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Framework of Financial Accounting System

Process: Generally Accepted

Accounting Principles

Financial 1. Balance Sheet – Financial Position
Inputs – Financial Accounting as 2. Income Statement – Financial Performance
Transactions 3. Cash Flow Statement – Liquidity Position and
Information System changes in Liquidity during the period

For Whom?

1. A transaction takes place. Information on Resources: Stakeholders:

2. It is recorded on a “Voucher” 1. Types of resources – tangible 1. Shareholders, analysts and others associated
– cash, bank, purchase, and intangible (knowledge- with financial markets
invoice, journal voucher based) 2. Suppliers
3. It is classified into 2. How are they 3. Financial Institutions
appropriate accounts – acquired/financed? – By 4. Management/Employees
Liability, Asset, Income, borrowings, equity, both? 5. Statutory agencies/Regulators
Expense 3. How are they used in 6. Customers
4. It is``“posted” into account producing/delivering goods and
books – day books, general services of the organization?

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