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Instagram growth Strategy

Instagram is one of the powerful platforms that anyone or any business can apply to
increase engagements. However its not possible to have significant engagement without
followers. Follow-unfollow is a method that applied by many to grow on instagram.

What is the follow-unfollow method?

As simple as the name suggests, follow-unfollow is the act of following some Instagram
users and stimulating them to follow you back. And also, unfollowing the users who do
not follow back or even the people who do follow you back.

A Safe Follow Unfollow Strategy

In the following section, we give you a safe strategy to
use follow unfollow to your benefits without risking your
accounts’ safety.

1. Go to Instagram and search for a page that is in
your niche.
2. Go to the most recent post because you want to
make sure you follow the most active accounts.
3. Follow 25 to 100 people who have liked that post.
If you have over 500 followers, you can go and
follow 50 to
Remember that if you are a new page, then you should
follow 25 people or less but not more, and you can do it
twice per day. Be careful with follow/unfollow Instagram
limits. Reaching Instagram limits puts you at the risk of
having your account banned.
Of course, you can unfollow people who didn’t follow you
back or don’t have the amount of engagement you want
them to. You can unfollow everyone on Instagram either

When it comes to following, here is what we’ll recommend;

• Within the first week of creating new account, don’t exceed 50
follow/unfollow in 24 hours.
• In the second week, you can increase to 100 follow/unfollow per day.
• In the third week, you can now increase to 150 follow/unfollow per day.

The rule is clear: as you have limitations (which are determined by Instagram policies) in
following people, you must keep the following list low. The other reason for keeping the
following list as short as possible is that it is not good that your followings outnumber
your followers. It makes your profile to seem unpopular.
Adherence to Instagram limitations which are listed in the following table:

Action Per Hour Per Day

Likes 70 1200

Follows 70 1200

Comments 70 1200

Story Views 70 1200

Having an outstanding and proper profile is a completely salient element that absorbs
potential people:
Bio: complete your bio in a way that has a proper profile picture which
introduces your business, adding your full contact information, website
link, or any other necessary information.
Content: Develop the greatest possible content including visuals and
sufficient information which provide the users with their required

Let’s Take A Look At Common

Mistakes That You Must Avoid While
Following And Unfollowing On
Mistake 1: Following Random People
You don’t want to follow anyone, but only targeted people
are the ones you want to follow. So instead of following
random Instagram users, follow the ones who are in the
same niche as you. Normally, people who follow
accounts that are similar to yours. For example, if you’re
a travel account, you should also be following accounts
that follow other travel accounts.

Mistake 2: Following Inactive Accounts

To ensure that you don’t do this, always follow Instagram
accounts that have engaged with the last image on the
account in your niche. Go to profile in your niche and
look at the people who liked the last image posted; those
are people you want to follow because they’re active
Mistake 3: Overusing The Feature
You need to know the Instagram following limit. You can
follow a maximum of 200 people an hour and a thousand
people a day. This is too much and will lead to your
account being banned or disabled! So, instead, follow a
maximum of 50 people an hour and around 300 new
people each day as a maximum.

Mistake 4: Unfollowing People Too Fast

You should know the Instagram limitation for unfollowing
per day. For what it’s worth, wait at least a week before
you unfollow the people you follow. So, don’t do it on the
same day. It will look odd to Instagram as they are aware
of every action you make.

Those are the four mistakes that you don’t want to

make. If you wonder how to follow unfollow on Instagram
without making mistakes, you should consider the
following tips and grow your followers’ number with the
follow unfollow Instagram method:

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