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Nations without constitution can be authoritarian or any kind of government at all.

Our founding fathers set about to build a nation based on consent of the governed,
theoretically speaking a government will last longer if it has the backing of its
people. Our founding fathers were educated men and men who read history and we
have seen all kinds of governments overthrown by their people in history which
shows that the true power in a nation comes from the people and they’re called
sovereign people. A constitution is a set of rules and principles that all persons in a
country can agree upon as the basis of the way in which they want the country to be
governed. Constitution provides rights and duties to its citizens and it also explains
our duties and responsibility towards the government.

The benefit of a constitution is that it lays down in a clear black and white, what the
government can and can’t do . It describes from where the government derives its
power, on what specific area the government has authority over and how far that
authority extends. A nation without a constitution is more prone to devolve into
arbitrary tyranny, and it is because there is nothing and nobody standing by to say
“wait a minute, you can’t do that”.

Moreover our constitution promotes common understanding of the law among the
people, it gives common people a simplified list of guidelines that they can use to
judge whether the government is behaving itself or not.

Humans are social animal, the very concept of social is to live in harmony with
others. Since humans are not angles so there will always be a need to govern them
through some laws and these laws ensure that there would be certain limitations on
humans in social atmosphere so that they can live with harmony and peacefulness.
But the problem is human governing humans, and it can be said that some law
which were made to control humans maybe oppressive in nature. So the constitution
is very important because it is based on philosophy by which government runs and

people derive their rights. It ensures that the laws would be in constitutional
domains. We follow constitutionalism which is the character of State which
provides the constitution as the supreme by limiting the state. Constitutionalism
follows the rules of law, fundamental rights, secularism, socialism etc. It limits the
ordinary legislative power so that it would not infringe the rights of the people and
social fabric of the society. Constitution is the rule of the nation and if we all abide
by the constitution, the nation will succeed for sure.

Another important point is since India being one of the most heterogeneous state
and complex plural society in the world we can’t deny we don’t need a constitution.
Constitution offers representation to various sections, interests and religions in the
government. It not only restricts the arbitrariness and tyranny of the executive but
also empowers those who have been traditionally downtrodden, it grants equal
respect to each and every person, religion and culture.

One of the most important functions of a modern Democratic Constitution is to put

proper checks and balances on Governmental Powers and ensure that the
Government of the day doesn't interfere with the normal life of a Citizen, unless one
commit or prepare to commit an illegal act and it also ensures that the Government
doesn't act arbitrarily on key matters concerning the Citizens.

Unfortunately, there are a few people who take these things for granted. There are a
few who are unaware of the struggles of the great people who dedicated their entire
life just so that we can have a Constitution and rights, like what we have today. It
was never easy. The struggles of people, especially for the women and oppressed
classes were unimaginable. We have a Constitution which gives us rights, which
gives us a voice, and most importantly, which puts everyone on an equal footing,
which we need to be thankful for.

And this is the exact reason why we need a Constitution.


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