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Name: Date: Subject Area:

Katie Jakubik 2/16/2022 Vocabulary with Social Studies content

Effective Instructional Design - Standards-Based Lesson Plan

Standard: (MDE, grade level, or CCSS)

● Speaking and Listening

○ Students will review various modes of transportation used by people moving west in the nineteenth
century. [SL.2.2]
● Reading
○ Students will identify the main topic of “The Pony Express.” [RI.2.2]
● Language
○ Students will demonstrate an understanding of the Tier 2 word endurance. [L.2.5, L.2.5a]
● Reading
○ Students will reenact scenes from “The Pony Express.” [RI.2.4]

Learning Objective/Target and “I can” statement(s):

What am I going to teach?
What will students be able to do at the end of the lesson?
What formative assessments were used to inform instruction? (Why this now?)

● Understand and explain the meanings of the four vocabulary words endurance, landmarks, route and

By the end of the lesson

● Students will be able to understand the meanings of these words. Students will be able to retell a story that is
like “The Pony Express” and create a sentence with one of these words being included in the sentence.

Formative Assessment
● Students will have a formative assessment to see if they understand these vocabulary words, and understood
the meaning of the text. They will be asked go work on a worksheet with their partners to create a summary
of the story we had just read, and include at least one vocabulary word in it. The students will either be able
to share with the class at the end of the lesson, or they will be turning in their formative assessments.

I CAN . . .

Lesson Management: Focus and Organization

What positive strategies, techniques, and tools will you use?
How will you encourage on-task, active and focused student behavior?
● TSW acts out the movements for the vocabulary words that we are working on.
● TSW act out “transforming themselves” into the past (mid 1800’s)
● TSW acts out the movements while I am reading the read aloud.
● TSW turn and talk to their classmates to come up with a story/ sentence using the vocab words.
Active Student Participation
● Students will actively participate at the beginning, middle and end of the read aloud. They will start at the
beginning by explaining how they communicate with family members in today’s day in age. Then they will
participate while watching me do the hand movements for the vocabulary words. Then while we are reading,
the students will have to act out the hand movements for vocab words while they hear them. Students will
participate when they do the hand movements together, and while they do them alone with their partner
while sharing them with the class. There are also comprehension questions for majority sections in the read
Classroom Management Focus
● The students will be aware that class dojo points will be added if they are paying attention and listening to
me really well. I will also allow them to earn individual dojo points. The behavior that I will be looking for so
that they earn points would include, sitting on the ground nicely, having listening ears and listening body
gestures. If it comes too it and I need to bring the class attention to them, I can also use the doorbell sound to
bring them back together.

Input: Consider What Students Need for Success

Task Analysis: Accommodations and Differentiation:
● What information do the learners need? ● Remediation/intervention
● How is the lesson scaffolded? ● Extension/enrichment
Thinking Levels (questions to engage thinking):
● Remembering / Recall & Reproduction Methods, Materials and Technology:
● Understanding / Recall & Reproduction ● List specific methods of instruction,
● Applying / Skills & Concepts materials needed for the lesson, and any
● Analyzing / Strategic Thinking technology that will be used
● Evaluating / Extending Thinking
● Creating / Extended Thinking

Task analysis:
(Step by step bulleted lesson progression)
● TTW explain to the students the behavior that is expected from them. (listening to me, sitting next to
someone where you can make the correct choices for on the carpet.)
● TTW have the students move to the carpet, and explain that we are going to do a listening read-aloud.
● TTW have the students take a deep breath in and out, repeating this 2 times before starting.
● Ask the students how do they communicate with their family members and friends who live far away.
● TTW explain how today we are going to take out their time traveling machine and head back to the mid
● TTW demonstrate how they get into their time traveling machine and take off into the 1800’s. The students
will follow and do the same. They will get out of the time traveling machine, TTW explain what they are
seeing and what they are hearing.
● TTW have the students think about how they might communicate with their family members and friends who
live far away. Wait to listen and hear from the students about their response. “Now we might find out how
they did communicate with family members.”
● TTW share the title of today’s read-aloud, ask the students if they know what the word express means. Wait
for the students to share their answers, then explain that express means to write or talk about something,
but it also means to do something really quickly.
● TTW explain how within the story there are going to be vocabulary words that we need to pay attention to.
Introduce the four words, with their hand motions.
● TTW ask the students to do the hand motions along with me when I say them again. Explain to keep an ear
out for the words, and do the hand motions if you hear it.
● Begin reading the read aloud to the students. “The Pony Express” should take around 15 minutes, have a
student or my MT scrolling through the pictures to go along with what I am reading.
● Image 7A-2: vocab word venture. Image 7A-3: vocab word route and endurance. Image 7A-4: vocab word
● TTW wrap up the reading, and have the students answer a few follow up questions about the story.
○ What was the Pony Express?
○ Who carried the mail on the Pony Express?
○ How did the Pony Express riders know where to go?
○ How was mail carried along the Pony Express? Did one rider carry the mail the whole way?
○ Was the Pony Express venture successful?
● TTW allow the students to talk about the story and share their thoughts before moving on to their formative
● Before heading back to their seats to work on their sentences with their partners, the students will be asked
to tell me the definition of the words.
○ “Okay you do it now, can you tell me what the definition of …. Is? Etc.”
● TTW explain to the students what their directions are before moving to their seat. They will be asked to
partner up with someone or do it on their own, and share the main idea of “The Pony Express,” and use one
of the vocabulary words in a sentence.
● If time allows for it, the students will have a chance to share with the class what their main ideas were, and
what their vocabulary sentence was. If not, the students will turn in their worksheet to be looked over as
their formative assessment.

Thinking Levels: Questions to engage student thinking

● Remembering: Remember to have good listening ears, so that we can notice when the vocabulary words
come up.
● Understanding: The meaning and how to use the words endurance, landmarks, ventures and route.
● Applying: Give an example of a way to use one of these words in a sentence.
● Analyzing: Analyze how the words were used in our read alouds.
● Evaluating: Discuss the importance of these words in our story.
● Creating: Create a retell story of “The Pony Express” where one vocabulary word is present.

Accommodations: Differentiating to meet student needs

● Students who are struggling to follow/understand the directions will be able to re-explained the
directions to work with a partner.
● Students who are struggle to write out their story, will be able to share with the class by just
explaining the story using their words, rather than writing it out.
●Students who are really interested and motivated by this stroy, will be able to create their own story,
rather than telling the main parts of the story we just read.
● The students who are interested will be encouraged to create a story that uses multiple of the
vocabulary words.
● Students who are interested will be encouraged to make a connection between these vocabulary
words and how they connect to their own lives.
Methods, Materials, and Integrated Technology:
● I can poster
● Vocabulary words poster
● Guided reading book
● Guided reading pictures
● Worksheet for their formative assessment

Introduction: Creating Excitement and Focus for the Lesson Target

What will you do to generate interest?
How will you access prior knowledge?
What will you practice or review to begin?

● TTW ask the students to come down and move to the carpet. We will start the lesson by taking a few breaths
together to calm down from after their special.
● TTW ask the students how they communicate with their friends or relatives that live really far away. Students
will explain how they communicate through facetime, phone calls or video chats.
● TTW ask the students to take a transformation. She will act out getting into their time traveling machine to go
back into the mid 1800’s. (stepping into, shaking their body, holding a control) Then the students will have to
step out of their time traveling machine and see they are in the mid 1800’s.
● TTW describe what the world looks like today in the mid 1800’s. (no technology, no phones, lots of horses,
● TTW ask the students how might they communicate with someone who lives really far away now in the mid
● TTW share the title of today’s read-alound. Ask if they know what the word express means? (to write or talk
about something, but it also means to do something really quick.)

Modeling (“I Do”)

How will you give visual and verbal input?
How can you make the content clear and the task steps explicit?

● TTW explain that we have four words that we need to focus on, and introduce the vocabulary words to the
students. This will be done by the vocabulary words poster.
● TTW act out each movement for the students when saying the vocabulary words (I will be explain that these
words will come up in our reading and we need to look to pay attention to them).
● TTW read each vocabulary word in a sentence.

Check for Understanding:

How will you question and redirect? (Samples of questions)
What formative assessment strategies will you use?

● TTW ask the students frequent questions after the reading passage that they are listening to before moving
onto the next picture.
○ After image 7A-1: Can you imagine a time when it took months to communicate with family and
○ During image 7A-2 (after vocab word venture): Do you think the Pony Express will be successful?
○ Middle of image 7A-3: What does endurance mean again?
○ Middle of image 7A-5: Why do you think it was such a hazardous job to be a Pony Express rider?
○ Image 7A-9: Why do you think people hcode to use the Pony Express even though it was very
expensive? What do you guys see or think is happening in this image?
● TTW ask the students comprehension questions at the end of the reading.
○ What was the Pony Express?
○ Who carried the mail on the Pony Express?
○ How did the Pony Express riders know where to go?
○ How was mail carried along the Pony Express? Did one rider carry the mail the whole way?
○ Was the Pony Express venture successful?

Guided Practice (“We do”)

What will the teacher and the student do together?
What will gradual release look like?

● TTW ask the students to remember to make their movements for the vocabulary words while they hear the
word come up during the reading.
● TTW stop after they come across a vocabulary word in the reading. When they hear the word, TTW stop, say
the word again and do the hand movements with the students.
● TTW read the definition of the vocabulary words with the students while doing the movements.

Independent Practice (“You do”)

What skills will the student demonstrate or model?
Will this be fully independent or collaborative? (“You do with my support”)

Independent/Partner Practice
● The students will head back to their seats and work with their partner/seatmates to come up with a
retell of the story, making sure to include at least one vocabulary word in the sentence.
Collaborative Practice
● Before heading back to their seats to work on their sentences with their partners, the students will be
asked to tell me the definition of the words.
○ “Okay you do it now, can you tell me what the definition of …. Is? Etc.”

How will the learning target(s) and “I can” statements be reviewed/revisited?
How will students be involved in the closure?
What connections to future learning will occur?

● Before ending the lesson, I will have the students share their part of the story with the class. I will take
volunteers or call on partners. TSW share their story.
● TSW be able to say their I can… statements back to the class.
What evidence supports that the objective(s) were met?
What do my students know, understand or are able to do after this lesson?
What formative assessments will be used to inform future instruction?

● TTW collect the students partner story that they created. TTW check that the students have the main idea of
the read aloud, and they have at least vocabulary word being used correctly in the sentence. TTW assess to
make sure they have the correct meaning of the vocabulary words.

What evidence do you have that the objective(s) or learning target(s) were met?
Using your assessment data how will you change the lesson or instruction for the next time?
How well did the students perform/respond?
Were all my students engaged?
How was my timing?
How many students struggled? What can you do to help those students?
For how many students was the content too easy? How can you extend the learning for them?
What did everyone know? What did no one know? Were there any surprises?

Complete this section after you teach your lesson

(to be discussed during your lesson debrief with your UFC)
1. What will you STOP doing?
2. What will you CONTINUE doing?
3. What will you START doing?
Name__________________________________ Date______________

Retell the story “The Pony Express” using a few words. Make sure to use
one of the following vocabulary words that was included in this lesson.

Landmark Endurance Venture Route






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