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Max Marks: 35
Time: 2 hrs
General instructions:
1. There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section
B and Section C.
2. Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be
attempted each question carries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
3. Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be
attempted each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
4. Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be
attempted each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.
1.“Practising yogic asanas regularly can prevent many diseases.”Justify.
2. What is the role of yoga in preventing lifestyle diseases?
3. What is the difference between physical and cognitive disability?
4. List any four changes happening in the cardiorespiratory system due to
5.What is the meaning of the Isotonic method and it is used for developing which
6. What do you mean by PRICE Therapy?
7. Identify the asanas above:
8. What is the difference between Internal and External Motivation?
9. What do you mean by Fartlek Training Method?
( Section- B)
10. “Aggression of a sports person causes harm to him.” Examine.
11. Explain any three types of coordinative abilities.
12. Describe the procedure of Gomukhasana.
13. Explain any three symptoms of ASD and ODD.
14. What is Contusion? What are its causes and preventive measures?
( Section- C)
15. Define flexibility and explain the methods of flexibility development.
16. Elaborate the components of the Big Five Theory.
17. What do you understand by Fracture? How can fractures be classified?
18. Explain five strategies to make physical activities accessible for children with
special needs

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