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nl CENTRALE NANTES. CENTRALE NANTES ELITE SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Centrale Nantes Elite scholarshipsare available to non-European students with strong academic profiles and a solid and promising career plan, who are accepted into the first year of a Centrale Nantes Master programme. To apply for a Centrale Nantes Elite Scholarship, you are invited to complete this document and upload it on the online application platform. Deadlineto submit your application with this document 28" February 2022 The committee will consider your Master's and Elite scholarship applications at the same time. IF you are accepted in one of our Masters programmes, you will receive a Financial agreement in which the award of the Elite scholarship will be specified. Last Name: First Name: Date of birth: The Master you want to join: Please explain in one sentence why you will be the engineer of tomorrow who deservesan Elite scholarship: Date: Signature: The committee decision proceedings are basedon your application and on your academic profile. Decisions ore delivered ofter your definitive acceptance on the Masters Degree Programme. Decisions ore communicated without comments and cannot be contested. Incomplete application forms wil be rejected

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