Module 1 - Understanding Youth Mental Health: Unit 2 Lesson Plan

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Module 1 - Understanding Youth

Mental Health

Unit 2 Lesson Plan

Module Title: Understanding Youth Mental Health

Description of the Learning Activities Timing Materials/ Equipment Assessment/ Evaluation

(minutes) Required
Workshop Opening: 20 minutes Training venue with space for Participants will engage in the
a breakout session for the ice-breaker activity and will feel
The facilitator will welcome youth leaders to the workshop and
group activity; more comfortable participating
encourages youth leaders to engage in an ice-breaker activity ‘2 in other group activities as a
truths and 1 lie’. Sign-in sheet; result.

The aim of this activity is to tell the group 2 things that are true Pens and note-taking
about the youth leader, and one thing that is false. This activity materials for participants
will help to break the ice and encourage youth leaders to get to
know each other a bit better as the session requires lots of group

The facilitator can facilitate this session and ensure that all youth
leaders have the opportunity to participate.

Activity 1: Understanding Social Anxiety and Facing Fears 70 minutes Training venue with IT Participants will engage in all
equipment; group activities
 Slide 1: Introduction
Space for breakouts sessions Participants will better
The facilitator will open the session by describing a fictious event
for smaller groups; understand what social anxiety
they went to recently that caused them to experience social
is, how it can affect people and
anxiety. The facilitator will ask youth leaders if they can identify a
Flipchart and markers; how they can support peers
situation where they felt a similar sort of social anxiety. Through a
suffering with anxiety
short group discussion, the group will brainstorm and discuss what
Pens and note-taking

Project Number: 2019-3-UK01-KA205-077846

can contribute to these feelings, and what can help to overcome materials for participants; Participants will be willing to
them. The facilitator takes note of what is mentioned on a address their fears and feelings
flipchart. Copy of A2.1 for all in social settings.
 Slide 2: Social Anxiety
The facilitator will present the definition of social anxiety to Copy of SafeSpace M1.PPT2
participants and ask them to identify what they think people can
do to protect themselves against this.

Participants will be encouraged to watch a YouTube video which

discusses the symptoms and pathology of social anxiety; The video
should be stopped at 04:55.

 Slide 3: A2.1 Face Your Fears

The facilitator will encourage participants to engage in activity
A2.1 – Face Your Fears.

Activity 2: FOMO and Social Media 70 minutes Training venue with IT Participants will learn more
equipment; about how to manage emotions
 Slide 4: FOMO and the impact that FOMO has
The facilitator will elicit a definition of FOMO from the youth Space for breakouts sessions on us all
leaders in the group. for smaller groups;
Participants will develop an
The facilitator will encourage youth leaders to discuss this concept Access to smartphones or awareness of the impact of
and identify examples of experiencing FOMO. tablets for youth leaders to social media on the mental
research and access social health of young people.
The discussion will lead to the concept of JOMO – putting a media;
positive spin on the negative effects of FOMO.
Flipchart and markers;
 Slide 5: A2.2: How do you feel?
The facilitator will encourage youth leaders to engage in A2.2 to Pens and note-taking
discuss how they feel towards FOMO, to address how we can materials for participants;

Project Number: 2019-3-UK01-KA205-077846

manage our emotions and to understand more the impact that
social media can have on our emotions. This topic is only Sheets of paper;
introduced here as it is covered in more detail in module 4 of his
programme. A box for activity;

Copy of A2.2 for all


Copy of SafeSpace M1.PPT2

Activity 3: Me, Myself and I – Personal Resilience 70 minutes Training venue with IT Participants will be able to
equipment; identify their own tips and
 Slide 6: Self Image techniques for overcoming
The facilitator will encourage youth leaders to reflect on how Access to smartphones or negative mental health.
mental health, body image and self-esteem are interconnected. tablets for youth leaders;

The examples of positive and negative mental health will be Speakers for playing songs;
presented to youth leaders who will engage in a discussion about
not being so hard on oneself. Flipchart and markers;

 Slide 7: A2.3 Be Your Own Soundtrack Pens and note-taking

As a final activity, and to show youth leaders that they can be their materials for participants;
own comfort and support if needed, youth leaders will be
encouraged to present their feel-good song to the group and Copy of A2.3 for all
discuss how this song encourages positive mental health in their participants;
lives. Refer to A2.3.
Copy of SafeSpace M1.PPT2

Workshop Closing 10 minutes Training venue with chairs Participants will engage in a
arranged in a semi-circle as questions and answers session
The facilitator will encourage youth leaders to engage in a
this is more conducive to and will provide verbal feedback
Question and Answer session. The aim of this activity is to ensure receiving feedback on the module.

Project Number: 2019-3-UK01-KA205-077846

that youth leaders have learned key techniques that they will be
able to bring into their own lives and spread with their peers to
support youth mental health.

The facilitator will thank youth leaders for their active

participation in the module, will answer any open questions and
then close the session.
Total duration of the module 240 minutes

Project Number: 2019-3-UK01-KA205-077846

Project Number: 2019-3-UK01-KA205-077846

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