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Chemistry project
“Save each and every drop of water”
Earth is the only known planet in this universe where life is possible only because of the availability of
water and oxygen. Water is the most important necessity of life for all the living beings on the earth.
Without water, no one can exist even for a day. We also know that there is a very little percentage of
freshwater available on the earth.

We should spread awareness among people about the importance of clean water and saving
water for future generations.

Point 1. When is World Water Day Celebrated? What is its Importance?

World Water Day is held annually on 22 March to focus on the importance of fresh
water and support the sustainable management of freshwater
resources. This Day is an opportunity to learn more about
water-related issues, be inspired to tell others, and take action
to make a difference. Water is an essential building block of life.
It is more than just to relieve thirst or protect health; water is
essential for creating jobs and supporting economic, social, and
human development. 27 Jun 2021

Point 2. Different Forms of water

The solid form of water – ice, is found at the poles of the earth, the snow-covered
mountains, and the glaciers. The liquid form is present in the rivers, lakes, seas,
and oceans. In the gaseous form of water, water vapor is present all around us.

Point 3. Resources of Water

Water resources are potentially useful natural resources
of water. 97% of the water on the Earth is salt water and only three percent
is freshwater; slightly over two-thirds of this is frozen in glaciers and polar ice
caps. The remaining unfrozen freshwater is found mainly as
groundwater, with only a small fraction present above ground
or in the air. Natural sources of freshwater include surface
water, under river flow, groundwater, and frozen water.
Artificial sources of freshwater can include treated wastewater (reclaimed water) and
desalinated seawater.
Uses of water include agricultural, industrial, household, recreational and environmental
Water resources are under threat from water scarcity, water pollution, water conflict, and climate

Point 4. What is the Water Cycle? Why is it Important?

The water cycle, also known as the hydrologic cycle, is the continuous
movement of water from the earth’s surface to the atmosphere and then
back to the ground. It is a continuous process. Hence, it does not have a
starting or an ending point. Thus, the water present on earth has been in
circulation since the evolution of the earth. Water goes through all three states,
solid, liquid, gas, in the process. Several factors support the water cycle, the
sun, air to name a few.

The water cycle is an extremely important process because it enables the availability of water for all
living organisms and regulates weather patterns on our planet. If water didn't naturally recycle itself,
we would run out of clean water, which is essential to life.

Point 5. What is Water Scarcity and what are its reasons?

Water scarcity is the lack of freshwater resources to meet the standard water

Causes of Water Scarcity

● Even though about 71% of the earth’s surface is covered with water,
most of this water is not fit for consumption. Freshwater is the only source of useful water which
is present in very small quantities thus limiting the accessibility to potable water.
● Rainwater is an important source of fresh water. It needs to be
harvested so that it can be put to use.
● Human society is overusing water and in many cases wasting it.
● Loss of water due to leakages, excessive use of water for washing
purposes, taps left open after use are some common sights that form
the basis of the problem of water scarcity.
● Due to the large increase in population, the
demand is much more than supply.
● Industrialization and urbanization have hugely increased the
consumption of water.

Point 6. Ways To Conserve Water

1. When brushing your teeth or Shaving, close the tap!
2. Use a watering can to water the plants.
3. Use a bucket to clean the floors.
4. After washing your hands, turn the water
5. Do not let the faucet run while you clean
6. We should try to reuse our rainwater.
7. One drop every second adds up to five
gallons per day! Check your taps and showerheads
for leaks and fix broken toilets and leaky faucets.
8. Use Rainwater harvesting techniques
9. Never pour water down the drain when there may be another use for it.
Use it to water your indoor plants or garden.

10. Water your lawn only when you need to

11. Use water-friendly equipment.
12. Try not to water the plants the day after it rained.
13. Avoid throwing away a water bottle with water in it
14. Avoid running sprinklers when it’s raining, windy, or in the noon (water will

Point 7. Water is the best medicine for good health. Comment

Water is used by all living things to live in this world. The human body is filled with
water in some forms. The fluid is essential for the body to perform the daily process
that includes digestion. Each part of the body needs
blood that transmits fat cells and other important cells all
over the body. Our bodies are mainly water - around
60%-70% of an adult body is made up of it, The muscles are
filled with 75% percent of water. In blood 82% of water
content is present. The oxygen produced by the lungs has
90% of water. 76% of water is present in the brain. The
strongest part of the body called bones has 25% of water. Without water, our
body gets dehydrated which causes severe consequences which include pain in the body.
Dehydration can cause death.

We can last a few weeks without food, but without water, serious health problems will begin to show
with the first couple of days, and it’s estimated a week is the longest any human could go without
water. We all know drinking water is good for us for many reasons, but
perhaps the most vital role of water is the function of our kidneys in
removing dangerous toxins from our body through our urine which is
impossible without adequate water.
That makes water the most important medicine our body requires to

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