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Supportive/Motivation – Family

My family are the one who brought me to Canadian environment. When I first time came to Canada, I was
struggled adjusting to the new environment because I did not know any of friends in the school, not used to
speaking English with someone. At that time, I was desperately depressed and wanted to go back to Korea;
however, my family helped me to change my mind and as a result, I turned into positive attitude, and I feel
happy to go to school. My motivation of escaping depression was basketball. The people who told me to start
basketball were my parents. Basketball was my solution to change my life and I feel grateful. My motivation is
to become a successful person in the future and pay back what my parents did for me.

Warmth/Trust – Friends

When I was depressed, I could not find any solution. One day, I found friends who played basketball. At that
time, basketball was the sport that I was interested in. I asked them to join them. They kindly welcomed me to
play basketball. If the warmth that they showed to me, I would not get over through the depression of
loneliness. The friends who showed me warmness are still my friends and some of them become school
basketball players. In sport, trusting teammates are important in team chemistry and helps to perform better.
As friends and teammates, I do trust them, and they will also trust me.

Growth/Cleverness – Myself

After I endured and overcome the depression of loneliness, I felt mentally growth. I figured out how to adjust
to the new environment. Because I adjusted to the Canadian culture, I grew in every way such as mentally and
academically. I recently got the email of SFU admission because I finished academic courses. If I did not grow
and did not have cleverness, I would not get into any university nor graduating the school. Moving to Canada
changed my life.

Passion/Energy – Sport
Playing basketball was my solution and motivation to get rid of depression. Starting basketball was not my
decision but it totally changed my life. First, it was just one of my hobbies and my passion had been grown up. I
challenged myself to higher level by joining school basketball team. Playing basketball with other schools was
another great opportunity and experience. Competing environment brought me a positive energy and made
me practice basketball skills to develop myself in the court.

Ambition/Curiosity – Education

As immigrant family, I must study English every day for academic courses. When I was in Korea, I was not the
student who studied a lot for the future; however, I felt sense of crisis after I moved. To graduate high school. I
must be fluent with speaking English. As I started to study, I felt curiosity and ambition at the same time
because I wanted to be successful to pay my parents back and it was fun to study that I never studied before.
Education brought me an ambition and curiosity.

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