … I got a bit bored in the parts Girl: I know! This time one person answered
where everyone was fighting. questions about castles and palaces. 
Boy: But what about the main character?   Boy: That doesn’t sound too hard.
Cara: She was amazing! I loved the way Girl: And another had to know all of the
she saved the children on the bus!   countries in the world and the languages
Boy: Yeah, that was great, she’s such a cool they speak there. 
character! Although I didn’t really Boy: That’s impossible! 
understand the ending …  
Girl: I know! He was really angry.  
Cara: That was a little confusing, but Jenny
Narrator: 4 You will hear two people discuss
and I still enjoyed it.  
a programme they watched last
Narrator: 2 You will hear two friends talking night. What do they both agree on?
about a news story. What happened to
Girl: What did you think of ‘Emergency’
the girl in the story?
last night? 
Girl: Have you heard about what happened in
Boy: Oh, it was brilliant. I love dramas.
When the family’s dog fell into the lake,
Boy: No, what?  I thought something horrible would
Girl: Well there was a group of tourists happen! 
exploring the jungle. A little girl walked Girl: Me too. But then, the man who
down a path to see a monkey and then was walking past jumped into the
she disappeared.  lake and saved him!  
Boy: Oh, no! So, what happened?  Boy: The dog really wasn’t happy about it
Girl: Well, local people came, the police came, though! 
there were helicopters in the sky, but Girl: It was amazing – the dog didn’t need
nobody could find her.  to go to the hospital. I don’t think that
Boy: Oh, how sad. would happen in real life. 
Girl: Not really. Five days later she walked out Boy: I know, it’s almost impossible.
of the jungle and asked for her dad. 
Track 9.11
Boy: Wasn’t she hurt? 
Narrator: 1 How did the boy hear about the movie?
Girl: No. She was hungry, thirsty and very
dirty, but that’s it!  Boy: Hi Sarah. Did you know they’re making
another film in the series Famous
Boy: Phew. It’s nice to hear a good news story.

© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE

Activity Book 5

Sarah: Really? That’s fantastic! Did you see it on Man: Did you watch the new detective series
someone’s blog? on TV yesterday?
Boy: No. There were lots of ads about it on TV. Woman: No, I didn’t. I don’t like mysteries.
Sarah: Oh. I really want to see it. Do you? Man: What do you usually watch?
Boy: Yeah, let’s go. Woman: I like watching quiz shows.
Sarah: I’m going to e-mail my friends about it. Man: Oh. I can’t stand them. I prefer trying to
Narrator: 2 What time are the friends planning to solve mysteries.
meet? Woman: Well, I don’t mind horror movies. They’re
Boy 1: Hi Jim. Do you want to go to a concert on fun sometimes.
Saturday? Man: OK, let’s watch one.
Jim: Yeah. What time does it start? Woman: Great.
Boy 1: Well the concert starts at eight, but I Narrator: 5 Where are they going to put the new
think we should get there about 6.45. TV?
What do you think? Woman: Look what I’ve got … a new TV!
Jim: I think if we meet there around 7.15 Boy: Great! It’s very big!
that’s early enough.
Woman: Where shall we put it?
Boy 1: OK. That sounds good. See you on
Boy: How about in the kitchen?
Woman: No, I like listening to the radio when I’m
Jim: See you. Bye.
Narrator: 3 What would the woman like to have
Boy: Well how about the living room then?
Woman: Everybody puts it in the living room!
Girl: Did you know that Sally was in a TV
Boy: We can put it in my bedroom if you like.
Woman: The living room is good!
Woman: Really! How exciting!
Narrator: 6 What did the boy do last weekend?
Girl: Yes, she had her clothes chosen for her!
Boy: Hi Jess. What did you do at the weekend?
Woman: Did she have her hair done too?
Jess: I went to a football match with my dad
Girl: Yes, she got it cut by someone famous.
on Saturday.
Woman: That sounds like fun. Did she wear any
Boy: That sounds good. Did you do anything
on Sunday?
Girl: No, she didn’t.
Jess: Yes. We went cycling. How about you?
Woman: I’d like to get my hair done by a famous
Boy: The whole family went camping and we
did some extreme sports.
Narrator: 4 What type of movie are they going to
Jess: I didn’t know you liked extreme sports!
Boy: I don’t really. My brother loves them.

© Cambridge University Press and UCLES 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE

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