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11) CIE 115 International Commission on Technical Report: Lighting of Roads for
Motor and Pedestrian Traffic
12) CIE 140 International Commission on Illumination Technical Report: Road
Lighting Calculations Related Subsections
13) prCEN/Tr13201-1 road lighting Part 1 Selection of lighting classes
14) EN 13201 Road Lighting (part 2-4)
15) BS 5489-1 Code of Practice for the design of road lighting Part 1 Lighting of
Roads and Public Amenity Lighting
16) EN 12464-2 Lighting for Work Places Part 2 Outdoor work places
17) PD 6547 Guidance on the Use BS EN-40-3-1 and EN-3-3
18) EN 40 Lighting Columns
19) EN 12767 Passive Safety Support structures for road equipment –
Requirements Classification and test methods
b. Refer to Subsection 5.6.4 for Site Storm Water Drainage.
c. Refer to Subsection 5.5.1 for Electrical.
d. Refer to Subsection 5.5.2 for Telecommunications.
8. Approvals
a. The RCJ will review and approve all design reports, plans and specifications,
reference Subsection 1.1.0.
B. Commissioning
Refer to Subsection 4.5.9 for commissioning requirements.
C. Roadway Design
1. Systems and Classifications
a. The roadway network classification is defined in the following paragraphs. There are
a number of elements of the roadway network terms that are used within the
following paragraphs.
2. Road Classifications
a. Freeway
1) A freeway is a high speed multi-lane divided road with grade separation of all
cross roads and complete control of access. At-grade intersections and direct
access to fronting property are prohibited. Access to and from a freeway is
permitted only by way of on/off ramps or grade separated interchanges. In
addition, all freeways shall be fenced to deter the access of pedestrians and
(a) Freeways shall be designed for speeds of 120 km/h in urbanized areas
and 140 km/h in rural areas.
b. Expressways
1) Expressways are medium speed multi-lane divided roads with at grade
intersections with other roads and interchanges with freeways. Access to

RCJ Guiding Engineering Manual

Rev. 1 5.6 - 34

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