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Unit Plan
Alyssa Paquette
Subject: Grade 4 Language Arts Film Study
Unit length: 10 lessons
1. Unit Overview – Critical Inquiry Question

How does plot affect a film?

General Learning Outcomes for Unit

General Outcome One: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to explore
thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences.

General outcome Two: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to
comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts

General Outcome 5: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to respect,
support and collaborate with others.
Focusing Questions for Unit (Related Questions)

1.What can short films tell us?

2.What can feature films tell us?
3.What are key terms to do with films?
4.What was the theme of this film? ...
5.Did you learn anything from this movie? ...
6.Was there something you didn't understand about the movie?
7.What did you like best about the movie? ...
8.Select an action performed by one of the characters in the film and explain why the
character took that action.
Key Concepts for Unit

 Plot
 Rising action
 Exposition
 Climax
 Falling action
 Resolution/conclusion
 Films
 theme
Specific Learning Outcomes

General Outcome 1
 1.1: Discover and explore

 1.2: Clarify and Extend

General Outcome 2
 2.1: Use Strategies and Cues
 2.2: Respond to Texts
 2.3: Understand forms, elements and techniques
 2.4: Create original texts
General Outcome 5
 5.1: Respect others and strengthen community
5.2: Work within a group

This unit is designed to give students an understanding of film studies by looking at a few short
films, including various genres and one feature film. By starting students with short films, I am
helping them adjust to the differences between studying literature and film. It also helps give
students the opportunity to experience more films then if we only watched feature films. I
scaffold the plot diagrams by showing students what I am looking for, working with them on it
and slowly giving them more of it to do on their own. By repeating the process of the plot
diagrams, I am helping students understand and process, what a plot diagram is and how it can
be applied to films. Creating the puppet show gives them a greater chance to process plot and
allows them to experiment with how they might create their own plot and gives them a chance to
work on collaboration with other students which is a valuable skill.

Lesson Outlines:

Lesson One:

Outcomes and Objectives:

 SLO 2.3
 SWBAT define key terms about films.

Lesson Procedure:
 Silent reading

 Start with a preassessment activity of having students write letters introducing themselves to
me. Have a letter made for students as an example. Take them in as a preassessment.
 Go over film study terms: Character, lighting, emotion, music, space, animation, dialogue,
background. Have students copy definitions into their note package under the right spot.
Have them write the terms in the appropriate spot in note package.

Materials and Resources:

 Smart board
 Note package
 Sheets for students to write their letter on (loose leaf)

 The letters they write about themselves

 What can you tell me about yourself?
 Do you know anything about these terms already?

Lesson 2
Outcomes and Objectives:
 SLO 2.3
 SWBAT apply terms we learned to short films.
 SWBAT construct ideas about how they feel about different short films.
 SWBAT understand a new medium of literature.

Lesson Procedure:
 Silent reading
 Watch Lifted
 Identify terms that were in the short film
 After watching short film, did any of the terms we have talked about stood out the most, what
are examples of our terms that you can find, did they make you feel something different, did
you like it, why? do a think pair share.

Materials and Resources:

 Lifted - Pixar - YouTube
 Smart board
 Notes package

 Discussion with students
 What they put in their note packages

 What terms did you find in the short film we watched?
 What examples of our terms could you find in the short film we watched?
 Did the short film make you feel anything? Did you take anything to heart?
 Did you like the short film?
Lesson 3
Outcomes and Objectives:
 SLO, 1.1, 2.2, 2.1
 SWBAT develop an understanding of plot and how it applies to films.
 SWBAT relate what they watch to a diagram of plot
 SWBAT identify prior knowledge that helps them analyze the short film

Lesson Procedure:
 Silent reading
 Talk about plot, what it is, show diagram.
 Watch Day and Night
 Discuss the plot and how we place it on the chart.
 Watch For the Birds repeat above but with more student input then before.
 Warn students about the puppet show they will be making and that they may need to
bring in supplies.
 Tell students about the quiz on Jan. 12 and have them put it in their agendas

Materials and Resources:


 Pixar's Day and Night - YouTube

 [HD] Pixar - For The Birds | Original Movie from Pixar - YouTube
 Note package
 Smart board
 Discussions with students
 Note packages
 How does plot relate to the film?
 Can you think of anything else that might also have a plot?
 What aspects of plot can you find in each of the short films?

Lesson 4
Outcomes and Objectives
 SLO 1.1, 2.1, 2.2, 5.1
 SWBAT analyze different genres of short films to determine plot.
 SWBAT discover ideas present in different genres of short film.
 SWBAT Use their previous knowledge to make connections.

Lesson Procedure
 Silent read
 Talk about different genres of short films and how some demonstrate Aboriginal creation
 Show students The Legend of Weesakayjack
 Fill out the plot diagram for the short film
 Discuss the film
 Introduce the feature film we will study next.
 Start Toy Story
 Have students look for some of the terms we talked about and examples of them and the
plot line.
Materials and Resources
 The Legend of Weesakayjack - First Nation Legend - How North America came to be -
Canada - YouTube
 Toy Story film on Disney plus

 Note package
 Smart board

 Note package
 Discussions

 How does plot relate to the film?
 Do you notice anything about the film?
 How is the Indigenous creation story different from the other short films we have

Lesson 5
Outcomes and Objectives
 SLO 1.1, 2.1, 2.2
 SWBAT analyze a feature film to determine plot.
 SWBAT Use their previous knowledge to make connections.

Lesson Procedure
 Finish watching Toy Story
 Create a summary of the movie with students
 Identify the plot and place it on their plot diagrams
 Go over the differences between short films and feature films.
 If time permits review what we have learned.
Materials and Resources
 Smart board
 Toy Story
 Note package


 Plot diagram we make for the feature film

 Discussions

 What are some of the differences between feature films and short films?
 Was the plot harder or easier to find in the feature film versus the short films?
 What did you notice about Toy Story?
 Which of our terms did you notice in the film? Do you have examples?

Lesson 6
Outcomes and Objectives
 SLO: 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3
 SWBAT relate the information we have learned to a quiz about them.

Lesson Procedure
 Silent read
 Review the terms we have learned with examples.
 Review the plot diagram, how to fill it in
 Answer any questions students still have.
 Go over the expectations for the quiz, how to fill it in.
 When students done quiz have them read in their desks

Materials and Resources

 Smart board
 Quiz

 Quiz on film study

 What do you still wonder about films?
 Is there anything we didn’t talk about that you want to know?

Lesson 7
Outcomes and Objectives
 SLO: 1.2, 2.4, 5.2
 SWBAT apply their knowledge of plot to creating a puppet show to show others.
 SWBAT work positively and productively in groups.

Lesson Procedure
 Introduce the puppet show assignment to students. They must create a plot and you will
hand in a plot diagram for your puppet show.
 Have students pick groups to work with. I reserve the right to change them if issues arise.
 Students work on their puppet plays the rest of the class.

Materials and Resources

 Puppet templates
 Popsicle sticks
 Glue
 Colouring implements
 Plot sheet
 Assignment sheet
 Smart board

 Puppet show, specifically the plot diagram.

 What is the best way to create a plot for your play?
 What strategies can you think of to help you create the play and work with a group?

Lesson 8

Outcomes and Objectives

 SLO: 1.2, 2.4, 5.2
 SWBAT apply their knowledge of plot to creating a puppet show to show others.
 SWBAT work positively and productively in groups.

Lesson Procedure
 Silent read
 Continue working on puppet shows
Materials and Resources
 Puppet templates
 Popsicle sticks
 Glue
 Colouring implements
 Plot sheet
 Assignment sheet
 Smart board

 Puppet show, specifically the plot diagram
 Pay attention to how well groups work together.
 What is the best way to create a plot for your play?
 What strategies can you think of to help you create the play and work with a group?
 Do you need to change any of your strategies from last class?
 So far what has worked and what has not worked, why do you think that is?

Lesson 9
Outcomes and Objectives
 SLO 5.1, 5.2
 SWBAT present the plays they have created.
 SWBAT work as a group to perform.

Lesson Procedure
 Silent read.
 Introduce how we will be presenting the plays. Take volunteers first

Materials and Resources

 Whatever students need in order to present their plays

 Puppet plays, specifically the plot diagrams

 How well did you presenting go? Would you change anything if you could?

Lesson 10
Outcomes and Objectives
 SLO 5.1, 5.2
 SWBAT present the plays they have created.
 SWBAT work as a group to perform.

Lesson Procedure
 Silent read.
 Introduce how we will be presenting the plays. Take volunteers first
 If extra time have students do some silent reading.

Materials and Resources

 Whatever students need in order to present their plays


 Puppet plays, specifically the plot diagrams

 How well did you presenting go? Would you change anything if you could?

Film studies
Miss Paquette
Grade 4








What terms do we see in Lifted?


What is plot?


Inciting incident

Rising Action:


Falling Action:


List the terms you see in Toy Story and


Can you give examples of our definitions?





Falling action:

Teachers guide:

Character: Characters are the people, animals, or creatures in a story. They can think, feel or act.
Director: Someone who watches over the creation of the film.
Emotion: An emotion is a feeling such as happiness, love, fear, anger, or frustration. We can tell
people’s feelings by their facial expressions.
Music: Music is in films to help portray the story or give people a certain emotion.
Animation: A way of making a movie from many still images, the images are put together one
after the other to create a moving picture.
Dialogue: The speaking in the film.
Background: The back of the picture, what is behind the characters or main scene.

What terms do we see in Lifted?


Terms in Toy story:

Characters: Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Andy, Mr. Potato head, Rex, Bo
Emotion: Excitement as Andy is playing and mom shows birthday party things, sadness when
Woody thinks he is being replaced, nervousness when the toys come out the first time,
Animation: the whole movie
Dialogue: all the characters talk, helps show the plot and conflicts etc.
Background: the house,
Exposition: the introduction of the movie with Andy playing with Woody and then the toys
coming to life. When all the toys find out Andy’s birthday party is today.
Rising action: Andy gets Buzz as a present, Buzz and Woody get lots at the pizza place, Sid finds
them and takes them home, they attempt to escape.
Climax: Woody and Buzz become friends, Buzz figures out he’s just a toy and not a real
astronaut, they work together to escape
Falling action: They fly on a rocket to Andy’s car
Resolution/conclusion: Buzz and Woody become good friends, they return to Andy’s house safe,
Buzz fits in with the rest of Andy’s toys.

Quiz: Name: .

1. The big bird in “For the Birds” is an example of a:

a. Plot
b. Character
c. Emotion

2. The conclusion of “Day and Night” is when:

a. Day and Night become not jealous.
b. Day and Night are fighting.
c. Day and Night meet.
d. Day and Night switch roles.

3. The correct order of a plot diagram is:

a. conclusion, falling action, climax, rising action, inciting incident,
b. Rising action, climax, falling action, introduction, inciting incident,
c. Introduction, inciting incident, rising action, climax, falling action,
d. Falling action, rising action, climax, inciting incident, introduction,

How would you explain a plot diagram to someone who did not know about them?

Label the plot diagram

Puppet Show!

Your task is to create a puppet show. You will work as groups to create a
puppet show that:

 Demonstrates plot (you will hand in a plot diagram)

 Is creative
 Uses everyone in your group
 You will pick groups of 3
 Your puppet play will be 5 minutes.

You will have this block and one other to create your puppet show, including
the puppet. We will then present them to the class.



Did you accurately identify your plot diagram? Yes No Somewhat

Does your play show an understanding of the elements of plot? Yes No Somewhat

Did you work as a group productively and cooperatively? Yes No Somewhat

Did you do your best to be creative? Yes No Somewhat


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