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✓ Successful learning may happen organically, but it does not happen

✓ One might be surrounded with rich educational resources, but without key
capabilities, those learning opportunities will go untapped
1. Commitment
• studying is student’s chance to shape his/her future.
• Commit to it wholeheartedly and work your hardest
to achieve your best
2. Self-discipline
• being a good learner requires making a study
plan and sticking to it, even when there are
things you’d rather be doing.
• Find something that motivates you in the short
term – sometimes long-term goals.
• healthy competition with peers or sibling could
stir you. channel it whenever you feel your
motivation waning
3. self-awareness
• get to know yourself well.
• understand when and how you learn best.
• what sort of revision helps you retain information.
• Once you’ve got to know the type of study that
works for you. build it into your routine.
• be aware of your weaknesses so that you can
identify the areas where you need to improve.
4. Excellent listening skills
• learn the art of completely concentrating on what others are saying.
• It’s not as easy as it sounds.
Thoughts can wonder when
someone else is talking, but if you
practice it does become easier and
will help you absorb more of the
information you hear in class
5. focus
• learning to switch off from all other distractions and give your subject your
total attention will also help you absorb what you are learning.
• When you are studying turn your phone off and put it out of reach – it’s the
enemy of focus!
6. Determination & resilience
• Sometimes there are setbacks.
• If an assessment doesn’t go well, speak to
your tutor, and use past paper to find out what
went wrong.
• Have the resilience to pick yourself up and
then channel that determination to make sure
you do succeed
7. curiosity
• don’t be content to just read your study guide.
• Really get to know your subject, read business news, watch podcasts, get
involved in class discussions (face to face or virtual) see how the things you
learn in class play out in real life.
• This will lay foundation to enable you to develop a deeper level of
understanding which will help you not just in your assessments but
throughout your career
8. passion & enthusiasm
• love your studies, knowledge is a great thing,
develop a passion for learning and your life
will always be filled with wonder
9. discerning valuable from the useless
• Students are usually overwhelmed by the size of the books they have to
study. Because they think that they have to study each and every word of
those books.
• But as time progressed, students realized that merely 40% of the book was
enough to get me 80% of the grades.
10. Sticking to their learning style
• There are many different types of learners in society. Some people learn
best by listening while others write things down.
• The thing about successful learners is that they know what sort of learning
style works best for them.

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